Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 616 Ling Family Wonderland Ling Pengyun's Harvest in the Boundless Sea (2400 words, ple

At this moment, they were all happy, with their heads held high and their chests puffed out, standing in front of the Ling family female cultivators they liked.

Because they all looked good, there was no one who was extremely ugly, and they had shown good strength in the competition in the past few days, the Ling family female cultivators they valued were also willing to contact them.

They, a group of men and women, also entered the reception hall to drink tea and chat, and get to know each other.

At this moment, Ling Pengqiu, who was still outside the reception hall, glanced at the more than 300 casual cultivators in front of him with unwilling faces, raised his hand gently, and pointed out a dozen casual cultivators who had a cultivation level of at least the sixth level of Qi training and had performed well in the competition before, called them out of the crowd, and then said.

"Are you willing to join the Ling family's Foreign Affairs Hall? Work for the Ling family?"

The Foreign Affairs Hall is a hall that specifically recruits casual cultivators. The casual cultivators who join this hall will be assigned by the Ling family to various markets as patrol members, or become Ling family's combat personnel and be taken by Ling family monks to various monster gathering places to practice and cooperate in combat.

Of course, before entering this hall, those casual cultivators must be set up with a special ban by Ling family monks. Once this ban is triggered, those casual cultivators will die.

Ling family also uses this method to ensure that the casual cultivators in the Foreign Affairs Hall are obedient and will not leak Ling family information.

As compensation, Ling family treats those casual cultivators in the Foreign Affairs Hall very well, no worse than ordinary Ling family members, and the salary has always been paid very promptly, which also makes those casual cultivators in the Foreign Affairs Hall have no complaints about Ling family setting up special bans in their sea of ​​consciousness.

The dozen or so casual cultivators had all heard about the benefits of the Ling Family Foreign Affairs Hall. How could they miss this good opportunity? They immediately agreed to this matter.

Ling Chengxia nodded with satisfaction, and he called back the other casual cultivators present. Then, he pinched his fingers, and dozens of cranes flew out from the huge light curtain and landed beside him.

"Get on the fairy cranes, follow me into the Lingxiao Plain of my Ling family."

Ling Chengxia called out, and then jumped on the back of the golden dragon beside him, riding the dragon to rise into the sky first, and flew into the large cloud behind the reception hall.

The dozen or so casual cultivators who were selected to enter the Foreign Affairs Hall looked at the fairy cranes in front of them curiously. Seeing that the fairy cranes did not reject them, they also jumped on the back of the fairy cranes and followed Ling Chengxia.

After the group passed through the clouds and the light curtain, they saw a place like a "fairyland".

The spiritual energy here is extremely rich, and there are even five-colored clouds made of pure spiritual power floating in the sky.

Hundreds and thousands of spiritual birds are constantly flying through those five-colored clouds, absorbing the spiritual power contained in those clouds.

On the ground, there are a large number of spiritual fields, in which various rare spiritual plants are planted.

"That is the white jade grass that can be used to refine white jade pills, and that is the purple cloud flower..."

The dozen or so casual cultivators who are about to join the Foreign Affairs Hall who entered this place for the first time couldn't help but exclaimed as they looked at the spiritual fields that kept passing by below.

What surprised them even more was that in the depths of this space, there were dozens of mountains of different heights, at least exuding the aura of second-level spiritual mountains, entrenched on the ground, scattered with a hint of special charm.

Deep in the center of these mountains, there is also a piece of land with few clouds and mist, as if there is something amazing in the depths of these mountains.

In addition, in the center of the mountains, there are eight high mountains that are like sharp swords, piercing the clouds, as if telling the world that the Ling family has the talent to enter the sky.

In the eight sacred mountains, there are also cultivators wearing Ling family robes, controlling magic tools to go in and out continuously, and there are many immortal pavilions built with spiritual wood in the mountains.

Even the sky above the mountains is constantly condensing countless water vapors, turning into a mighty long dragon waterfall that falls from the sky into a huge lake, causing a roaring sound.

Countless water vapors also block everyone's sight.

However, if you use the Qi-Viewing Technique to observe, you can see that there are a large number of monsters gathered on a small grassland around the huge lake.

At a glance, there are at least thousands of monsters here.

And where the waterfall falls, there are even a group of strong and strong young men with brass muscles standing there, using the huge force of the waterfall to forge their bodies.

All the casual cultivators were stunned when they saw the scene in front of them.

"Is this the foundation of the Ling family, the top Jindan power in my Yan country?"


One year later.

A stream of light slid across the sky without alarming anyone, entered the Lingxiao Plain, and landed on the top of the Lingxiao Mountain, a third-level middle-grade spiritual mountain, revealing the figure of a young man with a celestial appearance.

"Finally, I have returned to my clan safely. This trip... was really thrilling."

"But this time the harvest is not bad. If the war in the Xuanbing Giant Whale Sea had not entered a fierce stage, I could have stayed there for some time."

Ling Pengyun thought carefully about what he had done in the immortal cultivation world in the boundless sea this year, and his body shuddered.

But when he looked down at the several bulging storage bags in his arms, a bright smile appeared on his face again.

A year ago, after he delivered resources to the Fengyingpeng on Guiling Island, he rushed to the "Xuanbing Giant Whale Sea", the front line where the Muyuan Immortal Sect and the Xuanbing Giant Whale Clan were fighting, and joined the Muyuan Immortal Sect as a casual cultivator, fighting with the Xuanbing Giant Whale Clan for half a year.

In the past six months, he experienced death several times, and even once, because he was chasing a giant tooth tiger shark demon king in the middle stage of the Golden Core too deep into the Xuanbing sea area, he was killed by three Xuanbing in the late stage of the Golden Core. Whales siege.

Fortunately, he was not weak in skills and dared to fight hard. At that time, he used desperate techniques to improve his strength and killed a late-stage Jindan Ice Giant Whale. He broke out of the siege and escaped back to Muyuan. The team of the Immortal Sect.

However, he was also seriously injured in that battle.

Fortunately, in the first half of the year, he helped the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect to capture a lot of the spiritual lands of the Black Ice Giant Whale Clan. With some military exploits, he exchanged some third-level healing medicine for some and took them. His injuries also healed in a short time. Recovery within.

As soon as he recovered from his injuries, he once again entered the Xuanbing Sea to fight with the monsters in the sea.

After he had gathered five demon kings at the Golden Core Realm and five hundred monsters in the sea at the Foundation Establishment Realm, he was targeted by the Black Ice Giant Whale Clan and sent a demon king with perfect Golden Core to chase him. Only then did he stop.

And because of his strong combat power and his life-less, unafraid of death, often fighting to the death of the Demon King with serious injuries, he was secretly called the "Life-hungry Madman Ling" by many Jindan colleagues on the front line, and his reputation was also spread widely. wide.

On weekdays, when he was temporarily staying in the Muyuan Immortal Sect in the Xuanbing sea area to heal his wounds, he would often be visited by his colleagues.

Even his friend Mu Yuan Zhenren who was stationed in Mu Yuanfang City heard the news and came to the front line to confirm whether it was the Ling Pengyun he knew.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun relied on his military exploits and more than 200,000 pieces of spiritual stones to exchange some military exploits with a few familiar Jindan comrades, and thus exchanged for a golden elixir spiritual object, several foundation-building pills, and several first-class items. The foundation-building spiritual objects and some third-level spiritual objects left the front line and returned to the family with a large amount of resources.

"Husband, why did it take you so long to come back? What trouble did you encounter in the Immortal Cultivation World in the Boundless Sea?"

At this time, the door of a cave on the top of Lingxiao Mountain was suddenly opened, and a beautiful young female cultivator with a curvy figure, about 1.78 meters tall, and a trace of baby fat on her face walked out with a worried look on her face. , asked Ling Pengyun.

"It's no trouble." Ling Pengyun said with a smile, and then told Yan Siyi in detail about the trip.

"Husband, you are going to work for the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect and risk your life to fight against the Xuanbing Giant Whale Clan. Only if you are alive can you have a future. You must not do this anymore."

Yan Siyi was shocked when she heard this and said angrily.

"I dare to go because I am sure of my own strength. Even the late-stage Golden Core monsters cannot keep me here."

"The benefits offered by the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect are very high, and they even released golden elixir spiritual objects. I happen to lack the corpse of the demon king to refine the golden elixir demon corpse. Being hired by the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect is actually a good thing. Not a bad thing.”

At this point, Ling Pengyun paused and said with a hint of sadness.

"The next monster beast chaos is coming soon. If we don't accumulate a lot of resources through fighting at this time to improve the strength of our clan and the cultivation of our golden elixirs, I am afraid that by then, our clan will be in extremely danger."

After saying that, he took out three bottles of third-level low-grade cultivation heaven and earth spiritual water from his storage bag and gave them to Yan Siyi.

"Madam, it has been a while since you entered the second level of the Golden Core. With the help of these three bottles of spiritual water, you can enter the third level of the Golden Core faster."

"I'm going to deliver the third-level spiritual water to Grandpa Yunhong."

Then, he used his escape technique, left this place, and rushed towards his family's Lingxiao Qianxing Lake on the other side of the Baiyun Mountains.

On the Lingxiao Mountains side, Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi were watching.

The boundary of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake is controlled by Ling Yunhong. After all, there is also a lot of Ling's property there.

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