Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 693 Fire Spirit Field Fire Dragon Sect (4000 words, please subscribe)

Ling Pengqiu nodded lightly and rushed to the depths of the island with Ling Pengyun.

After a while, the two of them arrived at the place where the third-level fire spirit vein was located.

This is a small valley. The fire spirit in this valley is strong, and even the temperature is higher than other places.

And in the place where the fire aura is the richest and the temperature is the highest, there are ten acres of spiritual fields where the aura of drowning is dispersed.

Among them, the lowest level is the second-level high-grade spiritual field, and the three acres of spiritual field with the highest aura are the three acres of third-level low-grade spiritual field that Ling Pengqiu just mentioned.

However, there are no spiritual plants planted in these spiritual fields now, they are just deserted fields.

Ling Pengyun glanced at the ten acres of spiritual fields, his eyes fixed on the three acres of third-level low-grade spiritual fields covered with fiery red spiritual soil, his eyes slightly surprised.

The three acres of third-level low-grade spiritual fields only contain the ultimate fire spiritual energy, and the other five elements of spiritual energy are not possessed.

After thinking carefully for a while, he finally thought of a spiritual field with the highest quality among the superior spiritual plant inheritance given to him by the sect. His eyes trembled and he said to himself in surprise.

"This is...Fire Spirit Field!"

"Bago, what is Huolingtian?"

Although Ling Pengqiu on the side had long noticed the weirdness of the three-acre third-level low-grade spiritual field, he had never heard about the Huo Lingtian, so he was a little confused and asked Ling Pengyun.

"The Fire Spiritual Field is an extremely superior spiritual field. It needs to be warmed and cultivated with advanced fire and earth breeding techniques and fire veins."

"Furthermore, the level of these spiritual fields is at least the third level. These spiritual fields only contain the ultimate fire aura. If fire spiritual plants of the same level are planted in them, the growth rate can be increased by at least about 30%."

"At the same time, it is precisely because this spiritual field only contains the ultimate fire spiritual energy. Except for the spiritual plants with the fire attribute, the other five element attribute spiritual plants are not suitable for planting in it."

"In addition, it is best to plant spiritual plants such as spiritual trees in these fire spirit fields. If fire spiritual plants such as ordinary elixirs are planted in them without the care of high-level spiritual planters, they will most likely be destroyed by the fire spirit fields. The extreme fire aura inside caused the aura inside the body to become violent, causing him to spontaneously combust and die."

Ling Pengyun looked at the three acres of third-grade low-grade Huolingtian, his eyes filled with brilliant light, and explained it to Ling Pengqiu in detail.

Afterwards, he couldn't help but feel a little more admiration for the husband Ling Zhi who developed the three acres of Fire Spirit Field here.

Because the technique of nurturing fire and earth is a superior spiritual plant secret technique and a fire-based secret technique, it is extremely difficult to understand these secret techniques. According to the third-level low-grade "Canglan Spiritual Plant Inheritance" given by the sect in Ling Pengyun's hand, According to the records, generally few people under the third level and middle-level spiritual cultivators can understand this method.

Only those third-level high-grade spiritual cultivators who have a profound understanding of spiritual cultivation will have a higher probability of understanding this method.

In addition, it is also particularly complicated to open up an acre of fire spirit field with this method. Not only does it involve some knowledge of formations, but it also needs to be paired with some spiritual objects to have a chance of success.

It is precisely for this reason that the "Fire and Earth Breeding Technique" is not recorded in the third-level low-grade Canglan Spiritual Plant inheritance in Ling Pengyun's hands, but there is only some description of the Fire and Earth Spiritual Field.

However, this method was recorded in the subsequent Canglan Lingzhi inheritance.

As long as Ling Pengyun becomes a third-level low-grade spiritual cultivator, he can get it from Canglan Bihai Sect.

"Come to think of it, the spirit planter who originally developed these three acres of third-order low-grade spiritual fields is not a simple person. Otherwise, it would be difficult for that person to continuously develop three acres of third-order low-grade fire spiritual fields here."

After putting away his distracting thoughts, Ling Pengyun also took out a huge spirit-locking jade box from the storage bag with a look of joy on his face.

When the jade box was opened, a four-foot-tall spiritual tree covered with gold and red leaves appeared.

On the dense branches of this spiritual tree, there are dozens or hundreds of extremely beautiful spiritual fruits that are red but covered with golden lines.

"Myna, is this the third-level low-grade golden flame fruit tree that you brought that can produce a golden elixir every three hundred years?"

Ling Pengqiu on the side asked curiously.

"Yes, but it does not take three hundred years for this tree to be planted in the third-level low-grade fire spirit field here to breed golden elixir spiritual objects. Instead, it only takes about two hundred years."

"According to the original owner of this tree, the elder of the Liang family of the Yuan Kingdom's Golden Core Force, this Golden Flame Fruit Tree gave birth to a third-level low-grade Golden Flame Fruit two hundred years ago. Minus this time, plus the addition of this place's Fire Spirit Field It only takes up to seventy years for the golden flame fruit tree to be blessed and the tree can produce a third-level low-grade golden flame fruit.”

Ling Pengyun replied with a smile, and then took out another large locked spiritual jade box from the storage bag. After opening it, a large piece of shining spiritual soil was revealed.

He also pointed at the spiritual soil and smiled again.

"And if the forty pounds of earth soul soil are added to help, the tree's growth rate can be increased by another 10%, and the tree's growth time will also be reduced to sixty years."

Ling Pengqiu on the side looked at the large amount of Earth Soul Earth contained in the Soul Locking Jade Box, and was a little surprised. This Earth Soul Earth was also a rare thing and difficult to find.

"I don't know where myna found it."

Then, Ling Pengqiu's face couldn't help but show a bit of joy.

Although he has already entered the realm of golden elixir and will not be able to use the golden elixir that the golden flame fruit tree will produce in the future, this tree represents the foundation of the family's development in this boundless sea.

It can even be said that it is the hope of continuing the family.

If so, during the Monster Rebellion eleven years later, the Ling family will be unable to lead the rest of the Yan Kingdom to resist the attack of the Monster Clan. The entire Yan Kingdom will be destroyed by the Monster Clan, and the Yan Kingdom will also become a land of the Monster Clan.

The same is true for the Ling clan.

And if there are any members of the Ling clan who survived the battle.

This Fire Dragon Island will also become a temporary home for the family's cultivators.

As for not transplanting the rest of the family's spiritual fruit trees that can produce golden elixir spirit objects here, there are reasons.

One is that Ling Pengyun is concerned about Ling Pengqiu's weak strength. It would be good if Ling Pengqiu can protect the golden flame fruit tree in the future when he sits on Fire Dragon Island.

If there are two fruit trees that can produce golden elixir spirit objects here, I'm afraid those powerful golden elixir forces with more than five golden elixir cultivators will be tempted.

After all, fruit trees and spiritual ponds that can produce golden elixir spirit objects are the foundation for the continuation of a golden elixir force. The more these fruit trees and spiritual ponds, the better.

And the forces that can have more than two fruit trees or spiritual ponds that produce golden elixir spirit objects are all forces with more than three golden elixir cultivators, which is not something that the Fire Dragon Island can control now.

Secondly, even if the Yan Kingdom was destroyed in the future monster rebellion, if Ling Pengyun could survive, he did not intend to really put the family's focus on the Fire Dragon Island in the boundless sea.

As long as he could survive, he would swear to take a piece of land in the Northern Wilderness Xiuxian Realm, and use the remaining third-level spiritual fruit trees of the family to settle down and grow again!

As for the Mingshui Sea where the Fire Dragon Island is located, there are many forces, and they are all very strong. If the Ling family comes here, they will definitely be suppressed, and it will be difficult to improve their strength as quickly as in the Northern Wilderness Xiuxian Realm.

The positioning of this Fire Dragon Island and Turtle Spirit Island is actually the last guarantee for the continuation of the family bloodline. In the future, Ling Pengyun will let some clansmen come here, so that some of the Ling family members can continue on this island.

In this way, even if the Ling family's cultivators are all wiped out in the next monster rebellion, the Ling family will not disappear in this Xiuxian Realm.

Ling Pengyun's thoughts returned, and he did not delay any longer. He first dug a big pit in one of the mu of third-level lower-grade fire spirit fields, buried the 40 kilograms of earth soul soil that he had spent a lot of money to buy in it, and then he carefully planted the third-level lower-grade "Golden Flame Tree" in the big pit.

He continued to use several spiritual plant secrets on the tree, and the Golden Flame Fruit Tree, which was still sleeping, also woke up.

Although the tree did not have much intelligence, it was a little scared when it came to a new environment.

The dense branches on its body began to retract and protect its body.

It was Ling Pengyun, a quasi-third-level spiritual plant husband, who used several soothing techniques on the tree, and it calmed down.

Not long after, the tree gradually liked this fire spirit field with rich fire spirit, and it also happily absorbed the fire spirit in the fire spirit field into its body.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun stopped caring about the tree. He also pointed to the remaining two acres of empty fire spirit fields without any spiritual plants planted, and instructed Ling Pengqiu.

"Pengqiu, although I have spiritual plant seeds of fire spirit medicine, the fire spirit energy in these two acres of fire spirit fields is too strong, and the weaker fire spirit medicines cannot withstand it. The spirit plant husband needs to use secret methods to guide them every day to make those fire spirit medicines grow normally."

"You are not a spirit plant husband, and I don't have other fire spirit trees on me, so these two acres of fire spirit fields can only be planted by you to find fire spirit wood spirit plants and plant them in these two acres of fire spirit fields."

After saying that, he took out a large number of spiritual medicine seeds from his storage bag and planted them in the other seven acres of second-level upper-grade spiritual fields in this small valley, as well as the more than one hundred spirit veins in other places on this island and in the empty spiritual fields.

After finishing these things, Ling Pengyun rested for a day in Huojiao Island to recover his spiritual power. Then he and Ling Pengqiu rushed to the "Loess Island" occupied by the group of giant alligator turtles.

As soon as the two entered the island, they started killing. If there was no one, the giant alligator turtles in the Qi training and foundation building stages would not be able to survive three moves in their hands.

In just a few breaths, the two killed thousands of giant alligator turtles.

Even if the giant alligator turtle in the third level of Jindan appeared, it did not stop Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengqiu, who were like killing gods, but lost their lives for it.

It was killed by Ling Pengyun and the others.

As soon as this demon king died, the remaining eight or nine thousand giant alligator turtles on the island suddenly panicked and had no intention of fighting again. They fled to the sea outside the island.

But this island had been set up with a third-level trap by Ling Pengyun. How could the eight or nine thousand giant alligator turtles in the Qi training and foundation building stages on the island escape?

Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengqiu followed and picked and chose from these giant alligator turtles. After a long time, they finally found 500 pairs of giant alligator turtles with strong vitality, male and female matching, and cultivation at least in the late stage of Qi training. They knocked them out and put them into hundreds of beast-controlling bags that had been prepared long ago.

Ling Pengyun planned to take this batch of turtles back to the family as a reproductive tool to breed some giant alligator turtle eggs.

This batch of giant alligator turtles are fierce and have grown up. They are wild and difficult to tame. Even if they are tamed, there is a great probability of rebellion.

Instead of spending time taming them, it is more cost-effective to keep them as turtle species.

The remaining giant alligator turtles were killed by Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengqiu. The monster materials obtained were handed over by Ling Pengyun to Ling Pengqiu to be used as one of the funds for the development of Fire Dragon Island.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengqiu rushed to several other spiritual veins in the sea area of ​​Fire Dragon Island that were occupied by monsters, and wiped out all the monsters there.

After the matter was settled, Ling Pengyun discussed with Ling Pengqiu again and gave some guidance on Ling Pengqiu's cultivation. Then he left this area and returned to his family.

Half a year later.

This day.

Deep in the Fire Dragon Island, outside the Fire Dragon Valley with third-level fire veins, there were actually more than 3,000 monks wearing red robes with fire dragon patterns gathered together.

These monks stood in order according to their cultivation level.

At noon, a fire dragon python with a sharp horn on its forehead suddenly flew out of the fire dragon island.

If you are sharp-eyed, you can still see a middle-aged monk with a fierce face and murderous intent standing on the back of the fire python.

This person is none other than Ling Pengqiu.

At this moment, the more than three thousand monks under the attic knelt down in the direction of Ling Pengqiu, and said loudly and respectfully.

"Welcome Master!"

Ling Pengqiu, who was standing on the fire python, said calmly.

"From now on, this Fire Dragon Island and the surrounding area of ​​150,000 miles will be our base!"

"And our Huo Jiao Society has also changed its name to the Fire Jiao Sect from today on, and you and others are the first batch of disciples of our sect."

"My eighteen disciples are the elders of my sect, and they are in charge of the sect's Deacon Hall and the Kung Fu Hall respectively..."

"Disciples in the early stage of Qi training are servants, disciples in the middle stage of Qi training and above can enter the outer door, and disciples in the late stage of Qi training and above can enter the inner door."

"Disciples who have completed Qi training before the age of sixty will receive two first-class foundation-building spiritual items for free."

"However, there are only ten of these rewards. Those who meet the requirements first get it first. Those who come late can only use their military merits to redeem them."


"As disciples of our sect, we must restrain ourselves. We must not conflict with surrounding forces at will. We must not kill mortals at will. We must not act as cultivators. We must not use the name of the sect to do evil... Once any disciple disobeys, behead!"


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