Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 623: Ling's Thirteen Golden Core Warriors Appear (2800 words, please subscribe)

"Fellow Daoist Xuanyang, remember what you said now. If you fail to fulfill your promise to destroy the Ling family and the Bailingmen, and instead our sect is known by the righteous Nascent Soul Sect, our sect will fight to the death. , will also destroy your Xuanyang Sect.”

This man looked fiercely at the precarious old Taoist Xuanyang in the distance, threatened him, and then used his hands to create a special magic formula.

"Possessed by a blood evil spirit."

"Become a demon!"

His body suddenly flashed with red blood, and the flesh and blood on his skinny body swelled.

There were two blood bags on both sides of his body.

With a pop, the blood bags on both sides of his body shattered, and four strange hands that looked like the claws of monster beasts suddenly appeared.

His original hands also became like this.

When the change stopped, the man had completely changed his appearance and turned into a ferocious monster with one head and six arms.

Not only did his height soar to nearly three feet tall, he also had six strange hands, veins were exposed on his body, and a layer of armor made of blood appeared on his body.

The other four golden elixir demon cultivators behind him also looked like this, but they were of different sizes.

Even sounds similar to the roars of monster beasts came from the mouths of these five bloody monsters.

Ling Pengyun, who had already noticed these five golden elixirs, frowned when he saw this.

"The five blood evil ghosts of the blood evil sect?"

The Blood Evil Sect can be said to be one of the true demonic forces in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World. It is completely different from the original foundation-building demonic cultivating forces in the Yan Kingdom.

This sect has been famous in the world of Immortal Cultivation in the Northern Wasteland for thousands of years, and it is an old-line Jindan Demon Sect.

The various demonic techniques that were originally the source of the strength of the foundation-building demonic cultivators in the Yan Kingdom were deliberately leaked out by established golden elixir demonic sects such as the Blood Demon Sect in order to cause some trouble for the righteous cultivators.

In addition, it is said that the blood evil sect's orthodoxy originated from other immortal worlds. Tens of thousands of years ago, when other immortal worlds opened up this northern wasteland, the first generation leader of the blood evil sect "Xue Sha Zhenren" also participated Got into it.

After the major forces occupied a territory in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation Realm, the Blood Evil Master, who had perfect cultivation of the golden elixir, also established the Blood Evil Sect in this territory.

Because the method practiced by the Blood Evil Sect is too weird, it requires the flesh and blood of countless mortals and monks as its source of practice, which also makes this sect destined to become a demonic force.

The monks of this sect are also extremely powerful. The demon cultivators of this sect all master a skill that can turn them into blood demons whose bodies are comparable to monsters of the same level. In addition, as long as there is enough blood, the blood demons can continuously restore their strength. Because of its strength, the Blood Evil Sect has also escaped countless encirclements and suppressions by righteous monks.

And attached himself to the "Sha Yuan Hua Qi Sect", one of the three major Nascent Soul Demonic Dao forces in the Northern Wasteland Cultivation World, and has since established a firm foothold in the vast east of the Northern Wasteland Cultivation World.

The sect's heritage has gradually accumulated, and its strength has continued to grow. In the current era, there are five golden elixir contemporaries in this sect.

Because they all mastered the Blood Demon Sect's method of transforming ghosts, they were extremely evil, and they were also called the Five Blood Demon Ghosts by the world.

At this time, he could not see that there was a long-standing connection between Xuanyang Old Dao and the five Blood Evil Sect Golden Pill Demon Cultivators.

"Old ghost Xuanyang, you dare to collude with the demon cultivators of the Blood Evil Sect."

The old Taoist Xuanyang, who relied on a third-level spiritual talisman to save his life, said with disdain.

"Only allow you to plot against me, but not allow me to plot against you?"

"You are all going to kill me. If I don't collude with the demon cultivator to save my life, will I still save my life for you to kill?"

Ling Pengyun sneered after hearing this.

"It only took a moment for you to be killed by us, but now you have colluded with demon cultivators to break the rules set by the major righteous Nascent Soul forces in our Northern Wilderness Immortal Realm. If this matter comes out in the future, you will probably want to die. Disaster."

The forces of the righteous path and the forces of the demonic path are enemies of life and death due to the conflict in their cultivation methods. Therefore, the collusion between the righteous path monks and the demonic cultivators is extremely serious.

As early as the early days of the establishment of the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World, when demonic forces poured into the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World, the righteous Nascent Soul forces declared to the outside world that those who colluded with the demonic cultivators would be slaughtered, and their souls would be tortured until their lifespan was exhausted. , and future generations will be slaves forever and find it difficult to ascend the road.

"Hmph!" When Old Taoist Xuanyang heard this, a lingering fear appeared on his face, but in an instant, the lingering fear was covered by murderous intention.

"As long as I kill you, no one will know about this matter."

When Ling Pengyun heard this, he didn't take it seriously, but instead showed a sarcastic look on his face.

By this time, the five vampires in the distance who had been transformed by the Blood Demon Sect's golden elixir demon cultivator also stepped on the void, exerted force fiercely, and transformed into five rays of light, directly blocking the person who was about to be beheaded. In front of the killing Xuanyang Old Dao, with his body wearing a strange set of blood armor, he temporarily blocked all the attacks of Ling Pengyun and other eleven golden elixirs.

But for this, they have no spare efforts.

Behind them, the old Taoist Xuanyang who survived the disaster had a look of luck on his face.

He glanced at Ling Pengyun and other golden elixir monks with resentment, took the next healing medicine, and temporarily suppressed the emptiness of using the desperate method, then forcibly mobilized his spiritual power to flow into the magic weapon, and killed Ling Pengyun and others. .

This move also relieved a lot of pressure on the five vampires.

"Five fellow Taoists from the Blood Evil Sect killed Ling Pengyun. This boy's talent is really high. If he were alive, he would be a greater threat than the real person Bai Ling who has cultivated up to the eighth level of the Golden Core."

At this moment, Master Xuanyang gestured to the five vampires,

The vampire, whose strength had already reached that of a pseudo-infant, stared at Ling Pengyun, who had controlled nearly ten attack methods by himself, and murderous intent suddenly arose in his heart.

Immediately, it resisted the simultaneous siege of several magic weapons and rushed towards Ling Pengyun.

However, before it could get within a thousand feet of Ling Pengyun, it was blocked by Ling Pengyun's three red gold bear dark fire corpses.

However, the strength of the blood ghost in the pseudo-infant realm was really strong.

It was not afraid of the dark fire spit out by the three red gold dark fire corpses, and directly resisted it with the blood-red armor on its body.

And it fought with the three red gold dark fire corpses.

Within a dozen moves, the red gold dark fire corpse, whose cultivation level was only the first level of Jindan, but whose strength was comparable to that of a second-level Jindan cultivator, was torn into pieces by the six-armed blood ghost.

The other red gold dark fire corpses of the third and sixth levels of Jindan also had extremely serious injuries.

I'm afraid that in a few moves, these two dark fire corpses will also suffer the same fate as the previous dark fire corpse.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun's face was full of heartache.

"Madam, Grandpa Yunhong, these five bloody ghosts are extremely strange. They are all going all out. There is no need to hide."

"Let's kill these five ghosts together and rob the Bloody Sect."

As soon as the words fell, the dark murderous intent around Ling Pengyun became several times stronger. At this moment, he was like a living Shura.

The surrounding temperature became colder because of this.

The Jindan cultivators such as Bailing Zhenren who were closer to Ling Pengyun felt inexplicably weak in their hearts.

It took them a long time to recover.

At the same time.

Ling Pengyun, who was like Shura, slapped the storage bag on his waist and summoned out six strange coffins forged with magic iron.


After hearing Ling Pengyun's arrangements, Ling Yunhong and Yan Siyi responded at the same time and took out a magic coffin from their storage bags respectively.

With eight piercing sounds, the lids of the eight magic weapon coffins were blown away, and eight extremely dense demonic auras immediately spread out from the eight coffins.

For a moment, the entire battlefield was filled with a dense demonic aura, turning into a demonic domain, and it was pitch black all around.

Even the scorching sun sleeping in the sky could hardly penetrate into the demonic domain.

As the roars of demon corpses came out from the eight coffins, six giant whale black ice demon corpses with bodies of dozens of feet and two human-shaped netherfire corpses suddenly emerged from the eight coffins.

Although most of the eight demon corpses were only in the early stage of the golden elixir, there was also a giant whale black ice demon corpse in the middle stage of the golden elixir, and two giant whale black ice demon corpses in the late stage of the golden elixir.

These demon corpses were all refined by Ling Pengyun through the family's middle-level corpse refining methods. Their strength is not much different from that of the cultivators of the same level. If the family's third-level spiritual iron is not much, otherwise, by refining these corpses with the method of refining instruments, the combat power of these demon corpses can be at least increased by about 30%.

The six black ice giant whales were killed by Ling Pengyun himself, five of which were killed a year ago, and the other one was killed in the early years.

The raw materials of the two humanoid demon corpses were two Jindan early stage demon cultivators killed by Ling Pengqiu in the territory of Mingshui Sect in the Boundless Sea. When Ling Pengyun left the Boundless Sea, he once looked for Ling Pengqiu.

The demon spiritual objects needed to refine these demon corpses were also searched by Ling Pengqiu.

Today, Ling Pengqiu is still fighting in the Boundless Sea.

As for Ling Pengyun's success rate in refining demon corpses as high as 100%, the main reason is that the family's middle-level corpse refining methods were all improved by him.

As the creator of a method, wouldn't it be a joke if I failed to refine it?

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