Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 608 Obtaining the Fourth-Level Spirit Talisman (3,000 words, please subscribe)

Just as Ling Pengyun, Wang Ying, Ling Pengqiu and others were chatting, a huge spiritual power fluctuation suddenly came from a bamboo building in the center of Bishui Island.

A huge suction force also emerged.

The next moment, the rich spiritual energy on Bishui Island swarmed into the bamboo building.

"Is this a scene of breakthrough?"

"Could it be that Master is breaking through?"

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun's face suddenly raised a touch of joy.

"Master has finally taken the last step and is about to enter the Golden Core Perfection."

His master is naturally the owner of Bishui Island, Bishui Zhenren. Although he has only been a disciple for thirty or forty years.

But Bishui Zhenren took good care of the Ling family's cultivators for the sake of Ling Zhu, the ancestor of the Ling family, and never spared any benefits.

Ling Pengyun also respected this teacher from the bottom of his heart and had long regarded him as his elder.

Now that Bishui Zhenren is about to enter the Golden Core Perfection and has the opportunity to try to impact the Nascent Soul realm, he is naturally happy.

Meanwhile, the senior sister Wang Ying, who was standing beside Ling Pengyun, was even more ecstatic, with her eyes full of expectation. She dared not be distracted for a moment, and had been staring at the bamboo building where the unusual movement came from, wanting to see the moment when Bishui Zhenren successfully broke through.

Ling Pengqiu, who was not familiar with Bishui Zhenren, only had envy and a hint of expectation in his heart.

"I wonder if I will have the opportunity in this life to enter the realm of golden elixir perfection like the Bishui Zhenren who was kind to my Ling family."

When he entered the golden elixir before, although he took a "demon-forming pill" containing impurities, with the help of the yin and yang primordial energy that Ling Pengyun had passed on to him in his early years, the impurities in the pill did not affect his condensation of the golden elixir. He still condensed a middle-level golden elixir, and had a few chances to enter the late stage of the golden elixir.

Although the probability of entering the golden elixir perfection is low, it is not without chance.

After a few days, when the unusual movement stopped, the door of the bamboo building where the unusual movement came from also opened.

A middle-aged man wearing a blue Taoist robe, exuding the aura of a perfect golden elixir, and with a scholarly air, walked out slowly with a smile on his face, just like a scholar monk who went to Beijing to take the imperial examination.

Ling Pengyun and others saw this and bowed to congratulate him.

"Congratulations to Master for reaching the state of perfect golden elixir, and there is hope for the future of Yuanying."


This scholar monk was none other than Bishui Zhenren.

Hearing everyone's congratulations, his face became even happier.

"Haha, you kids, you know how to talk."

Then, he fixed his eyes on his disciple Ling Pengyun and said to him with a smile.

"I haven't seen you for more than ten years. I didn't expect that you, kid, have entered the fourth level of the Golden Core so quickly. Your progress is not much different from mine."

"Among the current generation of the sect, I'm afraid that only a disciple with a spiritual body that the sect master accepted a few years ago can keep up with your cultivation speed after entering the Golden Core."

"With such a good talent, are you interested in officially joining the sect?"

"With our origins, as long as you sign the Yuanhun Contract and pledge your loyalty to the sect, the sect will not be stingy with you and will definitely train you as a core disciple."

"Perhaps, one day, you will have the opportunity to explore the Yuanying realm like me."

Ling Pengyun heard this, a bitter look on his face, and said.

"Master, I understand your intentions. However, our clan is not weak now, and the resources for my cultivation are completely sufficient."

"Besides, even if I join the sect, I am not one of those who have been cultivated by the sect since childhood. Although the sect will not be stingy with ordinary cultivation resources, it may hesitate to give me the Nascent Soul spiritual objects. And you just said that the sect master has accepted a disciple with a spiritual body, and you are close to the Nascent Soul realm. No matter what, if the sect gets the Nascent Soul spiritual objects in the future, I am afraid they will be left to the cultivator with a spiritual body and you, Master."

"I can only say that I am not destined to join the sect."

When True Man Bishui heard this, he looked at Ling Pengyun, the disciple with a good cultivation speed, with a hint of pity, and sighed in his heart.

"It's a pity to waste such a good seedling, but if... this child can show some performance when I go out of the sect to attack the Nascent Soul and the people from the Holy Demon Sect come to stop me in a few decades, if I enter the Nascent Soul stage in the future, I can help this child... it's not impossible."

Thinking back, he looked at Ling Pengqiu, who was a little unfamiliar with the aura of the Golden Core, and asked Ling Pengyun with a little doubt.

"Pengyun, who is this?"

Ling Pengyun explained with a hint of joy. "Master, this is my cousin. This time I came to the sect from the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation Realm to take my cousin to borrow the sect's formation and pass the thunder tribulation."

"Fortunately, my cousin's luck is not weak and he successfully entered the Golden Core stage."

"Now, my cousin has accepted the call of Senior Lei Yun and entered the sect as a leisurely guest."

The expression of True Man Bishui moved slightly and said with a smile.

"This is a good thing. The sect has one more Jindan cultivator."

"It is a happy event that young friend Pengqiu can enter the Jindan stage. This is a top-grade third-level Bingpo Xuanshui Talisman that I refined myself. It is a gift for young friend to enter the Jindan stage."

Ling Pengqiu had heard about the power of Bingpo Xuanshui Talisman, which is comparable to the full-strength attack of a ninth-level Jindan cultivator. He was very excited about this talisman.

Turning his head to look at Ling Pengyun, he saw Ling Pengyun nodded, and he took the talisman with a happy face and thanked Master Bishui.

Master Bishui waved his hand.

"No need to be polite, we are all family."

Afterwards, everyone chatted for a while, and it wasn't until night fell that everyone stopped.

Ling Pengyun, a monk who was also a spiritual cook, also cooked a table of spiritual food and ate with everyone.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengqiu were left on Bishui Island for half a month by Master Bishui to discuss the truth with them.

From this discussion, both Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengyun gained a lot.

Ling Pengyun even vaguely felt that the bottleneck of the fifth level of the golden elixir was loose. In the future, when he raised his cultivation to the peak of the fourth level of the golden elixir, it would probably not take much effort to break this bottleneck.

Ling Pengqiu, a monk who had entered the first level of the Golden Core for the first time, seemed to have opened a new world.

He was sure that the bottlenecks at the second and third levels of the Golden Core would not be able to trap him for long.

With such benefits, the two of them couldn't help but sigh at the benefits of having someone with a high level of cultivation to guide them in their cultivation.

Of course, this is also because the Ling family's background is somewhat weak, and the two of them have never had any contact with some theories about the path in the past.

After the discussion was over, the two thanked Master Bishui and prepared to leave.

However, Ling Pengyun was called by Master Bishui to a bamboo building on the island.

"A few years ago, Pengyun, I heard that your Ling family had provoked the Yuanying Monster Clan in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World. This matter was somewhat dangerous."

"This is a spiritual talisman I refined a few years ago...take it. I hope this talisman can help your Ling family resolve some crises."

Master Bishui patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a jade box, handed it to Ling Pengyun, and said.

After hearing this, Ling Pengyun curiously opened the jade box.

An aura that far surpassed that of a third-level spiritual talisman suddenly spread from it.

And inside the jade box, there was a talisman depicting an ice-blue phoenix.

"Excellent third-order high-grade spiritual talisman?"

"No...this kind of aura is several times stronger than the third-level high-grade ice soul mysterious water talisman drawn by the even has the power of a first- and fourth-level spiritual talisman. Could it be that this talisman is a...quasi-fourth-level spiritual talisman?" ?”

Ling Pengyun looked at the talisman with a surprised expression.

Although the quasi-fourth-level spiritual talisman is not a true fourth-level spiritual talisman, this talisman still possesses 30% of the power of a full-strength strike by a strong person at the first level of Nascent Soul.

Once this talisman is sacrificed, ordinary golden elixir perfection monks may not be sure to accept it.

Naturally, it is extremely difficult to draw such a powerful talisman.

What's more, Master Bishui's current cultivation level is only at the realm of Golden Elixir Perfection. Master Bishui can transcend the realm and master the method of drawing fourth-level spiritual talismans in advance, which is enough to show that Master Bishui has a strong understanding of drawing spiritual talismans.

"When Master officially enters the realm of Nascent Soul, I'm afraid it won't be long before the sect will have a fourth-level Talisman Maker."

Ling Pengyun sighed secretly, and then he expressed gratitude.

"This talisman is really useful to my disciple, so I won't be polite to you, master. Today, my master will repay the gift of the treasure when my master goes out to the secret realm to try to break through the Nascent Soul and is blocked by the Holy Demon Sect." return."

When Master Bishui heard this, a look of satisfaction appeared on his face. Ling Pengyun's words were exactly what he wanted.

Although he can draw extremely powerful quasi-fourth-level talismans, his success rate in drawing such talismans is not high.

Now, he only has five spiritual talismans of this level on hand.

The reason why he was willing to give one of these spiritual talismans to Ling Pengyun this time was because he thought it could help the Ling family where Ling Pengyun was located safely avoid the revenge of the Nascent Soul Monster Clan and preserve its strength.

In this way, when he goes out to the secret realm to try to break through the Nascent Soul in the future, even if people from the enemy sect’s Holy Demon Sect come to find him, with the help of the four golden elixirs of the Ling family, the sect’s probability of resisting the Holy Demon Sect’s demonic cultivators will be greatly improved. Some.

His chances of hitting the Nascent Soul Realm will also be indirectly increased.

When a monk breaks through the Nascent Soul, the movement is greater than breaking through the golden elixir. It can at least trigger strange phenomena within thousands of miles of earth.

The Holy Demon Sect has deployed a large number of manpower in various areas of the boundless sea to search for the disciples of the Canglan Bihai Sect in the outside world. Once Master Bishui goes to the outside world to break through the Nascent Soul, there is a high probability that he will be found.

"I remember what you said."

"Urge the rest of your clan's golden elixirs to practice well and upgrade their cultivation to the middle stage of the golden elixir as soon as possible."

"As I said before, before you have entered the middle stage of the Golden Core, it is still more dangerous to face the Holy Demon Sect monks, and it is difficult to protect yourself."

"The cultivation resources of the Golden Core Realm are not much after the sect loses its spiritual veins from the outside world. It is difficult for me to provide you with much support. Don't be interested."

Master Bishui said with a smile.

"Understood Master."

Ling Pengyun's expression condensed and he said solemnly.

"Well, let's go!"

Master Bishui waved his hand and said to Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun nodded, turned around and left the bamboo building.

Then, he left Bishui Island with Ling Pengqiu, who had been waiting on the island for a long time, and exited the secret realm through the mountain gate.

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