Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 713 The war is over and the Yuanyings of various sects appear (4400 words, please subscribe)

The cultivators who saw this funny scene from a distance were all shocked.

Even Ling Pengyun was the same.

It was because the two unknown cultivators were well-known in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World.

The skinny cultivator who fled far away and was called "Xuanshi Old Ghost" was the "Xuanshi Old Demon", the leader of "Xuanshi Sect", one of the only three Yuanying Sects in the Eastern Demon Realm.

The white-haired cultivator who was called "Haiyun" who was still staying in this sky was the "Haiyun Zhenjun", the leader of "Haiyun Xianzong", one of the three oldest Yuanying Sects of the human race.

As the masters of a sect, their cultivation is naturally very high. They have reached the middle stage of Yuanying early, and they are considered to be the top ten strong men in the entire Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World.

Especially the cultivation of the True Lord Haiyun is as high as the sixth level of the Nascent Soul, which is only one step away from the late stage of the Nascent Soul. His strength is even more extraordinary, and he is known as the third strongest person in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World.

In terms of strength, the only ones who can be stronger than him are the Supreme Immortal of the "Supreme Immortal Sect" and the "Cangmang Dragon Emperor", the strongest person in the Boundless Cangmang Lake.

"I didn't expect that the old demon Xuanshi and the True Lord Haiyun would both appear here! It seems that this place has become the most shining place in the entire Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World."

"I'm afraid that except for the Nascent Soul Demon Emperors in the Boundless Cangmang Lake, the Nascent Soul True Lords in the rest of the Nascent Soul forces of our human race are like the old demon Xuanshi and the True Lord Haiyun, hiding in the dark and balancing each other!"

"It's just that one hair is pulled, and the whole body is moved!"

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun couldn't help but think about the future of the family.

"The boundaries of my righteous and evil ways have been determined. In the future, if the family wants to expand, it can only think of ways to the demon race."

At the same time

Li Xuanyuan in the Demonic Dao Mountain knew the way of balancing the good and evil in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World. He was not afraid of the threat of the old demon Xuanshi. With murderous intent, he directly killed the Yuanying level 1 Heavenly Corpse in the mountain, and then put the remains of the demon corpse into the storage bag.

However, just when Li Xuanyuan was about to kill the Yindu Zhenjun, he saw that the Yindu Zhenjun took out a talisman with a breath as high as the fourth-level lower grade.

The talisman also flashed a silver spiritual light and wrapped the Yindu Zhenjun. The figure of the Yindu Zhenjun also disappeared here in an instant.

"It turned out to be a fourth-level lower-grade 3 million-mile transmission talisman!"

"This person is really blessed, but it's a pity that he didn't keep him, otherwise the 3 million-mile transmission talisman would be mine!"

Li Xuanyuan was also knowledgeable. His eyes trembled and he secretly regretted it.

The fourth-level spiritual talisman is rare, but it requires fourth-level talisman materials to refine it. Some fourth-level spiritual plants take a long time to grow, and the materials of Yuanying monsters are difficult to obtain, so it is difficult to refine this talisman.

Even in the entire Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World, there may be a chance to flow out a fourth-level low-grade spiritual talisman every two or three hundred years.

And the spiritual materials required for refining such a precious thing as the fourth-level low-grade three million miles teleportation talisman are even more precious, and the difficulty of refining is close to that of the fourth-level middle-grade spiritual talisman.

In the past three thousand years, such spiritual talismans have never appeared in the entire Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World, which can be said to be extremely rare.

"But fortunately, after spending so much life as a price, this land has finally been conquered by our clan! It's just that it will take a long time to convert the magic veins in this land into spiritual veins!"

Li Xuanyuan lowered his head, looking at the place where the quasi-fourth-level magic vein was located deep underground in the Demon Dao Mountain, frowned slightly, and muttered to himself.

It takes a lot of spiritual objects to convert the magic veins into spirit veins using a large formation, and this area of ​​the Demon Dao Alliance covers an area of ​​more than 5 million miles, with nearly 100,000 magic veins.

"That group of demon cultivators is really damnable. The good spirit veins were converted into demon veins in just a few years. This mess still needs my Li family to clean up."

Li Xuanyuan cursed inwardly, and then his fierce eyes turned into a red escape light and began to slaughter in the Demon Dao Mountain where 50,000 to 60,000 demon cultivators lived.

When Ling Pengyun and others drove the flying boat to support, nearly 20,000 demon cultivators in the entire Demon Dao Mountain had been killed.

This incident also made Ling Pengyun marvel again, the gap between Yuanying cultivators and low-level cultivators.

Soon, the battle in the Demon Dao Mountain was settled, and the mountain turned into a sea of ​​blood. The demon cultivators in the mountain turned into corpses, and no one could survive.

After Li Xuanyuan and the others collected the wealth from the demon cultivators they killed, but did not damage the bodies of the demon cultivators, he left the Demon Dao Mountain with Tianxing Zhenjun and went to pay a visit to "Haiyun Zhenjun" who had been watching the battle in the distant sky.

Ling Pengyun in the mountain looked up at the three Zhenjuns gathered in the distance, and felt a little more envious.

At the same time, he was also a little curious about why the Li family cultivators collected the bodies of the demon cultivators here.

This move was more or less strange, and there were many possibilities.

For example, refining the Demon Pill, or refining some demons, etc.

However, this matter was none of his business, so he did not think much about it, and turned to collect the wealth from the two Jindan demon cultivators he had just killed.


Three million miles away.

In the sky above a desolate land, a piece of void about ten feet in size suddenly became distorted.

The next moment, Yindu Zhenjun jumped out of it.

At this moment, his face was gloomy, his cheeks were pale, and his breath was weak. It was obvious that he had suffered a lot of injuries in the fight with Li Xuanyuan just now.

He looked towards the direction of the Demon Dao Mountain, his eyebrows were full of hatred.

"One day, I will repay you tenfold for stealing my magic treasure and taking my clan's territory."

Then, he secretly thought about his future.

"I thought I could rely on that sky corpse to defend the Devil's Way Mountain, but I didn't expect that hybrid bird to be so powerful. Li Xuanyuan was not afraid of death and maintained the method of increasing his strength for such a long time!"

"I'm afraid that within ten days and a half, this old man will run out of life and die."

Thinking of this, True Lord Yin Po showed a hint of joy on his face.

"But now that Demon Dao Mountain has been taken away, the territory has also been taken away, and the territory of our Yin Du Sect in the Eastern Demonic Domain is only a million miles away. If we want to accumulate resources and advance to a fourth-level demon vein, it may be as difficult as ascending to the sky. , I can’t stay in this Northern Wilderness Immortal Realm.”

"Fortunately, I also got a lot of good things during this chaos between good and evil spirits. Those demonic spiritual objects should be enough to help restore the fourth-level low-grade flame-fire demonic vein in the cave of the evil dragon in the Zhongzhou Immortal Realm."

"At that time, I can also borrow that demonic vein to practice."

Although there is a fourth-level low-grade flame demonic vein in the cave where the Evil Dragon Demon Lord took his seat in the Zhongzhou Immortal Realm, that demonic vein has been withdrawn by the "Demon Flame Condensing Fire Formation" for nearly six hundred years. Countless demonic energy, and even the origin of the fourth-level mid-level "Demon Flame Bead" condensed into it, also caused the origin to be injured, causing its level to be extremely unstable, and it has fallen back to the quasi-fourth level, making it difficult to use it for cultivation.

Even if he had set up a large formation there that could use the demonic energy produced by the demonic veins to repair itself, it would have taken at least five hundred years for the demonic veins to stabilize his rank.

And if you want to use demonic spiritual objects to restore the demonic veins, it will be a huge amount. Back then, the Yin Po Demon Lord was just a Jindan Daoist and did not have that kind of wealth.

This is also the reason why Yin Du Zhenjun, after receiving the inheritance of the Evil Dragon Demon Lord from there, returned to the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World in order to run the Yin Du Sect and launch a war between good and evil.

After making plans, the Sinister Demon Lord also carefully sneaked towards the Zhongzhou Immortal Cultivation World.

The Eastern Demonic Realm.

The boundary of Yindu Sect is on the top of a barren mountain close to the boundary of Yuan Kingdom.

There are three extraordinary people standing here.

Previously, the old demon Xuan Zhi who left the battlefield of good and demons was also here.

The other two are the masters of the other two major demon sects in the Eastern Demonic Realm, the "Five Poison Sect" and the "Evil Ghost Sect".

The monk whose whole body was wrapped in black gauze without revealing a trace of skin was the "Five Poison Demon Lord".

And that middle-aged monk with a thin body and cold eyes like snakes is the evil demon king.

"What should you do now!"

Xuan Zhi Lao Mo asked Wu Du and Evil Ghost Demon Lord.

"What else can we do? That old guy Haiyun has appeared, and the rest of the righteous Nascent Souls are probably also in the dark. Once we get involved, we will definitely be blocked."

"Moreover, we alone are no match for those righteous Nascent Souls."

"We can only wait until the chaos of monsters and beasts, and use the hands of those Nascent Soul Demon Emperors in the boundless vast swamp to seize the territory of the righteous monks."

The demon king was not angry.

"I agree!"

The Five Poison Demon Lord said coldly.

The old demon Xuan Zhi sighed helplessly and agreed to the matter.

And the reason why they want to capture the realm of righteous monks is because they have no choice but to do so.

These demonic cultivators showed weakness and formed an alliance with the demon clan thousands of years ago to fight against the powerful righteous cultivators.

If they attack the demon clan, the alliance between the two parties will be destroyed.

At that time, if the prosperous righteous monks attack demonic cultivators like them, they alone will not be able to withstand it.

A few days later.

In the territory of the Yuan Dynasty, the original land of the Liang family is now the top of the "Blue Scale Mountain" of the Liu family branch of Xuanzhu.

Under an old tree, there is a tea table, where four people are drinking tea and chatting.

"Clan Chief Liu, I wonder if Chief Liu is willing to accept the proposal I just made?"

Ling Pengyun, who was sitting on a wooden stool, picked up a tea cup on the tea table. After taking a sip of tea, he looked at the white-haired man here with a smile, who looked like Liu Shouchang beside him. The old monk wearing the Xuanzhu Liu family's Taoist robe asked.

This patriarch of the Liu family has the highest level of cultivation in the Liu family, reaching the seventh level of the Golden Core. He is also the head of the Liu family.

A few days ago, after the war between good and evil, he and Ling Yunhong returned to the Blue Scale Mountain with the Ling clan members. He found the young man through the Liu family's golden elixir "Liu Shouchang" stationed here by the Liu family of Xuanzhu. The old-looking head of the Liu family discussed with him the matter of selling himself to a mortal.

After all, Liu Shouchang often told Ling Yunhong that the Liu family wanted to buy mortals.

Ling Pengyun's plan to sell mortals was also due to the final battle of the war between good and evil.

If the Demonic Alliance had won the final battle of the war between good and evil, he might have been able to escape from Maple Leaf Valley, but the mortals of the Liang family who had not yet been transported back to their families, and the mortals of the Qiu family who were originally from the Qiu family's territory, could not escape from Maple Leaf Valley. But they will all fall into the hands of demon cultivators.

Ling's plan will also be ruined.

Therefore, Ling Pengyun took the initiative to find the old patriarch of the Liu family and told him about selling mortals.

Ling Pengyun's request just now is that each million mortals only need 70% of the market price, but the Liu family needs to help the Ling family transport one million mortals to the Ling family's territory within nine years.

If more mortals need to be purchased, the corresponding number of mortals will still be transported back to the Ling Family.

The old patriarch of the Liu family hesitated for a while and then spoke.

"Fellow Daoist Pengyun, can the price be reduced to 60%? If you are willing, our clan will buy two million mortals at one time and is willing to increase the number of mortals who help the nobles by 20% within nine years, totaling 2.4 million mortals!"

"Does your family have so many flying boats that can transport 2.4 million mortals to our territory within ten years?" Ling Pengyun was a little surprised when he heard this.

According to what he thought before, the Liu family, a once extremely glorious Jindan force, only had 50 or 60 medium-sized flying boats at most.

After all, the Ling family, a family of refining tools and spiritual plants, has accumulated only 50 or 60 flying boats over the years.

And this number of flying boats can only transport about 100,000 mortals every year.

Ten years is just around one million mortals.

"Our clan has been in the Yuan Kingdom for more than 5,000 years, and we have some foundation in war resources such as flying boats."

"In addition, our clan has accumulated a lot of relatives over the years. With the face of our Liu family, it is no problem to borrow some flying boats and transport 2.4 million mortals and nobles within ten years."

The old patriarch of the Liu family did not hide it and said with a smile.

"It is okay to sell mortals at 60% of the price, but the nobles need to increase the price by another 10% to help our clan transport mortals."

"That is, if the Taoist family wants to buy 2 million mortals, they need to transport 2.6 million mortals back to our clan."

Ling Pengyun's doubts were answered, and he smiled, but he did not immediately agree to the proposal of the old patriarch Liu, but bargained.


The old patriarch of the Liu family thought that the family was short of mortals, and now Ling Pengyun also agreed to buy the spiritual stones needed by mortals, reducing from 70% to 60%, which can save as much as 20,000 spiritual stones.

With more flying boats in his own group and the ones he borrowed, the number of mortals that needed to be transported increased by 200,000, which meant that he only had to transport one more mortal back and forth. He gritted his teeth and agreed to Ling Pengyun's demanding request.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong were both delighted.

There were a total of 6.5 million mortals in the Liang family and the Qiu family.

In the past three or four years, the Ling family had obtained flying boats through various channels to transport 700,000 to 800,000 mortals back to the family.

There were only about 5.8 million mortals left in this area.

Now, the Xuanzhu Liu family can buy 2 million mortals in the remaining ten years of the monster beast rebellion, and is willing to help transport 2.6 million mortals, so a total of 4.6 million mortals can be digested.

And the Ling family's flying boats can transport between 150,000 and 180,000 mortals every year, and the remaining 1.2 million mortals can be transported in seven or eight years.

The Ling family cultivators can also have two or three years to prepare for the monster beast rebellion.

Then, Ling Pengyun and the other three drank tea and chatted about the Dao together.

Or they talked about the major forces in the Yuan Kingdom's cultivation world and the situation after the war between good and evil.

According to the old patriarch Liu, the land previously occupied by the Demon Alliance covered an area of ​​5 million miles. Because there were many demon veins in it, the Li family discussed it for three days and announced that as long as they were willing to convert the demon veins in that land into spiritual veins at their own expense, they would be exempted from paying rent for three hundred years.

This incident also caused many independent cultivators with some wealth in the Yuan Kingdom and even in the surrounding several major cultivation countries to scramble for the demon veins in that land.

Some of the surviving forces in that land were also very willing to occupy that land in this way, and they all expressed their opinions to the Li family.

Therefore, the demon veins in that land are rapidly turning into spiritual veins that can produce rich spiritual energy.

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