Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 671 Furnace? (2600 words, please subscribe)

at the same time.

Ling Pengyun saw this scene, but his eyes were shining brightly.

"good chance!"

While he was activating the magic weapon to resist Liang Hanqian's attack, he kept making secrets with his hands.

When the fingering stopped, a huge dazzling golden aura suddenly erupted from his body.

His body also quickly grew to a height of three feet at this moment, and his skin became golden, as if he was wearing a suit of golden armor.

Following Ling Pengyun's spiritual thoughts, a set of third-level middle-grade red gold armor also appeared on his body.

A golden spear also appeared in his hand.

Then, he stepped hard on the plywood of the Skyflying Boat, causing the entire Skyflying Boat to tremble.

At this moment, his body turned into a golden aura and flew out like an arrow feather.

Before Qiu Yueyou could react, Ling Pengyun had already raised his spear to her face. Then he concentrated the five to six hundred thousand kilograms of power contained in his body into the spear in his hand, and stabbed Qiu Yueyou violently. The formation full of cracks around him was directly broken.

The spear then drove straight in and stabbed Qiu Yueyou in the head.

Qiu Yueyou is also an expert. In such a crisis, with her bald head, she actually took out a few third-level defensive talismans and temporarily blocked the spear. She also immediately retreated, beating the organ in her hand, and hitting Ling Pengyun with wind blades one after another.

Ling Pengyun immediately became anxious when he saw this. He didn't care so much and directly activated the "Spirit Burning Technique", raising his cultivation level to the sixth level of the Golden Core. His physical cultivation level was also raised from the third level of the Golden Core to the fourth level of the Golden Core. realm.

This move increased his already extraordinary strength by several percent, making it comparable to an ordinary eighth-level golden elixir powerhouse. The power contained in his body was also as high as 600,000 to 700,000 kilograms.

"Female thief, die!"

Ling Pengyun shouted loudly and poured all his energy into the golden spear in his hand. The spear also flashed with spiritual light at this moment, and a huge spear light that was dozens of feet long erupted from the tip of the spear.

As Ling Pengyun threw the gun fiercely, the gun began to spin wildly, and if it had the potential to be destroyed, it actually penetrated several defensive talismans in succession, turning into a golden stream of light and piercing Qiu Yueyou's body holding the Qingfeng.

This person's vitality also quickly withered at this moment.

At this moment, a golden elixir flew out of her abdomen and fled into the distance.

When Ling Pengyun saw this, a sneer appeared between his brows.

"In my hands, you are still trying to escape!"

Then, he stepped into the void, turned into a golden escaping light, crossed the void, directly blocked Qiu Yueyou's escape golden elixir, and then raised his right hand to tightly hold the golden elixir in his palm. .

No matter how he got rid of the golden elixir, it was difficult to shake Ling Pengyun's five fingers. On the contrary, under Ling Pengyun's huge force of 600,000 to 700,000 yuan, cracks gradually appeared on the surface of the relatively solid golden elixir.

Qiu Yueyou's begging for mercy also came from the golden elixir.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, Friend Daoist Ling, I was wrong. You have a lot, please spare the little girl's life."

Seeing that Ling Pengyun was unmoved, Qiu Yueyou became even more panicked.

"Fellow Taoist, as long as you are willing to let the little girl go...the little girl can make a cauldron for you. I am still intact. With me helping you, you will definitely be promoted to the golden elixir one day." The sixth level, and even the realm of the late Golden Core."

Ling Pengyun was shocked when he heard this.

"This man should be three or four hundred years old, but I didn't expect that he is still in perfect condition!"

"It seems that this person is also a man of perseverance."

"It's just a pity, why do we have to intercept and kill him!"

As for what Qiu Yueyou said about the "furnace", he didn't care.

The method of dual cultivation is good, but the harmless and superior methods of dual cultivation in this world are all in the hands of the Nascent Soul sect.

Qiu Yueyou, a person from the Golden Core Force, how good can the dual cultivation method he masters be.

Relying on those poor dual cultivation methods may be fine at first, but once it lasts for a long time, it will only increase the difficulty of breaking through the bottleneck.

Only some monks with no hope of success will place their hopes on the secret method of dual cultivation.

Furthermore, Qiu Yueyou's body is now seriously injured, and a lot of resources are needed to restore that body. Even after recovery, Qiu Yueyou is still an unstable factor, and keeping it can only be regarded as a disaster.

However, this matter also reminded Ling Pengyun.

Although he, Yan Siyi, and Grandfather Ling Yunhong had the help of Yin and Yang Taichu Qi, their cultivation speed was pretty good, and it was not difficult to break through bottlenecks when encountering bottlenecks. However, the chaos of monsters and beasts was approaching, and if they could cultivate further, Also a good thing.

"I don't know if Canglan Bihai Sect has such a profound secret method of dual cultivation. If it can be obtained, it will be of great benefit to my wife and me."

"It's just that Grandpa Yunhong is in some trouble. Without a Taoist companion, it's hard for the iron tree to bloom!"

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun's eyes also showed a ruthless look, and he raised his hand to crush Qiu Yueyou's golden elixir.

Then, Ling Pengyun waved his hand to put away Qiu Yueyou's soul and body, and while the secret method of increasing strength was still there, he quickly killed Liang Hanqian.

At the same time, he also greeted Ling Yunhong.

"Grandfather, follow me and kill Liang Hanqian."

In an instant, Liang Hanqian was suppressed and beaten by Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong.

Especially Ling Pengyun, who directly used physical training methods to continuously wave the golden gun in his hand to bombard the light curtain supported by the third-level mid-level defensive magic weapon around Liang Hanqian.

Make this light curtain shake.

It is likely that this light curtain will be broken in less than ten breaths.

Liang Hanqian saw that the situation changed so quickly, and for the first time, his brows, which were originally somewhat happy, became a little sad.

He did not expect that the group of half-crippled Ling family members who practiced Qi and built foundations would become an important turning point in this battle.

"If I had known this, I should have found a fellow practitioner to kill these people."

"Now it is troublesome!"

It is naturally impossible to let Ling Pengyun and others leave. Liang Hanqian has a Liang family behind him. Once Ling Pengyun and others escape, the people of the Liang family behind him will probably not survive.

And during the war between good and evil, his act of killing fellow practitioners will also be despised by all the righteous ways. He is afraid that he will not be able to survive in the righteous ways in the future.

He cannot afford such a price.

Therefore, Ling Pengyun and his party can only die here and become a corpse that can't say anything to keep him safe.

At the same time, he could also obtain the powerful magic weapons from Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, so that he could survive better in this battle between good and evil, and would not die as easily as the other two Jindan clan members of the Liang family at the hands of the demon cultivators.

In addition, he could also sell some high-level magic weapons that he could not use, in exchange for resources to practice and break through to a higher realm.

In this way, he had no choice but to fight.

Thinking of this, Liang Hanqian's eyes also showed a bit of ruthlessness.

I saw his expression move, and his cultivation level, which was stuck at the peak of the sixth level of Jindan, suddenly soared to the peak of the seventh level of Jindan.

Obviously, this person, like Ling Pengyun, used the method of enhancing strength.

With a powerful cultivation level and the help of the powerful golden blade flying sword, this person's attack method became more fierce, turning his own crisis around, and actually fought Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong to a 50-50 draw.

After a few breaths, he used the third-grade upper-grade golden blade flying sword to repel Ling Pengyun, and at the same time, he used all his strength to activate the "Golden Moon Breaking Gang Array" that he intended to keep as a bottom line.

The array weapon "Golden Moon Needle" of this array also emerged. There are nine golden moon needles in this set, and the grade of each needle is as high as the third-grade upper-grade realm, which are combined into a set.

As the power of the array continued to flow into it, the nine golden moon needles suddenly flashed with golden light, and countless sharp auras suddenly surged out of their bodies. They also turned into nine streams of light and quickly killed Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun had just stabilized his body when he saw such a strong attack coming, and his face suddenly sank.

However, at the critical moment, he had no time to think about it, and he pinched his hands.

The powerful magic of the Ling family, "Blue Sea Sky Sword", which was famous throughout the Yan State, suddenly appeared in the world, and the sword also turned into a long blue rainbow and quickly met the nine golden moon needles.

Ten attacks collided with each other, and suddenly a series of crisp sounds were made.

However, the nine golden moon needles were so powerful that even the Jade Sea Sky Sword could hardly block the attack. At most, it only weakened the power of the nine golden moon needles by about 20%.

Fortunately, the Jade Sea Sky Sword also delayed the speed of the golden moon needles.

Ling Pengyun also took this opportunity to pinch his fingers to condense a Jade Sea Sky Sword, a top-level lower-level magical power "Fire Wolf Swallowing Moon Technique", and also shot out the Xuanyang Treasure Dragon condensed by the Xuanyang Treasure Lamp, and then resisted the attack.

In order to avoid the nine golden moon needles from coming again, Ling Pengyun also took advantage of his strong physique to directly take the nine long needles, and quickly cast several seals on them, and then put them into the storage bag.

Then, Ling Pengyun once again killed Liang Hanqian with all his strength.

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