Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 668 The Li family's intelligence is wrong (3400 words, please subscribe)

Even among the Ling family's foundation-building monks, Ling Wanchuan can be ranked high. Among the tribesmen who participated in the good and evil formation, his cultivation is ranked among the top five.

After all, the family's territory in the Yan Kingdom is not small, and they cannot bring all their troops over.

It was precisely because of this that Ling Pengyun entrusted Ling Wanchuan with the important task of presiding over and operating a third-level formation.

At the same time, it was also for the younger generation, who had a good relationship with him, to establish some prestige among the tribe and earn some military exploits.

When Ling Wanchuan heard the greeting, he immediately followed the instructions and removed the third-order low-grade formation. He instead took the Star-Gathering Cloud Formation that Ling Chengxia handed over, and led people to transfer spiritual power into the formation. .

The Star Gathering Cloud Formation, whose spiritual light was dim and about to dissipate, has also recovered some of its power thanks to the spiritual power of these people.

At least, there is no problem in resisting the one or two thousand Qi-training and Foundation-building level demon cultivators in Poison Flame Peak.

The two early and middle-stage Jindan demon cultivators in the Poison Flame Peak were blocked by Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, and they were unable to attack the Ling Xiao Feizhou for the time being.

In this way, Ling's situation stabilized.

After another three days, Poison Flame Peak's formation was finally broken by the Ling family.

"Wanchuan, we are trapped in the peak!"

Ling Pengyun greeted Ling Wanchuan.

Ling Wanchuan, whose main material was the Star Gathering Gangyun Formation, heard the signal and immediately used his fingers to penetrate the formation plate in front of him.

The star-gathering cloud formation that had enveloped the Lingxiao Feizhou suddenly turned into a cover, trapping the entire Poison Flame Peak. Attacks in the mountain were also blocked by the enemy's light curtain.

Yes, although this formation is a defensive formation, it also has a good effect of trapping the enemy.

"You lead people to guard outside the trap and attack the demon cultivators in the peak!"

Ling Pengyun said hello and took the lead, leading Ling Yunhong directly out of the Ling Xiao Feizhou and into the Poison Flame Peak.

Previously, the two of them relied on the various extraordinary magic weapons in their hands to fight the two golden elixir demon cultivators. They had an absolute advantage. If it were not protected by the peak protection formation in the poisonous flame peak, the two golden elixir demon cultivators would probably be Has long been beheaded.

Now that they were fighting head-on, the two golden elixir demon cultivators were naturally no match for Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong.

However, in just a thousand breaths, Ling Pengyun relied on the top-notch medium magic weapon "Thunder Transformation Mirror" in his hand and used the magical magic "Thunder of the God of Overcoming Calamity" to kill the demon cultivator in the middle stage of the golden elixir.

Ling Yunhong was not a few seconds behind. He used the pure Yang magical power "Longyang Treasure Fire" to burn the head of another early stage golden elixir monk.

The remaining one to two thousand Qi Practicing Demon Cultivators in the peak were also killed by nearly a thousand by the Ling clan members on the Lingxiao Feizhou who jointly used third-level attack formations and various attack methods.

The remaining seven to eight hundred demon cultivators were quickly killed by Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong who had their hands free.

At this time, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong summoned Ling Chengxia and more than a thousand Ling cultivators to the Poison Flame Peak, asking them to take away the monsters and intact corpses of the demon cultivators.

Half an hour later, when Ling Pengyun and others left the place in the Ling Xiao Feizhou, there was no grass growing in the poisonous flame peak. Only the third-level demonic vein deep in the peak that was difficult to take away was still there.

If you want to remove the demonic veins, only a third-level formation mage can do it with the help of a third-level blood-transferring formation. The Ling family does not have such an array, nor does it have a third-level formation mage.

And Ling didn't have the ability to destroy this demonic vein, which was as difficult as migrating that demonic vein.

Keep it, maybe if the Yuan Kingdom is conquered again in the future, this place can be recaptured, the demonic energy of this place can be purified, and it can become a monastic place for righteous monks again.

The purpose of their trip, the main task is to kill the demon cultivators here and reduce the strength of the demon cultivators, so as to prepare for the righteous alliance to drive the demon cultivators out of the Yuan Kingdom in the future.

Because the speed of Ling's group in destroying Poison Flame Peak was not too slow, the other demon cultivator strongholds in the surrounding areas did not notice the changes in Poison Flame Peak for a while.

As a result, Ling's group managed to escape from the "Hundred Demons Alliance" occupied by the demon cultivator with the help of the breath-condensing effect of the Ling Xiao Feizhou's star-gathering cloud formation.

The name "Hundred Demons Alliance" was given by the alliance to the group of demon cultivators from the Sinister Sect who occupied one-third of the territory of the Yuan Kingdom.

After all, those demonic cultivators headed by True Lord Yindu came from various demonic cultivating forces in the Eastern Demonic Realm, and the Yindu Sect was not the only one.

And between the Hundred Demon Alliance and the Righteous Alliance, there is a desolate land that stretches for millions of miles.

This desolate land has very few spiritual veins and no human traces, so this land has become a buffer between good and evil.

Across this buffer area, Ling Pengyun and his party also returned to the "Qiuyuan Mountain" where the third-level spiritual veins were temporarily stationed in the alliance territory.

Originally, this place was the clan of a Jindan force in the Yuan Kingdom. However, in the early days of the war between good and evil, the only Jindan monk among that Jindan force died. This place was also temporarily requisitioned by the Alliance two years ago. , and handed it over to everyone in the Ling family.

After Ling Pengyun settled everyone in the Ling family, he took Ling Yunhong to the "War Merit Hall" in Demon Slayer City to find the manager of the hall. Something was wrong, and he took out the photo disk recording the images.

The person in charge of the Battle Merit Hall did not pay too much attention to this matter at first, until he saw what was recorded on the side of the photo taken by Ling Pengyun. It was two formations that were not marked in the intelligence as having formations. They suddenly had formations. After passing the weapon, his expression became solemn.

If it had happened once, it would have been fine, but this happened twice, and Ling had only participated in two missions, which meant that there was already a 100% chance of intelligence error.

Moreover, it was the case that the array had array devices. The array could not be moved. As long as you spent some time and observed the direction of the array, you could more or less see whether the array had array devices.

Now that the intelligence about whether the array had array devices could be wrong, the intelligence department that the alliance had spent a lot of money to create could be completely useless.

If this matter were to be spread out, once other participating monks knew about it, the credibility of the intelligence of the War Merit Hall would definitely be damaged.

In this way, it is very likely that the other participating monks would choose tasks that were not difficult to handle in order to avoid incorrect intelligence and casualties, and would not dare to choose tasks that were more difficult to handle.

Once such a thing happened, the alliance would slow down the speed of reducing the strength of the demon cultivators with the help of the affiliated Jindan forces such as Ling.

In order to shut Ling's mouth, the person in charge also made a solemn promise and directly compensated Ling with 50,000 war merits, which was equivalent to the purchasing power of 50,000 spirit stones.

In addition, the person in charge also repeatedly guaranteed that the probability of errors in the intelligence received by the Ling family in the War Merit Hall in the future would be maintained within 30%.

If the amount exceeds this, the Ling family will compensate one thousand spiritual stones for each death of a cultivator, and directly compensate two ordinary golden elixir spiritual objects if the golden elixir dies in battle.

With this result, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong also saw the sincerity of the Li family, and they left the place with satisfaction.

And the Li family's late golden elixir cultivator who was the "master" of the War Merit Hall also went to the person in charge of finding out the intelligence of the forces of the Hundred Demons Alliance with an angry face.

This person in charge of finding out the intelligence was also a golden elixir of the Li family.

The heads of most departments of the War Merit Hall are from the Li family, and the right and left hands are from the Tianxing Sect. After all, the territory of the Yuan Kingdom is the territory of the Li family.

The master of the War Merit Hall, "Li Congzhong", also cursed at "Li Congli" who was in charge of intelligence.

"Eighth brother, what are you doing? You didn't even verify the intelligence gathered by your subordinates before you gathered them to the War Merit Hall? You couldn't even gather information about the mountain protection formations of the demon cultivators, which are fair and traceable?"

"Tianxing Sect and our clan spend so many spirit stones every year to let your intelligence department bribe the demon cultivators to gather intelligence. Did you give it away for nothing? Did you let a dog eat your head?"

"Severely punish the person who is responsible for gathering the intelligence of the two strongholds of Baiyue Sect and Duyan Sect."

Li Congli saw that his fifth brother Li Congzhong, who rarely got angry, was like this, and he immediately understood that something bad had happened.

He also nodded and agreed to the severe punishment.

Li Congzhong was also quite satisfied with this attitude. He snorted and left Li Congli's courtyard.

And Li Congli thought secretly afterwards.

"The White Moon Sect and the Poison Flame Sect... should be the territory where the Eighteenth Brother organized the demon cultivators to gather information!"

"This Eighteenth Brother is really something. He didn't handle this kind of intelligence gathering properly and got scolded for nothing!"

His face gradually became gloomy.

Although the head of the intelligence department of the Battle Merit Hall is Li Congli, he is just a title. The real work is done by some foundation-building cultivators or golden elixir cultivators in the Intelligence Hall who bribe the demon cultivators through some channels to gather information.

Li Congli only needs to send the information collected by his subordinates about how many cultivators there are in those demon cultivator forces, the level of the formation, etc. to the Battle Merit Hall.

Because the information they inquired about is not important, there are few mistakes in this information.


On the other side.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong had the right to exchange spiritual objects in advance because of their family. In addition, not long ago, they completed a task of destroying the golden elixir demon cultivator force and gained a lot of military merits.

The two also exchanged some spiritual objects in the Battle Merit Hall before leaving the Battle Merit Hall.

However, before they had walked along the street for long, they saw an old acquaintance.

This old acquaintance looked middle-aged, wearing a white Taoist robe, with flowing black hair and a long black beard on his chin, which really gave him a sense of immortality.

This person's cultivation was also very high, reaching the peak of the sixth level of the Golden Core, only one step away from the late stage of the Golden Core.

In addition, this person also came from a Golden Core family called "Lan Linliang Family" in the territory of Yuan State. This person was also the patriarch of that family and the only remaining Golden Core True Person in that family.

Originally, this family had three Golden Cores, but in the initial battle of the war between good and evil, they were unlucky and two of them died at the hands of the Demonic Golden Core.

And this person was able to make friends with Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong because Ling Yunhong announced to the public a year ago that he would refine a third-level elixir.

Although there are third-level alchemists in the alliance between the Li family and the Tianxing Sect, neither of these two forces is good at alchemy, so there are not many third-level alchemists.

If it is an ordinary third-level cultivation elixir, it can be exchanged from the War Merit Hall, but it is difficult to refine some rare elixirs.

Therefore, the patriarch of the Liang family, "Liang Hanqian", found Ling Yunhong a year ago and commissioned Ling Yunhong to refine a furnace of third-level inferior "Beast Spirit Breaking Realm Pill".

This pill can help monsters break through the realm.

"Two fellow Taoists Ling, I haven't seen you for a long time. The aura of the two fellow Taoists is getting stronger and stronger. I see that the two fellow Taoists have some joy on their faces. What good news is there?"

Liang Hanqian smiled and greeted Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong.

"It's just a few good spiritual objects that were exchanged."

Ling Yunhong was most familiar with this person, so he replied verbally.

"Then congratulations to the two Taoist friends."

Liang Hanqian saw that Ling Yunhong didn't want to say more, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Afterwards, the three chatted about other things for a while, and Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong also said goodbye to Liang Hanqian and walked out along the street.

And Liang Hansheng looked at the backs of Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, and a gloomy look appeared on his face, which was originally kind.

"How come you can't hurt these two people after giving them so many obstacles?"

"These two people are really extraordinary, and we have to give them some explosive stuff!"


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