Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 699: A surprise attack, a great victory in Baiyunfang City (2400 words, please subscribe)

Following closely, a group of blue whales with huge bodies and a blue water curtain around them emerged from the deep pit.

On their backs were low-level spirit beasts or monks wearing Ling's Taoist robes.

After a while, nearly a hundred whales appeared.

And these big whales were the "Camel Mountain Whales" that Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi had captured in the Boundless Sea Cultivation World in the early years.

These Camel Mountain Whales are extremely docile, and with the taming of the Ling's beastmasters, they have become well-behaved spirit beasts. On weekdays, they serve as the most common spirit beasts in the vast Lingxiao Qianxing Lake.

At this time, when fighting, they become transport spirit beasts carrying monks and spirit beasts.

The arrival of these Camel Mountain Whales also made the extremely wide-ranging Ice Wall Lake extremely crowded.

At this time, Ling Chengping also greeted loudly.

"I am a member of the Ling clan!"

"Follow the drill!"

"Each of you should set up defenses and killing formations!"

"Follow this lady to kill the enemy!"

The nearly one thousand monks on the back of the nearly one hundred camel whales offered up formation flags one after another, forming nearly one hundred first- and second-level formations.

Among them, three-tenths were defense formations, and the other seven-tenths were killing formations.

For a moment, Ling Chengping and his group were like a crusher, using various attack methods to kill countless monsters from the inside of the monster army.

The giant turtle, which was twenty-five feet in size and had a cultivation level as high as the perfect foundation, also roared loudly at this moment, like the king of monsters, with a great power spreading from its body, leading the one or two thousand spirit beasts that were originally standing on the back of the nearly one hundred camel whales to jump directly out of the small lake surrounded by the ice wall, turning into a stream of spirit beasts, rushing into the surrounding countless monster armies like a desperate move, crushing countless monsters.

Even though there were hundreds of foundation-building monsters coming to resist nearby, the leading giant turtle was still not afraid. After crashing into two foundation-building monsters to death, it led the spirit beast torrent to fight against the hundreds of foundation-building monsters.

The Ling clan members who had set up dozens of killing formations within the torrent of the ice wall also activated the formation attack at this moment to help their own group of spirit beasts attack the hundreds of foundation-building monsters, relieving a lot of pressure on the group of spirit beasts.

And the nearly one hundred "Camel Mountain Whales" who were not good at fighting, under the signal of the king giant turtle, cast water spells at the countless monsters around the small lake of the ice wall.

Although the power of those water spells was not strong, with a large number, they could also pose some threat to the surrounding monsters.

In just ten breaths, nearly ten thousand monsters were killed by the "special forces" organized by Ling Chengping.

Not far away, Ling Pengcheng, who was standing on the south wall of Baiyun Market, saw this scene. The worry on his face suddenly dissipated into smoke, and he became full of confidence.

He also shouted loudly.

"The cultivators in the market, go all out and cooperate with our cultivators outside the market to severely damage the monsters, repel the monsters, and protect the peace of the market!"

The nearly ten thousand cultivators in the market are also reasonable people. They know that this is a good opportunity to establish military merits. Immediately, they took into account the consumption of spiritual power and launched a series of attack methods.

There are even some decisive cultivators who directly use the method of enhancing strength, wanting to kill more monsters during this period and maximize their benefits.

At this moment, Ling Pengcheng also called on the iron and steel Xuanhuo corpse to kill out of the market directly.

Because this corpse is matched with the method of refining iron corpses, it can actually be regarded as a dual cultivation of law and body. Its physique is also extremely strong, one or two points stronger than the monsters of the same level.

As a result, the corpse rushed out of the market and killed the three Jindan Winged Shadow Tigers with its physical body, catching them off guard.

The Jindan Level 1 Winged Shadow Tiger with a lower cultivation level was almost killed by the sneak attack. If it had not been for the help of two Jindan fellows around it, it would have died under the iron claws of the Iron Nether Fire Corpse.

The Iron Profound Ice Corpse of Level 2 Jindan summoned by Ling Chengping also fought its way through the monster army and arrived at the front of the monster army to help Ling Pengcheng's Nether Fire Corpse.

With the cooperation of the two demon corpses, they did not fall into much disadvantage, and fought a 40:60 situation with the three Jindan Winged Shadow Tigers.

The situation on the Jindan battlefield was stable, and the low-level battlefield continued to make achievements.

In just a few hours, nearly 50,000 low-level monsters died tragically at the hands of nearly 10,000 cultivators in Baiyun Market, and the thousands of cultivators and thousands of spirit beasts led by Ling Chengping.

Even the speed of the tragic death of low-level monsters has not decreased.

This matter made the three Jindan Winged Shadow Tigers feel a little distressed. After all, those low-level spirit beasts were their generals. Once lost, it would actually weaken their strength.

For example, if it weren’t for the more than 200,000 low-level monsters they led, they helped them attract the attacks of nearly 10,000 cultivators in Baiyun Market and the thousands of cultivators and thousands of spirit beasts in Ling Chengping’s ice walled lake.

Otherwise, if only the three Jindan Winged Shadow Tigers came to kill them this time, I’m afraid that the three of them would have been killed by the nearly 10,000 cultivators in Baiyun Market and the two Jindan Demon Corpses, or been driven away. How could they still be like this now, and they are still alive in this world.

Under desperation, the Winged Shadow Tiger King, who had a higher level of cultivation at the fifth level of the Golden Core, also roared to the sky, calling on the army of monsters to evacuate Baiyunfang City.

After the evacuation was successful, this Winged Shadow Tiger King also used various means to seek help from several surrounding Jindan demon tribes, hoping to use the other Jindan demon tribes to capture the Baiyun Mountains.

But the surrounding Jindan demon tribes were not as strong as the Winged Shadow Tiger tribe. They only had one or two Jindan demon kings in charge, and their strength was not strong. Even if they helped the Winged Shadow Tiger tribe to capture the Baiyun Mountains, I am afraid they would not be able to snatch a third-level spiritual vein in the Baiyun Mountains from the Winged Shadow Tiger.

In addition, there were no mortals deployed by the Ling family in the Baiyun Mountains, only a group of cultivators.

Even if they captured that place, they would not get a few bites of human flesh and blood to eat, which was completely a hard job with no benefits.

The Jindan demon tribes around the Winged Shadow Tiger territory were naturally unwilling to support.

This also made the Winged Shadow Tiger King extremely angry. It even asked for help from the subordinate Red Gold Bear tribe, but the Red Gold Bear tribe did not care about it at all.

It was as if the "Red Gold Bear Clan", the mastermind behind the plan to weaken the State of Yan, did not want their demon king to participate in this war.

This matter made the Winged Shadow Tiger King curse in his heart.

At this time, how could it not guess that the Red Gold Bear Clan was using them, the subordinate demon clan, to test the consequences of destroying the treaty that the Tianxing True Lord of the Tianxing Sect had made that the demon clan could not attack the State of Yan on a large scale.

"I am afraid that this Red Gold Bear Clan has no courage to call on our clan to attack the State of Yan countless days ago, and is not afraid of the treaty made by the Tianxing True Lord."

"Really have the heart of a thief but no courage, a bunch of disgusting things!"

"Don't let my clan initiate it, or I will definitely take revenge for this matter in the future!"

The Winged Shadow Tiger King cursed secretly.

After it calmed down, it had a headache again.

This can be said to be the most suitable opportunity for the Winged Shadow Tiger Clan to regain the territory of the White Cloud Mountains in the next hundred years.

It knew that the Red Kite Bear Queen of the Red Gold Bear Clan had recruited dozens of Jindan monsters, and planned to invade Yan State together during the monster rebellion ten years later to avenge the only son who died at the hands of the Yan State Jindan cultivator.

If Yan State was really destroyed by then, it would be difficult for the Winged Shadow Tiger Clan to seize the Baiyun Mountains.

After thinking for a long time, the tiger had an idea in his mind.

"Since it is difficult for me to swallow the hard bone of Baiyun Market, I will first capture the three third-level spirit veins in this area. After my clan occupies the three spirit veins, I will come to clear the hard bone of Baiyun Market and eliminate this disaster."

At the beginning, it led the monster army to attack the human race's Baiyun Market and planned to start with the weak.

However, the strength of the human race's Baiyun Market was not weak either.

In this comparison, the Jindan middle-stage Baiyun Spirit Fox that occupied the three third-level spirit veins in the Baiyun Mountains would be easier to deal with.

After making up his mind, the Winged Shadow Tiger King also began to close his eyes, crawling on the ground and regulating his breathing.

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