Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 704 Everything is settled, the crisis is resolved (3200 words, please subscribe)

In just half an incense stick of time, the formation destroyed the two monsters' life treasures, forcing them to use the method of strengthening their strength. They then used their own cultivation to improve by one or two levels to temporarily resist the attack of the flames transformed by the formation.

However, it was difficult for them to break the formation.

The Zhao family's Flame and Fire Formation was an extremely powerful and versatile formation, with three different formation tools.

The first one was naturally the attack formation tool "Flame and Fire Long Banner", and its defense and trapping formation tools were named "Liaoyuan Shield" and "Liaoyuan Bell" respectively.

In addition, this level of formation also had the power equivalent to about 30% of the fourth-level formation.

Because of the added effect of the trapping magic weapon, the prairie-burning bronze bell, the huge trapping light curtain transformed by this formation can be said to be completely indestructible. The lion queen and the ice-crazy old demon could only create waves on this trapping light curtain at most, and they couldn't even shake this formation.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the ice-crazy old demon hurriedly sacrificed a third-level superior killing formation, and with the cultivation level that was raised to the perfection of the golden elixir after performing the method of enhancing strength, he fully activated this killing formation and summoned the formation weapon, the Frost Flying Sword, which had been absorbed for a full thirty-six years.

The temperature around suddenly became cold, and the flames transformed by the Flame and Fire Array were temporarily reached by the cold air dispersed by the Frost Flying Sword.

With the wave of the ice-crazy old demon, this flying sword burst out with a power comparable to the full-strength attack of the pseudo-infant realm, and suddenly hit the Flame and Fire Array, causing a huge wave.

A sound of breaking was heard from that place, and the next moment, a small crack suddenly appeared.

However, the third-grade top-grade Frost Flying Sword had also exhausted its remaining power at this moment, and its spiritual light became dim. Only after accumulating the power of ice for a full thirty-six years, the sword would be restored to its full victory.

At this moment, the Lion Queen on the side also sacrificed a quasi-fourth-grade spiritual talisman, which transformed into a huge red-gold bear claw phantom, and slapped the cracked part of the formation.


When the movement disappeared, the crack on the formation also expanded several times, and even a small hole several feet in size was hit.

Seeing this, the three Zhao family Jindans in front of Zhao Yuan frowned. They did not dare to hold back, and directly used the remaining little power to play their respective magic weapons and blasted them at the Lion Queen and the Ice Crazy Old Monster in the formation.

At the same time, they mobilized their spiritual power to repair the gap in the formation.

The two monsters in the formation were also held back by the magic weapons that Zhao Yuanqian and the other two had used.

"Bing Ling, hurry up!"

The old Bing Kuang monster roared in anger, as if he didn't want to die. He ignored his remaining lifespan and used the method of burning lifespan to increase his strength.

Its cultivation level was thus raised to the pseudo-infant realm.

With such a huge strength, this monster was able to resist the countless flames and magic weapons created by the Yanhuo Liaoyuan formation and Zhao Yuanqian and others, and won an excellent escape opportunity for the eighth-level golden elixir lion queen.

The lion queen showed some reluctance in her eyes, but she didn't want to see the escape opportunity that the elder had gained by consuming his lifespan was wasted in vain. She was ruthless and quickly dodged countless attacks from a gap in the attack, and successfully escaped from the gap in the formation.

"Old Bing Kuang, I will tell my husband afterwards and let him help you get revenge!"

After leaving these words, the lion queen immediately fled to the depths of the boundless swamp.

The old Bing Kuang demon was also in danger. However, in just a few dozen breaths, its lifespan was burned out, and its secret method became ineffective, and it also fell into a weak period.

Zhao Yuanqian also seized the opportunity and sacrificed a flying sword magic weapon to directly kill the lion's head. Its golden elixir was also trapped by Zhao Yuanqian using the trapping formation device Liaoyuan Bronze Bell of the Yanhuo Liaoyuan formation.

The remaining five golden elixir ice and snow white lions in the formation could only fight Yan Siyi and others at most. Now that Zhao Qianyuan and the other three Zhao family golden elixirs activated the formation to kill them, they had no means to resist and were killed one by one by the Yanhuo Liaoyuan formation.

After the battle, Zhao Yuanqian looked at the direction where the golden elixir eight-level lion queen had escaped before, and murmured.

"It's a pity that we failed to keep the lion queen."

At this time, Yan Siyi also came up with Yang Siling.

"Thank you, old senior of the Zhao family and the two fellow Zhao family members, for your help. This favor will be repaid by our Ling family in the future!"

Seeing this, Zhao Yuanqian put away the ruthlessness on his face, turned to Yan Siyi and Yang Siling and gave them a kind smile, and then said.

"Your kindness is too much. This time, your Ling family has helped our Zhao family!"

"The Ice and Snow White Lion Clan is our enemy. Now we can kill the six demon kings of this clan one after another and severely damage this demon clan. This is a great thing for our clan!"

"By the way, Madam Ling, when will your husband return home from the outside world? I have something important to find him!"

Yan Siyi was a little surprised when she heard this.

In theory, the family should have no relationship with the Zhao family in Tianxing Country.

This Zhao Yuanqian should not have any contact with her husband.

But thinking about the past few years, Ling Pengyun once said that he helped the Zhao family refine a demon corpse, and killed a demon cultivator together with the Zhao family cultivators, she understood.

Then, she said.

"Senior, I don't know when my husband will return home, but it should be soon. If you have something important, please tell me first, and I will tell him after my husband returns home, so as to avoid delaying your important matter!"

Zhao Yuanqian nodded. "That's fine. Then I'll tell you. Our clan contributed the most to the killing of the six Jindan-level ice and snow lions. Madam Ling, you and this fairy will each take the corpse of a Jindan-level one or two ice and snow lion. The corpses of the other four ice and snow lions will belong to me."

"And the corpses of the four ice and snow lions are the reason why I'm looking for Madam Ling, your husband, Fellow Daoist Ling Pengyun. I hope Madam Ling can help me hand over the corpses of the four ice and snow lions to Fellow Daoist Ling Pengyun and help me refine one or two Jindan. Demon corpse, if it can be a multi-level giant golden elixir demon corpse, it would be the best. "

"The contents of this storage bag are the magic spiritual materials needed by fellow Daoist Ling Pengyun to refine the demon corpse."

"As for the refining reward, it is the same as when our clan entrusted fellow Daoist Ling Pengyun to refine the demon corpse. For each demon corpse refined, our clan will give fellow Daoist Ling Pengyun a demon beast or cultivator corpse with a cultivation level one small realm lower than that demon corpse."

After saying that, Zhao Yuanqian handed a storage bag that had been prepared long ago from his arms to Yan Siyi.

Yan Siyi took the storage bag and carefully considered the help of Zhao Yuanqian and the other two Zhao family golden elixirs this time.

In addition, she also knew how high the success rate of her husband Ling Pengyun's refining of the demon corpse was, and it was also profitable to refine the demon corpse for the Zhao family.

It was reasonable to agree to this matter.

Therefore, she acted as a master for her husband Ling Pengyun and agreed to this matter.

"Senior, I will tell my husband about this."

"Well! I will not help your clan to clean up those low-level monsters here. I need to go to your Ling family's White Ape Market to rest for a while. If the lion king of the Ice and Snow White Lion Clan with a perfect golden elixir comes to take revenge, I and the two golden elixir of my clan can try to keep him!"

Zhao Yuanqian's expression flashed with expectation, and he said to Yan Siyi.

"That's great, that's great!"

Yan Siyi said happily.

With Zhao Yuanqian and the three Zhao family golden elixirs who mastered the quasi-fourth-level formation sitting in the White Ape Market, the White Ape Market can be much safer.

After that, she opened a gap in the formation of the White Ape Market, allowing Zhao Yuanqian and the other three Zhao family golden elixirs to enter it.

The flames and fire formation set up by Zhao Yuanqian and the other three were also withdrawn by them. It was a waste of talent to use this formation to absorb the power of the earth and fire for nearly 76 years to consume it on the remaining low-level monsters here.

And she then thanked Yang Siling for her help.

After Yang Siling said it was okay, she planned to leave here and return to the Jiaomang Lake branch of Bailingmen to garrison.

To thank her for her help, Yan Siyi called her down and lent her a beast puppet in the middle stage of the Golden Core to protect her.

And said.

"Cousin Siling, when the situation of my Ling family stabilizes, I will definitely take my family's Golden Core Demon Corpse to the Jiaomang Lake branch to help your family escape from the predicament and no longer be threatened by the demon clan."

"Okay!" Yang Siling's heart warmed and she replied with a smile.

Then, she left this place with a beast puppet in the middle stage of the Golden Core.

And Yan Siyi then sacrificed a third-level middle-grade trapped formation, covering the entire six thousand feet below.

At least nearly 300,000 low-level monsters were covered by this formation, and more than 20 other low-level monsters that were not covered by the formation, seeing that the demon king was dead, also immediately fled to the territory of Zixie Ridge.

Yan Siyi was simply unable to stop them, so she let them go.

She followed them, taking the remaining Jindan early stage and two Jindan middle stage beast puppets in her hand and killing into the huge group of monsters below.

The cultivators in the White Ape Market were also enjoying the killing madly.

After fighting for nearly half a day, more than 300,000 low-level monsters trapped by Yan Siyi's trap were finally killed.

The ground outside the White Ape Market was also covered with corpses of monsters, and those corpses continued to bleed, dyeing the land red, as if this place was a purgatory on earth.

The cultivators in the market didn't care about these, and began to clean up the battlefield with a smile.

The matter was over.

Yan Siyi also counted through the family's manpower and concluded that in this battle, the family collected more than 335,000 monster corpses from those casual cultivators, including those collected by the family members.

Among them, the corpses of Qi training monsters accounted for 99%, and there were only 2,000 corpses of foundation building monsters.

And these monster corpses, after being refined into spiritual objects by Ling's hundred arts, can at least bring nearly 3 million spiritual stones to Ling.

However, even with the hundreds of hundred arts of Ling, it would take at least 50 years to refine these monster corpses into spiritual objects.

After refining these spiritual objects, even if Ling now controls all the markets in the four territories of Lingxiao Mountains, Lingxiao Thousand Star Lake, Tayun Ridge, and Baiyun Mountains, it will take at least another 50 years to cash in these huge spiritual objects.

As for the more than 200,000 monster corpses harvested in the Baiyun Mountains, they can probably bring about 2 million in profits. Because the number of monsters is small, it will take about 60 to 70 years to cash in successfully.

In general, although the income from this battle is as high as 5 million spiritual stones, it will take more than 170 years to get all these spiritual stones.

Yan Siyi could barely accept this.

After all, if you calculate it, Ling's family can get at least 30,000 spirit stones from these monster corpses every year, which is a great help to Ling's finances.

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