Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 712: The Fourth-Level Treasure Demon Flame Pearl (3400 words, please subscribe)

The Yin Du Zhenjun in the Demon Dao Mountain originally intended to call back the dragon, but the dragon was trapped by Ling Pengyun and others relying on the formation, and it was difficult to escape.

In desperation, Yin Du Zhenjun had to use the method of enhancing strength, enhancing his cultivation, and transferring more huge magic power into the body of the demon dragon, helping the dragon's strength to surge by 30%.

But this move failed to change the situation, and the demon dragon was still suppressed.

Even after a hundred breaths, the dragon was directly broken up by the "Feather Man" Li Xuanyuan and turned into the evil dragon magic sword again.

This sword can also be seen with the naked eye, and at least half of it is covered with cracks.

"Yin Du old ghost, I will accept this sword."

Li Xuanyuan Zhenjun laughed loudly, and spread his wings behind him. A ball of red fire carrying pure yang power suddenly appeared and spread to the demon sword.

Although the pure Yang power in this fire is not much, the Red Flame Treasure Fire is not weak to begin with, it is a fourth-level treasure fire, and with the addition of some pure Yang power, the power of this fire is also doubled.

With a series of sizzling sounds, the demonic energy in the magic sword can be gradually burned at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sound of dragons' sorrows also came from the sword body.

Even though the magic sword continued to emit infinite sword energy, this sword was injured after all, and its dragon body was broken up, and its strength was only one tenth of that, it could not escape the siege of this treasure fire.

Seeing this, the sinister True Lord in the Demon Dao Mountain was full of anger on his face.

His cultivation was not high, only the first level of Yuanying, and his strength was all based on the top-level middle-level magic treasure "Evil Dragon Demon Sword" of the third-level middle-grade.

Once this sword is refined by Li Xuan's Yuanbao Fire, his strength will be reduced by at least 70%. At that time, without a strong strength, he will find it difficult to argue with the three major demon sects in the Eastern Demon Realm for interests. At most, he can only be a subordinate of the three major demon sects and practice Taoism with difficulty.

"I can only use that thing!"

Yin Du Zhenjun had a little reluctance between his eyebrows. He raised his hand and took out a black and red phantom ball from the storage bag. It seemed to have infinite power to tear the void, and the aura was as high as the fourth-level middle-grade realm.

This ball is called "Demon Flame Pearl", which was found by Yin Du Zhenjun from the place where the evil dragon demon monarch sat in the Zhongzhou Xiuxian world when he got the inheritance of the evil dragon demon monarch in his early years.

That place has a special fourth-grade lower-grade fire demon vein, which was found by the Evil Dragon Demon Lord after hundreds of years of searching. He has never exposed that treasure, which has also caused the inheritance of this demon lord to never be obtained by anyone. Yin Du Zhenjun also found that place by chance.

And that demon vein is also an extremely rare demon vein, which can produce demon energy with the power of fire, which is of great benefit to the demon cultivators who practice fire magic.

For this reason, the Evil Dragon Demon Lord arranged a special fourth-grade lower-grade formation called "Demon Flame Gathering Fire Formation" in it, and used this formation to absorb all the fire demon energy produced by the fire demon vein for more than 600 years, and then successfully condensed this demon flame bead.

And the power of this gem is also extraordinary, at least it has the power of a fifth-level Nascent Soul.

The fourth-grade lower-grade demon flame bead has the power of a second-level Nascent Soul.

The fourth-grade upper-grade demon flame bead has the power of a Nascent Soul eighth-level cultivator.

However, such a gem requires at least the help of a fourth-order medium-grade fire demon vein and a fourth-order medium-grade formation to condense.

After Yin Du Zhenjun sighed softly and cast a fourth-order spell to create a gap in the weak point of Tian Xing Zhenjun's fourth-order formation, he raised his hand and shot the black and red ball out.

The ball immediately turned into a red shadow, and before Li Xuanyuan could react, he had already arrived at his face.

"Not good!"

Li Xuanyuan Zhenjun, who had turned into a "feathered man", seemed to recognize this thing, his face changed drastically, and he roared.

But before he finished speaking, the ball directly split into four pieces, and a large piece of demonic flame with infinite power suddenly gushed out of it.

The void was directly torn apart by this demonic flame, and countless infinite winds suddenly gushed out of it, roaring and destroying this area.

However, this strong wind was beneficial to the devil flame. With this wind to help the fire, the power of this fire also surged by about half a percent again.

As a result, this fire quickly engulfed Li Xuanyuan Zhenjun, and the formation that trapped the devil dragon was also destroyed, and this devil fire was still spreading rapidly around.

Ling Pengyun saw the power of the devil bead. Although he was thousands of miles away from the devil bead and there were several third-level medium-grade or above defensive formations around the flying boat group, he still felt a great sense of crisis.

He hurriedly took out the Xuanyang Treasure Shield from his storage bag while activating a low-grade formation flag and propped up a thick light curtain to cover the entire Lingxiao flying boat.

He also successively cast dozens of third-level low-grade defensive talismans that he had obtained from the third-level low-grade talisman maker Qingxin Laodao in the Qingxin Taoist Temple in his early years, and transformed them into a light curtain.

At the same time, the thousands of Ling family cultivators on the Lingxiao flying boat and Ling Yunhong did the same.

In an instant, the huge Lingxiao flying boat was immediately covered by thousands of defensive light screens.

At this moment, the huge demonic flames also swept over and engulfed the entire group of flying boats.

The several defensive formations protecting the flying boats were like thin paper and were easily crushed by the demonic flames.

The defensive light screen transformed by Ling Pengyun's Xuanyang Treasure Shield did resist for half a breath, but was also shattered.

Fortunately, there were many defensive light screens on the Lingxiao flying boat, which withstood the burning of the devil flame that was as powerful as the sky. The devil flame also dissipated, and the sunlight from the sky fell on the earth again, bringing light to this world again.

However, the nearly one hundred medium-sized flying boats in the flying boat group without Jindan Zhenren sitting in the group were not so lucky. They were all burned to ashes, and nearly 20,000 cultivators were naturally burned to death.

This scene also made Ling Pengyun feel very touched.

"The Nascent Soul War is indeed not something that a cultivator like me can intervene in. If it weren't for the help of the formation, I'm afraid I would have died countless times in such a battle. I just hope that the Nascent Soul War in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World in the future will not involve my Ling family."

Then, he turned his eyes and looked at the center of the explosion of the devil flame bead.

There, a "winged man" with two wings flew into the void.

This person was naturally Li Xuanyuan, but at this time, all his feathers were burned clean, his whole body was bald, and many of his wings behind him were blown off, and he was in a very miserable state.

Even, one could still subtly detect the traces of this person's use of the method to enhance his strength. His cultivation has now reached the fourth level of the Nascent Soul. Perhaps because of this, he has consumed a lot of his lifespan, resulting in a strong aura of death on his body.

There were also four magic shields and copper bell-like defensive magic weapons with dim spiritual light floating around him. The lowest grade among them was quasi-fourth grade, and there was even a real fourth-grade low-grade spiritual treasure.

In addition, there were three remnants of fourth-grade low-grade spiritual talismans beside him.

"That senior Li Xuanyuan is indeed a strong man from the Li family who has been in the Northern Wilderness cultivation world for nearly ten thousand years. He has many means. He even has three fourth-level spiritual talismans. No wonder he can block the powerful Demon Flame Pearl!"

"But judging from the appearance of the True Lord Li Xuanyuan, he is probably not feeling well now. I am afraid that this True Lord, whose life span is already short, will die in this world soon."

"That Demon Flame Pearl is really extraordinary!"

Ling Pengyun sighed, and he saw the "Feather Man" Li Xuanyuan frantically passing the huge red fire power to the remaining evil dragon magic sword. In just a hundred breaths, he refined this magic treasure with no resistance into a quasi-fourth-level sword embryo with the ability to enter the fourth-level middle-grade spiritual sword.

The spiritual consciousness imprint placed by the Yin Du True Lord inside it was also directly eliminated by the red fire power.

Then, he put it away and headed straight for the Demon Dao Mountain, still desperately activating the power of red fire as before, bombarding the formation of the Demon Dao Mountain.

At the same time, this person also shouted.

"Follow me to completely destroy the Demon Dao Alliance!"

Ling Pengyun was shocked when he heard this, and it was not difficult for him to see the current situation of Li Xuanyuan Zhenjun.

"This senior Li is now really sacrificing his life for justice, and he doesn't care about life and death for the future of the Li family."

"But after this battle, I don't know if this old senior can hold on... for the happy event of the Li family and the Tianxing Sect in half a month!"

At this moment, he also had a little more admiration in his heart.

Because the fourth-level formation formed by the formation flag in his hand and the other golden elixirs was broken and could not be used again in a short time, he immediately activated several of his own magic weapons to bombard the defensive formation of the Demon Dao Mountain.

The same is true for the righteous cultivators who survived here.

Because the Yin Du Zhenjun in the mountain had a low level of cultivation, and when the evil dragon magic sword was refined, he was attacked by the magic treasure, and his strength was reduced by more than 30%.

Now, even if he cooperated with the Yuanying level one magic fire black evil sky corpse in the magic mountain, it was difficult to stop the desperate attack of Li Xuanyuan Zhenjun.

However, in just three days, the fourth-level lower-grade mountain protection magic formation of the magic mountain was blasted to pieces.

Li Xuanyuan Zhenjun, who turned into a winged man, also rushed in. After fighting with Yin Du Zhenjun and the magic fire black evil sky corpse in the mountain for only a dozen moves, they were defeated.

But just when the sky corpse was about to be killed by Li Xuanyuan, a loud shout suddenly came from the east.

"Li Xuanyuan, you dare!"

Everyone was shocked and turned their heads to look, and immediately saw a black escape light with a huge aura flying rapidly from the sky.

But at this time, a blue escape light also appeared in the northern sky, and a majestic voice also came out.

"Li Xuanyuan destroyed the Heavenly Corpse!"

"With this Sect Master here, the old ghost Xuanshi can't touch you!"

When the black light from the east saw the appearance of the blue light, it also stopped, revealing a monk who was skinny and looked like a mummy, with endless demonic energy surrounding him.

A dark cloud even gradually appeared in the sky above him, as if foreshadowing the coming storm.

"Haiyun, are you sure you want to stop me?"

The white light from the north also stopped, revealing a man wearing a blue Taoist robe embroidered with sea patterns, with a fairy-like appearance, a head of white hair, and a middle-aged face with a fairy-like appearance.

This man was hundreds of thousands of miles away, staring coldly at the skinny demon cultivator, and said coldly.

"You're asking even though you know the answer?"

The skinny demon cultivator's face suddenly showed numerous ferocious expressions, but perhaps because he was concerned about the strength of the white-haired cultivator with a celestial appearance, he did not take action, and only shouted angrily at Li Xuanyuan in the Demon Mountain.

"Li family, if you dare to touch the Heavenly Corpse of our sect today, we will definitely destroy your clan in the future."

The cultivator named "Haiyun" who had a celestial appearance sneered back.

"Xuanshi old ghost, you can give it a try!"

The skinny monk named "Xuanshi Old Ghost" trembled, and a trace of fear flashed between his eyebrows. He looked at the white-haired monk named "Haiyun", and then looked at the Yuanying layer of the sky corpse in the Demon Mountain with a little bit of unwillingness. He spent a lot of magic resources and more than 200 years to successfully sacrifice for a long time, and then he snorted coldly and turned into a black escape light and returned to the east.

The white-haired monk named Haiyun stood in the void and watched the man go away quietly without any movement.

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