Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 609: Division situation, let Han Feng marry again (3400 words, please subscribe)

A few months later.

The Immortal Cultivation World in the Boundless Sea.

Muyuan Sea.

Guiling Island.

Taking advantage of the darkness, two shadows quietly entered a courtyard in the mountain without disturbing the mountain protection formation of the Han clan.

After some intentional noises, a light appeared in a small house in the courtyard, and the door of the small house opened.

A cultivator who looked middle-aged, but with a hunched back, a decayed aura, and a weak vitality, and who looked relatively stable, and a beautiful middle-aged woman with a scholarly air and a ladylike temperament, slowly walked out.

When the two saw two familiar figures standing in the courtyard, they immediately showed joy on their faces.

The stable middle-aged cultivator also smiled at the two familiar figures.

"I haven't seen you for a few years. My dear brother, your cultivation has become more and more unfathomable."

"Hey, you are here too, brother Pengqiu. You finally came to see me."

"By the way, my dear brother, brother Pengqiu, has there been any changes in the family in recent years? How is the Lingxiao Market managed by you, brother Pengqiu? ... How is Chengshi's cultivation?"

This person is Ling Pengshan, who was sent by the Ling family to manage the Han family more than 20 years ago. He has not seen his family members for many years, so he has become a little nagging. After asking several questions in a row, he stopped.

The beautiful middle-aged woman next to him is his wife Liu Mengting. They gave birth to a son named "Ling Chengshi" more than ten years ago.

Their son Ling Chengshi has dual spiritual roots of gold and earth, and has extraordinary talent. In his early years, he was taken back by Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi to cultivate in a family with more resources.

Because Ling Chengshi's cultivation is not high now and he has not entered the foundation building stage, Ling Pengyun did not bring Ling Chengshi back when he came to the boundless sea area to cultivate immortals.

As for a few months ago, Ling Pengyun was anxious to let Ling Pengqiu try to break through the golden elixir, so he did not spend time here to talk with Ling Pengshan.

The two people in the center of the courtyard are naturally Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengqiu.

They both felt a little complicated when they saw that Ling Pengshan's life span was not long.

Especially Ling Pengqiu, he and Ling Pengshan came from the same village and grew up together.

After the family detected their spiritual roots, when they first entered the Tao, they also supported each other and walked the Tao together.

It was just because of their cultivation qualifications that the gap between the two became larger and larger.

Now that he has entered the golden elixir, he is no longer in danger of life span, but seeing that his brother Ling Pengshan is still suffering from life span, he feels very uncomfortable.

For a while, Ling Pengqiu and Ling Pengyun had no intention of answering Ling Pengshan's questions.

Ling Pengyun sighed helplessly, walked forward, took out six rare second-level life-increasing items that the family had collected through various means in recent years from the storage bag, and handed them to Ling Pengshan.

"Brother Pengshan, let's not talk too much about small talk, you should take these six life-increasing items first."

Ling Pengshan's heart suddenly warmed when he saw this.

From this incident, he could feel that the family had not forgotten him, the elder of the family.

He was more motivated to rely on the power of the Han family to unify Guiling Island and set up branches for the family.

After thanking Ling Pengyun, he took those life-increasing items, sat cross-legged on the ground, swallowed the six life-increasing items one by one and refined them.

After half a month.

When Ling Pengshan refined the six second-level life-increasing items, he also increased his life by 20 to 30 years.

His decaying vitality also became stronger, and there was no trace of his life span.

This move made Ling Pengshan, Ling Pengyun and others very happy.

A group of people also chatted afterwards.

Ling Pengshan also learned about the current situation of the family through Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengqiu, and he also knew about Ling Pengqiu's entry into the Golden Core.

This matter made Ling Pengshan very happy.

And Ling Pengyun also learned from Ling Pengshan that the sea monster tribe he led attacked the island that year, causing heavy losses to the other four foundation-building forces on Guiling Island.

The Han family, which has Han Feng, the patriarch of the Han family, Ling Pengshan, and Feng Yingpeng, three foundation-building forces, and the servant "Wan Xuan" who Ling Pengyun accepted in his early years, took the opportunity to successively destroy two foundation-building families that had suffered heavy losses and were already in decline. They occupied nearly 8,000 miles of land in Guiling Island, obtained more than 80 spiritual veins, and three second-level spiritual veins, becoming the most powerful force on Guiling Island second only to the old foundation-building family Liu family.

Today, there are only three foundation-building forces left on Guiling Island, namely the Han family, the Liu family, an old foundation-building force with three foundation-building masters, and the Zhong family, an old foundation-building force with a late-stage foundation-building spirit beast and a mid-stage foundation-building cultivator.

The number of cultivators in the Han family has reached more than 50 over the years, of which there are more than 20 real Han family members, and there are more cultivators who are members of the Ling family but are openly members of the Han family, more than 30.

There are more than 50 guest officials recruited, and their cultivation is at least above the mid-stage of Qi training.

The Han family's finances are also relatively good now. In addition to the normal salaries given to the family members and guest officials, the Han family can save thousands of spirit stones every year.

Ling Pengshan also immediately took nearly 10,000 spirit stones from the Han family treasury and gave them to Ling Pengyun.

"The branch deployed by the family here is thriving and even profitable, which is a good thing."

"Brother Pengshan, you did a good job."

"Is there any spiritual object you want? As long as I can find it, I will definitely find it for you."

Ling Pengyun looked at the storage bag containing nearly 10,000 pieces of spiritual water in his hand and said with a smile.

"Bago, the six second-level life-enhancing items you gave me earlier are each worth at least a thousand dollars. The six spiritual items combined into one are probably worth tens of thousands of spiritual stones."

"I'm satisfied with those spiritual objects. My brother, I really can't bear the thought of you looking for spiritual objects for me again."

Ling Pengshan said seriously.

"The contribution you have made is not small, and you have won a prize for this matter. Since you are unwilling to mention the matter of spiritual objects, I will place your contribution this time on the head of that child Cheng Shi."

"After he enters the realm of foundation building, I will prepare the best materials for refining his natal magic weapon and help him refine several natal magic weapons with good potential."

Ling Pengyun saw Ling Pengshan's appearance and said with a smile.

When Ling Pengshan heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"I would like to thank you, Bage, on behalf of that boy Cheng Shi."

Ling Pengyun waved his hand and said. "This is what you deserve. It's just that the credit is given to that kid Cheng Shi."

"By the way, Brother Pengshan, Wan Xuan, who was deployed in Muyuanfang City, the largest city in the Muyuan Sea Area, and who specialized in inquiring about all kinds of information in the boundless sea area for the branch, has entered the realm of foundation building. He How have they behaved recently with Han Feng, the nominal clan leader of the Han family?"

When Ling Pengshan heard this, a look of confidence appeared on his face and he said with a smile.

"That Wan Xuan was born as a casual cultivator. He dares to fight and fight hard. He is a master who fought in the sea of ​​​​blood. He has a very deep foundation. With the help of several first-class foundation-building spiritual objects given by the branch back then, this person is very Successfully entered the realm of foundation building.”

"And he and Han Feng have both seen me as the Ling family's golden elixir, which is a golden elixir force, and you have placed special restrictions on their consciousness sea, how can they dare to have different intentions."

"Both of them have been extremely honest in recent years."

"The performance of the two of them is also particularly good, especially Wan Xuan, who is very concerned about the branch affairs."

"Back then, when the two declining foundation-building families on Guiling Island were destroyed by divisions, even though Wan Xuan had just joined the foundation-building family not long ago, he could charge faster than me in battle. Even if he was injured, he would still be injured. We must kill the enemy foundation-building monks.”

"In addition to gathering information, this person has done a very good job without any flaws."

"It is worth mentioning that with the support of the branch's resources and the help of the store he opened in Muyuanfang City, this person's cultivation level has now been upgraded to the third level of foundation building, and his cultivation speed has also increased. Not slow."

"The nominal patriarch of the Han family, Han Feng, is a bit special. Although he obeys my orders, he seldom manages the affairs of the Han family. He usually spends his time in seclusion to break through his cultivation, and he looks like an ascetic monk."

"Because this person has been involved in foundation building for nearly twenty years, and there is no shortage of resources, his cultivation level has also been improved to the fourth level of foundation building."

"But this person's behavior makes it easier for me to manage the branch."

Ling Pengshan murmured.

When Ling Pengyun heard this, his expression changed.

"If you put it this way, these two people are really good."

"However, since Wan Xuan is so concerned about his family's affairs, he probably also places his cultivation promise on his family and wants to step into a higher realm through his family."

"And Han Feng is probably a smart man. He knew that it was difficult for the Han family to escape the control of the family, so it would be better to concentrate on pursuing the path, so he became an ascetic monk."

"Pengshan, give me all the information on the boundless sea area that Wan Xuan has collected in recent years!"

Ling Pengshan usually works at home. When he heard Ling Pengyun's inquiry, he immediately returned to a study room in the courtyard and moved out a large number of classics that recorded information about the world of immortality in the boundless sea in recent years.

Ling Pengyun raised his hand and suspended all these classics in the air.

I saw those classics turning pages automatically and rapidly, and Ling Pengyun's consciousness kept scanning through them, which meant that there were thousands of books in each page.

In less than a thousand breaths, Ling Pengyun relied on his powerful golden elixir consciousness to read through all the contents of those classics.

Afterwards, he said to Ling Pengshan.

"Pengshan, call Han Feng and Wan Xuan here one by one."

Ling Pengshan nodded lightly, then played out a communication talisman and crushed a mother-in-law communication token.

Not long after, Han Feng, the leader of the Han clan who was already in the Han clan mountain, came to the courtyard of Lingpeng mountain.

Over the past ten years, Han Feng, who was originally somewhat honest and honest, has now changed drastically, and this appearance does not refer to appearance, but temperament.

His appearance is almost the same as it was more than ten years ago.

As for his temperament, perhaps due to his long-term retreat, he now has an otherworldly temperament and is quite immortal.

When this person saw Ling Pengyun, the Ling family's golden elixir, in the courtyard of Ling Peng Mountain, his expression changed slightly.

However, he soon returned to normal, and he greeted Ling Pengyun.

"Junior Han Feng has met Patriarch Ling."

Ling Pengyun nodded lightly, fixed his eyes on Han Feng, praised and said.

"I heard from Pengshan that you are devoted to the Tao and no longer care about worldly affairs?"

When Han Feng heard this, he glanced at his master Ling Pengshan and then replied.

"Ancestor, this junior is just making slow progress in cultivation, so he can only break through the bottleneck through long-term seclusion."

Ling Pengyun didn't care about this and continued.

"I'll give you an opportunity to enter the late stage of foundation building. Do you want it?"

Han Feng's eyes flashed, and his heart suddenly became excited.

Although he broke through to the fourth level of foundation building in just over 20 years, he knew that this was somewhat due to the help of spiritual objects.

The bottleneck of the middle stage of foundation building is much stronger than the bottleneck of the early stage of foundation building.

Now, he has been in the fourth level of foundation building for four years, but he still has not touched the bottleneck of the fifth level of foundation building, and it is even more distant to break through this realm.

Whether he can enter the late stage of foundation building is really hard to say.

Now that there is an opportunity in front of him, he naturally does not want to miss it, so he said immediately.

"Junior wants this opportunity, I wonder if the senior has anything to tell you?"

He is not stupid, and Ling Pengyun is not his elder. If he can give him an opportunity, he needs him to do something.

Ling Pengyun's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he spoke.


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