Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 698 Ling Chengping comes to help on a dragon earthworm (2800 words, please subscribe)

At this time, they had reached the range of the spiritual awareness of the group of Qi-training monks and foundation-building monks in the market.

The nearly 20,000 monks in the market also launched countless attacks and killed the monsters outside.

Although hundreds of monsters died tragically every second.

But the army of monsters still bombarded the market formation outside the market regardless of life and death.

This made the market protection formation of the market shake even though it was of the third-level middle-grade realm and had a third-level middle-grade defense formation device.

In just half a day, the formation was blasted with a hole several feet in size by the monsters.

Hundreds of monsters suddenly broke into the formation from the hole and directly crashed into the walls of the market.

In a moment, the walls on all sides of the market collapsed a lot.

Many of the cultivators who were originally standing on the city wall also fell to the ground of the market due to the collapse of the city wall.

This was exactly what the thousands of monsters that rushed into the formation wanted to see, and they immediately roared excitedly and killed the cultivators who fell to the ground.

The monsters were fast and close to the monks who fell to the ground.

Most of those cultivators were casual cultivators with poor psychological quality, and they had no time to react.

In just a few breaths, nearly a hundred cultivators with low cultivation fell into the mouths of the monsters.

Fortunately, at this time, nearly a hundred Qi-training cultivators wearing Ling's Taoist robes stood up under the leadership of a Ling's foundation-building cultivator. They each held a formation flag and formed several first-level superior formations, which transformed into defensive light curtains and forcibly blocked the thousands of monsters that broke into the formation.

The other cultivators in the market also made timely finishing blows at this moment and killed all the thousands of monsters.

At this time, Yan Siyi, a Jindan cultivator, also sent a large amount of spiritual stones into the formation to repair the broken part of the formation in time, and the situation in the formation stabilized.

However, the Baiyuanfang City was still at a disadvantage, which made Yan Siyi, a Jindan cultivator, look gloomy all the time.


On the other side.

In the Baiyun Mountains, which stretches for millions of miles, the "Baiyunfang City" deep in the Baiyun Mountains is also in a fierce battle.

However, in this area, like the situation in Baiyuanfang City, Baiyunfang City is also at a disadvantage, and even has some signs of defeat.

The long-term battle has caused the nearly 10,000 cultivators stationed in the market to consume too much spiritual power, and their combat power has gradually weakened.

Fortunately, the lord of this place, Ling Pengcheng, distributed a Huiling Pill of the same level to each cultivator participating in the battle before this battle.

With the help of those Huiling Pills, the dantian in the bodies of those cultivators who were about to dry up also recovered some spiritual power.

However, compared to the fierce offensive of this group of people before the war, the frequency of attack of this group of cultivators has slowed down a bit in order to save spiritual power.

On the other hand, the group of more than 200,000 Qi training and foundation building monsters in the outside world, including the three winged shadow tigers at the first, third and fifth levels of Jindan, fought more and more bravely, causing the third-level middle-grade city protection formation of Baiyunfang City to be in turmoil.

Even the three winged shadow tigers at the Jindan level took advantage of the excessive consumption of magic power and weakened strength of Ling Pengcheng's third-level iron and steel dark fire corpse to use the trapping spell to trap the flying sword magic treasure that the demon corpse shot out, greatly weakening the combat power of the demon corpse.

In this way, even if there is only the fifth-level winged shadow tiger, it can easily block the dark fire method shot out by the demon corpse.

This tiger also said to the third-level and first-level winged shadow tigers beside him.

"Second brother, third brother, go and help the low-level monsters to attack the formation of the market in front of you with all their strength. Make sure to break it as soon as possible."

"Once this city can be broken, it will be difficult for the cultivators in the Baiyun Mountains to gain a foothold in this area. We can also march straight into the three third-level spiritual veins deep in this area, kill the Baiyun Spirit Fox in the middle Jindan stage, and occupy the three spiritual veins."

"In the future, the future of our Winged Shadow Tiger clan will also be bright and far-reaching!"

"For our clan, kill it!"

The third-level Jindan and the first-level Jindan Winged Shadow Tiger were excited to hear this.

They also immediately got rid of the nether fire attack of the Jindan Nether Fire Corpse with the help of the fifth-level Jindan Winged Shadow Tiger King, and blasted out attacks on the formation of Baiyun Market.

The two Golden Core Winged Shadow Tigers were both very powerful. With their help, the more than 200,000 low-level monsters here, the defensive formation of the market town was also in danger, and gradually began to shake.

"Damn it!"

Ling Pengcheng cursed inwardly, feeling powerless in his heart, and he gritted his teeth and cursed inwardly.

"If I were a Golden Core True Person at this moment, I would definitely kill these sick cats!"

At this time, the ground where the low-level monsters stood outside the south wall of Baiyun Market suddenly began to shake.

There were even rumbling sounds from under the ground.

This incident caused the low-level monsters under the south wall to panic, and they quickly scattered around, trying to stay away from the shaking ground.

But before they took a long step, cracks suddenly appeared around the shaking ground about thirty feet away.

Then, with a sound of breaking ground, a strange monster covered with earth-yellow scales, several feet long, with a sharp horn on its head, looking like a dragon but shaped like an earthworm, drilled out from the ground and smashed onto the bodies of several Qi-cultivating monsters, killing them and landing safely.

There were two cultivators sitting on his back, one male and one female.

The people who came were Ling Penglin and Lin Fan, who were temporarily stationed in the Lingxiao Qianxing Lake area when the war between good and evil began.

The strange monster they sat on was the dragon earthworm they had cultivated in their early years.

Although this dragon earthworm was Ling Pengyun's spirit beast, after it was cultivated into a dragon earthworm by Ling Penglin and his friends, Ling Pengyun gave it to Ling Chengping, who was like his own daughter.

In addition, Ling Pengyun also brought back the superior dual cultivation method of earth dragon and gold dragon from the sect in his early years.

With the help of this dual cultivation method, this dragon earthworm and Ling Chengxia's golden dragon named Jin Da made rapid progress in cultivation.

Now, this dragon earthworm has entered the late stage of foundation building. Moreover, since it has the body of a dragon and has become a dragon earthworm, it is no longer just a good hand at opening up spiritual fields. It has also mastered the powerful strength of the dragon. It is stronger than the monsters of the same level and can use various earth-related spells at will.

Just now, it directly performed the earth escape technique from tens of thousands of feet away from Baiyunfang City, and with the help of the earth splitting technique, it brought Ling Chengping and Lin Fan and his wife out of the ground unexpectedly.

"Uncle Pengcheng, Chengping is here to help!"

Ling Chengping, who is already a married woman, still has a playful look. At this moment, after yelling towards the direction of Baiyunfang City, she immediately summoned a second-level golden elixir steel black ice demon corpse from the storage bag.

"Kill the surrounding low-level monsters for me and severely damage this group of monsters!"

The iron and steel black ice demon corpse's eyes were red, and it laughed wildly and ferociously, then pounced into the surrounding monsters, using its sharp claws to tear the bodies of the monsters one by one.

The blood from the monsters would also inexplicably flow into the demon corpse.

The corpse's aura also gradually became stronger because of this.

It seemed that blood was the source of its power.

At the same time, the corpse also spit out a large amount of black ice power from its mouth and hit the surrounding Qi training and foundation building monsters.

Those monsters were simply unable to resist, and they turned into ice sculptures once they touched the black ice.

Even, the iron and steel black ice beast puppet spit out a large amount of black ice around, covering the surrounding two or three hundred feet, and built an ice wall several feet high and one foot wide to resist the impact of the surrounding low-level monsters.

This ice wall was extremely solid, and those low-level monsters could not break through it at all.

As a result, those low-level monsters could only use magic attacks to break into the wall and attack the dragon earthworm, Ling Chengping, and Lin Fan and his wife.

And those magic attacks were resisted by the earth defense spells that the dragon earthworm continuously cast.

Then, the iron and steel black ice demon corpse jumped out of the ice wall without any worries and killed countless monsters in the outside world.

Ling Chengping and Lin Fan, a couple who love monsters, also summoned eight foundation-building beasts at this moment.

Among them, there was even a fairy crane in the late foundation-building stage. That fairy crane was the natal beast of Lin Fan, the chief beastmaster of the Ling family.

This crane was extremely extraordinary. It just spread its wings lightly, and it transformed into more than 200 feather arrows and shot them out, directly piercing through the bodies of nearly 100 Qi training monsters and killing them.

The other seven foundation-building monsters were also extraordinary.

Lin Fan, who had recently become a second-class beastmaster, even relied on various beast-controlling secrets to simultaneously strengthen the eight foundation-building monsters by 10% or 20%, and the strength of his own spiritual beast was even increased by 30%.

This made the eight foundation-building monsters' attack methods more fierce, with a kind of momentum of self-contained thousands of troops.

In the next moment, countless turbid water suddenly gushed out of the underground pit where the strange monster race had drilled out, and it was like a fountain that sprinkled around.

Coincidentally, there was another ice wall around to prevent the water from leaking out, which turned the ice wall of more than two or three hundred feet into a small lake.

A giant turtle with a size of 25 feet, a huge hard turtle shell on its back, and tiny blue scales on its four legs also pushed open countless loess and drilled out of the underground pit with the water.

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