Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 670: Ling's low-level cultivators desperately help (2400 words, please subscribe)

"Fellow Daoist Yunhong, you can't say that."

"I'll pay you to refine the Beast Spirit Breakthrough Pill. If you're willing to refine it, you can refine it. If you're not willing, I'll find someone else to refine it."

"No matter what... my Liang family will refine the pill and give it to this blue-scaled giant elephant of my clan to help it break through to the fourth level of the Golden Core!"

"However, since you were a good person at the beginning, you helped the giant elephant of my clan improve its cultivation."

"Now, I'm deeply trapped in the bottleneck of my realm and urgently need a lot of resources to help me. The war between good and evil continues and intensifies."

"Two fellow Daoists of the Ling family, please be kind and lend me your wealth and magic weapons to help me!"

The "Liang Hanqian" who was controlling a set of golden blade swords laughed wildly with a ferocious face.

Then, he took out several third-level low-grade magic weapons and played them.

At the same time, he greeted the blue-scaled giant elephant beside him.


The blue-scaled giant elephant heard the call, and the murderous intent in its eyes became stronger. It immediately raised its thick trunk and spit out a large number of water balls with extraordinary power in the direction of Lingxiao Flying Boat.

Qiu Yueyou, the head of the Qiu family, who was playing the Qingfengqin, also sacrificed a few more magic weapons at this moment.

In an instant, the Xuanyang Treasure Shield light curtain protecting Lingxiao Flying Boat was hit and waves arose.

The roar of magic weapons continued.

Ling Pengyun, who was on Lingxiao Flying Boat, heard what Liang Hanqian said, and his face became darker.

"This bastard is really good at hiding! In the past, he was always polite to us every time he saw us, but I didn't expect him to be this kind of person."

"Grandpa Yunhong, follow me."

Ling Pengyun shouted, and immediately sacrificed the four magic weapons of Xuanyang Treasure Lamp, Hualei Mirror, Bihai Chongyuan Treasure Pearl, and Yugui Chang Banner, and directly suppressed Liang Hanqian's set of medium-quality third-level upper-grade life magic weapon Golden Blade Sword, as well as the other magic weapons of this person.

At the same time, he slapped the storage bag on his waist and summoned the three Jindan early stage "beast puppets" on his body that had never appeared in the world.

These three beast puppets are Xuanbing beast puppets, which have the power of mastering Xuanbing. When they wave their hands, they will be Xuanbing feather arrows, which are extremely powerful.

The surrounding area of ​​this area has also become extremely cold because of these three beast puppets.

And these three extraordinary Jindan early stage beast puppets, with their combined strength, barely blocked the Liang family's Jindan fourth-level blue-scaled giant elephant.

Although Ling Yunhong also used various extraordinary magic weapons at this moment, he temporarily blocked the attack of the rare "qin cultivator" Qiu Yueyou.

However, his situation was not good. When he attacked the "Sha Mo Zong" stronghold, he was injured by his life magic weapon and had not recovered from some injuries. His combat power was only about 70% to 80% of that when he was victorious.

The cultivation level of the qin cultivator Qiu Yueyou was as high as the fifth level of Jindan, and the "Qingfengqin" in his hand was a third-level upper-grade life magic weapon of the middle level, which was not weaker than the set of golden blade swords in Liang Hanqian's hands.

Under such circumstances, Ling Yunhong was suppressed by the qin cultivator Qiu Yueyou after just a few moves.

Fortunately, Ling Pengyun relied on his extraordinary spiritual consciousness and had some spare strength when fighting with Liang Hanqian. He mobilized the Bi Hai Chong Yuan Baozhu to support Ling Yunhong, which stabilized Ling Yunhong's situation.

However, as time went by, Ling Yunhong's injuries began to become unstable due to the forced mobilization of spiritual power, and waves of pain followed.

Even the blood in his body began to surge.

Even if he swallowed three third-level inferior rejuvenation pills in succession, it was difficult to completely suppress such injuries, and it could only play a certain role in alleviating them.

As a result, the injuries became more and more serious, and Ling Yunhong's combat power was also affected and gradually weakened.

It became more and more difficult for him to resist the Qin Xiu Qiuyueyou.

Even with the help of Ling Pengyun's Bi Hai Zhong Yuan Baozhu, he was somewhat at a disadvantage.

The more than 1,300 Ling family cultivators who were on the Lingxiao flying boat and fell into a weak period because they used the method of strengthening their strength when they captured the Sand Demon Sect's stronghold saw this scene and had a bad premonition in their hearts.

They also felt a sense of powerlessness in their hearts as they pinned their lives on the two ancestors Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong.

For a moment, a look of helplessness emerged on the faces of these people.

Among them, Ling Wanliang, one of the six sons of the Ling family who had always been "crazy", had fierce eyes and said to all the clan members present.

"My clan members, do you dare to use the blood burning method with me, burn the blood essence in your body, and then use your fighting power to activate the formation to help the two ancestors?"

The thousands of Ling clan members who followed Ling Pengyun to participate in the battle between good and evil came from the Battle Hall and the "Foreign Affairs Hall", where the family atmosphere was relatively fierce.

They came here with the idea of ​​earning more benefits and helping cultivation, and they had a strong heart to seek the Tao.

Now they were in such a dangerous situation again, and they all wanted to fight. At this time, Ling Wanliang suddenly took the lead, and most of the cultivators agreed to this matter without hesitation.

However, there were also three or four hundred cultivators with better qualifications in the Qi training and foundation building stages who were somewhat hesitant.

After all, they had used the "Spirit Burning Technique" in the previous battle to attack the Sand Demon Sect's stronghold, and they were still in a weak period.

If they were to forcibly use the Blood Burning Technique at this time, it would have some impact on their foundation and their future path.

After hesitating for a few breaths, this group of cultivators thought about the current situation. If they did not stand up, they would be at great risk of death, so they nodded in agreement.

The more than 1,300 Ling family monks also united as one again, swallowing the few pulse protection pills and a soul-restoring pill in their bodies one after another to restore their spiritual power.

Then, they performed the "blood burning technique".

However, once this technique was performed, the monks all felt that not only the blood in their bodies, but also their meridians were burning, and they felt that their meridians were about to break.

This is the consequence of forcibly performing the blood burning technique in the weak period.

If the life-burning technique is performed at this time, the life span will be lost several times faster than when the life-burning technique is performed at ordinary times.

In contrast, the combat power will be improved even more.

With the distracting thoughts withdrawn, the more than 1,000 Ling family monks endured the pain, and the blood burning technique also worked. Their weak auras also recovered again, and they all increased their cultivation by one or two levels.

Ling Chengxia, Ling Wanchuan and other foundation-building cultivators also led a group of people to set up three third-level low-grade formations with formation tools.

"All bombard the weaker Qin cultivator!"

Ling Chengxia, the leader of the group, gritted his teeth and shouted loudly.

The next moment, the formation tools of the three third-level low-grade formations suddenly appeared, and they all turned into three powerful attacks comparable to the full-strength attack of a fourth-level Jindan cultivator and hit the Qin cultivator "Qiu Yueyou".

Even though Qiu Yueyou was protected by the third-level upper-grade Jin Yue Po Gang formation around Liang Hanqian.

But the attacks launched by Ling Chengxia and others using the three formations were really strong.

Liang Hanqian's Jin Yue Po Gang formation was only an attack formation after all, and was not proficient in defense. At most, it was comparable to the power of an ordinary third-level low-grade defense formation.

Such defensive capabilities, how could they resist the formation attacks offered by Ling Chengxia and others?

In just three breaths, a big hole was blasted out of the formation.

The full-strength attack of the three formations still had more than 70% of its power left.

Qiu Yueyou also reacted in time during this period. Not only did she sacrifice her own third-level middle-grade top-level lower-grade life defense magic weapon, but she also sacrificed several third-level defense talismans and a third-level lower-grade defense formation.

With these means, she was able to resist the full-strength attack of Ling Chengxia and others who risked their path and activated three formations.

However, Qiu Yueyou was not doing well either.

Not only was her life defense magic weapon destroyed, she also suffered some injuries due to the backlash of the magic weapon.

And the third-level lower-grade defense magic formation with a defense array in her hand was also damaged. The light curtain supported by this formation was covered with cracks. If the three attack formations activated by Ling Chengxia and others were more powerful, I am afraid that this formation could be broken.

Qiu Yueyou was still frightened by this and couldn't help but shudder.

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