Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 665: Ling Clan Becomes a Powerful Clan (2600 words, please subscribe)

Time passed slowly.

The war between good and evil had lasted for three years.

In the territory of Yuan.

In a cave on the top of a third-grade lower-grade spiritual mountain of the Li family, there was actually a demonic aura everywhere.

Even on a stone platform in the center of this place, there was a corpse of a demon cultivator with a strong demonic aura and exuding the pressure of a pseudo-infant state.

Such a scene was like a demon cave.

And in this place, there was a young man who looked like an immortal.

This person stood in front of the stone platform, wrapped the corpse with true fire, and continuously integrated various demonic spiritual objects into the corpse.

Then he used his spiritual consciousness as a pen to continuously engrave special demonic patterns on the corpse of the demon cultivator.

And every time a demon pattern was engraved, the corpse aura spreading from the corpse would become thicker.

I don’t know how long it took, when the demon cultivator’s corpse was covered with demonic patterns, and it was difficult to draw any demonic pattern, the young man with a fairy-like aura stopped.

The demonic patterns on the body of the demon cultivator suddenly flashed black light at this moment, and the demon cultivator's body gradually changed.

However, in just three breaths, the demon cultivator's body turned into a hideous "Nether Fire Demon Corpse" covered with fiery red patterns all over its body, and a strong corpse gas and the eighth level of the golden elixir also spread out from the body.

The demon corpse also opened a pair of slightly dull eyes at this moment, like a fool.

The young man with a fairy-like appearance was delighted when he saw this.

"Golden Core Eighth Level Demon Corpse!"

"According to the agreement between me and Daoist Fellow Zhao Baigang, I can get a Golden Core Nine Level Demon Beast or Monk Corpse from Daoist Fellow Zhao Baigang with this corpse."

"The only pity is that this thing is not mine, but needs to be given to Zhao Baigang. It cannot be too strong, which will lead to a waste of this thing."

"Otherwise, I don't need to deliberately remove some of the spirit of this corpse during the refining process, so that this thing is not very intelligent, and it takes more spiritual consciousness to activate it."

"And if the method of refining corpses with steel is used, and the third-level precious iron is melted into this corpse, the strength of this corpse can be increased by about 10% or 20% again."

"In this case, the strength of this corpse is probably not far from the ninth level of the Golden Core Monk."

For unfamiliar people, Ling Pengyun is not kind enough to refine the top middle-level demon corpse such as the Iron Nether Fire Corpse.

After withdrawing his distracting thoughts, the immortal Ling Pengyun reluctantly let out a breath, then summoned a second-level coffin magic weapon as tall as a person, put the newly refined golden elixir eight-layer dark fire corpse into it, and put it into the storage bag.

After closing his eyes and practicing for a while, Ling Pengyun also left this quiet room and knocked on the door of the next quiet room.

After waiting for a while, when the door opened, the old patriarch Ling Yunhong walked out.

As early as the second year of the battle between good and evil, Ling Yunhong got the profound third-level middle-grade alchemy inheritance from the Canglan Secret Realm in the Boundless Sea, and rushed back to the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World from there.

Because he mastered the pure Yang magical treasure technique "Dragon Yang True Fire", he heard that the Li family, the Tianxing Sect and the Yindu Sect, which had just been promoted to the Yuanying force, fought together, and Ling Pengyun also participated in it, so he immediately came here to help Ling Pengyun.

Yan Siyi, one of the other two Jindan of the Ling family, is still in Yan State to prevent the family from being disturbed.

Ling Pengqiu is doing very well in the Nascent Soul power Mingshui Sect in the Boundless Sea. He has earned a lot of military merits through the opportunity of fighting a Nascent Soul Demon Sect in Mingshui Sect. In a few years, it is estimated that he can exchange for a third-level spiritual vein.

For this reason, when Ling Yunhong returned from the Boundless Sea, he did not bring Ling Pengqiu back. He planned to let him establish another branch there, and left Ling Pengqiu with several good magic weapons, as well as a large number of third-level cultivation pills and other spiritual objects from the family.

Ling Yunhong withdrew his distracting thoughts and saw that Ling Pengyun had been in seclusion for nearly half a year and finally came out. He asked with a little joy.

"Pengyun, was the demon corpse successfully refined?"

"Of course it was. I participated in the improvement of the family's method of refining corpses with the nether fire and the method of refining corpses with the black ice. I rarely fail in refining demon corpses with these two methods."

Ling Pengyun said with a smile and added.

"By the way, Grandpa, the task of destroying the stronghold of the Jindan demon cultivators that the alliance has placed on my clan this year has not been completed. Now that I have come out of retreat, I should go and complete that task."

"Otherwise, it will be difficult for us and our clansmen to exchange spiritual objects through war merits in the alliance throughout this year!"

"By the way, you can also complete a few more tasks assigned by the alliance, so that you can earn more war merits to exchange for those third-level formations in the War Merit Hall."

Since the start of the war between good and evil, the Li family and the Tianxing Sect have set up a "War Merit Hall" in a market called "Demon Destroying" with a large number of spiritual objects.

The cultivators who participated in the war between good and evil can obtain war merits for completing some tasks for the alliance.

If you want to exchange spiritual objects with your war merits, you can go to the War Merit Hall.

In addition, every registered monk who participates in the war must complete a task in the War Merit Hall every year to be eligible to exchange spiritual objects.

If you do not complete the task, even if you have more war merits, it will be difficult to exchange spiritual objects in the War Merit Hall throughout the year.

For forces like the Ling family, which have many Qi training, foundation building, and even Jindan clan members participating in the war between good and evil, the alliance also has corresponding large-scale tasks.

Those large-scale tasks are to destroy the strongholds established by the Jindan Demonic forces of the same level in the Yuan Kingdom.

As for the Righteous Alliance doing this, they naturally planned to use the golden elixir forces like the Ling family to help them regain the Yuan Kingdom quickly so that they could fully deal with the monster chaos ten years later.

"To complete the alliance's mission, we really need to complete it as soon as possible."

"Some time ago, that boy Cheng Xia came to look for me. He said that our old acquaintance, Taoist Qingfeng, a golden elixir perfection monk from Wu Kingdom, killed a golden elixir dragon under the command of a golden elixir monk from the Demon Dao."

"Fellow Daoist Qingfeng has been in great need of war merit recently, so he released some low-value magic dragon materials to the War Merit Hall to exchange for war merit."

"Cheng Xia wants to redeem it, but because our clan has not completed the task of destroying the stronghold stipulated by the alliance this year, we do not have the authority to redeem those spiritual items, so he wants me to rush you out of seclusion."

Ling Yunhong nodded in agreement and said with a smile.

"Cheng Xia, this kid, forgets all about things related to dragons and wants to urge him to come out of seclusion. It's really treasonous."

When Ling Pengyun heard this, he felt a little angry.

"There are few dragon objects after all. It is normal for Cheng Xia to be eager to get those dragon objects to increase the blood strength of the four dragons in his hand and enhance the potential of the four dragons."

Ling Yunhong said with a smile.

"Grandpa, is there any dragon thing in the War Merit Hall?"

After a few breaths, Ling Pengyun suppressed his anger and asked Ling Yunhong with a hint of concern.

"The demon dragon that Taoist Taoist Qingfeng killed this time was as high as the golden elixir realm. The quality of the materials on the demon dragon was also relatively good. It was popular with some beast masters from the Li family, a family of beast masters, as well as those who owned some snakes. Since pythons and dragon spiritual beasts are highly sought after by fellow Taoists, those dragon items have naturally been snapped up by monks early on."

"But last year, when I was able to help others refine third-level elixirs, I helped the Li family's Jindan Taoist who managed the War Merit Hall to refine a furnace of third-level low-level elixirs that had miraculous effects on monsters. "Tuo Mai" "Beast Spirit Pill", it also has some cause and effect."

"Relying on this cause and effect, I went through some backdoors and asked the Li family's golden elixir to help me redeem 500 kilograms of ordinary blood from the golden elixir realm demon dragon."

"As long as we complete this year's mission and use our military merits, we can return the military merits to that fellow Taoist."

"As for the long time it takes to refine the dragon blood pill with the five hundred kilograms of demon dragon blood, I haven't done it since I was concerned that you were about to leave seclusion. I plan to wait until after completing this year's family mission."

Ling Yunhong replied.

"That's good, that's good."

Ling Pengyun smiled.

"You kid, you care about Cheng Xia every time, but you act fiercely. You don't know what you want to do!"

Ling Yunhong on the side joked.

Ling Pengyun smiled awkwardly and said nothing.

The two chatted for a few more words, then left the cave together and walked to the bronze bell under a crooked-necked tree on the top of the mountain.

As Ling Pengyun struck the bronze bell, three dull sounds of the bronze bell resounded throughout the sky.

Not long after, monks wearing Ling's robes rushed to the top of the mountain from caves in various places in the mountain.

After only half a stick of incense, in addition to Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, a total of 1,438 people wearing Ling's Taoist robes gathered on the top of the mountain. They all had a somewhat chilling aura and did not activate any Noise, monks standing in order.

Among these monks, there are a total of 1,415 in the Qi training realm and 23 in the foundation building realm.

Ling Pengyun looked at the performance of the family monks in front of him, with a look of satisfaction on his eyebrows.

"This group of tribesmen are becoming more and more mature."

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