Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 708: The Demonic Alliance comes out in full force (3200 words, please subscribe)

In the evening of the same day.

More than a dozen third-level demon boats nearly a hundred feet in size flew out from the direction of the Demon Alliance in the east of the Yuan Kingdom and entered within the 100,000-mile boundary of Maple Leaf Valley.

At the same time, nine bronze bells rang out in Maple Leaf Valley.

The voice of the Li family’s True Lord Li Xuanyuan also spread throughout Maple Leaf Valley.

"The demon cultivators of the Demon Alliance headed by Yin Du Sect have arrived and are ready to fight!"

Deep in Maple Leaf Valley, inside a main hall.

Ling Pengyun, who was sitting cross-legged here and had just finished worshiping the fourth-order formation flag, heard the strange movement coming from the outside world and immediately opened his eyes, with a look of solemnity on his face.

At this time, True Lord Tianxing, who was guarding the people in the main hall and refining the formation, also appeared and said.

"You have all finished refining the formation flag. It's time for you to play some role. Follow me out of the palace!"

After saying that, Tianxing Zhenjun, who looked like an immortal, walked out of the hall first.

Ling Pengyun and others followed closely behind.

Soon, the group bypassed the low-level monks in the valley and arrived at the entrance of Maple Leaf Valley.

With the help of the pupil technique, Ling Pengyun's eyesight was also blessed, and he could immediately see the situation on dozens of third-order medium-sized flying boats flying one hundred thousand miles away.

Although the number of demon cultivators loaded in it is not large, there are only a few but less than 10,000, which is far less than the number of cultivators in Maple Leaf Valley.

But the cultivation level of those demon cultivators is at least as high as the late stage of Qi training. There are also eighty or ninety Jindan demon cultivators, and the sinister True Lord of the Demonic Alliance is also here.

Generally speaking, if we put aside the monks in the early and middle stages of Qi training in Maple Leaf Valley, the number of monks in the late stage and above of Qi training in the two sides is actually about the same.

Seeing this scene, Ling Pengyun's face suddenly became solemn.

"If the Demonic Alliance were not far away from here and the second-order airships were not fast, and the dozens of third-order airships alone would not be able to accommodate those low-level monks, I am afraid that the Demonic Alliance would have planned to leave in full force this time."

"Looking at the attitude of the Demonic Alliance, I am afraid that this time there is a plan to decide life and death."

"This battle... is dangerous."

"Judging from the battle between the Yin Po Demon Lord and Li Xuanyuan and Tian Xing Zhenjun a few years ago, the Yin Du Demon Lord is probably extremely strong. Once the Yin Du Demon Lord comes to the door with those demon cultivators, then It will be extremely difficult for the two true kings to defeat the evil demon king."

"I just don't know if the fourth-level formation of the Golden Pill in the Valley that Lord Tianxing gave me this time can change the situation."

"And if it is not possible, the red spirit phoenix of the Li family has not broken through the Nascent Soul realm to help Li Xuanyuan and True Lord Tianxing defeat the evil demon."

"As a result, the evil demon king and his people have been surrounding Maple Leaf Valley to fight. I am afraid that the group of demon cultivators will also use their manpower to destroy the forces within the Yuan Kingdom's righteous alliance without the golden elixir combat power, and the Yuan Kingdom's territory will also suffer. "

"This time, the Li family may also have plans to take risks. Once the red spirit phoenix enters the Nascent Soul, with the lifespan of the phoenix, the Li family will be strong enough for thousands of years. If it fails... the Li family will probably be destroyed sooner or later. thing!"

"If that happens, the millions of mortals of my Ling family who are still in the original realms of the Liang family and the Qiu family will probably..."

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun suddenly felt distressed.

Demon cultivators are not reasonable people. Once they are given a chance, they will swarm in.

The number of mortals left by the Ling Family in the original realm of the Liang Family and the Qiu Family is as many as five to six million. These mortals are extremely important to the Ling Family, equivalent to the number of mortals after the Ling Family swallowed up the Xuanyang Sect and the Ten Thousand Beast Sect. Half of the total number of mortals in both families.

If all these mortals could be transported back to the Ling Family, the Ling Family would be able to detect at least 50 to 60 people with spiritual roots from these mortals every year. About 500 monks could be born in ten years, and around 100 years would be born. There are about five thousand monks, which is of great significance to the Ling family.

After all, although the Ling clan now claims to have tens of thousands of members, most of them are casual cultivators recruited by the Foreign Affairs Hall, married monks, or female cultivators who married into the Ling clan.

The real number of Ling cultivators is only three thousand.

This was also the reason why Ling Pengyun knew that the Liang family and the Qiu family had a large number of mortals, and it was difficult to transport them back to their families due to the chaos of monsters, but they were still reluctant to let go of these mortals.

Of course, there was no objection from the Yuan Kingdom forces to the previous group of mortals staying in the original boundaries of the Liang and Qiu families. Even those forces that had recently occupied the boundaries of the Liang and Qiu families had no objections to this.

This matter is guaranteed by the Li family, a powerful Nascent Soul clan. As long as these mortals or the Ling family don't cause big trouble, the Li family will allow the Ling family to slowly transport the mortals.

Furthermore, mortals are different from monks. As long as they have land, mortals can live and cannot interfere in the world of monks.

The Ling family was so powerful that it was not a big deal for those forces in the Yuan Kingdom to lend a piece of desolate land to live for those mortals. After all, the most indispensable thing in this world was desolate land.

"If the crisis can be resolved this time, the two groups of mortals from the Liang family and the Qiu family can also survive. We must find a way to get them back to the family as soon as possible. Even if they cannot be brought back to the family, we must maximize their benefits. If not, But it’s such a waste.”

Ling Pengyun secretly made up his mind.

Then, he looked at Ling Yunhong who was right next to him, and then at the thousands of Ling monks who were still deep in the valley, and transmitted messages to them all at the same time.

"If we are defeated and Maple Leaf Valley's defensive formation is broken, there is no need to guard. Come closer to me quickly. I have a treasure in my hand, and I have a chance to help you escape from this land!"

Ling Yunhong and the others were not fools. They saw the crisis and immediately sent a message to Ling Pengyun to show that they understood.

After a while, when the dozens of flying boats of the Demonic Alliance entered Maple Leaf Valley about ten thousand miles away.

Li Xuanyuan Zhenjun in the valley suddenly took off and took the lead. He held the Li family's spiritual treasure "Fire Phoenix Bow" and condensed nine arrow feathers with spiritual power. When he pulled the bowstring, nine arrows were fired at once.

These nine arrow feathers did not have any power at first, but during the flight, these nine arrow feathers suddenly grew larger, all growing to more than three hundred feet in size and turning into nine fire phoenixes that were like the scorching sun and exuded countless hot air.

Their aura was even more terrifying, cutting through countless voids and sending out countless broken sounds.

However, in the blink of an eye, they crossed nearly ten thousand miles of territory and were about to bombard the flying boats of the Demonic Alliance.

Just at this moment, a dragon roar sounded, and a magic sword engraved with dragon patterns suddenly rose into the air, transformed into a magic dragon over 600 feet long, and rushed towards the nine-headed fire phoenix, unexpectedly gaining an absolute advantage with one against nine.

Only half a breath later, a fire phoenix died tragically in the mouth of the magic dragon.

"That fourth-level middle-grade magic sword is several times stronger than the one in the battle that year. Could it be that the sword has recovered from its injuries?"

Ling Pengyun, who was in Maple Leaf Valley, looked at the situation and his face suddenly turned black.

Yin Du Zhenjun, a demon lord at the first level of Yuanying, was able to tie with Li Xuanyuan and Tianxing Zhenjun at the beginning of the war between good and evil, relying on the magic sword.

At that time, the magic sword was still injured, and only had 70% to 80% of its power when it was in full victory.

At this time, Tianxing Zhenjun also took action. While the magic sword of the demon king was blocked, he also sacrificed his fourth-level natal formation, covering all the demon cultivators' flying boats nearly 100,000 miles away.

Although some demon cultivators attacked the seventy-six formation flags in the middle, they were easily resisted by the formation spirits in those formation flags with the help of the formation power.

The seventy-six formation flags also formed a formation, transforming into a huge light curtain that covered all the flying boats, and transformed into a thick light curtain that trapped the enemy.

At the same time, countless clouds and mists were formed under the condensation of the formation power, rushing towards the nearly ten thousand demon cultivators in the flying boat group.

Although the Jindan demon cultivators in the flying boat group sacrificed a fourth-level defense formation in time, the clouds and mists were like traditional formations. After consuming most of the clouds and mists, half of them successfully entered the formation and pounced on the demon cultivators on the flying boat group.

These clouds and mists have the effect of bewitching the soul. In addition to the eighty or ninety Jindan demon cultivators and Yindu Demon Lord, at least half of the Qi training and foundation building demon cultivators in the formation were affected. They were also controlled by the bewitching clouds and mists and attacked the demon cultivators beside them.

For a moment, the flying boats of the Demon Alliance were in chaos.

"The fourth-level formation is indeed extraordinary!"

Ling Pengyun was secretly surprised.

At this time, Tianxing Zhenjun looked at the sky. Many stars and crescent moons appeared in the dark sky, and he also called out.

"All Jindan friends, set up the formation and bombard the demon dragon transformed by Yindu Zhenjun's magic treasure!"

Hearing the signal, Ling Pengyun did not dare to delay. He quickly sacrificed the formation flag of the Starlight Destruction Formation that he had just sacrificed not long ago.

Around, the other 35 Jindan Zhenren who mastered the flags of this formation and the 36 Jindan Zhenren who mastered the flags of the Sun and Moon World Destruction Formation also raised their formation flags.

Because the Poison Dragon Demon Lord and the other demon cultivators were trapped, and the demon dragon was temporarily entangled by the Fire Phoenix shot by Zhenjun Li Xuanyuan using the Fire Phoenix Bow, no one could resist the formation flags for a while.

The formation flags of these two formations also arrived at the place where the Fire Phoenix and the Demon Dragon were fighting very smoothly, surrounding them all.

With two buzzing sounds, the two formations respectively raised a light curtain to trap the enemy and cover the evil dragon.

At the same time, the formation weapons of these two formations, "Starlight Destruction Sword" and "Sun and Moon World Destruction Mirror", also appeared.

Although these two formation weapons are both quasi-fourth-level magic weapons, under the blessing of the formation power, the power of these two magic weapons is enough to match the real fourth-level lower-grade spiritual treasures.

As the flags of the two formations trembled, the countless stars in the dark sky and the power of stars and moonlight emitted by the crescent moon were also attracted by the formation instruments of the two formations and poured into their bodies.

The Starlight Destruction Sword also grew to more than 400 feet, and countless sword intentions suddenly soared into the sky.

At this moment, the flying swords and magic weapons in the surrounding 100,000 miles even resonated with it, and countless sword sounds suddenly resounded in the air. The sword energy in those flying swords was attracted by the formation instrument of the Starlight Destruction Formation and poured into this sword.

In a short period of time, the sword intention of this sword soared by 30%.

It also spread out three or four thousand small sword beams around it, and the area seemed to have turned into a sword domain.

And although the precious mirror formation device of the Sun and Moon World-Destroying Formation did not have such great power, it madly absorbed the spiritual power in the bodies of the thirty-six Jindan Zhenren who activated the formation, and then condensed a half-silver and half-white serve containing infinite terrifying chaotic power, and hit it out.

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