Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 666: Ling Clan monks join forces to fight the enemy (fourth update, please subscribe)

This group of cultivators was brought by Ling Pengyun from the family for training after the war between good and evil began.

He planned to train a team of cultivators with orderly fighting before the monster beast chaos came, so that when facing the beast tide, the fighting power of the Ling family could be stronger.

Among this group of cultivators, most were casual cultivators recruited by the family's Foreign Affairs Hall, but there were also more than 200 members of the family's War Hall.

"Ling Chengxia", one of the five tigers of the family, and the five people among the six sons of the family, Ling Wanchuan, the spiritual plant genius, Ling Wanduo, the cultivation genius, Ling Wanxu, the spiritual consciousness genius, Ling Wanliang, the battle madman, and Ling Lihu, the beast control genius, were all among them.

However, now, after the passage of time, these people have entered the foundation-building stage.

It is also worth mentioning that the original number of this group of teams was 1,530.

Among them, there were 1,500 Qi training cultivators and 30 foundation-building cultivators.

It was just a pity that when the three forces of the Jindan Demon Cultivation were destroyed in the Yuan Kingdom last year, the battle was too dangerous. Even though the Ling family had two Jindan cultivators, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, they still lost 85 Qi Training Realm and 7 Foundation Establishment Realm clan members.

Of course, those three battles not only made the Ling family win a lot of military merits, but also robbed a lot of magic spiritual objects. Ling Pengyun had five more Jindan Demon Cultivation corpses in his hands.

As long as time passed, he could add magic spiritual objects and refine those corpses into Jindan Realm Demon Corpses.

Then, Ling Pengyun told the more than 1,000 Ling family cultivators in front of him that he was ready to take them to complete the tasks assigned by the alliance.

Recently, the 1,000 Ling family cultivators wanted to exchange things from the Alliance Battle Merit Hall, and they had long wanted to complete the tasks that the alliance had placed on their families this year.

Without any hesitation, these Ling family cultivators expressed their willingness to go to the battle.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun nodded with satisfaction, and summoned the third-level inferior "Lingxiao Flying Boat" that had been recast to the level of a large flying boat in recent years with a lot of third-level refining materials.

After becoming a large flying boat, the space of this flying boat has increased a lot, divided into three floors, the first floor is a plywood, and the underground and second floors are quiet rooms.

After Ling Pengyun's test, the maximum number of people this flying boat can carry is more than 9,000.

The maximum number of people that a large flying boat can carry is probably between a thousand and ten thousand.

"Get on the flying boat!"

Ling Pengyun called out to the cultivators present.

The thousand low-level Ling family cultivators immediately took action and boarded the flying boat one after another.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong also boarded the flying boat last, and controlled the flying boat to fly away from this sacred mountain and escape into the distance.

Not long after, the Lingxiao flying boat stopped at a third-level spiritual vein stronghold occupied by the Black Mountain Zhao family in the Yuan Kingdom. He then found the Black Mountain Zhao family’s patriarch "Zhao Baigang" and handed him the refined Jindan eighth-level Hellfire Corpse.

Zhao Baigang was also a man who kept his promises. He immediately gave Ling Pengyun the corpse of a Jindan ninth-level demon cultivator killed nearly two years ago as a reward.

He also entrusted Ling Pengyun with the task of refining a demon corpse with three Jindan seventh- and eighth-level demon cultivator corpses.

This time, due to the large number of corpses, Zhao Baigang only required that three corpses could be used to refine a demon corpse with a cultivation level of at least Jindan sixth level.

This matter was simple for Ling Pengyun, and he even had a profit. After all, his success rate in refining demon corpses was extremely high.

He immediately agreed to this matter.

Then, Ling Pengyun said goodbye to Zhao Baigang and drove the Lingxiao flying boat to the outside of a large valley.

This valley is called "Demon Extermination Valley", or Demon Extermination Market, where the Alliance's Battle Merit Hall is located.

After Ling Pengyun entered the Demon Extermination Market Battle Merit Hall and selected three strongholds with only two or three Jindan early and middle stage demon cultivators in charge, he left the place directly and rushed to the nearest of the three Jindan demon cultivator strongholds that he needed to destroy.

After flying for half a month and crossing millions of miles, Ling Pengyun and his party finally arrived at the one-third of the territory occupied by the demon cultivators in Yuan State.

After carefully flying for several days, Ling Pengyun saw a thousand-foot mountain that towered into the clouds like a sharp sword inserted into the clouds.

He compared it with a map in his hand and saw that the mountain tens of thousands of feet away was the destination of this trip, a Jindan demon cultivator force called "Poison Flame Sect". He also had a bit more solemnity between his eyebrows, and he also said to Ling Yunhong beside him and the other more than 1,400 Ling family cultivators.

"Prepare for battle."

"This battle must be quick, don't drag it out, and you can directly use the secret method to enhance your strength when necessary."

"If you fall into a weak period, this ancestor will use the Lingxiao Flying Boat to take you away from this area alive."

The cultivators present immediately said in unison.


Ling Pengyun also retracted his gaze, and after handing the control panel of the Lingxiao Flying Boat to Ling Yunhong, he left the flying boat first and went to the front.

Although there is a third-level middle-grade formation with a bit of breath-retaining effect on the Lingxiao Flying Boat, that formation is not specialized in the effect of breath-retaining after all.

The effect is only slightly stronger than the ordinary quasi-third-level breath-retaining formation, and it is not even as effective as the third-level lower-grade breath-retaining formation.

If the Lingxiao Flying Boat is directly controlled to approach the "Poison Flame Peak", it will not take long before it will be noticed by the peak-protecting formation of the Poison Flame Peak or the demon cultivators in it.

On the other hand, the superior "Blue Sea Breathing Technique" that Ling Pengyun knew was extremely effective. With his seventh-level Jindan consciousness, even a cultivator of the seventh or eighth level of Jindan would find it difficult to detect his trace as long as they did not get too close.

Soon, Ling Pengyun arrived within ten thousand feet of the Poison Flame Peak. The formation inside the mountain did not notice Ling Pengyun at the first time.

It was not until Ling Pengyun cast a third-level middle-grade isolation and communication formation to surround the Poison Flame Peak and trigger spiritual power fluctuations that the demon cultivators in the Poison Flame Peak noticed Ling Pengyun.

"What kind of thief is invading my Poison Flame Peak!"

A roar suddenly spread out from the Poison Flame Peak.

Immediately afterwards, several magic weapons, countless magic tools, and spells came out from the mountain in an overwhelming manner.

Ling Pengyun did not dare to be careless, and immediately sacrificed the highest-grade "Xuan Yang Treasure Shield" on his body, which transformed into a thick light curtain to protect his body and temporarily blocked the attacking means.

However, there were too many attacks from the Poison Flame Peak, and there were many magic weapons among them, so the Xuan Yang Treasure Shield was a little overwhelmed for a while.

The light curtain it supported was also hit and waves were everywhere, and the flickering light curtain became dim at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, Ling Pengyun was not alone.

Ling Pengyun had set up an isolation formation around the Poison Flame Peak, and the Tianxing Flying Boat tens of thousands of feet away did not need to worry about the cultivators in the Poison Flame Peak sending messages to seek support from the surrounding demon cultivators. This flying boat also came quickly under the control of Ling Yunhong.

In just a few breaths, this flying boat crossed tens of thousands of feet and rushed to Ling Pengyun's side.

Then, the five hundred Qi-training monks and ten foundation-building monks on the flying boat worked together to activate the third-level middle-grade "Gathering Stars and Clouds Formation" on the flying boat, propping up a huge light curtain to protect the entire flying boat and Ling Pengyun.

In addition, nearly a thousand Qi-training monks and twenty-three foundation-building monks were divided into two groups, orderly activating two third-level lower-grade powerful killing formations with formation tools, directly releasing attack means, hitting the third-level upper-grade peak protection formation of the Poison Flame Peak, blasting it out with waves.

Ling Pengyun, who was already protected by the Gathering Stars and Clouds Formation, did not need to support the defense means, so he put away his own Xuanyang Treasure Shield, leaving more spiritual consciousness in this way.

He also sacrificed the third-level middle-grade "Bi Hai Chong Yuan Treasure Pearl", the third-level upper-grade Xuanyang Treasure Lamp, the Lightning Mirror and other attack means one after another.

Although the old clan leader Ling Yunhong's cultivation was much lower than Ling Pengyun's, the means he used were also extraordinary.

He only saw him use his fingers to make hand gestures, and in just a moment, he condensed a red seal covered with a fire dragon pattern.

As the seal flashed with spiritual light, a blazing heat suddenly swept around, and countless small fire dragons also rushed out of the seal, gradually gathering into a pure Yang fire dragon nearly a hundred feet long.

The dragon roared, swung its body, and flew into the air to kill.

Ling Yunhong also followed, and successively sacrificed a third-level middle-grade Lei Yuan sword and other very good magic weapons.

Under the coordinated bombardment of the Ling family, the third-level upper-grade formation of the Poison Flame Peak could not help but shake.

Obviously, this formation was not the kind of formation with defensive formation devices.

This matter also made the top-level Qi training magic cultivators in the Poison Flame Peak and the two Jindan early and middle stage magic cultivators a little panicked.

The Poison Flame Sect demon cultivator at the fifth level of the Golden Core looked at the difficult-to-cast third-level mid-grade communication talisman in his hand and the third-level low-grade communication mirror that had no reaction, and then looked at the third-level mid-grade isolation formation covering the Poison Flame Peak. He cursed inwardly.

"Damn it!"


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