Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 612 Ling Pengqiu's Harvest (2600 words, please subscribe)

In just a blink of an eye, the demonic cultivators on the Yinhun Island noticed the arrival of the righteous monks such as Master Qiu Shan through the prompts of the patrolling monks.

The next moment, black light flashed on Yinhun Island, and the third-level middle-grade magic array of this sect immediately rose to protect the entire island.

The previous Qi-training demon cultivators who had discovered the arrival of Master Qiu Shan and other righteous monks had already died under the spells cast by Master Qiu Shan.

"Who dares to cause trouble in front of my Yinhun Sect!"

A middle-aged voice with an evil aura came from the Yinhun Island.

Master Qiu Shan, who was controlling the flying boat, had a sarcastic look on his face and yelled in reply.

"It's me, your grandfather!"

By this time, the flying boat under his feet was also within ten thousand feet of the Yinhun Island.

Master Qiu Shan also sacrificed a fist-sized hill and punched it out.

This hill is known to grow in the wind, and in just a moment, it has grown to tens of feet.

But just when the magic weapon was about to fall on the formation on Yinhun Island, the formation suddenly trembled, and a magic flying sword formation immediately flew out and took over the mountain.

"It turns out to be a master from the Bishui Sect."

"You are so brave, you dare to sneak into our Xuanming Sect and overthrow it."

"I am missing a golden elixir monk's soul to refine the magic treasure. Today, I will destroy you, an expert like you."

As soon as he finished speaking, a skinny middle-aged man wearing black clothes flew up from the Haunted Soul Island. He raised his hand and took out a magic flag, summoning two ferocious-looking early-stage Golden Core evil spirits from it.

The two golden elixir demons bared their teeth and claws, and pounced on the mountain. Together with the magic array's weapons, they continuously knocked the mountain magic weapon away.

"Fellow Taoist Huo Yun, help us quickly!"

Master Qiu Shan frowned and said hello to the strange middle-aged man behind him who had no breath and a fierce look on his face.

The weird middle-aged monk named Huoyun Zhenren nodded slightly, and a golden elixir pressure suddenly spread out from his body.

He made a seal with his hands, and a red magic fan with a dragon pattern flew out from the golden elixir position in his abdomen.

Then he waved lightly, and large fire clouds suddenly floated out from it, converging into a fire dragon that was nearly forty feet long.

This fire dragon's eyes are full of energy, and its aura is not weaker than the first and second level monsters of the golden elixir.

Just hearing the dragon's roar, the fire dragon soared into the air, turned into a red spiritual light, flashed across the sky, and directly suppressed and beat the two early-stage golden elixir evil spirits.

"No, this is the cremation of the top medium fire magic weapon."

"Why, there is another golden elixir of the right path!"

"This is trouble."

The skinny middle-aged Demon Dao Jindan on Yinhun Island changed his face and said secretly.

But before he could react, Master Naqiu Shan, who was thousands of feet away, saw this opportunity and waved his hand to play three spiritual talismans that exuded the third-level high-grade aura.

"Third-level high-grade formation-breaking talisman!"

"It's over!"

The skinny middle-aged Demonic Golden Pill "Yin Po Old Ghost"'s face darkened. Although he wanted to resist, not long after he entered the Golden Pill, he had already consumed all his wealth in order to refining the magic flag in his hand, and the sect was unable to escape. Shaoli, he has no other magic treasures on him.

As for the second-level magic weapon, it is simply difficult to resist those three third-level high-grade spiritual talismans.

I saw those three third-level top-grade formation-breaking talismans. As soon as they came into contact with the Yin Po Sect's sect-protecting formation, they frantically absorbed the spiritual energy within the formation.

After a few breaths, only three huge explosions were heard in succession, and the Yinhun Sect's sect-protecting formation collapsed.

Master Qiu Shan also took this opportunity to fly the boat under his feet and led a group of people directly into Yinhun Island.

Wherever the group passed, not a single demonic cultivator survived.

The ghost old ghost on the second level of the Golden Pill was also killed by the combined efforts of Master Qiu Shan and Master Huo Yun.

In less than a thousand breaths of time, the battle was over.

There is no more demon cultivator on Yinhun Island, only a pile of dead bodies.

Master Huoyun was also at this moment, waving his hand to take over the corpse of the old ghost that had been cut into two parts, his demonic treasure, the evil ghost flag, and the corpses of some Foundation Establishment realm demon cultivators on the island. Dao to Naqiushan Zhenzhen.

"I did my best just now. I want these things."

Upon hearing this, Master Na Qiushan glanced at the corpse of the old ghost, and his eyes trembled.

"Fellow Taoist is going to use it to refine the demon corpse."

The Master Huoyun said coldly. "Um."

Seeing this, Master Qiu Shan smiled bitterly and spoke. "Although I can give you these things, the things I find later in the Demon Sect's warehouse will need to be given to me from your share to make up for my losses."

"Okay!" Master Huo Yun still said coldly.

Master Qiu Shan smiled, then flew the boat under his feet and took a group of people to the outside of the Yinhun Sect's warehouse.

Although this warehouse was protected by a quasi-third-level formation, under the combined efforts of everyone, the formation was shattered before it could survive a hundred breaths.

Everyone also entered it smoothly.

The first thing you see is a large area of ​​demonic spiritual beings.

Although most of these demonic spiritual objects are due to the Yinhun Sect's ability to control evil spirits, most of them are souls and the like, which are difficult for ordinary righteous monks to use.

But apart from that, there are at least 30% spiritual objects here that can be used by righteous monks.

At a rough glance, the value is probably around one million spiritual stones.

"Fifty percent of the millions of spiritual stones that can be used by our righteous monks will belong to me, the Blue Water Sect, and the other 50 percent, 40 percent of which will belong to me and fellow Taoist Huoyun, and the remaining 10 percent will be divided between you."

Qiu Shan Zhendao, who is a member of the Bishui Sect.

After saying that, he planned to collect all the demonic spiritual objects that were difficult for orthodox monks to use.

Mei made his promise, took it back and burned it.

But whether this is really the case, everyone knows without guessing.

Every great force of the righteous path is not a fuel-efficient lamp. They say they are righteous, but in fact they will also do some demonic acts, but they are not as absolute as true demonic cultivators.

"Fellow Taoist Qiu Shan, I want half of these monsters!"

Master Huoyun on the side stopped him.

When Master Na Qiu Shan heard this, he frowned. In a blink of an eye, he looked at the extremely powerful magic fan in Master Huo Yun's hand. He gritted his teeth and said.

"I don't want these monsters, my sect wants them. I can only give in to fellow Taoist 30% at most."

Master Huo Yun hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Then, he walked alone to the depths of the warehouse, among the third-level demonic spiritual objects, and carefully selected "Xuanbing Demonic Qi", "Dark Fire" and other spiritual materials related to refining the demonic corpse.

Half an hour later.

A flying boat quickly flew out of Yinhun Island.

Master Huo Yun, who was on the flying boat, looked down at the bulging storage bag on his waist, feeling slightly happy in his heart.

"With this batch of demonic things, it should be enough for Bago to refine the golden elixir demon corpse three or four times."

"And relying on Bage's extraordinary weapon refining, it is estimated that the ghost old ghost's magic weapon, the evil ghost flag, can be dismantled and integrated into Bage's long ghost-controlling flag to enhance its quality."

"Myna's strength can also be increased."

"There is no need to worry about demonic creatures for the time being."

"Next, we will try our best to earn military merits and exchange them for some foundation-building spiritual objects, even golden elixir spiritual objects, and third-level spiritual lands."

This Master Huo Yun is none other than Ling Pengqiu of the Ling family who has just entered the Golden Pill.

His nickname came from Huo Yun Lao Tao, the master of the "Fire Cloud Treasure Book" he practiced.

When Ling received the inheritance from the old Taoist Huo Yun, the old Taoist Huo Yun had left his last wish and wanted someone to inherit his Taoist title.

Ling Pengqiu is a man with a masculine nature, so he is the most suitable person to inherit his name.

And the reason why he appeared here was because after accepting the call of the Bishui Sect to destroy the Xuanming Sect, the Bishui Sect saw that the skill he practiced was fire, and he had a top-notch medium-level magic weapon, and his strength was good, so he and Qiushan Zhenren were Together with a group of foundation-building monks, they came to the Xuanming Sect to cause chaos.

I want to take this opportunity to collect the morale of a group of demon cultivators from the Xuanming Sect who come from various major forces and are currently at war with the Bishui Sect.

After all, if the rear is unstable, how can those demon cultivators from various forces in front feel at ease.

Of course, this move can also rob some properties of those forces under the Xuanming Sect.

There are still many small teams such as Ling Pengqiu and Qiu Shanzhenren, but they are all scattered everywhere, sneaking into the sea area under the command of Xuanming Sect to cause chaos.

The fire fan magic weapon that Ling Pengqiu sacrificed before was called the "Fire Dragon Fan". It was one of Ling Pengyun's original magical weapons "Red Yang Fiery Fan" and Yuan Ying's "Fire Cloud Treasure Book". A top-notch medium-level magic weapon, "Fire Dragon Banner", was recast using the refining method.

In this way, Ling Pengqiu avoids the situation of destroying the Red Yang Fire Fan again and refining the Fire Dragon Banner.

Of course, the fire dragon flags and fire dragon fans only have different shapes, but their power is still the same.

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