Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 8 The role of earthworms (please save and recommend)

This earth-covering earthworm king can actually be said to be the spiritual beast of the Ling clan.

It is also relying on these nearly hundreds of ground-covering earthworms that has improved the quality of the spiritual soil in many of the Ling family's spiritual fields, so that when the Ling family was still a qi-training family, together with the spiritual plant, they could continue safely in this cruel world of immortal cultivation. More than two hundred years.

Without these earthworms, there would be no Ling family.

You must know that in this world of cultivating immortals, there are very few qi-practicing families that can last for more than two hundred years, not even one in a hundred. What's more, it lasts until a foundation-building monk is born in the family and takes the family away from the qi-practicing family.

The quality of the spiritual soil can affect the growth rate of the spiritual plants planted in it. The spiritual fields of each level can be divided into four levels: "A, B, C, and D" according to the quality of the spiritual soil.

The spiritual soil of grade D is the weakest, and the spiritual soil of grade A is the strongest.

The spiritual soil of quality D can only ensure the survival of spiritual plants, but the spiritual soil of quality A, B, C can speed up the growth of spiritual plants. Quality C can accelerate the growth of spiritual plants by 10%, and quality B can accelerate the growth of spiritual plants by 20%. 30% first-class quality.

And this ground-covering earthworm can swallow the spiritual soil and purify the quality of the spiritual soil in a special way.

Of course, using earthworms to improve the quality of spiritual soil is only one way.

In addition to this method, there are two other methods that can also improve the quality of spiritual soil.

They are to mobilize the spiritual energy on the spiritual veins to purify the spiritual soil, and to use the spiritual energy in the spiritual stones to purify the spiritual soil.

It's just that the latter two are too expensive and impractical. Unless they are in a hurry to advance to the spiritual realm, no one will use them as a last resort.

"Since my family has given me these three ground-covering earthworms, I will tame them so that I can command them to purify the six acres of spiritual land in Qingshi Mountain in the future!"

Ling Pengyun didn't think that the family gave him three earth-covering earthworms as a gift just because he practiced quickly and was valued by the family.

This must be just one of the reasons. The second one is obviously that he wants Ling Pengyun to use the three ground-covering earthworms to purify the quality of the spiritual soil in the six acres of spiritual fields in Qingshi Mountain.

First-order mid-grade spiritual veins, even for the Ling family with more than ten spiritual veins, are rare.

When you get a profit, you have to pay for it.

As a cultivating family, the Ling family has long considered that the clan members might tame demonic beasts into spiritual beasts in the future. The prohibitions on the method of taming spiritual beasts have been taught to the clan members early on in the family's clan studies.

Ling Pengyun grew up in the clan, so he would naturally have this ban.

He summoned a jade bowl from his storage bag, fired a blue spiritual light, cut his wrist, squeezed out the blood, and flowed into the jade bowl, until half the bowl of blood had flowed out. Ling Pengyun then used his spiritual power to stop the wound.

Then, he silently recited a difficult-to-speak incantation, and used his hands to create spiritual energy. It took him ten breaths to condense three special blue seals.

As soon as the seal was formed, Ling Pengyun waved his hand and pulled the blood in the jade bowl in front of him, divided it into three parts, and merged them into the three suspended blue seals respectively.

Under the influx of blood, the blue seal gradually turned blood red, and there was no longer a trace of blue light.

"It's done!" Ling Pengyun changed his fingering and said in a deep voice.

Three blood-red seals lit up at the same time and flew into the three ground-covering earthworms nestling at Ling Pengyun's feet.

The three ground-covering earthworms showed no resistance to the influx of the blood-red seal. They were still so docile. They had no resistance, and the process of recognizing the master's restriction was a little faster.

Within a few breaths, Ling Pengyun felt that he had established a special connection with the three earthworms. It felt as if the three earthworms were his hands and feet.

"Go to that acre of spiritual fields to devour the spiritual soil, condense the spiritual energy, and purify the quality of the spiritual soil!" Ling Pengyun planned to give it a try. He pointed to the nearest acre of spiritual fields to see if the recognition restriction was successful.

The three earthworms nestling at Ling Pengyun's feet received the signal and nodded lightly. They were very obedient and slowly crawled towards the spiritual field pointed by Ling Pengyun, twisting their bodies and crawling into the spiritual soil in the one acre of spiritual field. Swallow the spiritual soil into your stomach in small bites, and use a special method to purify the quality of the spiritual soil.

"These three earth-covering earthworms are quite well-behaved. With the innate realm of cultivation of these three earth-covering earthworms, it should only take at most three months to purify this acre of spiritual soil from D-level to C-level!"

"With the current cultivation level of the three ground-covering earthworms, if the quality of the six acres of spiritual soil in the spiritual field is refined one by one to level C quality, the time required should be within a year and a half!"

"I hope that these three ground-covering earthworms can advance to the realm of Qi training by devouring spiritual soil during this period. Also, during the five years that I have been stationed here, I can purify all the spiritual soil in these six acres of spiritual fields to second-class quality. Spiritual soil, in this way, it is worthy of the family to give these three earthworms to me!" Ling Pengyun secretly planned.

Seeing that the three ground-covering earthworms had disappeared deep into the spiritual soil, Ling Pengyun looked away.

He looked at the top of the mountain. Apart from six acres of spiritual land and rocks, there was nothing else and no place to live. He frowned slightly.

"During the next five years of living in Qingshi Mountain, it seems that I can only take care of the place where I live!"

Therefore, there were no trees in the mountain, only some vegetation. In order to save time, Ling Pengyun collected local materials, patted the storage bag on his waist, took out the black iron sword, and carved a hole three feet deep and one foot high halfway up Qingshi Mountain. cave.

Ling Pengyun doesn't have many requirements for housing, as long as it can shelter from wind and rain and can sleep.

Although the black iron sword is sharp and can cut through ordinary rocks in the Bluestone Mountain like tofu, using this magic weapon to open up this cave still consumes all the spiritual energy in Ling Pengyun's body.

The Black Iron Sword is a first-class medium-grade magical weapon. It was a gift from Ling Pengyun's father Ling Xiaoshun when he broke through to the middle stage of Qi training.

Because there was not a trace of spiritual power left, Ling Pengyun hurried into the cave, took out the futon and a spiritual stone, sat down, and practiced the Green Water Technique to absorb the spiritual energy in the spiritual stone in his hand to restore the spiritual power of Dantian.

In order to avoid the monsters being attracted by the spiritual energy of Qingshi Mountain during this period, and he had no strength to resist.

Today's Qingshi Mountain can be protected by no defensive formation. If a monster is encountered, Ling Pengyun is the main combat force. If the attacking monster is strong, he can use the twenty spiritual stones received from Ling Ruda to open the Wu Tu Liangyi Formation of Qingshi Mountain.

If the formation is opened frequently, the twenty spiritual stones will not be able to support the formation for a long time.

It took four hours and consumed nearly half of the spiritual energy of the spiritual stone in his hand. Ling Pengyun finally filled up his Dantian.

Without worrying about his spiritual power, Ling Pengyun opened his eyes, took out a large earthenware jar from his storage bag, and carefully placed it in the deepest corner of the cave.

Then, he took out another earthenware jar from his storage bag, opened the large earthenware jar, took out two taels of green jade spiritual rice from it, and placed it in the jar.

The large earthenware jar was a one-meter jar, which contained a lot of spiritual rice as transparent as green jade.

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