Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 662 The source of the disaster: the three Yuanying Demon Sects have great intentions (fourth

After finishing this matter, Ling Pengyun and the old man of the Li family rushed to the corpse of the golden elixir female demon who had turned into flesh.

Ling Pengyun waved his hand and took the four storage bags that had not been destroyed by the female devil. He placed four restrictions in them and threw them to the female devil with a third-level low-grade ordinary righteous defense magic weapon. The golden elixir of the old Li family.

Then he pointed at the body of the female devil that had turned into blood and mud, as well as a third-level low-grade evil platinum demon treasure that the female devil had originally driven, and a third-level mid-level white bone flying sword, and pointed at it. Jin Dan, the elder of the Li family said.

"Fellow Taoist, the four storage bags on the female devil's body will be left to you for safekeeping. After the war, we will remove the divine brand from them and divide the spiritual items equally."

"Her defensive magic weapon belongs to you, fellow Taoist."

"But as compensation, I want this female devil's body, her soul, and her two magic treasures."

The elder Jin Dan of the Li family was slightly dissatisfied when he heard this.

Although the Li family is a righteous force, the Li family has been based in the world of immortal cultivation for thousands of years, and has also mastered some methods that can refine the corpses of monks and their souls into demonic corpses.

The third-level weapon refiners of the Li family also master the method of transforming magic treasures into righteous magical weapons.

In this way, the corpse of the female demon Ling Pengyun wanted to leave, its soul, and the two Demonic Treasures were worth at least nearly one million spiritual stones.

But Ling Pengyun only gave him a magic shield worth three to four hundred thousand spiritual stones to get rid of him.

It's strange that he has no objection to such a huge gap in interests.

However, when he thought about the fact that Ling Pengyun was the most prominent during the battle just now, and it was Ling Pengyun who helped him resolve the situation, otherwise he would still be in a bitter battle now, as an upright person, and with some gratitude to Ling Pengyun in his heart, he just Approved Ling Pengyun's distribution of interests.

"Okay, let's divide these benefits according to what fellow Taoist said."

Ling Pengyun smiled and nodded, then put away the body of the female devil and her magic treasure, and rushed to the nearest place where the righteous golden elixir and the demonic golden elixir were fighting for support.

Because Ling Pengyun was really strong and mastered two demon-killing treasures, he became an exception on this battlefield.

In just half an hour, five golden elixir demon cultivators were killed by Ling Pengyun.

However, fighting so vigorously and continuously activating the Xuanyang Baolan and the Thunder Mirror, two magic weapons with a grade as high as the third level, also come at a price. Not only did Ling Pengyun exhaust the spiritual power in the golden elixir, he even Swallowed three third-level low-grade spiritual recovery pills refined by Ling Yunhong to restore the spiritual power of the Dantian.

But even so, Ling Pengyun's spiritual power was exhausted again after a while.

Although there are other pills in his body that can restore spiritual power, his meridians are already a little sore from just taking three Spirit-Returning Pills in a row. Although it is okay to continue taking Spirit-Returning Pills, he doesn't want to do that.

There were as many as five demon cultivators that he had participated in killing just now, and there was a huge movement. They were already being targeted by those demon cultivators who were in the late stage of the golden elixir or even those who had perfected the golden elixir on this battlefield.

In order to avoid accidents, he planned to keep the chance that his meridians could withstand taking the Spiritual Recovery Pill a few times.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun fully loaded up and returned to the Star Flying Boat that supported a fourth-level defense formation. He found a clean place and sat cross-legged directly. He swallowed another cultivation-like elixir and closed his eyes to regulate his breathing. The running technique restores spiritual power.

After half a day, the spiritual power in his golden elixir was restored.

He also broke out of the Star Flying Boat again.

But this time, he had just participated in killing a middle-stage Jindan demon cultivator. On the battlefield near him, a late-stage Jindan demon cultivator forcibly used a method to enhance his strength, and got rid of a late-stage Jindan righteous cultivator who blocked him. , came towards Ling Pengyun with a greedy look on his face, and cursed righteously in his mouth.

"You hypocritical person of the righteous path, I will kill you for my demonic path!"

Ling Pengyun did not dare to underestimate such a powerful enemy.

He also directly took out the third-level high-grade magic weapon "Xuanyang Shield", which was also excellent, and propped up a defensive light curtain to block incoming people.

At the same time, regardless of the consumption of spiritual power, he exerted the power of the three magic weapons, Xuanyang Baolan, Thunder Mirror, and Bihai Heavy Yuan Orb, and violently killed them.

Even the demon cultivator whose cultivation level reached the late Golden Core stage couldn't help but be startled, with a hint of fear in his expression. He also quickly took out a third-level high-grade and a third-level mid-grade defensive magic treasure. Only then did he block all the incoming attacks.

However, for this reason, his third-level mid-level defensive magic weapon was directly chopped into scrap metal by the "God of Disaster" transformed from the thunder mirror.

The third-level high-grade defensive magic treasure was of better quality, but it was also damaged by Xuanyang Baolong and Bihai Heavy Yuan Orb, making it difficult to use it in a short period of time.

At this time, the late-stage golden elixir cultivator who had been escaped by the late-stage golden elixir cultivator also chased after him. Together with Ling Pengyun, he dragged the late-stage golden elixir demon cultivator who had used a method to enhance his strength. It’s time to fall into a period of weakness.

Ling Pengyun and the two of them also blasted this man's body into a pulp, but the golden elixir of this demon cultivator was destroyed by a nearby golden elixir wearing the same Taoist robe as this person, who seemed to come from the same sect. Later, the old demon cultivator rescued him.

This incident made Ling Pengyun feel annoyed for a while. He had less than 30% of his spiritual power. He did not have the strength to kill the old demon cultivator in the late stage of Jindan who intervened. He still had the golden elixir that was shattered by him before. Naturally, he also It's difficult to get it back.

"Damn it, I left a trail of trouble."

Ling Pengyun cursed secretly.

Both the golden elixir demon cultivator and the golden elixir cultivator have extremely tough souls. As long as the soul can be saved, they can seize the body if they find a suitable body.

If one is wealthy and has a powerful spiritual being who can reshape the body, it is not impossible to regain the strength of the victory in a short period of time.

This is also the reason why Ling Pengyun is depressed.

Distracted thoughts were withdrawn, and Ling Pengyun and the late-stage righteous golden elixir who worked together to smash the powerful enemy's body took away a lot of benefits from the powerful enemy.

Ling Pengyun still asked for the minced meat from the corpse of the late-stage Jindan demon cultivator, but the rest of the demonic treasures on the demon cultivator were equally divided between the two.

After all, both of them exerted the same amount of force this time.

The late-stage Jindan cultivator from a force under the Li family greeted Ling Pengyun kindly, and then went to help his family's Jindan cultivators to fight against the enemy demons.

Ling Pengyun also followed and returned to the Star Flying Boat again.

This lasted for four days.

On this day, just as Ling Pengyung and a righteous middle-stage Jindan killed a middle-stage Jindan demon cultivator and two of his three-layer Jindan demon corpses, a sudden sound rang out from the Nascent Soul battlefield in the sky above. A huge shattering sound.

Immediately afterwards, the formation with a range of hundreds of feet arranged by True Lord Tianxing turned into a spiritual light and dissipated, revealing True Lord Sinister and the evil dragon figure transformed by his evil dragon demon sword.

However, at this time, the evil dragon he had transformed into with his sword had an extremely dim aura, and the Evil Lord did not feel happy to be out of trouble. Instead, he looked at the ferocious evil dragon that was hundreds of feet tall with a look of pain on his face.

With a pinch of his fingers, the evil dragon turned into the evil dragon sword again.

However, at this time, not only was the aura of the Evil Dragon Demon Sword dim, but the dozen or so small cracks on it had all expanded by 20 to 30%, and there were even other cracks on the sword.

The aura of this sword was also weakened by 30 to 40%.

Obviously, the previous Demonic Dragon Sword transformed into that powerful evil dragon, which also had some side effects on this treasure.

"Forcibly activating this treasure when it was injured made it aggravated. If you want to restore the damage of this magic sword to the same level as in the past few days, I'm afraid it will take at least one or two thousand Thousands of mortal flesh and blood were sacrificed.”

"And if you want to restore all the injuries of this treasure, I am afraid that hundreds of millions of mortals will need to perform blood sacrifices."

"The road to regaining complete victory over the Demonic Sword will be difficult!"

The Sinister Demon Lord looked at the cracks on the surface of the fourth-level mid-grade evil dragon sword suspended in front of him and sighed helplessly.

At the beginning, although he was in the Zhongzhou Immortal Cultivation World by chance, he was inherited from the famous "Evil Dragon Demon King" who dominated the Zhongzhou Immortal Cultivation World thousands of years ago.

The Evil Dragon Demon Sword left by the Evil Dragon Demon Lord was seriously injured. According to the Demon Lord's inheritance, this sword was injured when he encountered a powerful enemy in his last battle. Long Zhenjun also burned a lot of life energy to increase his strength in that battle. After a lucky escape, he died in depression.

Back to the topic, when the Sinister Demon Lord obtained the evil dragon sword, there were more cracks on the surface of the treasure, dozens of them.

After years of collecting the blood sacrifices of millions of mortals in the Yindu Sect, plus the invasion of the Yuan Kingdom, killing 10 to 20 million mortals, and the blood sacrifices of tens of thousands of monks, he restored this treasure to its appearance.

And if the injury of this treasure is fully recovered, the power of this treasure will be 40 to 50% greater.

It's just a pity that the price to fully restore the power of this treasure is too high, even the current Yin Po True Lord has difficulty doing it.

Because of this, he held a deep grudge against True Lord Tianxing and True Lord Li Xuanyuan of the Li family who had prevented him from swallowing up the Yuan Kingdom.

Since True Lord Tianxing's formation was no longer effective in isolating transmissions, he also used all his strength to activate the evil dragon shield to block True Lord Tianxing. At the same time as True Lord Tianxing attacked, he took out a third-level shield from his storage bag. The messenger mirror.

After a while, three figures appeared on the mirror.

"The Tianxing Sect has officially assisted the Li family. What are your plans for the three major demon sects?"

"If we don't plan to provide support, our Yin Du Sect will directly evacuate the Yuan Kingdom where the Li family is located!"

The sinister Lord said coldly to the three figures on the mirror.

When the three figures on the mirror heard this, they all laughed a few times.

One of the figures said.

"We, the Evil Ghost Sect, are supporting your Yindu Sect with twenty golden elixirs, five hundred foundation builders, and five thousand Qi practitioners!"

"We must disrupt the Yuan Kingdom. It would be best if we can reduce the power of the righteous forces before the monster chaos comes."

Another figure also agreed.

"Yes, our Five Poison Sect is also supporting you with twenty golden elixirs from the Yin Du Sect..."


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