Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 628: The Final Killing of Taoist Xuanyang (Subscription Request)

The old Taoist Xuanyang is now only thinking about escaping. His main means of attack has always been to attack the trap that trapped him, and he has not participated in much of the current battle.

This matter also made the old ghost Xuesha very angry, but the old Taoist Xuanyang was not afraid of his threat.

He himself wanted to destroy the Ling family and Bailingmen, and planned to use the hands of the Xuanyangmen to destroy the mortals and cultivators under the command of these two major forces, suck the blood and flesh of countless human races, and seek to break through the realm of the Nascent Soul. He was reluctant to leave.

The old Taoist Xuanyang also grasped the psychology of the old ghost Xuesha and used him as a bodyguard.

"This old ghost, if I had summoned the fire phoenix earlier, I would not have lost so many demon corpses. I am really full of bad water. Afterwards, I must get back what happened today."

At this time, Ling Pengyun saw that the black flame fire phoenix finally appeared in the world, and he felt more at ease.

However, he still hated Bailing Zhenren very much in his heart. He glanced at Bailing Zhenren and swore in his heart.

He put aside his distracting thoughts and decided not to just stand there and watch. He planned to take advantage of the weakness of the Blood Evil Master and kill him. He raised his spear again and attacked the Blood Evil Master with the help of his own magic weapons and the Black Flame Fire Phoenix Spirit.

The Blood Evil Master was unable to hold on to the attack of the Black Flame Fire Phoenix Spirit.

Ling Pengyun's magic weapons were powerful, and he also mastered the physical cultivation method, which was at least comparable to that of an ordinary seventh-level Jindan cultivator. His strength was not weak.

In just a few moves, the Blood Evil Master was suppressed by Ling Pengyun and the Fire Phoenix Spirit.

When the small shield made of a large amount of blood of the Blood Evil Master was refined by the Fire Phoenix Spirit, Ling Pengyun seized the opportunity and quickly made hand gestures with both hands.

A sword sound suddenly resounded through the sky, and the famous Blue Sea Sky Sword Technique of the Ling family reappeared in the world.

A blue sword shadow flashed across the sky, and the blood-red light curtain around the Blood Evil Master, which was already full of cracks, was instantly shattered.

The sword shadow transformed by the Blue Sea Sky Sword also slid across the neck of the Blood Evil Master, and a sound of iron collision suddenly sounded.

Even the place where the Blood Evil Master's neck was chopped by the Blue Sea Sky Sword, sparks appeared, as if the blood ghost body transformed by the Blood Evil Master was not flesh and blood, but iron.

Ling Pengyun saw that the Blue Sea Sky Sword was blocked, and his eyes trembled.

"If one Blue Sea Sky Sword doesn't work, I will use two!"

After a breath, another Blue Sea Sky Sword was born, crossed this world, and also chopped the neck of the Blood Evil Master.

Although Ling Pengyun consumed a lot of spiritual power in his body due to the continuous use of two Blue Sea Sky Sword techniques, he didn't care about it. He stepped into the void with both feet and used the spear to directly pierce the head of the Blood Evil Master.

Although this attack was also blocked by the powerful body of the blood ghost transformed by the Blood Evil Master, this attack was not weak either, and gradually broke through the skin of the Blood Evil Master, and blood was seen.

The Black Flame Phoenix on the side did not just watch, it had already mobilized countless black flames to sweep over the body of the Blood Evil Master.

A series of sizzling sounds continued to be heard from the Blood Evil Master.

The Blood Evil Master also kept screaming at this moment.

After refining for about ten breaths, the Blood Evil Master's breath was extremely weak.

Perhaps the Blood Evil Master knew that he could not escape this, and he was also very ruthless and courageous, and directly used a secret method to detonate the golden elixir in his abdomen.

The next moment, his body suddenly flashed red light.

"Not good!"

"Madam, Grandpa Yunhong, run!"

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun immediately knew what the Blood Evil Master was up to, his pupils shrank, and he exclaimed.

He quickly put all the magic weapons behind him, and the other five demon corpses in the early stage of Jindan on the battlefield were also called back by him.

Then, regardless of everything, he used several methods to enhance his strength, and directly raised his cultivation from the fourth level of Jindan to the peak of the sixth level of Jindan. He used the Blue Sea Escape Technique and fled to the distance.

Ling Yunhong and Yan Siyi, who were besieging a demon cultivator in the middle stage of Jindan not far away, heard Ling Pengyun's call and trusted him very much. Without hesitation, they immediately fled.

At this moment, the body of the Blood Evil Master suddenly split into four pieces, and a huge explosive force that was about 10% stronger than the previous explosion of Ling Pengyun's five ghosts spread all around.

The whole world shook again, and even this world seemed to be about to collapse.

The Black Flame Fire Phoenix Spirit, which was slow to react and far away from the Blood Evil Master, was directly submerged, and only a miserable phoenix cry was heard.

Then, the power of the explosion spread all around, and Ling Pengyun, who had not yet run far, was directly blown away by the aftermath of the explosion.

The magic weapons that blocked him also became dim, and the bodies of the five Jindan early stage demon corpses were even more riddled with holes, and their breath was weak. They needed a long time to be warmed by demonic energy before they could recover.

As for Ling Yunhong, Yan Siyi, and Bailing Zhenren, who were farther away, they relied on various defensive means and were not injured by the power of the self-explosion of the Blood Evil Zhenren.

When the power of the explosion dissipated, the figure of the Black Flame Fire Phoenix Spirit also appeared in the world, but at this time the Black Flame Fire Phoenix was only the size of a fist, but its body was extremely transparent, and its cultivation level was directly reduced from the perfect Jindan to the sixth level of the Jindan.

Obviously, although it relied on its means to resist the power of the self-explosion of the Blood Evil Zhenren, it was also seriously injured.

It trembled and quickly returned to the Black Flame Fire Phoenix Gourd of Bailing Zhenren.

"This is bad. If we want to restore the power of the weapon spirit, we may need the help of the black flame true fire that has been accumulated for thousands of years in the sect's third-level black flame volcano."

"Without this trump card, the sect will be weaker in the future."

Master Bai Ling looked at the black flame true fire gourd with a distressed look on his face.

At the same time, Ling Pengyun, who was blown away by the power of the self-explosion, returned to the battlefield with a pale face and the cultivation of the sixth level of the Golden Core. With the help of five demon corpses, he killed a demon cultivator in the middle stage of the Golden Core who was also injured by the self-explosion of the Blood Demon Old Ghost.

The power generated by the self-explosion of the Blood Demon Old Ancestor does not recognize its own people. It is an uncontrollable and huge means.

"Grandpa Yunhong, Madam, follow me to besiege the Taoist Xuanyang in the trap."

"Daoyou Bailing, don't just stand there and watch. Come with my clan and destroy the Taoist Xuanyang to avoid future troubles."

Ling Pengyun put away the corpse of the demon cultivator in the middle stage of the Golden Core, shouted, and turned into a golden light and rushed into the trap in the distance, killing the Taoist Xuanyang.

Now that Ling Pengyun has used the method of enhancing his cultivation and has various other means to support him, his combat power has doubled, at least comparable to that of an eighth-level Jindan cultivator.

Even Xuanyang Laodao, who is at the perfect level of Jindan, dare not underestimate him. After all, he is still injured by the origin, and in fact, his strength is not much stronger than that of a ninth-level Jindan cultivator.

When Ling Yunhong, Yan Siyi, and Bailing Zhenren, who came to help Ling Pengyun, the four of them directly suppressed Xuanyang Laodao.

In just a few moves, they forced Xuanyang Laodao to use the method of enhancing his strength.

But even so, Xuanyang Laodao could not change his fate.

He did not have the courage of the old ghost of the bloody evil to explode directly, and he was hesitant to seek a chance to escape. As a result, he was pierced through the head by Ling Pengyun and lost his life.

Ling Pengyun also shot the Burning Yuan Magic Lamp and put the soul of Xuanyang Laodao hidden in his body into the lamp.

He also took this opportunity to directly put the body of Xuan Yang Lao Daoist into the storage bag.

Without waiting for Bai Ling Zhenren to object, he took Ling Yunhong and Yan Siyi and killed the Jindan late stage demon cultivator who was temporarily trapped by Bai Ling Zhenren with several magic weapons not far away.

Bai Ling Zhenren looked at the backs of Ling Pengyun and others leaving, and thought of the body of Xuan Yang Lao Daoist taken away by Ling Pengyun, and his face suddenly showed helplessness.

"I'm afraid it won't be long before this Ling family will have another powerful demon corpse."

After coming to his senses, he also killed the Jindan late stage demon cultivator on the field.

With the joint efforts of everyone, even if this demon cultivator used all his means, he could not escape death.

The remaining Jindan middle stage demon cultivator who was entangled by Ling Fu Laozu and others naturally followed the footsteps of the other demon cultivators.

The corpses of the two demon cultivators were burned to ashes by Bai Ling Zhenren's quick eyes and hands with true fire, avoiding the possibility of the demon corpses being picked up by the Ling family and refined into demon corpses.

The battle ended here.

After the battle, Ling Pengyun looked at Bai Ling Zhenren with a hint of deep meaning, and then greeted him.

"Daoyou Bai Ling, are you willing to go deep into the Eastern Demon Realm with my Ling family and raid the Blood Evil Sect?"

Bai Ling Zhenren's eyes flashed. Now that the five golden cores of the Blood Evil Sect are dead, the Blood Evil Sect is leaderless, and it is time to plunder the sect's property.

He immediately responded. "Of course!"

Immediately, the Ling family and the eight golden cores of the Bai Ling Sect quickly rushed to the east.

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