Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 622: A visitor from the Blood Evil Sect (Subscription Request)

He did not delay any longer, and a huge aura of the peak of the fourth level of the Golden Core suddenly spread out from his body, intimidating all around.

He raised his hand and waved it, and he directly took out the life treasure, the Jade Sea Heavy Yuan Pearl, which had entered the third-level lower grade.

A year ago, when Ling Pengyun helped the Muyuan Immortal Sect to deal with the Xuanbing Giant Whale Clan in the Boundless Sea Cultivation World, he and several fellow Jindan occupied a medium-sized first-level water-based mineral vein of the Xuanbing Giant Whale Clan.

That mineral vein was seized by him and several other Jindans, and the spiritual iron in it naturally belonged to them.

Ling Pengyun also took advantage of that opportunity to integrate a large amount of water-based spiritual iron into the Jade Sea Heavy Yuan Pearl, raising the grade of this pearl to the third-level lower grade.

This pearl grew in the wind, and in the blink of an eye, it soared to a size of 75 feet.


The huge Bi Hai Zhong Yuan Pearl, with its crushing momentum, turned into a stream of light. Its speed was so fast that it produced sonic booms, and countless strong winds were squeezed out around it, blowing away countless clouds in the sky.

With a dull bang, the pearl weighing 750,000 jins hit the magic shield light curtain around the Taoist Xuan Yang, causing a huge wave.

The flashing spiritual light of the magic shield light curtain gradually dimmed.

"Ling Pengyun, since you want to die, I will fulfill your wish."

The Taoist Xuan Yang cursed angrily, without letting anyone notice, and quietly took out a black token from the storage bag and crushed it.

Then, he raised his hand and directly took out the Xuan Yang Treasure Lamp, the treasure of the Xuan Yang Sect.

As soon as this lamp appeared in the world, the temperature around it increased countless times.

The flowers and plants on the ground turned into ashes directly and naturally.

As soon as the treasure lamp lit up, countless red Xuanyang raging fires swarmed out from it, completely covering the entire sky, as if they were burning the sky and destroying the world.


Countless Xuanyang raging fires rushed to gather in one place.

In just a moment, a Xuanyang treasure dragon that was a hundred feet long and covered with blazing flames was bred.

The dragon raised its head and roared, bursting out a huge sound wave, blowing away countless dust on the ground, looking very powerful.

Then, the dragon swung its body in the air, opened its mouth, and forcibly bit the Chongyuan treasure bead in its mouth and pushed it back.

But Ling Pengyun's means were not limited to the Chongyuan treasure bead. He raised his hand and waved it, and several magic weapons with brilliant spiritual light and extraordinary momentum appeared immediately.

The third-level middle-grade Fenyuan magic lamp transformed into a ferocious Fenyuan fire dragon.

A seventy-zhang tall mountain-moving evil ghost sprang out from the long ghost-controlling banner.

The dragon sword transformed into an eighty-zhang long fire dragon.

The Frost Giant Whale Banner transformed into a fifty-zhang phantom giant whale.

The Double Dragon Sea-covering Formation transformed into two thirty-zhang long giant water dragons.

The three red-gold bear dark fire corpses were also summoned by him.

However, the appearance of these three red-gold dark fire corpses is now much worse than before. At this time, the skin of these three red-gold dark fire corpses is metallic iron, and with its ferocious face, it gives people a strong sense of oppression.

Half a year ago, Ling Pengyun relied on a large amount of third-level spiritual iron obtained from the trip to the boundless sea to integrate into the bodies of these three red-gold dark fire corpses.

And relying on the third-level adaptive treasure pattern of the refining weapon, a third-level solid spiritual pattern was arranged in their bodies, which raised their physique to a higher level, enough to make them have the strength of superior demon corpses, which is 20% to 30% stronger than ordinary cultivators of the same level.

The eight huge monsters completely covered the blazing sun in the sky, and the surroundings suddenly became dark.

A fierce intention also spread out from their bodies.

"Kill that Xuanyang Treasure Dragon for me."

Ling Pengyun raised his hand and shouted angrily.

The eight huge monsters suddenly crossed the void and bombarded the Xuanyang Treasure Dragon in eight directions.

With their combined strength, they actually fought head-on with the Xuanyang Treasure Dragon, which was comparable to the perfect Jindan.

Although after a few moves, Ling Pengyun's eight huge monsters fell into a disadvantage.

But this scene still surprised the Xuanyang Taoist priest who had perfected the Jindan, and he took a breath of cold air.

"It's been a few years since I last fought with this person. I didn't expect that his strength has increased by several times again."

"If this boy can reach the realm of Golden Core Perfection, I'm afraid no one in the entire Yan State will be his opponent."

With his distracting thoughts gone, he raised his hand and took out several magic weapons from his storage bag. With the help of Xuanyang Baolong, who had the combat power of Golden Core Perfection, he severely suppressed Ling Pengyun's fire dragons, water dragons and other attack methods, and the size of those attack methods was also beaten more and more.

"Did you ask your grandfather if you dared to touch my Ling family?"

A strong roar came from a distance.

Ling family patriarch Ling Yunhong fled from afar with an angry face, and a huge pressure of the peak of the second level of Golden Core spread from him.

Perhaps if he is given a little time, this person who led the rise of the Ling family in the early years will break through to the third level of Golden Core.

He raised his hand and waved it. A heavy Yuan treasure bead that was almost the same as Ling Pengyun's Bi Hai heavy Yuan treasure bead suddenly appeared, turning into a stream of light, and directly blasted the third-grade upper-grade magic weapon of the old Taoist Xuan Yang several feet away.

A long cone that was filled with countless Gengjin Qi slid across the sky, and with a whoosh, it hit the magic shield light curtain around the old Taoist Xuan Yang, causing countless waves.

Even on the light curtain supported by the third-grade upper-grade top-level middle-level life magic weapon Xuan Yang Shield, a tiny crack gradually appeared, which was enough to show the ability of the long cone to break the barrier.

Although after this attack, the long cone had exhausted its remaining power and was withdrawn swayingly.

But the achievement it made still made the face of the old Taoist Xuanyang change greatly.

A third-level middle-grade red gold sword suddenly appeared and hit the crack of the light curtain again, expanding it several times.

Yan Siyi, who arrived late, seized the opportunity and directly summoned her own life magic weapon "Mandarin Duck Fire Cloud Pot", which transformed into a raging fire and transformed into a group of red mandarin ducks, and also sacrificed a third-level lower-grade red gold sword, a third-level lower-grade blazing fire sword, and the Five Elements Return to Origin Formation, which also hit the light curtain supported by the Xuanyang Shield.

Although the Xuanyang Shield was powerful, Ling Yunhong and Yan Siyi's methods were extraordinary. Because the skills they practiced were extraordinary, not only were their own strengths far superior to those of the same level cultivators, but the quality of the magic weapons they mastered was also extremely high. With the cooperation, both of them had the strength comparable to that of a mid-stage Jindan strongman. The light curtain supported by the Xuanyang Shield also dimmed in an instant.

When the five Jindans of Bailing Sect, Bailing Zhenren, Lingfu Laozu, Wu Yan, Baoyuan Zhenren, and Baiyuan Zhenren of the Fake Dan Realm, arrived.

The Xuanyang Taoist was immediately defeated. Even though he used the desperate method, he had already injured his origin and his cultivation would fall back to the ninth level of the Jindan. Even if he used the desperate method, he was only slightly stronger than a Jindan Perfection cultivator.

Under the combined efforts of eight Jindans and three Jindan Demon Corpses, the Xuanyang Taoist had no chance to fight back and his defense was broken by countless attacks.

However, just when everyone was about to kill Taoist Xuan Yang in one fell swoop, Taoist Xuan Yang threw out a third-grade high-quality defensive talisman to temporarily resist the countless attacks, and then roared with resentment.

"Everyone from the Blood Evil Sect, don't hide anymore."

"If I die, the property of the Ling family and the Bailing Sect, as well as the cultivators and mortals in these two realms, you demons want to plunder, but it will be difficult to do so openly. Once the matter is known by my righteous Yuanying Sect, your mere Jindan demon cultivation forces will not be able to withstand the wrath of my righteous Yuanying Sect."

"By then, you will get nothing."

"And if I don't die, I will definitely provide convenience for you."

"If you don't save me now, when will you follow me to destroy the Jindan of the Ling family and the Bailing Sect and rob the property of these two families."

As soon as these words fell, a strange laugh suddenly appeared.


The next moment, five Jindan demon cultivators with different appearances appeared in the area thousands of miles away from the battle. They all had strong demonic energy and the pressure of Jindan.

The strongest demon cultivator among them had reached the level of Jindan perfection.

This person was extremely skinny, and his face was like skin and bones, like a dying person.

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