Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 611: Surprise Attack on the Demon Sect (3000 words, please subscribe)

Turtle Island.

On the top of a thousand-foot mountain that towers into the clouds, there is a large bird's nest built with branches of various spiritual trees.

Among them, there is a green-haired roc bird that is several feet in size and covered with green feathers.

The next moment, a breeze suddenly blew across the sky, and Ling Pengyun's figure quietly appeared here.

His eyes were fixed on the green-haired roc, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"Nine levels of foundation building!"

"This Feng Yingpeng has not been lazy in the past ten years."

Then, he looked around and muttered.

"The spiritual energy here is also much stronger than that on the Han Clan Mountain. It is estimated that there is a second-level mid-grade spiritual vein here."

"There are no other monks in the mountain. This place belongs to this Peng alone. This Peng is living a good life here. That boy from Pengshan is really interested."

By this time, the green-haired bird that was practicing also noticed Ling Pengyun's arrival. It immediately opened its eyes and looked at Ling Pengyun, with joy visible to the naked eye.

It quickly stood up, walked in front of Ling Pengyun, rubbed its head against Ling Pengyun, and said with a bit of joy, but also a bit of grievance.

"Master, you are finally here."

This Peng was Feng Yingpeng who was sent here by Ling Pengyun in his early years to help Ling Pengshan establish a branch on Turtle Island.

Ling Pengyun touched Feng Yingpeng's head and comforted him.

"If you don't come again, you may become wild."

"When Turtle Island is completely ruled by the branch, I will take you back to your clan."

Speaking of this, Ling Pengyun waved his hand and took out a large number of second-level spiritual fruits from the storage bag and placed them all in front of Feng Yingpeng.

"As soon as possible, use these spiritual fruits to enter the realm of perfect foundation building, so that your strength can also be enhanced."

"That barbaric body-building technique and the beast-yuan tempering technique, how far have you reached in your cultivation?"

Feng Yingpeng's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw a large number of spiritual fruits appearing in front of him.

Compared to the Ling family, this Guiling Island can only be regarded as a remote place. On weekdays, the Ling family branch can only supply it with some second-level cultivation elixirs.

It has not eaten this kind of second-level spiritual fruit for a very long time.

Greedy, it directly picked up a second-level spiritual peach and stuffed it into its mouth, savoring the long-lost delicacy.

After swallowing the spirit fruit, it answered Ling Pengyun's question.

"Knowing the master and having these spiritual fruits, within ten years, I will reach foundation-building perfection."

"As for the art of forging the wild body and the art of tempering the beast essence, I have now comprehended them to the fifth level. According to my comprehension progress, I want to comprehend them to the seventh level and possess the golden elixir realm monsters in advance. It will probably take more than ten years for him to regain his physical strength and spiritual consciousness.”

The technique of forging the wild body and the technique of tempering the beast essence are respectively the method of forging the demon clan's body and cultivating their spiritual consciousness.

After enlightenment, the physical strength and spiritual consciousness of the monster can be increased, which will be of great help to the monster's combat power or its ability to break through the realm.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that these two secret methods are extremely complete, and both have nine levels. The first three levels correspond to the Qi Training realm, the middle three levels correspond to the Foundation Building realm, and the last three levels correspond to the Golden Core realm.

In terms of value alone, these two methods are several times more valuable than Ling's "Explosion God Forging Technique" which is suitable for monks to comprehend.

After all, the Explosive God Forging Technique is incomplete, with only seven levels.

The Wild Body Forging Technique and the Beast Yuan Tempering Technique were acquired by the Ling family in their early years from the third-level beast-taming inheritance from the beast-taming guest "Lin Fan", which originated from a powerful force in the Zhongzhou Immortal Cultivation World. .

As early as more than ten years ago, when Ling Pengyun brought Yan Siyi to the boundless sea, Ling Pengyun handed over these two techniques to his spiritual beast Feng Yingpeng.

As for the third-level beast-controlling inheritance of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, although there is also a demon clan body-building technique recorded, the technique is also incomplete and can only be practiced to the eighth level.

It can also be seen from this that there is a gap in background between the Ten Thousand Beast Sect and the forces in the Zhongzhou Immortal Cultivation World.

Since the Ling family has a better barbaric body-forging technique, it is natural that they can no longer use the body-forging technique of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

"The speed of enlightenment is still slower than that of that black-armored turtle, and this Peng's innate qualifications are still a little weaker than that of that black-armored turtle."

When Ling Pengyun heard this, he frowned and sighed secretly.

His spiritual beast, Black Armored Turtle, which has extremely high qualifications and is blessed by the primordial energy of Yin and Yang, has stronger qualifications than the dual spiritual root monks. Now he has understood both methods to the sixth level, and he has taken several In a year, it will be able to comprehend it to the seventh level, possess the body and spiritual consciousness of the Golden Core Realm in advance, and increase the probability of entering the Golden Core Realm by only 20%.

And his cultivation has already reached the stage of perfect foundation building.

"Enlighten it as soon as possible. The land controlled by the family is huge now, and there are also a lot of spiritual stones left every year, which is enough to cultivate the Golden Core realm combat power on its own."

"If you can comprehend those two methods to the seventh level, I will find two or three golden elixir spiritual objects for you to help you break through the golden elixir."

"However, the premise is that you can help the family to destroy all the other two established foundation-building families in Guiling Island, so that the branches can unify Guiling Island."

Ling Pengyun said to Feng Ying Pengyan.

Feng Yingpeng was extremely excited when he heard these encouraging words, and he immediately agreed to what Ling Pengyun said.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun reminisced with him for a few days before bidding farewell to Feng Yingpeng and leaving the peak.

And Feng Yingpeng, who stood on the top of the thousand-foot peak, looked at his master's leaving back with a complicated look in his eyes.

"The master's strength is becoming more and more unfathomable. When I enter the stage of foundation building, the master's cultivation will probably be improved again."

"I still have to work harder to practice and comprehend the two methods of the family."

"Otherwise... I will be left further and further behind by the master."

"In the future, I am afraid that it will be more difficult for the master and I to meet... I may even be forgotten by the master."


After half a month.

The conflict between the Nascent Soul Sect "Bishui Sect" and the Nascent Soul Demon Sect "Xuanming Sect" in the Boundless Sea Cultivation World due to the first-grade large-scale mineral vein adjacent to the two realms has intensified.

Even the Nascent Soul True Lords of the two sects have fought.

After this battle, the two sects went to war completely.

The cultivators of the two major forces also gathered in the Qiushui Sea and Mingshui Sea respectively.

At the same time, the two major forces also summoned cultivators and demons to participate in the war to reduce the losses of their own forces.

At this moment.

An inconspicuous light flew out of the Qiushui Sea of ​​the Bishui Sect, gradually flying towards the Mingshui Sea of ​​the Xuanming Sect.

After flying for several days, the light crossed a desolate sea and then stepped into the Mingshui Sea.

At this time, the light may be worried about being discovered, so it dived into the deep seabed to hurry on.

In order not to cause too much water waves, the speed of this light was slowed down several times.

The figure of this light also appeared. This is a medium-sized flying boat.

On this flying boat, there are thirty cultivators wearing different clothes.

If you observe carefully, you can find that the cultivation of this group of cultivators has reached the foundation-building stage at the lowest.

There is even a rare Jindan early stage real person among them, who is enough to establish a sect and establish a great power.

This person is the old cultivator who controls the flying boat, wearing a Bishui Sect Taoist robe, like a cow-nosed old Taoist.

There was also a middle-aged weird cultivator who was eight feet tall and had no breath, a fierce face, and eyes like burning fire. Ordinary people did not dare to look directly at him.

However, at this moment, the faces of the thirty cultivators on the flying boat were a little solemn, even the Jindan Zhenren and the middle-aged weird cultivator were no exception.

After a few days, the flying boat crossed the Mingshui Sea and arrived at the "Xuanming Sea", one of the two major sea areas under the Xuanming Sect, and stopped tens of thousands of miles away from an island covering tens of thousands of miles.

The Jindan of the Bishui Sect who controlled the flying boat also pointed at the big island at this moment and said in a deep voice to the others behind him.

"The Yinhun Sect, the magic Jindan force on that island, is our target for this trip."

"The Yinhun Sect originally had two Jindan magic cultivators, but half a month ago, one of the Jindan magic cultivators in this sect was recruited by the Xuanming Sect to the front line to fight with our Bishui Sect."

"Now, there is only one magic Jindan named Yinpo in this demon sect, and his cultivation is at the second level of Jindan."

"In addition, there are only about fifty foundation-building magic cultivators left in this sect, and more Qi training magic cultivators, about five hundred."

On this flying boat, the middle-aged weird cultivator who had never spoken, had a fierce look on his face, and looked like he was not a good person, frowned suddenly.

"The Yinhun Sect has two Jindan demon cultivators in charge, and there must be a third-level formation to protect the sect."

"If this formation is controlled by the old ghost Yinpo, I am afraid that even if you and I work together, it will be difficult to break the formation of this sect in a short time, and it will be even more difficult to destroy this sect."

"Furthermore, the Xuanming Sea under the Xuanming Sect is deep in this place. If it drags on for a long time, the other Jindan demon cultivators in the surrounding area will probably come to support."

The old Taoist with a big nose named "Qiu Shan" said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Daoist Huoyun, since our sect will send us here, we are naturally prepared. When the battle comes, Daoist Huoyun, you can go all out."

The fierce middle-aged cultivator named "Huoyun" saw the confident look on the face of the old Taoist with a big nose and stopped talking.

Then, the old Taoist Qiu Shan shouted "Get ready for battle" and stopped hiding. He directly controlled the medium-sized flying boat under his feet to rush out of the sea from the bottom of the sea, rise into the air, burst out at the fastest speed, turned into a stream of light, and quickly flew to the large island where the Yinhun Sect was located.

Such a big movement immediately attracted the attention of the Yinhun Sect cultivators who were patrolling around the Yinhun Island.

"Not good, it's Qiu Shan of the Green Water Sect."

"The Green Water Sect attacked by surprise...!"

An experienced old demon cultivator who had completed Qi training used the Qi-viewing technique to observe the flying light. When he saw that it was a flying boat controlled by Qiu Shan of the Green Water Sect, and there were 29 righteous cultivators on the flying boat, his face suddenly changed.

Immediately, he loudly signaled to several patrolling demon cultivators on the side.

At the same time, he immediately crushed the sect token hanging on his waist to signal the sect.

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