Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 629 The blood ghost killed his own relatives for the sake of justice!!! (3200 words, please

at the same time.

The Northern Wilderness Immortal Realm, the Eastern Demonic Realm, and the territory of the "White Kingdom", one of the five great demonic kingdoms.

Among the barren mountains, there is a giant valley shrouded in mist and mist, covering an area of ​​several thousand feet.

Although a large number of luxurious lofts have been built in this valley, the styles of these lofts are all blood red.

Through some attic windows, one could see a large number of mortals being imprisoned, or monks screaming loudly.

There were even some monks in the attics wearing blood-red clothes and exuding demonic energy who were killing the mortals and monks with indifference and cultivating by absorbing their blood.

Such an appalling scene, coupled with the fact that there is no spiritual energy here, and only a strong blood energy fills the sky and the earth, this place is like a bloody demon realm.

And deep in this demonic realm, there is a very majestic, but extremely quiet, simple blood-red attic. There is not much furniture in it, only an offering platform. On this offering platform are placed the famous inscriptions of the Blood Evil Sect in the past. The golden elixir devil.

The five tablets placed in the middle with blood light emerging are the tablets of the five golden elixir demon cultivators of the contemporary Blood Evil Sect.

But at this moment, the five tablets flashed with a dazzling blood-red aura within a very short period of time.

As the sounds of shattering appeared one after another, cracks appeared on the five tablets in an instant, losing their blood-red luster and turning into fragments.

Sitting cross-legged under the altar, a white-haired young monk with eyes closed and sitting in meditation, but with an extremely young appearance and possessing the realm of pseudo-alchemy, heard the strange movement and immediately opened his eyes.

When he saw the scene on the altar, his expression suddenly changed.

"Master and others all died?"

This person repeatedly held the five broken tablets and looked at them carefully. When he discovered that the souls of Master Xuesha and other golden elixirs left in the five tablets had indeed turned into ashes and disappeared, the white-haired young monk's face suddenly changed. A look of fear emerged.

"It's over now."

"Now, the master and the others are all dead, and the sect has no golden elixir to take control. Even if the unknown strong man who killed the master and others has not come to the sect, the two major powers of the Bai Kingdom have been suppressed by the sect in the past hundreds of years. The demonic golden elixir forces will definitely kill the sect."

"It would have been better if I had not signed that damn soul contract with the sect."

This white-haired young monk is a direct disciple of Zhenren Xuesha, and his Taoist name is "Xueyuan". He is also the great elder of the Xuesha Sect. He once attacked the golden elixir in his early years, but unfortunately the breakthrough failed.

The old Taoist Xueyuan was despairing and roared helplessly.

If he were not bound by the soul contract, he would definitely turn around and run away at this moment.

But with the Yuanhun contract, once the Blood Evil Sect is destroyed, the Yuanhun mark in his brain will explode, and he will become a dead person.

Putting away his distracting thoughts, Master Xueyuan quickly went up to the top floor of the attic and struck a blood-red copper bell.

The sound of nine dull copper bells suddenly resounded throughout the Blood Evil Sect.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The Blood Evil Sect's sect-protecting formation also appeared, covering the entire valley where the Blood Evil Sect was located.

This move made the Blood Evil Sect monks in the sect panic.

The nine bells have the same name, and the sect-protecting formation appears, which represents the disaster that the sect will encounter and is about to be destroyed.

"Disciples of our sect, come quickly and assemble in the worship hall to resist the incoming enemy."

The Blood Evil Sect monks inside the mountain gate did not dare to delay. They immediately put down their affairs and rushed to the worship hall.

After a while, tens of thousands of Qi-training and Foundation-building demon cultivators gathered outside the secluded worship hall.

The old ghost of Blood Abyss standing on the highest floor of the worship hall glanced at these monks, but his eyes flashed with a scarlet color.

A few days later.

Deep in the Blood Fiend Valley, the old ghost of Blood Abyss at the top of the worship hall suddenly felt something and looked to the west.

When he saw the escape light transformed by eight righteous golden elixirs coming from the west, his feet went weak and he suddenly felt something bad.

This place is the boundary of the Eastern Demon Realm, and there is no righteous golden elixir to gain a foothold. It is unusual for so many golden elixirs to come here now.

After calming down for a while, he finally suppressed the fear in his heart.

Then, he made a gesture with both hands.

Deep in the Blood Fiend Valley, there was a sudden shaking of the mountains, and huge cracks gradually appeared on a plain with strong demonic aura.

Roads of extremely rich blood immediately gush out from those cracks.

Just hearing a strange roar, countless pieces of soil were thrown up, and dust suddenly flew into the air.

But within a moment, the demon cultivators within the Blood Evil Sect vaguely saw a huge humanoid figure appearing in the dust.

The sound of huge footsteps also came.

Within a few breaths, a giant vampire with a height of a hundred feet, the size of a small mountain, three monster heads, six monster claws, and blood-red skin suddenly walked out of the large amount of flying dust and appeared here. World.

When the disciples of the Blood Evil Sect saw this ghost, they all looked respectful.

At the same time, they knelt down and shouted loudly to the vampire.

"Welcome to the birth of our ancestor!"

This ghost is the last trump card of the Blood Demon Sect. When the original Blood Demon Master was about to die, he asked his descendants to preserve his body using a secret method and refine it into a vampire.

Later, with the blood energy deep in the Blood Fiend Valley and a large amount of blood of mortals and monks, his cultivation was raised to the state of perfect golden elixir.

However, this blood ghost, regarded as the ancestor by the disciples of the Blood Evil Sect, did not wait for the monk of the Blood Evil Sect to stand up. The huge blood ghost's eyes flashed with a blood-red color. He just waved it lightly, and a huge blood-red scimitar appeared in the void and turned into a blood-red light and shadow, killing into the tens of thousands of disciples of the Blood Evil Sect and harvesting their lives.

For a while, screams continued.

Some people even shouted loudly.

"Ancestor, I am one of you!"


In just ten breaths, the entire outside of the worship hall turned into a sea of ​​blood.

The hundred-foot blood ghost was also under the control of the old Taoist Xueyuan, and sucked all the blood of the large number of Blood Evil Sect disciples into its body.

Its breath also surged, and after a few breaths, its breath entered the realm of pseudo-infant.

Compared with the Blood Evil True Man who used the secret method to increase his strength, his momentum was not weaker.

By this time, the eight escape lights from the outside world had also arrived within ten thousand feet of the Blood Evil Sect.

"Ancestor, it's your turn to protect the sect. Whether the sect can survive depends on you!"

The old Taoist Xueyuan was not surprised by the blood ghost's behavior. This move was under his control.

In his eyes, as long as the sect was not destroyed, everything was worth it.

But at this time, he still looked worried.

He greeted the old ancestor Xuesha, who was unconscious and only had a strong corpse left. He pinched his fingers and commanded the blood ghost to rush out of the valley and kill the eight rays of light.

But before the blood ghost rushed to the eight rays of light, the eight rays of light flew out several magic weapons and hit the body of the blood ghost in the pseudo-infant realm.

Suddenly, the sound of Gengjin iron rang out.

When the attack fell, the blood armor on the blood ghost had only a few more small grooves.

Ling Pengyun and the other eight Jindan were all surprised when they saw this.

However, they were already familiar with the weaknesses of the Blood Demon Sect's guardian blood ghost.

Although this blood ghost was physically strong, it had no mind at all and its movements were completely controlled by others.

In addition, each attack of this ghost consumed a great deal of blood power, and its strength would gradually weaken.

Ling Pengyun and the other eight Jindan also took advantage of the blood ghost's weaknesses and kept dragging it out without engaging it head-on.

In just a thousand moves, the blood ghost's cultivation level fell back to the Jindan Perfection Realm due to the huge consumption.

However, the eight Jindan who attacked Ling Pengyun did not suffer any losses.

They also took advantage of the blood ghost's cultivation level falling back, and combined the strength of the eight Jindans who were all strong, and cut off the three heads and six strange hands of the blood ghost in one fell swoop.

The blood pill in the abdomen of the ghost was also shattered by everyone, and the blood ghost was no longer alive.

Ling Pengyun looked at the corpse of the blood ghost and his eyes moved.

Immediately, he fled to the corpse of the blood ghost, intending to put it into the storage bag.

Seeing this, Bai Ling Zhenren, who mastered the third-level black flame treasure fire, immediately guessed Ling Pengyun's intention. He secretly said that it was not good, and quickly summoned the black flame true fire to sweep over the blood ghost's body, trying to burn it.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun shouted.

"This ghost is wanted by my Ling family!"

"Anyone who dares to move is an enemy of my Ling family!"

Upon hearing this, Bai Ling Zhenren, who had a cultivation level of up to the eighth level of Jindan, trembled. He looked at Ling Pengyun and met Ling Pengyun's threatening eyes.

But at this time, he was not afraid of Ling Pengyun.

A few days ago, when fighting with the five blood evil ghosts and Xuanyang Laodao, Ling Pengyun had used several methods to enhance his strength in succession, which made him now in a weak period and could only exert 30% of his strength at most.

In addition, the Jindan demon corpses in Ling Pengyun's hands suffered heavy losses. The only remaining five demon corpses were still in the early stage of Jindan, and they were seriously injured in the self-explosion of the old blood demon ghost, which affected their strength to some extent.

In this way, for now, the only threat to the Ling family is Ling Yunhong and Yan Siyi, who are both extraordinary and comparable to the combat power of the fourth-level Jindan cultivators.

Even if the blood demon sect's Jindan perfect blood ghost falls into the hands of the strange Ling Pengyun, the Ling family may have another extraordinary demon.

Such a situation is not something that Bailing Zhenren wants to see.

He just snorted coldly, and then he continued to transfer the huge spiritual power into the black flame gourd in front of him, and summoned more black flame true fire from it to hit the blood ghost corpse.

At the same time, he summoned another ball of black flame true fire to hit Ling Pengyun and trapped him.

Ling Pengyun naturally knew what Master Bai Ling was up to, and he sighed helplessly.

"I'll need that pill after all."

He raised his hand and took out a glass bottle from his storage bag, from which he poured out a green pill that was bright, exuding the aura of a third-grade top grade, and carrying a strong pill fragrance.

This pill was one of the two Yimu Huashang Pills that Ling Pengyun got from Master Huoyang of the Muyuan Immortal Sect in the Boundless Sea. The other Yimu Huashang Pill was used by him to heal the three-eyed white fox.

As the pill entered his stomach, Ling Pengyun's languid aura suddenly recovered.

In just a blink of an eye, his aura became extremely smooth, and there was no trace of him falling into the weak period of the secret method.

He followed suit, using his physical training skills to transform into a small golden giant. He raised the third-grade mid-level golden spear in his hand and directly broke the black flame that trapped him. He rushed to the remaining body of the blood ghost and continued to swing the spear to continuously disperse the black flame that permeated the blood ghost's body.

At the same time, Ling Pengyun raised his hand and took out a jade box from the storage bag. After opening the jade box, a blue talisman with a quasi-fourth-level aura suddenly appeared.

"If you don't stop, I will kill you with this talisman."

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