Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 661: Divine Power to Overcome Difficulties and Thunder (3000 words, please subscribe)

After about ten breaths.

Ling Pengyun and the other fourteen Jindan who were riding the Star Flying Boat finally arrived.

"Follow me to establish meritorious deeds and kill the devil's golden elixir!"

Zhao Baigang rode the blazing wolf with the ninth level of the golden elixir and shouted loudly to the crowd, then he and Master Qingfeng, who was also the golden elixir, took the lead, flew out of the Star Flying Boat, and flew towards the two demonic golden elixir perfectionists on the battlefield. Dan rushed to kill him.

Since Ling Pengyun had already found his opponent, he quickly followed the other twelve golden elixirs into the battlefield.

Soon, Ling Pengyun arrived near a middle-aged demon cultivator with a fourth-level golden elixir and a female demon with a middle-level golden elixir.

Those who blocked those two powerful middle-stage golden elixir demon cultivators were an old monk from the Li family who was on the fifth level of the golden elixir and his spirit beast who was on the fourth level of the golden elixir.

However, the Li family's golden elixir was extremely difficult to use. After all, he was old and had to fight two against four with his spiritual beasts.

At most, it can barely hold on to those two middle-stage golden elixir demon cultivators.

"The Tianxing Sect Golden Pill has finally arrived, otherwise my old bones will probably fall apart."

When the elder Jindan of the Li family saw Ling Pengyun from the fifth level of the Jindan coming to support him, a look of joy appeared on his face.

"Fellow Taoist of the Li family, help me temporarily stop the middle-stage golden elixir female devil and her middle-stage golden elixir evil spirit. I will first destroy the middle-aged middle-aged golden elixir demon cultivator and his demon corpses."

Ling Pengyun didn't pay attention to this. He said hello to the Li family's golden elixir, and immediately used the highest-grade "Xuan Yang Bao Lamp" in his hand, transforming into endless Xuanyang Bao Fire, covering the surrounding area for hundreds of feet. .

A thin wave of blazing heat suddenly spread to the surroundings, burning away all the demonic energy spreading from the demonic cultivators in this area of ​​the sky.

Even some of the nearby Jindan demon cultivators who were fighting against the Righteous Golden Pill couldn't help but frown, and deliberately stayed away from some of the places where Ling Pengyun was fighting, so as not to be burned by the Zhengyang fire "Xuanyang Treasure Fire".

At this moment, Ling Pengyun made a finger gesture, and the Xuanyang treasure fires trembled in the air and immediately gathered together.

As a dragon roar sounded, a fire dragon that was more than a hundred feet long and had an aura as high as the Golden Core Perfection realm immediately leaped out from the blazing fire field and killed the middle-stage Golden Core man. A middle-aged demon cultivator.

At the same time, Ling Pengyun also took out the thunder mirror. As the spiritual power flowed into it, a black cloud suddenly appeared in the blue sky above Ling Pengyun, and tiny thunders could even be seen flashing through it.


Ling Pengyun pinched with his fingers, and his mind locked on the middle-aged golden elixir demon cultivator.

There was a flash of lightning in the thunder cloud, and dozens of thunderbolts as thick as arms fell down, comparable to a full-strength strike from a monk in the early stages of the Golden Core.

Ling Pengyun's natal magic weapon "Blue Sea Chongyuan Orb", which was famous in the Yan Kingdom, also appeared in this world. In just a moment, the orb grew to a height of ninety-nine feet, like a hill, blocking all the sunlight in the sky. Most of them were killed and they were killed.

Thousands of feet away, the middle-aged golden elixir mid-stage demon cultivator who had been blocked by the Li family's golden elixir bird demon king suddenly saw three such powerful attacks coming, and there was even a positive sun fire and a positive thunder god. After using two methods to restrain the demonic energy, his back suddenly felt cold.

"Why are the magic weapons of this righteous golden elixir cultivator so powerful? There are also two Zhengyang magic weapons. These are the biggest enemies of my demonic cultivator!"

The attack was coming and it was impossible for him to escape.

In desperation, he quickly summoned all his defense methods.

At the same time, he summoned his third-layer Sunflower Demonic Corpse, which had a water aura all over his body and was good at using water spells, and of medium quality, to his side, and asked him to use water spells to block incoming attacks.

But the Kuiyin Demon Corpse is only at the third level of the Golden Core after all. Although the water spell power it exerts is pretty good within the scope of the early stage of the Golden Core, it can't be compared with the Xuanyang Bao who has the perfect monk's combat power of the Golden Core. Compared with dragons, they are like the sky and the earth.

Those water attack spells were burned to ashes by the flames spit out by Xuanyang Baolong before they even got close.

Following that, the fire dragon slammed into the Kuiyin Demonic Corpse. Although the demonic corpse used several defensive methods in time, it was easily crushed by Xuanyang Baolong. The Kuiyin Demonic Corpse It was even knocked several hundred feet away.

It can also be seen with the naked eye that its strong body is covered with grooves, from which black blood with a foul odor flows out.

Even, it was stained with a lot of Xuanyang treasure fire.

at the same time.

Dozens of thunderbolts in the sky have struck several defenses around the body of the demon corpse owner, the "middle-aged demon cultivator", arousing roars and making waves ripple across the defensive light curtains.

Within a few breaths, a crack appeared in the defensive light curtain.

The Bihai Heavy Yuan Orb also arrived at this time, and with one blow it shattered the two defenses around the middle-aged demon cultivator.

Ling Pengyun muttered, and channeled even greater spiritual power into the thunder mirror in his hand, and the thunder clouds in the sky flashed even brighter, as if the thunder clouds were nurturing some terrifying thunder.

In just a moment, a roar of thunder suddenly sounded throughout the sky.

A dark thunder with extremely powerful aura and containing countless destructive power suddenly rippled out from the thunder cloud and appeared in this world.

"This is... the divine thunder of crossing disasters!"

When the middle-aged demon cultivator saw this scene, his face was suddenly filled with countless looks of fear, and his voice trembled and he muttered to himself.

He didn't have time to think about it, and directly used the means to enhance his strength, directly raising his fourth-level Jindan cultivation to the sixth-level Jindan. His spiritual power, divine consciousness, etc. were also improved. He also transferred more spiritual power to his third-level middle-grade defensive magic treasure, hoping to rely on this treasure to block the famous Du'e Divine Thunder in the sky.

It's just a pity that the power of the magical power Du'e Divine Thunder stimulated by the third-level upper-grade top-level middle-level magic treasure "Hua Lei Jing" is enough to be comparable to the full-strength attack of ordinary Jindan eighth- and ninth-level cultivators, and is not weaker than Xuanyang Baolong at all.

Moreover, this thunder has a strong restraint on demon cultivators, and its power is three times stronger when facing demon cultivators.

Under such a powerful force, how could the third-level middle-grade magic shield take it.

With just one encounter, the light curtain supported by the magic shield was broken, and the magic shield was blown away by the Du'e Divine Thunder.

The remaining two defensive light curtains around the middle-aged demon cultivator were also shattered.

At this time, the remaining power of the Deliverance Divine Thunder was exhausted.

But the Bi Hai Zhong Yuan Baozhu beside him had been waiting for a long time, and a single impact directly smashed the middle-aged demon cultivator who had no means of defense into a piece of meat paste.

The middle-aged demon cultivator's golden elixir was intact, and the middle-aged demon cultivator even retained a lot of his soul in it in time. His golden elixir also flew out of the meat paste and tried to escape.

But before it flew half a foot, a strong force of 40,000 jin spread out from the third-level middle-grade Bi Hai Zhong Yuan Baozhu, covering the surrounding area of ​​more than 400 feet.

The middle-aged demon cultivator's golden elixir had no response at all, and was directly pressed down. The Bi Hai Zhong Yuan Baozhu also seized the opportunity and smashed it with one blow.

At this time, Ling Pengyun also offered up the long banner to control ghosts, and collected all the flesh paste of the middle-aged cultivator's body and the soul in the fragments of the golden elixir.

The vitality of the middle-aged demon cultivator was thus dissipated in this world.

The old golden elixir of the Li family, the bird demon king under his command, and dozens of righteous and demonic golden elixir nearby, who were close to the place where Ling Pengyun was fighting, were all shocked by Ling Pengyun's fierce and fierce fighting power.

This was not the strength of a cultivator in the middle stage of the golden elixir, but a great cultivator in the late stage of the golden elixir.

However, in the blink of an eye, some righteous golden elixir with evil intentions and those demonic golden elixir who were greedy for money discovered the reason for Ling Pengyun's strong fighting power.

Their eyes were also fixed on the two third-grade upper-grade lightning mirrors and Xuanyang treasure lamps around Ling Pengyun.

"If I can get it, my strength will definitely not be weaker than that person."

A triangular-eyed Jindan level 6 righteous cultivator nearby had a greedy thought in his heart and muttered to himself.

Ling Pengyun, who had just collected the property from the middle-aged Jindan demon cultivator, was aware of the surrounding Jindan's attention through his powerful consciousness that was not weaker than that of a Jindan level 7 cultivator, but he was not afraid.

Let alone those Jindan in the early and middle stages, he was not afraid of even the Jindan in the late stage or even the Jindan Perfection cultivator.

As long as the pseudo-infant realm does not come out.

The quasi-fourth-level talisman in his hand is the strongest pass.

"A bunch of rats!"

Ling Pengyun snorted coldly, and with the idea of ​​confiscating the property from a Jindan demon cultivator and killing the Jindan demon cultivator in exchange for military merit, he went to support the nearest old Li family Jindan and his bird demon king.

The old Li family golden elixir and the bird demon king under his command were not weak in strength, and they suppressed the female demon and her evil ghosts.

Ling Pengyun came to support for only a few breaths, and the situation of the female demon and her evil ghosts became extremely dangerous.

After a few dozen moves, Ling Pengyun, the old Li family golden elixir, and the bird demon king worked together to directly blow up the body of the female demon, her golden elixir was also shattered, and her soul was also absorbed by Ling Pengyun using the ghost control banner.

Although Ling Pengyun intended to keep her evil ghost, this evil ghost died tragically because of its master. The deep master recognition restriction in its body backfired, causing it to die directly.

"What a pity, it's so hard to see such a high-level evil die like this."

Ling Pengyun sighed secretly after watching this scene.

In the previous battle with the Peng King of Lei Yuan Dapeng, all the six mountain-moving evil ghosts in the long banner of controlling ghosts in Ling Pengyun's hand were destroyed, which means that there is no evil ghost in the long banner of controlling ghosts until now.

Ling Pengyun originally intended to keep the evil ghost of the female devil and put it in the long banner of controlling ghosts.

Who knew that the master recognition restriction of the demon way was so overbearing that the evil ghost disappeared immediately after the master died.

Then, in order to prevent the soul power of the evil ghost from dissipating completely, Ling Pengyun used the long banner of controlling ghosts to collect a lot of them.

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