Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 692 Three acres of third-level spiritual fields (3200 words, please subscribe)

Ling Pengqiu was delighted when he heard the number of war merits. He also took out another 3,000 spirit stones from his storage bag and said.

"Your war merits are not bad. I will give you one credit."

"Don't treat those followers who have collected war merits unfairly. We will buy them with spirit stones at the market price."

"Take these spirit stones."

The little twelve was delighted when he saw the number of spirit stones. He could earn at least dozens of spirit stones from this matter. If he made some efforts, he could at least secretly get hundreds of spirit stones from it.

He naturally agreed to something that was beneficial. He immediately took the batch of spirit stones and left the cave.

After a while, another foundation-building cultivator from the Fire Dragon Association entered Ling Pengqiu's cave to report the war merits he had collected.

In such a short half day, the 18 foundation-building cultivators from the Fire Dragon Association also came once. Ling Pengqiu's war merits also soared by nearly 70,000, and he spent about 85,000 spirit stones.

At this point, Ling Pengqiu's war merits had reached 351,000.

Among them, 186,000 war merits were accumulated by him in the past ten years.

The other 165,000 war merits were bought, so he spent all the 200,000 spiritual stones Ling Pengyun gave him, and some of his own spiritual stones.

Ling Pengqiu also went to the War Merit Hall in Fangshi and found the manager of the War Merit Hall, and told him that he planned to buy a third-level spiritual vein with war merits.

The manager then took out a map of the two major seas of "Mingshui and Yuanshui" under the Mingshui Sect, pointed to six of the vast locations circled in red, and said to Ling Pengqiu.

"Senior, these six places were originally the bases of the Jindan forces under my Mingshui Sect, but in the past ten years, these six Jindan forces have been destroyed by those damned Xuanming Sect demon cultivators."

"The third-level spiritual veins and other territories occupied by these six Jindan forces are also vacant."

"And these six territories have different strengths due to the different levels of Jindan forces that occupied them before, so the number of third-level spiritual veins they occupy varies. However, there are a total of eight third-level low-grade spiritual veins in these six territories, and no third-level middle-grade or upper-grade spiritual veins."

"Five of the spiritual veins are the most common five-element spiritual veins, which can be exchanged for 300,000 military merits, and the other three are two water spiritual veins, and A fire spirit vein. These three spirit veins are relatively rare and each one needs 350,000 war merits to be exchanged. "

"No matter which third-level spirit vein you buy, the 150,000-li territory and about 500 first-level and second-level spirit veins near this spirit vein belong to you. "

"At the same time, you also need to pay 30,000 spirit stones to our sect every year. "

"As for the right to handle those spirit veins, it also belongs to you, and our sect will not interfere."

Ling Pengqiu looked at the map and saw that the red circles drawn on the boundaries of the six third-level spirit veins were the same size, and the number of spirit veins in them was not much different. He also looked at the place where the third-level fire vein was located.

His main practice is the fire system. If he can practice on that third-level low-grade fire spirit vein, he can at least increase his practice speed by about 10%.

This is very beneficial to him.

That third-level fire vein and the other seven third-level spiritual veins are all in the "Mingshui Sea Area" occupied by Mingshui Sect for tens of thousands of years, which is considered the hinterland of Mingshui Sect.

And there are undoubtedly some Jindan forces around these third-level spiritual veins.

Or the relatively strong Jindan forces.

If not, those Jindan forces would have been destroyed by the demon cultivators of Xuanming Sect long ago.

Around that third-level fire vein, there are three forces with two or three Jindan cultivators, two of which are family forces and the other is a sect force.

Ling Pengqiu didn't need to think too much, he could guess that as long as he exchanged the fire vein, the three Jindan forces around the fire vein would more or less rely on their strength to slowly encroach on the spiritual veins around the fire vein.

However, he didn't care about this.

He had the support of the Ling family behind him, how could these weak Jindan forces show off in front of the Ling family.

As for the more than 500 first- and second-level spiritual veins attached to the fire spiritual vein, they are also marked on the map, which are some ordinary spiritual veins.

And there are only ten second-level spiritual veins, not even one second-level upper-grade spiritual vein, but some second-level lower- and middle-grade spiritual veins.

"There are too many such spiritual veins, and the grade is also low. It seems that I have to expand that area in the future."

Ling Pengqiu raised a wild ambition in his heart.

He also said to the manager of the war merit hall.

"I want this fire vein."

Then, Ling Pengqiu paid the corresponding war merits, and exchanged the remaining more than 1,000 war merits for some rare low-level spiritual objects. He summoned the followers of the Fire Dragon Association in the Mingming Market and asked them to take the market ship to the third-level fire vein area in the Mingshui Sea.

And he himself spent spirit stones to take the teleportation array to go there.

In just a moment, Ling Pengqiu took the teleportation array across a sea area and arrived at the Mingshui Sea Area. After half a day of travel, he also arrived at the island where the third-level fire vein was located.

A Mingshui Sect cultivator who had completed the foundation building also flew out from the island at this moment and greeted Ling Pengqiu.

"Senior, are you Huoyun Zhenren?"

Ling Pengqiu nodded and asked in confusion. "Who are you?"

The cultivator who had completed the foundation building said. "Senior, I am Liu Qing, a disciple of the Mingshui Sect's Steward Hall."

"After the Jindan forces were destroyed, there was no one to guard this place. In order to prevent this place from being occupied by casual cultivators, our sect asked me and the other 100 sect disciples to temporarily stay in this area."

"Now that the senior has arrived, this place will be handed over to the senior."

After saying this, the man hesitated for a while, and still wanted to sell Ling Pengqiu a good relationship, so he said to Ling Pengqiu.

"Senior, there is one more thing I need to explain to you."

"Since the Jindan forces in this area have been destroyed for nearly ten years, most of our Jindan cultivators have gone to the Yuanshui Sea to participate in the war, and it is difficult for them to come here to garrison. I and the other disciples stationed here are weak and few in number, so we can naturally guard less territory."

"This has also allowed many sea monsters to take advantage of the opportunity and break into this area."

"According to the investigation of our disciples who are temporarily stationed in this area, there are at least five groups of monsters with perfect foundation-building monsters in this area that belongs to you, senior."

"Even in this area, the "Loess Island" with the second most spiritual veins and dozens of spiritual veins gathered , and was occupied by a giant crocodile turtle king in the early stage of the golden elixir, leading nearly 10,000 giant crocodile turtles. "

"The demons in this area are also led by that demon king."

"If it weren't for the island where the third-level fire vein I was in charge of was temporarily set up by our sect with a third-level formation, I'm afraid this island would not survive."

"Senior, if you want to develop the other spiritual veins in this area, it's better to wipe out those demons!"

"I have a map here, which records the distribution of the demons in this area in detail. I hope this map can help you."

Ling Pengqiu's expression moved slightly when he heard this, and he took out two or three hundred spirit stones from his storage bag and handed them to Liu Qing.

"Thank you, my friend."

Liu Qing's eyes lit up when he saw the spirit stones, and he hurriedly thanked him and put all the spirit stones into the storage bag.

Then, he bowed and left.

Ling Pengqiu then entered the island with the third-order fire vein to observe the situation inside the island.

This island covers an area of ​​about 30,000 miles. In addition to the third-order fire vein, there are nearly 100 first-order spirit veins and five second-order spirit veins.

On these spirit veins, there are still many attics or mortal villages for people to live in, but they are empty.

Obviously, the owners of the attics were killed by the demon cultivators who destroyed the forces on this island.

And this island was named "Fire Dragon Island" by Ling Pengqiu.

A few days later.

A blue escape light passed through the sky and stopped outside the Fire Dragon Island, revealing the figure of Ling Pengyun.

"This island is big, probably three or four times the size of Guiling Island."

Ling Pengyun looked at the Fire Dragon Island in front of him, nodded with satisfaction and muttered to himself.

Then he escaped into the Fire Dragon Island. When he was about to step into the depths of the island, Ling Pengqiu, who had been staying in the island, also came to meet him.

The two chatted for a while, and Ling Pengyun also learned from Ling Pengqiu about the spiritual veins in this area and the rampant monsters.

"The giant crocodile turtle clan? This clan is rare."

"It is said that this turtle not only has good defensive means, but also has a ferocious temperament and a huge mouth that can tear everything apart, and is particularly good at fighting."

"A monster that is both offensive and defensive is indeed the best thing to be a spiritual beast."

Ling Pengyun's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and he muttered to himself.

Then, he said to Ling Pengqiu.

"The spiritual energy produced by the third-level fire veins in this Fire Dragon Island is all fire spiritual energy, which is suitable for your cultivation."

"You made the right choice here."

"As for the monsters rampant in this area, including the third-level golden elixir giant crocodile turtle you just mentioned, I will help you deal with them before I leave the boundless sea area."

Ling Pengqiu was delighted and thanked him quickly.

"Thank you, my dear."

The exact cultivation level of the giant alligator turtle was obtained by him yesterday when he went to the "Loess Island" occupied by the giant alligator turtle group.

He even fought with the giant alligator turtle king of the third level of Jindan yesterday.

However, the giant alligator turtle king was extremely powerful, and Ling Pengqiu's cultivation level was originally weaker than his, so he suffered a loss and fled in a hurry.

Now, Ling Pengyun agreed to help him solve the turtle monster, which really helped him a lot.

"No thanks, just manage this land well."

"By the way, Pengqiu, is there a third-level spiritual field on this island?"

Ling Pengqiu said with a smile.

"Yes, and there are three mu of third-grade lower-grade spiritual fields!"

"Although the Jindan power "Wan Family" that originally occupied this place was not strong, there was only one Jindan in charge of each generation. However, according to the information I heard, the founder of the Wan Family who originally occupied this place was a third-grade middle-grade alchemist of Mingshui Sect, and his cultivation level was as high as the middle stage of Jindan."

"The three mu of third-grade lower-grade spiritual fields on the island were opened up by the third-grade spiritual plant husband of Mingshui Sect invited by the ancestor of the Wan Family."

Ling Pengyun's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Third-grade lower-grade spiritual fields are rare and can provide third-grade spiritual plants for growth.

Even the Ling family has not yet mastered such high-grade spiritual fields.

The only one in the entire Yan State that currently owns third-grade spiritual fields is the original Xuanyang Sect, but that piece of land is now occupied by Bailing Sect, and the third-grade spiritual fields naturally belong to Bailing Sect.

Ling Pengyun said happily.

"That's great!"

"Peng Qiu, take me to that three-acre, third-level, lower-grade spiritual field!"

Ling Pengqiu nodded slightly and took Ling Pengyun to the depths of the island.

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