Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 660: Battle Frontline: The Sinister True Lord Shows His Power (2600 words, please subscribe)

Soon, the group arrived near the battlefield.

Ling Pengyun was also shocked by the grand scene of the battle between the righteous cultivators and the evil cultivators, which was different from the battle between humans and monsters.

Monsters rarely cooperate in battle, unless those monsters above the Jindan level will have the idea of ​​cooperation. Ordinary monsters are scattered and will attack desperately when they see the enemy.

But the righteous cultivators and the evil cultivators are different. Both sides have extremely high wisdom, and the two cultivators fighting now are from the two powerful Yuanying forces of the Li family and the Yindu Sect.

That is why some cultivators on both sides specialize in defensive spells, defensive formations, or defensive talismans and other defensive means to resist incoming attacks.

Another part of the cultivators specialize in attacking, which is very orderly and has a back-and-forth battle. There is little killing, and it seems like a competition of spiritual power.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, the Yindu Sect has suppressed the Li family cultivators.

In terms of low-level cultivators, the Li family still has an advantage in numbers, with as many as 50,000 to 60,000 low-level cultivators.

The Yindu Sect probably only has 20,000 to 30,000 low-level cultivators.

However, the Yindu Sect has many magic cultivation methods, and various strange evil ghosts, demon corpses and other methods are uneven, which makes up for the disadvantage in numbers and fights the Li family's low-level cultivators on equal terms.

The real gap is at the Jindan level.

The number of Jindan on the Yindu Sect is as many as 78.

In addition, there are 4 Jindan Perfect Magic Cultivators and 23 Jindan Late Magic Cultivators.

The number of Jindan in the Li family is not only 62, but there are only three Jindan Perfect Cultivators and only 20 Jindan Late Cultivators.

This situation puts the Li family in a disadvantageous position.

Ling Pengyun was a little surprised when he saw the number of Jindan in the Yindu Sect.

Logically, although the Yindu Sect was strong in the past and was known as the first Jindan Demon Sect under the three Yuanying Demon Sects in the Eastern Demon Realm, the number of Jindan cultivators in this sect was only about ten at most.

After observing for a long time, Ling Pengyun realized that many of the Jindan Demon Cultivators on the Yindu Sect side were not from the Yindu Sect, but from other Jindan forces in the Eastern Demon Realm.

In fact, at least more than 30 Jindan Demon Cultivators came from the Jindan Demon Cultivators under the three Yuanying Demon Sects in the Eastern Demon Realm.

This also made Ling Pengyun feel depressed.

The three Yuanying forces in the Eastern Demon Realm did not send their own Jindan Demon Cultivators to come, which was nothing more than taking into account the other Yuanying forces of the righteous path.

However, if it was said that the Jindan Demon Cultivators under the three Yuanying Demon Sects came this time without the instructions of the three Yuanying Demon Sects, he would not believe it even if he was beaten to death.

"It seems that the Yindu Sect and even the three Yuanying Demon Sects in the Eastern Demon Realm are planning to swallow up the Li family, which is in a period of transition."

"Since I can see this, the Tianxing Sect must have seen it long ago. I don't know why this sect wants to interfere in such trouble."

"I hope this matter will not get out of hand. If the three Yuanying Demon Sects in the Eastern Demon Realm, which have long been famous, are attracted to participate in it, this battle will probably be fought to the end of the world."


Ling Pengyun sighed helplessly, and his eyes moved up to the place where the Yuanying fought in the sky above the battlefield.

There was a fourth-level formation suspended in the air, and the Yindu Demon Lord could be vaguely seen trapped in it.

Outside the formation, Tianxing Zhenjun and Li Xuanyuan Zhenjun, the Li family's Yuanying riding a red spirit phoenix, were besieging the Yindu Demon Lord together.

At this time,

The Yin Du Zhenjun who was trapped in the formation also noticed the golden elixir that Ling Pengyun and others brought to support on the Tianxing Flying Boat.

His brows furrowed immediately. Although the number of Ling Pengyun and others was small, it was difficult to change the situation of the Li family. At most, it could only stabilize the situation of the Li family.

But this move represented the intention of the Tianxing Sect.

Maybe more Tianxing Sect golden elixirs will come to support them later. At that time, the situation will change. The Yin Du Sect will really find it difficult to make achievements, and it is afraid that it will be even more hopeless to swallow the Yuan Kingdom.

"Old Tianxing, your Tianxing Sect really intends to help the Li family? Aren't you afraid of provoking the other three Yuanying Demon Sects in my Demon Realm?"

Yin Du Zhenjun said to Tianxing Zhenjun outside the formation with a hint of anger.

"Fellow Daoist, please stop joking. If the other three Yuanying Demon Sects that supported you in launching this war dared to take action, they would have already sent their own demon cultivators to take action."

"Fellow Daoist, you have just entered the Yuanying stage, but you were pushed out by the three demon sects in the Demon Realm as thugs, risking your life to expand their territory. Don't you feel that you have lost out?"

"Your Yindu Sect has also gained a lot this time. How about we stop fighting and go our separate ways?"

Tianxing Zhenjun said with a smile, looking like a good guy.

When Yindu Zhenjun heard this, his face suddenly turned black.

How could he not know that the three demon sects in the Eastern Demon Realm were using him.

But he has the inheritance of "Evil Dragon Demon Lord" in the Zhongzhou Xiuxian World, and has the opportunity to challenge the middle stage of the Yuanying, but Yindu Sect currently has only one quasi-fourth-level demon vein, which is difficult to support his cultivation.

Only the fourth-level demon vein can do it.

But if you want to upgrade a fourth-level magic vein, you need a large amount of mortal and cultivator blood to set up the magic array.

Not to mention, a large number of mortals and cultivators can also be sacrificed to form a magic pill that has some effect on the cultivation of Yuanying magic cultivators.

The fourth-level middle-grade magic treasure, the Dragon Demon Sword in his hand, was injured and needed a large number of mortal blood sacrifices to recover.

Under such circumstances, if he wanted to go further, he had no choice but to start a war and kill a large number of mortals and monks!

Otherwise, he would have little chance to enter a higher realm in this life.

It can be said that the other three major demon sects in the Eastern Demon Realm were using him, and he was also using the troops supported by the three major demon sects.

Withdrawing his distracting thoughts, Yin Du Zhenjun looked at Tian Xing Zhenjun who trapped him with a vicious look.

"We must leave the formation of old man Tian Xing as soon as possible and spread the news of this place. If the three major demon sects do not support in time, this Yuan Kingdom may not be able to take it."

The fourth-level formation that trapped Yin Du Zhenjun not only has the effect of trapping the enemy, but also has the effect of shielding the communication magic weapon. It can be regarded as an extremely comprehensive formation.

True Lord Yin Du did not have a fourth-level communication treasure in his hand, so it was naturally difficult for him to break the shielding effect of True Lord Tian Xing's formation and transmit the information.

Then, True Lord Yin Du transferred even more powerful magic power into the fourth-level middle-grade evil magic treasure "Evil Dragon Sword" in front of him.

I only heard the Evil Dragon Sword swinging in the air, and a crisp sword light resounded.

The roar of an evil dragon also spread out.

When the Evil Dragon Magic Sword flashed with a black magic light, it turned into a huge black evil dragon that was more than four or five hundred feet long and madly hit the fourth-level low-grade formation of True Lord Tian Xing, causing waves in the formation, and the flashing spiritual light also dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

I am afraid that it will take a few days for this formation to be broken.

Seeing this, True Lord Tian Xing suddenly felt a little distressed about this formation.

However, he did not intend to withdraw the formation. Now that the Jindan cultivators under the Tianxing Sect have come to support, as long as they can hold back the Yindu Demon Lord, the Tianxing Sect and the Li family will have a chance to repel the Yindu Sect's demon cultivators and snatch back the territory occupied by the Li family.

Maybe, they can also severely damage the Yindu Sect.

In this way, even if the Yindu Sect knows that their base has been destroyed in the future, it will be difficult for them to retaliate against the Tianxing Sect.

This can also be said to be a good thing.

Therefore, Tianxing Zhenjun gritted his teeth and insisted on activating the formation to trap Yindu Zhenjun.

"Stop all the demon Jindan for me, the Jindan friends of the Tianxing Sect have come to support, and kill those bastards for me."

Li Xuanyuan Zhenjun on the side also understood immediately, and immediately shouted to the Li family Jindan and the Jindan of the forces under the Li family on the battlefield below.

Then, regardless of the consumption of spiritual power, he pulled the fire bow in his hand and shot out a series of more powerful rockets.

Although the red spirit phoenix in the pseudo-infant realm under him has not entered the Nascent Soul realm, it has condensed 80% to 90% of the Nascent Soul and is only one step away from entering the Nascent Soul realm. Its strength is also one-third of the Nascent Soul, which can also pose some threats to Yin Du Zhenjun.

And the 62 golden cores of the Li family and the forces under the Li family below are originally local forces of Yuan State. The forces behind them have suffered a lot of losses during the Yin Du Sect's conquest of Yuan State, and even the forces behind several unlucky golden cores have been destroyed.

Under such circumstances, these golden cores of Yuan State can be said to have a life-and-death feud with the magic golden cores of Yin Du Sect.

Now, seeing the arrival of support, they are immediately extremely excited, and even a few golden cores are laughing wildly.

They also burst out with extremely strong combat power, and forcibly entangled all 78 magic golden cores in this battlefield with the power of 62 golden cores, making it difficult for them to escape.

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