Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 7: Cloud and Rain Technique (Please add to favorites and recommend)

"Finally planted! Now is the time for me to condense the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi!" Ling Pengyun wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked up at the sky, and saw the red sun rising, muttering to himself.

He took out the cushion from the storage bag, sat cross-legged, absorbed the power of the first sun, and slowly condensed the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi.

When the first sun rose higher and higher, Ling Pengyun opened his eyes after absorbing the last breath of the first sun.

"That half mouthful of Yin-Yang Taichu Qi is getting more and more. According to the past, it took nine years to continuously absorb the power of the first sun and the first yin to accumulate a mouthful of Yin-Yang Taichu Qi. In the next two years, I estimate that I can condense another mouthful of Yin-Yang Taichu Qi, but I don't know what I should use my Yin-Yang Taichu Qi for!" Ling Pengyun said in distress.

The Yin-Yang Taichu Qi condensed by the Yin-Yang Taichu Sutra is not omnipotent and can only be taken once.

Now, he and his life spirit plant have both passed through a breath of yin and yang primordial qi, and have received the yin and yang primordial qi that he will condense in the near future without an object.

Ling Pengyun was thinking about the scene when he saw the fifth elder Ling Yunxi riding a crane at the entrance of the Lingxiao Mountain Avenue that day.

"Spirit beast!"

"Yes, it is a spirit beast. When I find a good spirit beast in the future, I will pass it a breath of yin and yang primordial qi to enhance its qualifications and make it a great help for me!"

Ling Pengyun had a smile on his face.

As a helper of cultivators, spirit beasts can be of great help to cultivators.

At this moment, Ling Pengyun thought of something, turned his head and looked at the dry six acres of spiritual fields beside him, frowned, and thought to himself that it was not good. "Forgot to rain!"

When the spiritual plant seeds are just planted in the soil, it is best to apply the next wave of spiritual rain in time. The gentle spiritual rain with water spirit energy can stimulate the newly planted spiritual seeds and speed up the germination of the spiritual plant seeds.

This is a little trick that the Ling family, a spiritual plant family, has learned after planting spiritual plants for more than 200 years.

With this little trick, it is enough to shorten the germination time of the spiritual plant seeds by several days, or even more than ten days, which is also a good thing.

Ling Pengyun can hope that the three kinds of spiritual plants in the six acres of spiritual fields, which usually take a year to mature, will mature in advance at the end of the year, that is, within eleven months.

He hurriedly stood up, pinched a series of magic formulas with his hands, and silently chanted a spell in his mouth, condensing a blue magic seal.


As soon as the magic seal was formed, it was hit by Ling Pengyun above the six acres of spiritual fields and turned into a white cloud.

"Fall!" Ling Pengyun changed his finger method and said secretly.

Drops of spiritual rain transformed by spiritual power suddenly fell from the white cloud.

Drops of spiritual rain fell on the dry spiritual field, as if everything was coming back to life, giving the spiritual field a few traces of vitality.

However, due to Ling Pengyun's limited cultivation, the cloud rain technique he used could only cover two acres of spiritual field at the same time and rain down spiritual energy.

He could only use the cloud rain technique three times in a row to irrigate the six acres of spiritual field.

When using the cloud rain technique, he could not stop, and still needed the spiritual plant husband to continuously inject spiritual energy. This also made Ling Pengyun, who used the spiritual rain technique three times in a row to irrigate the six acres of spiritual field, consume a lot of energy. In addition, he was on the road yesterday and searched for monsters around him, so the spiritual energy in his dantian was only 30% left.

The cloud rain technique is a secret method of the spiritual plant husband, and only the spiritual plant husband can use it.

Ling Pengyun, who had little spiritual power left, originally planned to absorb the spiritual energy of this mountain to restore his spiritual power, but the rich spiritual energy in Qingshi Mountain was absorbed by the six acres of spiritual fields because of the spiritual plant seeds planted in the spiritual fields, which nurtured the seeds to germinate, so it was difficult to absorb even a little bit.

Even the spiritual energy to open the mountain protection array was difficult to open. If you really want to open the mountain protection array, you can only consume spiritual stones and activate the array.

He was a little helpless for a while, muttering to himself.

"It is really hard to guard the spiritual mountain as the elders of the clan said. It is difficult to absorb the spiritual energy from the spiritual veins for cultivation. All of it is used to nurture the growth of spiritual plants. I can only rely on the spiritual energy in the spiritual stones or pills for cultivation!"

"But fortunately, the clan provides subsidies for clan members who guard low-level spiritual veins. The monthly spiritual stones of the salary have doubled!"

"If it weren't for such benefits, I'm afraid no one would be willing to take the job of guarding low-level spiritual veins!"

"The doubled salary, and the family will give me one more Qi training pill and two Huangya pills every month to help me. My cultivation speed should not be slower than when I am in the clan mountain and absorb spiritual energy! It may even be a few points faster."

Thinking of this, the helplessness on Ling Pengyun's face disappeared immediately.

One Qi training pill and two Huangya pills per month, this is something Ling Pengyun never dared to think about before.

Even though his parents would send him ten spirit stones every month to help him buy cultivation resources, the first-grade medium-quality Huangya Pill was really expensive, worth five spirit stones per pill. On weekdays, Ling Pengyun would only buy one pill every month to save money.

"I can't forget the help from my family!"

"I am tied to the Ling family for my whole life, and my parents are also members of the family. It is difficult for me to give up the family's feelings!"

"If I can enter... the foundation building, I will definitely protect the prosperity of the family!"

Ling Pengyun vowed secretly.

As for whether he could build a foundation, he was not sure, even though his qualifications had been improved by the yin and yang primordial qi and reached the three spiritual roots.

But the three spiritual roots were only considered medium qualifications, and there were several people with three spiritual roots in the Peng generation of the Ling family alone.

In the past generations of the Ling family, there were at least thirty people with three spiritual roots, if not fifty, but none of them succeeded in building a foundation.

Now, Ling Yunhong, the patriarch of the Ling family, is also a double spiritual root cultivator.

It was just a matter of building a foundation, which was too far away for Ling Pengyun, and he was too lazy to think about it so much, which would affect his mood.

Throwing away these distracting thoughts, Ling Pengyun thought of something.

"I almost forgot the three treasures that my eleventh great-grandfather gave me!"

Ling Pengyun took out a beast-controlling bag from his arms, transferred spiritual power into it, and poured out three giant earthworms that were as thick as fingers and five feet long.

Ordinary earthworms do not have such a huge body.

As soon as the three giant earthworms came out of the beast-controlling bag, they felt the slightly familiar breath on Ling Pengyun, and felt at ease, and even took the initiative to crawl towards Ling Pengyun.

Seeing this scene, Ling Pengyun's mouth corners slightly raised, muttering to himself.

"The behavior of these three earthworms cultivated by our Ling family should be the result of the blood cultivation by our Ling family secret method. They can feel the blood of our Ling family members and will have a sense of intimacy with them!"

"The eleventh great-grandfather did not lie to me. These three earthworms have indeed reached the innate perfection realm. They are only one step away from entering the Qi training realm!"

Earthworms are a kind of spiritual beast that can improve the quality of spiritual soil in spiritual fields. They are extremely precious. On the market, an earthworm in the innate realm can be sold at a high price of more than fifty spiritual stones.

There are nearly a hundred earthworms in the Ling family. Although most of them are in the innate realm, many have entered the immortal path. There is even a earthworm king in the Qi training perfection realm, which is only one step away from being promoted to the foundation building realm.

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