Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 624: Master Wan Yao blocks the enemy (2200 words, please subscribe)

Now, on the battlefield, whether it was the five Jindan demon cultivators of the Blood Evil Sect, or the old Taoist Xuanyang, or the Bailing Zhenren of the Bailing Sect, all showed astonishment when they saw this scene.

"Why does the Ling family have so many Jindan realm demon corpses?"

The Xuanyang Zhenren, who was full of confidence and planned to use the power of the Blood Evil Sect to kill Ling Pengyun and others, was suddenly shocked.

If the eight Jindan demon corpses summoned by the Ling family were added, the Ling family would have as many as ten Jindan demon corpses in the world, and three Jindan cultivators.

This number of Jindan combat power is much more than the Jindan combat power of half of the Yan Kingdom.

Then, the old Taoist Xuanyang looked at the five Jindan cultivators of the Bailing Sect, Bailing Zhenren, Baoyuan Zhenren, Lingfu Laozu, Wu Yan, and Baiyuan Zhenren in the distance, and his intention to retreat increased greatly.

The enemy had eighteen Jindan combat power, while he only had six Jindan.

Even though he and the Blood Demon Five Ghosts and others have higher cultivation, due to the difference in the number of Jindan combat power, if this battle continues, I am afraid that they will hardly have a chance to kill Ling Pengyun and others.

If they cannot kill them, some people will be able to escape, and the fact that he colluded with the Blood Demon Sect's demon cultivators will definitely be spread. Once the Yuanying forces take action, he will definitely have no way to survive.

"For now, the only way is to run first and leave the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World directly, so that there is a glimmer of hope."

The old Taoist Xuanyang looked helpless and exhaled a turbid breath.

This breath seemed to have spit out all his strength, and his straight back suddenly became a little bent.

Even the eyes of the old Taoist Xuanyang, which looked very energetic, became turbid.

After a long time, the old Taoist Xuanyang finally came to his senses. He patted the storage bag on his waist and took out a mother-and-child token from it and crushed it.

Then, he took back the third-grade high-quality magic weapon he had used, and turned to attack the third-grade middle-grade trap that trapped him.

At the same time.

In the Xuanyang Sect’s headquarters, millions of miles away, deep in the Xuanyang Mountain Gate, in a cave on the top of the third-grade middle-grade spiritual mountain Xuanyang Mountain.

Master Qiushui looked at the broken mother-child token in his hand, and his face suddenly darkened.

“It seems that Master’s plan… has failed.”

“I thought that after this incident, my Xuanyang Sect could rest easy, but I didn’t expect it to end up like this.”

“I don’t know if Master, Junior Brother Jinyang and I can escape safely to other immortal cultivation worlds.”

Master Qiushui muttered helplessly, then turned into a blue shadow and left the place. He found Master Jinyang and Master Wushui who were in the sect and told them that Master Xuanyang had colluded with the demon cultivators to destroy the Ling family and Bailingmen’s golden elixir, but failed miserably.

"Why didn't Master Xuanyang discuss this important matter with us? This is bad."

The Jinyang Master, who was in the Fake Pill Realm, said to Master Qiushui with anger and resentment.

The Wushui Master, on the other hand, had a gloomy expression and lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking.

"Junior Brother Jinyang, when does my master need to discuss the decision with you? Don't forget, who killed the monster golden pill you refined? If it weren't for my master who killed the golden pill monster, could your master, Master Liehuo, have asked for this pill for you?"

"If you don't want to follow me and Master to leave the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World, and wait here to be liquidated by the righteous Yuanying Sect... I don't mind."

Master Qiushui looked at Jinyang Master, who was in the Fake Pill Realm, and said coldly.

When Master Jinyang heard this, he felt a chill on his back and didn't dare to say anything more.

Seeing this, True Man Qiushui snorted coldly, and took True Man Jinyang and True Man Wushui to several important places such as the sect's spiritual plant garden and the Gongfa Pavilion, and collected all the things that could help them turn over again in other cultivation worlds.

After everything was packed up, True Man Qiushui also withdrew the sect's third-grade superior sect-protecting formation.

Even Xuanyang Sect, which has been ranked as the first sect in Yan State for thousands of years, only has one formation of this grade.

This time they are about to leave Xuanyang Sect, so they naturally have to take this treasure formation with them.

However, just as True Man Qiushui, True Man Wushui, and True Man Jinyang, who was in the false elixir realm, had just left the sect, a green figure suddenly appeared in front of them and stopped them.

The green figure also appeared. This was a middle-aged cultivator wearing a green Taoist robe, carrying a good-smelling elixir fragrance, with a slightly strong color on his body and sharp eyes.

At this time, the fierce middle-aged cultivator had a strange smile on his face and said meaningfully.

"Three Taoist friends, where are you going? How come even your sect's protective formation has been withdrawn by the three Taoist friends?"

"But your sect has encountered some troubles. If you need the three Taoist friends, just speak up."

When the three Jindans including Qiushui Zhenren saw this person appear and heard his words, their expressions changed drastically.

"Daowang Daoist, there is nothing serious in our sect. We appreciate your kindness. Please get out of the way. If you block our way, I will definitely send a message to my master and let him come out to administer justice."

Qiushui Zhenren threatened the fierce middle-aged cultivator neither servile nor overbearing.

The fierce middle-aged cultivator was Wanyao Zhenren, the master of Wanyao Valley.

“Hahaha, since the three Daoists have come out in full force and even moved the Xuanyang Sect’s protective formation away, I’m afraid that Daoist Qiushui’s master, Old Xuanyang, has fallen into danger. Who knows, maybe, at this moment, Old Xuanyang has died at the hands of the Ling family and Bailing Sect’s Golden Core.”

"You are threatening me with a dead man, Fellow Daoist Qiushui, are you kidding?"

The sharp eyes of Wanyao Zhenren, with a sarcastic look on his face, looked at Zhenren Qiushui as if he was looking at a fool, and laughed.

He had already been informed by Ling's family and Bailingmen that they were going to ambush Taoist Xuanyang.

At the same time, he was also entrusted with an important task by Ling's family and Bailingmen to watch over the remaining three Jindan of Xuanyangmen.

After the matter was accomplished, Wanyao Valley could share 20% of the profits of Xuanyangmen.

And Ling's family and Bailingmen would transfer such a large profit to Wanyao Valley, and rest assured that Wanyao Zhenren could watch over the three Jindan including Zhenren Qiushui alone, all because his cultivation had broken through to the seventh level of Jindan.

It was at this moment that a huge pressure of the seventh level of Jindan suddenly spread out from Wanyao Zhenren's body, pressing on Zhenren Qiushui and the other three Jindan.

Seeing this, Zhenren Qiushui felt a chill on his back.

"The seventh level of the Golden Elixir."

"Fellow Daoist Wanyao, have you forgotten the benefits my sect has given to your sect over the years? Do you really want to collude with the Ling family and Bailingmen? Block our way?"

"Hahaha, your sect is giving my sect benefits, it's really a joke!"

"Over the years, the benefits my sect has gained from your sect, which one is not exchanged for my sect disciples relying on elixirs."

"And even so, your sect has never looked at my sect disciples from beginning to end, even me, you Xuanyangmen's Golden Elixirs, seem to just treat me as a chores for alchemy."

"If it weren't for all these years, I have always known This principle, I am willing to give up the improvement of alchemy and put my whole mind and body into cultivation. With the current cultivation, otherwise, your sect would have captured me alive and made me refine third-level pills for your damn Xuanyang Sect all day and night. "

"I just took the initiative."

"Three, if you go back to Xuanyang Sect obediently, I can let you live longer. If you insist on leaving Xuanyang Sect, don't blame me for being rude."

After saying this, Wan Yao Zhenren summoned his third-level middle-grade middle-level life magic weapon "Wanhuo Fenmielu", ready to take action at any time.

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