Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 669: Encountering an ambush by fellow practitioners (3,000 words, please subscribe, no more

Another year has passed, and it is also a new year.

This year, the alliance once again assigned the family a task to destroy the Jindan demon cultivators.

Like last year, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong led the family to participate in the war, and drove the Lingxiao flying boat to leave the base "Qiuyuan Mountain".

First, they went to the Battle Merit Hall of the Demon-Destroying Market to choose the base to destroy the Jindan demon cultivators. The Ling family also left the territory of the Righteous Alliance according to the location recorded in the intelligence and rushed to the territory of the Hundred Demon Alliance, a Jindan force called "Sand Demon Sect" The third-level demon vein base.

According to the intelligence, the third-level demon vein base of the Sand Demon Sect in the Hundred Demon Alliance is the same as the Poison Flame Sect last year. There is only one Jindan early and middle-stage demon cultivator in charge, and there is no formation weapon in the mountain protection formation.

But who would have thought that there is a Jindan early and two Jindan middle-stage demon cultivators in the Sand Demon Sect Demon Vein Base.

The mountain protection formation in the Sand Demon Mountain also has formation tools.

This caused the Ling family, who attacked the demon sect’s stronghold, to suffer a hidden loss. Even though Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong relied on the many high-level magic weapons in their hands and were extremely powerful, they eventually led their clansmen to destroy the demon sect’s stronghold.

But the Ling family also suffered heavy losses. Not only was the third-level intermediate formation “Juxing Gangyun Formation” on the Lingxiao Flying Boat broken, it was difficult to use in a short period of time.

The Lingxiao Flying Boat was also broken by one-fifth of its position. Fortunately, the core spiritual pattern was not destroyed and it could barely fly. However, to restore this flying boat, at least tens of thousands of spiritual stones of spiritual materials are needed.

The Ling family’s Qi training and foundation-building cultivators suffered heavy casualties because the defensive “Juxing Gangyun Formation” was broken. A full 158 Qi training cultivators and five foundation-building cultivators were killed in the battle.

In addition, hundreds of Ling family members also had some injuries.

There were many Ling clan members who used secret methods to increase their strength and fought desperately, and fell into a weak period after the battle.

As a result, there were only more than 1,300 Ling clan members left, and only 18 foundation-building cultivators.

Ling Yunhong's life-saving magic weapon, the lower-grade third-level Bi Hai Zhong Yuan Baozhu, was also severely damaged, causing Ling Yunhong to suffer some backlash and his strength to be greatly reduced in a short period of time.

The Sand Demon Sect's stronghold, the top of Sand Demon Mountain.

Ling Pengyun looked at the bodies of the Ling clan members who were collected and covered with white cloth in front of him. He was extremely angry and cursed inwardly.

"The Li family... dared to tease me!"

Then, he saw that the morale of the remaining 1,300 surviving clan members was low, so he comforted them.

"The descendants of the tribe members who died in the initial, middle, late, and perfect stages of Qi training can receive 1,000, 1,500, 3,000, and 5,000 spirit stones as compensation respectively."

"The descendants of the tribe members who died in the initial and middle stages of foundation building will receive 10,000 and 20,000 spirit stones as compensation respectively."

"If there are no descendants, the clan will save the family contribution points. When the family members of that tribe member give birth to another person with spiritual roots among their relatives in the mortal world, the family will also give the contribution points to the tribe member with spiritual roots."

"Every living tribe member can get three spirit fruits after returning to the base."

"The Li family's intelligence was wrong this time, which caused the family to suffer heavy losses. Grandpa Yun Hong and I will definitely find them back for those tribe members who died in the battle."

After these words came out, the morale of the more than 1,300 tribe members present was much better.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun also felt relieved.

During the battle, if the morale is unstable and the army is not strong, once the battle begins, it will be a mess.

He also followed and called on the tribesmen to clean up the battlefield.

After everything was over, everyone also boarded the damaged Lingxiao flying boat.

Ling Pengyun also took out a third-level inferior formation and rearranged it on this flying boat. With the help of some of the breath-retaining effects of this formation, he protected the Lingxiao flying boat and then controlled the flying boat to rush towards the direction of the Righteous Alliance.

When leaving the territory of the Hundred Demons Alliance, it was still safe and did not attract any demon cultivation forces. When entering the buffer zone between the Hundred Demons Alliance and the "Righteous Alliance" that stretched for millions of miles, it was less than half a day. When Ling Pengyun passed through a forest.

The Yin-Yang Taichu Sutra in his sea of ​​consciousness was telling him that there was something wrong ahead.

Since he entered the Golden Core, the Yin-Yang Taichu Sutra has an additional effect of foreseeing danger.

In the past, this effect helped Ling Pengyun a lot in battle.

Ling Pengyun also had great trust in the Yin-Yang Taichu Sutra.

Although, with the help of his divine sense, he did not notice anything unusual in the void ahead.

However, under caution, he still stopped the Lingxiao Flying Boat, took out the Xuanyang Treasure Shield, and propped up a huge light curtain to cover the entire Lingxiao Flying Boat.

He also called out to the rest of the people on the flying boat.

"There is something unusual ahead, get ready to fight!"

Then, Ling Pengyun summoned the Xuanyang Treasure Lamp, summoned a large piece of Xuanyang Treasure Fire from it, and hit the void thousands of feet away.

But before the Xuanyang Treasure Fire approached the place, the void suddenly trembled and became distorted.

A light curtain suddenly appeared, blocking the Xuanyang Treasure Fire.

At this time, two figures appeared in the void. Both of them were wearing something to cover their faces and wearing a thick layer of black clothes. It was impossible to tell whether they were men or women. Even using divine sense, it was difficult to detect their faces.

In addition, there were seventy-six formation flags floating around them.

Thirty-six of the golden formation flags formed a defensive formation at the outermost edge.

The other thirty-six white formation flags concealed the aura of the two black-robed monks.

Even Ling Pengyun could hardly detect their exact cultivation through his spiritual sense, nor could he identify their identities through their aura.

Ling Pengyun was extremely surprised by this.

His spiritual sense strength could reach the seventh level of the Golden Core, and ordinary third-level lower and middle-grade breath-retaining formations could not block his spiritual sense detection at all.

"That formation... could it be a third-level upper-grade breath-retaining formation?"

Then, his eyes looked at the formation that supported a defensive light curtain.

"The aura of this formation is as high as the third-grade upper grade, but the defensive strength is not strong. It seems that this formation is an attack formation."

"Who are these two people? How come they have two third-grade upper-grade formations, and one of them is a rare third-grade upper-grade breath-retaining formation?"

The third-grade upper-grade breath-retaining formation is extremely precious because of its miraculous effect, and the price is also much higher than the price of the same-grade attack formation. Even the Ling family does not have this grade of breath-retaining formation.

At this time, the taller of the two black-clothed monks who appeared saw that Ling Yunhong of the Ling family was not completely victorious, and his face was a little pale and looked injured. His forehead, which was originally wrinkled because Ling Pengyun discovered the traces of him and his companions, also fell.

Then, he was happy in his heart.

"There is a chance!"

Then, he used a voice-changing method to make a very strange sound.

"Your divine sense is indeed extraordinary. You even saw through my third-grade, superior-grade breath-retaining formation."

"I wanted to ambush you, but now I have missed it."

"Fortunately, I didn't follow you before, otherwise you would have discovered our tracks."

At this point, the black-clothed monk suddenly laughed twice, with a bit of joy, and laughed loudly.

"But no matter what, today... please die!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and offered a set of three golden third-grade superior-grade swords.

The other shorter black-clothed monk summoned a green zither at this moment. He also stretched out a pair of jade-like, white hands, constantly plucking the strings, and hitting extremely sharp wind blades.

The auras of these two people were also difficult to be concealed by the breath-retaining formation because of the use of spiritual power.

The cultivator who used the flying sword had an aura at the peak of the sixth level of the Golden Core Realm, while the cultivator who plucked the strings had a weaker aura, but his cultivation was also at the fifth level of the Golden Core Realm.

Ling Pengyun noticed this and frowned.

However, he was somewhat familiar with the magic weapons used by the two people.

After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly thought of it, and his eyes trembled.

"The Blue Scale Liang Family... that set of golden blade swords!"

"The Qingfeng Qin, the treasure of the Yueshan Qiu Family!"

"These two treasures have always been in the hands of the heads of the two families. The auras of the two black-clothed cultivators are indeed somewhat similar to... Liang Hanqian, the patriarch of the Liang Family, and Qiu Yueyou, the patriarch of the Qiu Family."

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun was a little surprised. Whether he or the rest of the Ling family had little contact with the Liang family or the Qiu family.

Even the words said by the cultivators of both sides can be counted on one hand.

Under such circumstances, it is natural that the Ling family would not offend these two families.

After such speculation, Ling Pengyun also roughly guessed that Liang Hanqian and Qiu Yueyou were probably seeking wealth.

"No wonder these two people can own a third-level top-grade breath-retaining formation. With the family background of these two people, it is indeed possible."

After retracting his distracting thoughts and using the Xuanyang Treasure Shield to block the incoming attack, he cursed Liang Hanqian and Qiu Yueyou.

"Daoist Liang, Daoist Qiu, don't seek death!"

The Liang family leader "Liang Hanqian" who was taller laughed strangely twice.

"Can! Can! Daoist fellow guessed it after all."

"In this case, I won't hide my identity!"

After saying that, he took out a beast-controlling bag from his arms and summoned a giant elephant that was nearly a hundred feet in size, covered with blue scales, and had an aura as high as the fourth level of the golden elixir.

As soon as this giant elephant came out of the outside world, it excitedly raised the sky and roared.

Then, the elephant pointed its thick nose towards the Lingxiao flying boat where Ling Pengyun and others were, and continuously spit out huge water arrows.

"Fellow Daoist Liang, I really misjudged you back then."

Ling Yunhong, who was a little pale, saw the appearance of the blue-scaled elephant, and his face suddenly turned black, and he cursed at Liang Hanqian.

Back then, the furnace of "Beast Spirit Breakthrough Pill" he refined for Liang Hanqian was to help the blue-scaled elephant, the guardian spirit beast of the Liang family, break through the fourth level of the golden pill.

At that time, he didn't expect that the pill refining that year would actually put himself, Ling Pengyun and the rest of the Ling family into a greater crisis.

Thanks: Book friend 202103017400546074, HOLK, General Kuang Dao, Family Master Daddy, Book friend 20230124173627208, Bianhua is in full bloom, sindy100, Pig's Jump Club, DK Wanderer, lauwingchun, Zhuo CA, Dafengge, Book friend 20220326111537340, Book friend 20230328153703872, Book friend 20200022414145696's monthly tickets,

Thank you all.

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