Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 703 A member of the Zhao family from Black Mountain suddenly appears (3,000 words, please su

Not far away, in Baiyun Mountain.

"Finally, we have wiped out this group of evildoers. Now the situation in the Baiyun Mountains is stable."

The experienced Ling Pengcheng also sighed happily at this moment.

At this time, the half-human-high Baiyun Spirit Fox in the middle stage of the Jindan also spoke.

"Young friend Ling, now that this matter has been settled, I hope you can send the two Jindan beast puppets you promised me before to me as soon as possible!"

For decades, although this Baiyun Spirit Fox in the middle stage of the Jindan has been covering for the Jindan forces of Yan State and occupying the three third-level spiritual mountains here, it has never cared about worldly affairs and has been practicing hard in Baiyun Mountain.

This is also the reason why its cultivation level is now as high as the peak of the sixth level of the Jindan.

This time, if Ling Pengcheng had not offered a huge profit and promised to get two beast puppets in the early stage of the Jindan for the Baiyun Spirit Fox in the middle stage of the Jindan, otherwise it would probably still be practicing in seclusion in Baiyun Mountain.

"Of course!" Ling Pengcheng replied with a slight expression.

The middle-stage Jindan Baiyun Fox saw Ling Pengcheng's reply, and then it went directly into a cave in Baiyun Mountain.

Ling Pengcheng then went into Baisong Mountain and began to clean up the huge corpses of monsters in Baisong Mountain.


On the other side.

Lingxiao Mountains.

On a barren mountain nearly 100,000 miles from Baiyuan Market.

Three monks of different ages wearing Taoist robes with fire wolf patterns stood here, looking at the direction of Baiyuan Market together.

When they saw two more escape lights flying out of Zixie Ridge and rushing to Baiyuan Market, they all showed some joy on their faces.

"The Ice and Snow White Lion Clan has indeed sent another Ice and Snow White Lion in the Golden Core Realm. The ones who came are the Ice and Snow Lion Queen of the clan who is at the eighth level of the Golden Core Realm and the Ice Crazy Old Monster of the ninth level of the Golden Core Realm. It seems that the Ice and Snow White Lion Clan is determined to destroy the White Ape Market of the Ling Clan, encroach on the mortals in the Ling Clan's territory, and severely damage the Ling Clan."

"But the Ling Clan is really powerful!"

"It's a pity that the Ice and Snow White Lion Clan's Ice and Snow Lion King who is at the perfect Golden Core Realm did not come this time! Otherwise, if we can destroy the Ice and Snow White Lion Clan at one time, when the monster beasts are in chaos, our clan can easily occupy the entire Ice and Snow Forest of the Ice and Snow White Lion Clan."

The oldest, white-haired, and somewhat lifeless old man here, who looks like he will not live long, saw the scene in front of him, and a smile appeared on his face, muttering.

The other two middle-aged cultivators also had a bit of irrepressible joy on their faces at this moment.

"Let's not just stand there and watch. If the White Ape Market of the Ling family is captured, without the help of the Ling family's Jindan warriors in the White Ape Market, it will be difficult for us to kill the five Jindan-level ice and snow white lions that are now attacking the White Ape Market, as well as the lion queen and the ice-crazy old demon who are about to arrive at the White Ape Market."

After saying this, the white-haired old man turned into a black shadow and disappeared here.

The other two middle-aged monks followed him and left here.

At the same time.

From the depths of the boundless and vast swamp, the ice-snow lion queen and the ice-crazy old demon finally arrived outside the White Ape Market after spending several days crossing millions of miles.

They also sacrificed several magic weapons in succession, bombarding the formation of the White Ape Market, causing a series of roars.

Those powerful magic weapons shook the formation of this market.

The five Jindan Realm Ice and Snow White Lions, who were originally suppressed and beaten by Yan Siyi and others in the White Ape Market, were extremely frustrated. Seeing the elders of the clan coming to support them, they also danced and jumped for joy, and shouted excitedly, provoking Yan Siyi and other Jindan in the White Ape Market.

As the saying goes, one side is happy, the other side is sad.

Yan Siyi, who was guarding the White Ape Market, saw that the two Jindan Realm Ice and Snow White Lions that came later had the aura of the eighth and ninth levels of the Jindan, and her face suddenly changed.

Such a powerful warrior is not something that the current Ling family can resist.

Even if Ling Pengyun and the clan leader Ling Yunhong were there, it would be difficult to resist such a strong enemy.

"This crisis is really difficult!"

Yan Siyi sighed helplessly, and took out a formation plate, and passed it into it with spiritual power.

A yellow giant axe of the third-level middle-grade realm flew out of the market formation and killed the eighth-level Jindan lion queen and the ice-crazy old monster who came to support later.

This giant axe, as the formation weapon of the third-level middle-grade formation in the market, was also blessed by this formation and possessed the power comparable to the third-level top-grade magic weapon.

But this treasure alone was no match for the lion queen and the ice-crazy old monster, and was easily trapped by the formation sacrificed by the ice-crazy old monster.

Yan Siyi also needed to resist the other five golden elixir ice-white lions with Yan Siyi and others, so it was difficult to divide other forces to resist the lion queen and the ice-crazy old monster.

Therefore, no one could resist these two monsters, so they used crazy attack methods to bombard the formation of the market.

However, in just a hundred breaths, the golden elixir eighth-level lion queen and the ice-crazy old monster who came later used magic weapons to make a hole of more than ten feet in the market formation.

"Charge into the human race's formation!"

The lion queen at the eighth level of the golden elixir radiated a kingly pressure, and shouted to the group of low-level monsters on the ground.

The group of low-level monsters immediately obeyed the order, and nearly 5,000 monsters immediately followed the gap and broke into the formation.

If Yan Siyi had not spent nearly 10,000 spirit stones to repair the gap in the formation in time, there would have been more monsters entering the formation.

This group of low-level monsters also caused heavy damage to the monks in Fang City. Nearly five hundred monks died tragically at the mouths of these monsters. This group of monsters was killed by nearly two other people in Fang City. Thousands of monks were wiped out.

But the good times didn't last long. After a while, because no one could resist the two extraordinary powerful lion queen and ice crazy old demon, these two demons once again led the group of demon beasts, creating a gap in Fangshi's formation. .

This gap is even larger than the one just now. This gap is dozens of feet wide.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of low-level monsters entered the formation.

This group of monster beasts was already in swarms. As soon as they entered the city, they directly pushed the city walls across the city, causing the nearly 20,000 monks who were standing on the city walls to fall to the ground.

The tens of thousands of monsters that entered the formation also seized the opportunity and rushed towards the monks together. Thousands of Qi-training monks were directly crushed by the monsters because their defensive methods were too weak.

Within the city, the screams of monks suddenly appeared.

In order to prevent the monks from further losses, Yan Siyi quickly relied on the spirit stones to repair the gaps in the formation, then withdrew the magic weapon used to attack the Yijindan Demon King outside, and turned to attack the low-level monsters in the city.

Just when the city was in chaos, three humanoid figures suddenly appeared in three different directions in Baiyuanfang City, floating in the air in a triangular shape.

Then, these three people sacrificed twelve red formation flags.

The next moment, the thirty-six formation flags flashed at the same time, forming countless formation patterns and turning into a huge red cover, covering nearly ten thousand feet around Baiyuanfang City.

The aura of a quasi-fourth-level formation also spread from the formation to the surroundings.

At the same time, a long red flag appeared from within the formation.

I saw the long flag waved lightly, and countless flames suddenly poured out from the huge red cover formation, sweeping towards the golden elixir eight-layer lion queen and the soaring figure outside Baiyuanfang City. That ice-crazed old demon with the ninth level of Golden Core.

At this time, the ice-crazed old demon and the lion queen also reacted. They looked at the sudden appearance of the large formation in the sky, and their expressions were suddenly startled.

This formation is extremely familiar to them.

A hundred years ago, Zhao Baigang, the leader of the Black Mountain Zhao family, the largest clan under the Tianxing Sect, and several other Zhao family golden elixirs used this extraordinary third-level high-grade "Fire Fire Prairie Formation" to remove the "Ice and Snow White Lion". "King" was injured by the Ice and Snow Flying Sword, his natal magic weapon.

For this reason, the Lion Queen and the Ice Mad Old Demon were extremely wary of this formation.

Immediately, the two demons each summoned a defensive magic weapon with a grade as high as the third level for defense.

The ice-crazed old demon with a relatively bad temper turned around and saw that the people motivating the formation were members of the Zhao family of Heishan, their old rivals for hundreds of years. It couldn't help it and cursed angrily.

"Damn the people of the Zhao family in Black Mountain! You actually interfered in this matter! Zhao Yuanqian, you old dog, don't seek death, retreat quickly, otherwise, this demon will definitely kill you all here!"

The old monk at the ninth level of the Golden Core who was operating the formation shouted loudly.

"Hahaha, what a joke. If it were the Ice and Snow Lion King of your clan who had perfected the golden elixir, it would be enough to say this. Is the defeated general under his command a hundred years ago worthy of threatening me, Zhao Yuanqian?"

After saying that, the old monk greeted Yan Siyi and others from Baiyuanfang City.

"Fellow Taoists of the Ling Clan, I am Zhao Yuanqian, the eldest elder of the Zhao family in Heishan, the largest clan under the Tianxing Sect. I would also like to ask all the fellow Taoists of the Ling Clan to resist the remaining five golden elixir realm ice and snow white lions for a while. The other lion Later, he handed it over to me and two other people from my clan with the Ice Kuang Old Dao."

Yan Siyi and Yang Siling, who were in Baiyuanfang City and were having a headache for the Ice and Snow White Lion clan, looked happy when they heard the words coming from the outside world.

Yan Siyi also replied.

"Senior Zhao, please rest assured. The other five golden elixir demon kings will be blocked by our clan's golden elixir combat power with all our strength, and we will not miss your important task of exterminating demons, senior!"

The old monk "Zhao Yuanqian" who controlled the formation was quite satisfied after hearing this answer. He also greeted the other two fellows who were both at the seventh or eighth level of the Golden Core.

"Flow your spiritual power into the formation with all your strength, and kill the lion queen and the ice-mad old demon as soon as possible to avoid other accidents."

Following that, Zhao Yuanqian and the other three Zhao family golden elixirs, regardless of the consumption of spiritual power, frantically poured their spiritual power into the "Fire Fire Prairie Formation".

With the help of huge spiritual power, the power of the flames summoned by this formation was three points higher. Countless flames suddenly hit the defensive magic weapons of the Lion Queen, and the Ice Mad Old Demon.

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