Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 602: The Golden Elixir Spiritual Item Disappeared from the Ten Thousand Beast Sect (Subscrip

However, the Tianxing Sect only rose to prominence tens of thousands of years ago when the other immortal cultivators opened up the Northern Wilderness Cultivation Realm that was occupied by monsters. In terms of foundation alone, this sect is simply not comparable to the Red Gold Bear Clan.

For a long time, Tianxing Sect has been able to resist the extraordinary strength of the Red Gold Bear Clan, all relying on the formation.

It was by virtue of this formation that this sect established a foothold in the world of cultivating immortals in the Northern Wilderness.

After hearing what Liu Haochan said, Ling Pengyun glanced at Liu Haochan in surprise.

He could understand the matter of containing the Red Gold Bear Clan's troops for the Tianxing Sect.

But he originally thought that this time Liu Haochan told him so many things about the deployment of the Red Golden Bear Clan in the past, in order to use him to spread the news that the Red Golden Bear Clan would take revenge on the Yan Kingdom.

But the second half of Liu Haochan's threatening words left him a little confused.

He didn't understand what Liu Haochan would do if he told this kind of thing since it was a secret matter.

"Is this person trying to make a good relationship?"

After thinking about it carefully, Ling Pengyun could only attribute it to rumors that his family had a backer.

With his thoughts in mind, he became a little more kind to Liu Haochan, and spoke to him with a solemn look on his face.

"Senior, please rest assured that this junior will definitely not spread this matter."

After saying that, he made an oath to heaven based on his cultivation and would not tell anyone about this matter.

Liu Haochan was extremely satisfied with Ling Pengyun's move, and he soared away from this place.

Ling Pengyun looked at Liu Haochan's back, his eyes flashing with strange light.

"According to what Senior Liu said, in the remaining twenty years, the she-bear with the perfect golden elixir can probably win over some golden elixir demon kings."

"The next monster chaos may be more dangerous than I thought."

"The current strength of the family is still too weak. We still need to cultivate a few more golden elixirs."

"It's just that, with the family's finances, the most we can do is cultivate one golden elixir."

"The family now has a lot of talents. Within ten or twenty years, at least two members of the clan will have the opportunity to attack the golden elixir."

"My wife and I, as well as Grandpa Yun Hong, need to practice high-level spiritual objects to improve our cultivation."

"It seems that we need to start the war as soon as possible and continue to earn spiritual stones through the war."

"Then again, that old ghost Bai Ling is really hateful. If this old ghost hadn't deliberately burned the corpses of Zhenren Lieyang, Zhenyang Tuyang, and Zhenwanshou that we killed in the previous battle, For ashes.”

"Otherwise, even if I am not good at refining a monk's body into a demon corpse, I can at least add another golden elixir realm demon corpse to our clan."

Of course, Ling Pengyun also understood the reason why Master Bailing did what he did in the first place.

Nowadays, Xuanyang Sect has lost two golden elixirs, and this sect only has three golden elixirs left. This sect can basically be said to have fallen into the first echelon of the Yan Kingdom.

However, Ling Shi took this position as a substitute due to the way of the demon corpse, and was ranked in the first echelon with Bailingmen.

Under such circumstances, how could Master Bailing watch more and more Ling's golden elixir corpses.

Another half a year passed.

At the boundary of the Lingxiao Mountains, the third-level mid-level spiritual mountain "Lingxiao Mountain" is located in a cave abode and a quiet room.

"Old Ancestor, according to the report from the secret hall deployed by our clan in the Chen Kingdom next door, the master of Bailing Sect, Zhenren Bailing, left a year ago, probably less than half a month after the Ten Thousand Beast Sect was captured by our clan and Bailing Sect. I went to the Tianfu Pavilion of Chen State and met the master of this sect, Tianfu."

"Shortly thereafter, a group of people from the Tianfu Sect were searching for someone in various places."

"Those people are very strict with their words. Even if our Anbu is tempting them with huge benefits, it will be difficult for them to let go."

"In addition, the ANBU in Chen State do not know about the destruction of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect. It is difficult to associate it with the destruction of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, so they are not inquiring about it."

"And this news has only been passed back to the clan now. It is precisely because the people in Chen Guo's dark department did not know the importance of this news, so they adopted the method of communication through monks instead of using high-level communication talismans."

A monk who was wrapped in thick black clothes and had a black gauze on his face, with only a pair of eyes exposed and unable to tell the difference between male and female, spoke in the voice of a middle-aged man to Ling Pengyun, the ancestor of the golden elixir in front of him.

Ling Pengyun's expression lit up slightly when he heard this.

"Could this matter be related to the golden elixir spiritual object that has not been found in the Ten Thousand Beast Sect?"

A year ago, after he and Master Bai Ling worked together to kill Master Wan Beast, he searched his storage bag, the storage bags of the other monks of the Wan Beast Sect, and the Wan Beast Sect's warehouse, but still found nothing. The two golden elixir spiritual objects collected by the Ten Thousand Beast Sect in recent years have not been found.

You must know that the Ling family's Anbu personnel have paid special attention to this matter in recent years. The Anbu personnel have bribed many core elders of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect. Through those elders, they have never learned that someone in the Ten Thousand Beast Sect has tried to break through the golden elixir in recent years. Things.

Furthermore, the monk's breakthrough to the golden elixir cannot be hidden.

Just on the eve of breaking through the golden elixir, the degree of spiritual energy induced by the monks was extremely huge due to the relaxation of the condensed and solidified spiritual power.

Since no one has broken through the golden elixir, it is naturally impossible for the golden elixir spiritual object to be used.

In the past, Ling Pengyun only thought that Wanshou Sect's share of two golden elixirs had been destroyed by Wanshou Zhenren, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, Master Wan Beast is a ruthless person who is not even willing to destroy the Jinyuan Zhensha Lingtan, which can produce golden elixir spiritual objects, and the core inheritance of Wan Beast Sect.

This person is really capable of destroying golden elixirs and spiritual objects in such a certain situation.

"This old ghost must know some inside information about the two missing golden elixirs of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect."

"Otherwise, if it were an ordinary thing, Master Bailing would not have mobilized so many troops to go to the Tianfu Pavilion of Chen State to help search for the unknown monk."

"It's just that I don't know how the old ghost Bai Ling sought help from Master Tian Fu of that day's Fu Pavilion?"

After returning to his thoughts, Ling Pengyun asked the tribesman in black clothes who came from the secret hall.

"Bailing old ghost, is there any relationship with Chen Guo's Tianfu Pavilion master Tianfu Zhenren?"

The Antang tribesman in black shook his head.

"Zhenren Bailing and Zhentian Fu are not old, but the ancestor of Bailing Sect's Lingfu is old with Zhentian Fu. It is even said that when the two were in the Qi training realm, the two of them worshiped each other and recognized each other as We are sworn brothers, but I don’t know if this is true.”

Ling Pengyun muttered secretly.

"Senior Lingfu is also involved. It seems that the unknown person that Bailing Old Ghost is looking for in Tianfu Pavilion must be extraordinary. This incident happened not long after the destruction of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. The unknown person came from the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. The probability is also high that it is true that he has a golden elixir."

Then, he gave instructions to the man in the secret hall in front of him.

"Send manpower to find out if Bailingmen has any potential manpower searching for anyone in the territory of our country, Yan. I'm asking the Chen family's secret department to send some manpower to other great immortal cultivating countries to investigate this matter."

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