Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 709: Six Days to Condense the Nascent Soul (3400 words, please subscribe)

at the same time.

The other eight first- and second-level Jindan monks with lower cultivation levels in the valley also led nearly 40,000 low-level monks to set up nine large formations of third-level mid-level or above, and also tried their best to inspire these The large formation summoned the weapons of those formations, and launched a series of powerful attacks towards the demonic dragon.

This demon dragon is the most powerful means of the Yin Po Demon Lord. As long as this treasure is useless, the Yin Po Demon Lord will have no power to fight anymore.

However, the demonic dragon was worthy of being transformed into a fourth-level mid-grade demonic treasure. It had extraordinary intelligence. It actually condensed several defensive light curtains in time to resist.

In addition, it also spit out the fourth-level low-grade evil dragon shield of the Yin Po True Lord, and blocked it in front of him, forming a huge defensive light curtain.

The dozens of golden elixir demon cultivators who quelled the civil strife in the Feizhou Mountains in a short period of time also used a fourth-order large formation, and worked together with five third-order mid-level or above demonic formations to surround the Feizhou Group under True Lord Tianxing. He broke a small gap in the fourth-level formation and then left the trapped formation.

However, for this reason, these formations also consumed a lot of power, and their power was reduced by about 30%.

At this time, these magic formations were also under the control of those demon cultivators, and they went to help the demon dragon.

As these formations entered the battle, more than ten formations appeared in the place where the demonic dragon was. The entire sky was covered by those formations, and the surrounding area became dark.

Countless roars were emitted as different formations and formations bombarded each other.

Thin waves of spiritual power suddenly spread to all directions.

And at that place of fighting, the formations bombarded each other with too much force, and actually tore up a sliver of the sky.

A boundless wind also surged out from it, roaring and destroying the entire area.

However, due to the small space to be torn apart, the power of this Wuji Gangfeng is not strong, and it is difficult to pose a threat to those formations.

Not long after, because the Righteous Alliance had a larger number of formations and higher grades, the fourth-level formation and the five third-order mid-level and above magic formations offered by the Demonic Alliance were also used by the Righteous Alliance. The formations were shattered one by one.

The fourth-level low-grade defensive magic weapon sacrificed by the Sinister Demon Lord was also knocked away by the formation.

There were still nine third-order mid-level or above killing formations with 10% or 20% remaining, and they also transformed into powerful attacks that tore apart the last few defenses around the demonic dragon and bombarded its body. It struck a huge wound that was dozens of feet deep and dozens of feet wide.

The "Starlight Destruction Sword", which still had about 50% of its power, cut off the dragon's tail with one sword.

And the treasured mirror of the Sun-Moon World-Destroying Array, which also had about 50% of its power, erupted into a huge power and a white light from the transformed Chaos Sphere, covering the sky.

Only the continuous screams of the demonic dragon echoed throughout the air.

When the white light at that location dissipated, the demonic dragon immediately took off from it with a roar.

At this time, the demon dragon was in an extremely embarrassed state. Although it was transformed by spiritual power and had no flesh and blood, at this moment, it shrank from a size of more than 600 feet to a size of more than 400 feet, and its aura was also reduced by as much as 30%. .

The demonic dragon roared at Maple Leaf Valley and slammed into the Starlight Destroying Sword with endless fury.

Fortunately, this sword has spirit, and the flying sword magic weapon is good at speed. Just hearing a sound of breaking through the air, the sword quickly moved away and retreated several formations away.

The demon dragon, which had nowhere to vent its anger, also crashed into the surrounding light screen that transformed into a third-level high-grade formation to trap the enemy.

Because this formation had just struck a decisive blow, the monks who controlled this formation had consumed too much spiritual energy and could not maintain the formation. As a result, the power of this formation was less than 30%. As a result, this formation was hard-hit by the demonic dragon. Crash into pieces.

The righteous monk who controlled this formation also had his spiritual power rolling slightly because the formation was broken.

At this time, True Lord Tianxing’s face turned extremely dark.

"The fourth-level mid-grade magic weapon at the time of complete victory is indeed terrifying."

"This time, it is impossible to use the golden elixir monks here to fully activate the two fourth-level formations and destroy the magic treasure."

He sighed softly, and then looked at the monks in Maple Leaf Valley who had exhausted all their spiritual energy, and then said loudly.

"They all took the recovery pills distributed before the war, and instead used formations to trap the demonic dragon."

Ling Pengyun, who was among the crowd, frowned when he heard this and muttered secretly in his heart.

"It seems that True Lord Tianxing is planning to delay."

"It is said that it takes nine days for the spiritual energy caused by condensing the Nascent Soul to fill the body."

"But it has only been five days since the Li family's red spirit phoenix activated the spiritual energy to fill its body. I don't know if it can survive the remaining four days!"

Then, he took out a third-level middle-grade spirit-reviving pill from his storage bag.

This elixir was distributed by the Li family before the war. Every monk participating in the war had a recovery elixir of the same level.

Even the Li family would be exhausted after distributing this batch of pills.

The other monks in the valley also swallowed the elixir at this moment to restore their spiritual power.

Then, everyone turned the attack into a trap and used formations to entangle the greatly weakened demonic dragon.

Time gradually passed, and the sun was about to rise on the sixth day.

The Yin Po True Lord could not sit still for a while. He raised his hand and waved a magic talisman with flashing magic light, directly hitting the fourth-level starlight destruction formation that surrounded the magic dragon.

There was a flash of magic light, and the spiritual power within the formation was immediately absorbed by the magic talisman.

Ling Pengyun, who was in Maple Leaf Valley, was shocked when he saw this.

He is extremely familiar with this talisman.

"Level 4 formation-breaking magic talisman!"

At the same time, True Lord Tianxing also said loudly with urgency.

"Quickly evacuate that starlight destruction formation!"

However, Ling Pengyun and others who arranged this formation had no time to withdraw from the formation. The fourth-order formation-breaking magic talisman attached to the formation absorbed a large amount of spiritual power and produced a huge explosion force, which directly hit the majestic building. A huge crack exploded on the starlight destruction formation, which had only about 70% left.

As the rest of the demonic cultivators in the flying boat group frantically launched attacks to bombard the crack, the crack also grew crazily in half a breath, until the entire formation was covered with cracks, and the formation collapsed.


True Lord Tianxing roared angrily.

Although the Starlight Destruction Formation has not been destroyed at this moment, this formation has also been seriously injured. If you want to help it return to full victory, you will need to consume a lot of spiritual objects, even fourth-level spiritual objects, to help.

Even for the Tianxing Sect, it would be difficult to come up with this array of resources.

It was only then that Ling Pengyun and others who had arranged the starlight destruction formation successfully withdrew the formation.

Therefore, once the formation was broken, it would be difficult to use it in a short period of time, so they could only use magic weapons to attack.

And the other side.

Without the extraordinarily powerful weapon of the Starlight Destruction Formation to fight with, the trapped demon dragon was also under great pressure, and it also bombarded the surrounding formations even more frantically.

By the end of the day and night, they had also successively defeated the remaining eight formations of level 3 and above.

Today, only the fourth-level low-grade Sun-Moon World-Destroying Formation is still there.

However, with this formation alone, it is difficult to trap it for long. Even if True Lord Li Xuanyuan blocks the demon dragon, it can only delay the formation for a few minutes before it is smashed.

But just when the dark crescent moon in the sky rose to its highest altitude, marking the early morning hours.

The huge spiritual energy filling the body in Maple Leaf Valley suddenly stopped, and the inspired spiritual energy returned to normal.

Immediately afterwards, a majestic and huge aura came from the depths of Maple Leaf Valley.

In the sky above Maple Leaf Valley, black tribulation clouds with thunderous beatings gradually gathered.

Because of the thunder, this calamity cloud is extremely eye-catching even in this dark night.

This scene also shocked Ling Pengyun and other righteous monks who were in the middle of the battle, as well as the demonic monks thousands of miles away.

"This is... the breath of the monk Nascent Soul!"

"The red fire phoenix of the Li family actually condensed the Nascent Soul, and it happened in just six days!"

Ling Pengyun looked surprised.

You must know that the "spiritual energy filling" of the heaven and earth phenomenon caused by the monk's condensed Nascent Soul is the evolution of the laws of heaven and earth. This phenomenon will last for at least nine days, which is almost impossible to change.

"Could it be said that the red fire phoenix of the Li family has an extraordinary opportunity?"

Ling Pengyun secretly guessed.

At this time, the True Lord Li Xuanyuan, who was flying in the sky, felt the gathering clouds of calamity in the sky, but his face showed a mixture of happiness and pity.

This time, the Red Fire Phoenix was able to survive the aura-filled body and trigger the thunder calamity three full days in advance, but it also cost a lot of money.

The first thing to bear the brunt is the wasted benefit of spiritual energy filling the body.

Infusion of spiritual energy can be said to be a kind of favor from heaven and earth to monks. This kind of favor is difficult for ordinary monks to refuse, and it is equivalent to compulsion.

It is with the help of the huge spiritual energy condensed by these blessings that ordinary monks have the opportunity to condense the Nascent Soul. Otherwise, ordinary monks who want to condense the Nascent Soul have to spend at least millions of spiritual stones to have a chance.

During this period of spiritual energy filling the body, the monks have condensed the Nascent Soul in advance. They can also use the spiritual energy triggered by this vision to stabilize their own foundation and even condense the quality of the Nascent Soul.

It is even said that some geniuses, in the process of breaking through the Nascent Soul, used the spiritual energy to imbue the body with the blessing of heaven and earth to absorb infinite spiritual power. After successfully surviving the thunder tribulation, they not only condensed the superior Nascent Soul, but also directly The matter of moving from the first level of Yuanying to the second level of Yuanying.

Moreover, this cultivation level is also very condensed, which will continue to benefit the monks in the future.

The Red Fire Phoenix uses the legendary "Demon-Burning Spirit Transformation Technique" of the legendary Burning Demon-Burning Fire Phoenix clan to forcefully end these blessings of heaven and earth. It will also lose a large amount of spiritual energy and gather it into the body to help improve the quality of the Nascent Soul, improve cultivation, etc. benefit.

In addition, forcibly ending the aura filling the body will also consume the pure Yang energy in the body of the red spirit fire phoenix, and it will take at least tens of thousands of corpses of demon cultivators to recover afterwards.

Of course, it was a helpless move for the Red Spirit Fire Phoenix to do this.

If we delay for some more time, when the last fourth-level low-grade "Sun-Moon World-Destroying Formation" in the outside world is also destroyed by that demon dragon, that demon dragon will definitely help Poison Dragon Demon Lord and other demon cultivators defeat the True Lord Tianxing. The natal formation that trapped them.

Once this formation is also breached, the army of demon cultivators will bombard Maple Leaf Valley's defensive formation.

The valley-protecting formation was only at the third-middle level, and when it was completely victorious, it could only withstand the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation.

Once too much power of this formation is consumed by the army of demonic cultivators, it will be difficult for this formation to completely withstand the twelve world-destroying thunderbolts triggered by the fire phoenix after it successfully condenses the Nascent Soul.

And the Li family has no other treasure that can withstand the thunder and lightning. It is possible to block the thunder and robbery with the body, but this is extremely dangerous, and if you do not do it well, you will be turned into ashes by the thunder and lightning.

The other side.

The Yin Du Zhenjun, who was thousands of miles away from Maple Leaf Valley, also saw the scene of the thunder tribulation gathering. Perhaps he took into account that the thunder tribulation, such a positive thing, was extremely disgusting to the demon cultivators. Even if he did not actively help the tribulation to resist the thunder tribulation, as long as he was within the 100,000-mile area of ​​the tribulation cloud, he would still be at risk of being bombarded by the thunder tribulation.

Or perhaps he took into account that it was difficult to stop the Red Fire Phoenix from entering the Nascent Soul Realm, so the Yin Du Zhenjun had no choice but to lead the demon cultivator army to withdraw to the territory of the Demon Dao Alliance in the east of Yuan Country.

Ling Pengyun was secretly relieved when he saw this. He also put away his magic weapon and gathered with the Ling family cultivators in the valley. Like the other cultivators in the valley, they all stayed away from the thunder tribulation area and watched the thunder tribulation come quietly.

Maple Leaf Valley covers an area of ​​more than 500 miles, and the tribulation cloud in the sky only covers about 300 feet.

Therefore, there are many areas in Maple Leaf Valley that are not within the scope of the tribulation cloud.

After the tribulation cloud in the sky had been brewing for several hours, a roar was heard in the sky.

A thick black bolt of lightning, with a sound of breaking through the air, fell down as if it was going to destroy the world.

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