Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 617 Earthworms Transformed into Dragons (2000 words, please subscribe)

The Ling family is stationed deep in the Lingxiao Plain.

In the middle of eight mountains that are like sharp swords piercing the clouds, in a mysterious place covered by clouds and mist, there is a large area of ​​high-level spiritual fields that are at least the second level.

The spiritual plants planted there are also various and strange, but none of them are precious.

There is even an acre of spiritual field here that has the potential to enter the third level.

There are 25 third-level Juyuan grass planted in one acre.

But at this time, this acre of Juyuan grass is not yet mature.

In addition, in the deepest part of this spiritual field, there is a land covered by clouds and mist. It seems that there are more precious spiritual plants in it, which are difficult for ordinary people to enter.

At this time, beside the "quasi-third-level" spiritual field planted with Juyuan grass, a young male cultivator with a slightly kind face, small features, and a very friendly look was standing. A beautiful young female nun with a tall figure, good looks, and a slightly playful face.

These two people were not looking at the Juyuan Grass planted in the spiritual field, but were staring at a strange giant earthworm lying on the ground, which was about ten feet long, had thick thighs, and had a layer of solid yellow skin.

After a while, a yellow aura suddenly flashed around the giant earthworm.

The next moment, this giant earthworm seemed to be experiencing something extremely painful. It kept letting out screams. The solid skin on its body also seemed to be broken, with holes opening, and countless blood suddenly flowed out of it. outflow.

In an instant, the ground-covering earthworm was covered in blood. No part of it was clean, and it looked extremely miserable.

"Why did this earthworm have such a big reaction after taking the Blood Dragon Pill?"

"Fellow Daoist Lin Fan, do you know what is going on?"

The playful female cultivator on the side frowned immediately when she saw this, and asked the kind young male cultivator beside her.

"Fairy Ling, please don't be impatient."

"The third-level beast-controlling inheritance of the noble sect does not record the process of the earth-covering earthworm transforming into a dragon. It only records the possibility of this earthworm transforming into a dragon earthworm and becoming an earth-covering dragon earthworm."

"However, even if this earthworm cannot turn into a dragon and has the blood of a dragon, it should not cause any major problems."

The Ling family's chief veteran second-level mid-level beast master "Lin Fan" also had a sad look on his face, but he still comforted him.

Then, he performed a secret healing beast-controlling technique called "Beast Blood Restoration Technique", which penetrated into the earth-covering earthworm in front of him in the middle stage of foundation building. With the power of this secret technique, he restored the body of the earthworm. The injuries on the earthworm's body surface.

However, this person soon discovered that something was wrong with the crack on the skin of the earthworm.

Although those cracked places looked like they were flowing with blood, deep within the flesh and blood of the cracked skin there was a flash of spiritual light, and countless earth spiritual powers were constantly condensing and turning into pieces of hard material.

The healing technique he performed actually prevented the formation of those hard substances.

This incident surprised Lin Fan, and he stopped to see what was going on.

Fairy Ling on the side said anxiously when she saw Lin Fan stopped.

"Fellow Daoist Lin Fan, why did you stop?"

"This earthworm... seems to be turning into scales."

Lin Fan hesitated for a while, looked at the shapeless earthworm with a bit of curiosity, and his body was covered in blood, thought about it again, and then spoke.

"How can an earthworm turn into scales?"

After saying this, Fairy Ling trembled, something came to her mind, and her face was filled with joy.

"The appearance of the earth-covering dragon recorded in the family's third-level inheritance records that the earth-covering dragon has strong dragon scales?"

"Could it be that this earthworm is not doing anything serious, but is transforming into a ground-covering dragon earthworm?"

Lin Fan, the beast control master, nodded lightly, as if he was looking at the beautiful scenery in the world, not daring to blink once, staring at the changing scene of the earth-covered earthworm.

"It's entirely possible."

When Fairy Ling heard this, her face looked expectant and she stopped talking.

The two of them had been waiting like this for half a day, and saw a huge dazzling yellow light flashing all over the earth-covering earthworm, and a layer of solid earth-yellow fish-like scales suddenly appeared on its blood-stained skin. A bulge also appeared on his forehead.

A stream of dragon energy also spread out from the earthworm.

The earthworm also opened its eyes, roared to the sky, and let out a deafening dragon's roar.

"This earthworm was indeed transforming into a dragon before. The process of transforming into a dragon is quite special for this family of earth-covering earthworms."

"However, there was no dragon bloodline in this earthworm before, but now it is half a dragon's body with the dragon's blood extracted from the body of a thousand demon pythons, and the dragon's blood elixir is refined into it. It is really an extraordinary talent. "

"I'm afraid that the dragon's bloodline contained in that dragon's blood pill has really been completely refined by this earthworm and absorbed into the body."

"If there is a dragon pill refined from the essence and blood of a dragon, there is a high probability that the dragon will turn into a dragon."

"Even with the help of one or two weaker dragon blood pills, this earthworm has a chance of turning into a dragon."

Beastmaster Lin Fan looked at the earthworm in front of him that had turned into half a dragon body, his eyes shone slightly, and he muttered to himself.

The face of the female cultivator who was called Fairy Ling suddenly showed a look of surprise.

"Fellow Taoist Lin Fan, what you said is true if you give the earthworm one or two more dragon blood pills and it will turn into a dragon?"

Lin Fan looked confident and said with a smile.

"Of course this is true. Fairy Ling, when have I ever lied to you?"

"However, using only one or two Jiao Blood Pills to help this earthworm transform into a dragon is just a chance. If you want to ensure that this earthworm transforms into a dragon and becomes a dragon earthworm that has a real chance of entering the third level, it is better to get a Jiao Blood Pill with a stronger effect of transforming into a dragon, or Jiao Dragon Blood Essence."

A trace of worry flashed between Ling Chengping's eyebrows.

"One or two Jiao Blood Pills are easy to say. As long as you spend some time, use the manpower and material resources of the family, kill thousands of snakes and pythons, take their blood and condense it into pseudo-dragon blood, and add some other materials related to Jiao Dragon, you can refine it."

"But the main material of Jiao Dragon Pill is Jiao Dragon Blood Essence, which is difficult to replace. It may be very difficult to find this Jiao Dragon Pill."

Just as she finished speaking, a young man's mocking words came from the sky.

"Sister Cheng Ping, Fellow Daoist Lin Fan, today is the family's female cultivators' marriage ceremony. Are you hiding here and talking about something you don't want others to know?"

Lin Fan and Ling Chengping looked at each other after hearing this, and both of them looked a little unnatural.

A blush appeared on Ling Chengping's cheeks.

After a while, she returned to normal, and then she looked up and saw a golden dragon covered with golden scales, a long horn on the forehead, and two dragon whiskers on the mouth. It broke through the clouds and mist covering the spiritual plant garden and flew into the sky with the pressure of the middle stage of foundation building.

On the back of the dragon, there was a fierce young man riding a dragon.

"Cheng Xia, what are you talking nonsense about here!"

After Ling Chengping laughed and scolded, her eyes were fixed on the golden dragon sitting on Ling Chengxia who came riding a dragon.

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