Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 618 Ling Chengping deceived the dragon's blood, the role of the earthworm (please subsc

When the golden dragon that Ling Chengxia was riding on landed, she immediately greeted him with a smile. She was usually so carefree, but she whispered softly at this moment.

"Cheng Xia, your golden dragon has been raised well by you. It is fat and strong, and its cultivation is almost catching up with my sister and me. I think it has a good amount of dragon essence and blood in its body."

Seeing Ling Chengping's appearance, Ling Chengxia suddenly shuddered.

Ling Chengping looked like this and was the most terrifying. In the past, every time Ling Chengping looked like this, she would definitely take something rare from him.

After combining Ling Chengping's words at this time, he immediately understood what Ling Chengping was thinking.

"Sister, I will never give you the dragon essence and blood."

Ling Chengping was not surprised when she saw Ling Chengxia's refusal. Instead, the smile on her face became even brighter. She even jumped on the back of the golden dragon, shook Ling Chengxia's arm and said coquettishly.

"My dear brother, how can you be so heartless? Don't you want to see your family have a ground-covering dragon earthworm that can reach the third level?"

Ling Chengxia was puzzled after hearing this. "What is the earth-covering dragon earthworm that can enter the third level?"

"See for yourself!" Seeing Ling Chengxin's question, Ling Chengping immediately pointed at the earth-covered dragon earthworm that had just transformed into a half-dragon body and was about to go deep underground to eat spiritual soil.

Ling Chengxia glanced around, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Isn't this the family's earth-covering earthworm? How did it become like this?"

Ling Chengping said delicately. "A few days ago, Taoist friend Lin Fan discovered the possibility of earth-covering earthworms turning into earth-covering dragon earthworms from an anecdote in his family's beast-controlling inheritance. He asked me and Aunt Siyi to discuss it, and we Together we exchanged a dragon blood pill from the family and gave it to the Earthworm to take."

"This earthworm just took a dragon blood pill and turned into half a dragon body. How about your sister Weiwei and fellow Taoist Lin Fan invest wisely."

"Sister, let me tell you, it is recorded in the beast-controlling inheritance that if the earth-covering earthworm turns into a earth-covering dragon earthworm, there is a full 20% chance that it can enter the golden elixir, which is higher than the probability of ordinary dragons entering the golden elixir."

"In addition, this earth-covering dragon earthworm has two extremely powerful effects. One is that the earth-covering dragon earthworm can improve the quality of the spiritual soil within an acre of first-level spiritual fields to the highest level with just one breath. Excellent quality.”

"The second is that this earthworm can also accumulate spiritual energy, speeding up the level of spiritual veins. It is even possible to accumulate huge spiritual power and condense a spiritual vein on its own."

"How about it? This earth-covering dragon earthworm is really powerful."

"It's just that this dragon earthworm is not a real dragon earthworm yet. Now this earthworm is only half a dragon body. It only needs a drop of dragon essence and blood to help it transform into a dragon earthworm."

"My biological brother, you are the only one in the family who has a dragon. Can you bear to see our father's earth-covering dragon with a half-dragon body all his life, doing nothing in the spiritual field?"

Lin Fan, who was not far away, couldn't help laughing when he saw Ling Chengping's playful look.

Ling Chengping turned to look at Lin Fan, her face turned red and she rolled her eyes at Lin Fan.

The bright smile on Lin Fan's face disappeared immediately.

Ling Chengxia was distracted after hearing what Ling Chengping said.

After a while, his eyes lit up and he asked "Lin Fan", the chief beast master of the family in the distance.

"Fellow Taoist Lin Fan, is the ground-covering dragon earthworm really that powerful?"

Lin Fan nodded, showing a hint of embarrassment. After hesitating for a while, he glanced at Ling Chengping, who had been winking at him, and smiled helplessly.

Facing Ling Chengxia, the son of his ancestor, he did not dare to tell lies and could only tell the truth.

"Yes, yes, but according to records, it takes ten years for Earth-covering Dragon Earthworm to condense a miniature spiritual vein, thirty years to condense it into a first-order low-grade spiritual vein, and sixty years to condense it into a first-order mid-grade spiritual vein. It takes a hundred years to condense a first-grade spiritual vein."

"At this point, there are no other records in the book."

After hearing this, Ling Chengxia's eyes suddenly lost some light.

"Sister, next time you speak, can you tell me everything? It takes so long for the earth-covering dragon earth to condense spiritual veins. What is the difference between this and the large pulse-condensing formation that can condense spiritual veins together with the formation?"

Ling Chengping said foolishly. "Oh, brother, I was right. The earth-covering dragon earthworm can indeed condense spiritual veins. In order to condense spiritual veins, the pulse condensing array needs to be in a specific location with rich spiritual energy and a large number of spiritual stones."

"The Earth-Covering Dragon Earthworm doesn't need spiritual stones. It just absorbs them on its own. Besides, the Earth-Covering Dragon Earthworm is not only capable of condensing spiritual veins."

"Brother, give me a drop of blood. My sister will pay you back next time."

Ling Chengxia had nothing to do with Ling Chengping, and then he asked Lin Fan again.

"Can the third-level spiritual veins and the earth-covering dragon earthworms in the golden elixir realm be condensed?"

Lin Fan thought for a while. "It should be possible, but it will probably take a long time. According to my estimate, it will take at least three to five hundred years."

"What about the longevity of the earth-covering dragon earth in the golden elixir realm?" Ling Chengxia asked.

"According to the records in the classics, after the dragon earth becomes the dragon's body, it will also inherit the dragon's long lifespan. After entering the golden elixir, the dragon will have at least a thousand years of life." Lin Fan said.

"A thousand years of life is enough for this dragon to gather at least two extraordinary third-level spiritual veins for the family. The price is only a drop of dragon blood, so it's worth it."

Ling Chengxia muttered secretly.

Then he said.

"Okay, I'll give that earth-covering dragon earthworm a drop of blood."

After saying that, he patted the head of the golden dragon that was sitting down and told it to spit out a drop of blood.

The golden dragon was reluctant at first, but when it heard that it could help Ling Chengxia's father, Ling Pengyun, who was at the Jindan level, to transform into a dragon, it might be rewarded by Ling Pengyun, so it immediately spat out a drop of blood without any hesitation.

"What a greedy dragon."

Ling Chengxia smiled and handed the drop of dragon blood to Ling Chengping.

"My brother is still generous."

Ling Chengping took the drop of dragon blood, praised it with great joy, and immediately jumped off the back of the golden dragon, ran to the acre of quasi-third-level spiritual field, called out the buried dragon earthworm, and gave it the drop of dragon blood.

The earthworm fell into a deep sleep because of this.

Three days later, a sound of breaking suddenly came from the head of the earthworm, and a five-inch-long earth-yellow sharp horn quickly grew out of the bulge on the forehead of the earthworm.

The yellowish-brown scales on its body also turned into fish scales.

A pure dragon energy also spread out from the earthworm.


A slightly feminine dragon roar was heard.

The bored golden dragon, who was lying on the side, heard this sound, his eyes lit up, and he immediately raised his head and looked at the earthworm.

Immediately, it crawled over and roared at it softly.

Although the earthworm was still an earthworm, it had dragon blood, and it could hear the dragon language of the golden dragon.

Perhaps because it borrowed the dragon body transformed from the essence of the golden dragon, it inexplicably had a good impression of this golden dragon.

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