Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 717: The Ruins of the Third-Level Thunder Treasure Iron Ore Vein (3,000 words, please subscr

A few days later.

A bolt of thunderous light quickly slid across the sky without disturbing anyone. It entered the depths of the Taoyun Ridge in the Baiyun Mountains and landed outside the Tayun Valley with a third-level low-grade thunder vein.

The figures of Master Lei Yun, Ling Pengyun and Ling Peng Lin appeared, with a flying boat at their feet.

"The foundation of the thunder vein here is deep, and it is indeed close to the third-level mid-level realm. I am afraid that even without external help, in less than two or three hundred years, that thunder vein will also enter the third-level mid-level realm. "

Master Lei Yun looked at the Cloud-Taking Valley in front of him, commented, and then asked Ling Penglin behind him with a bit of a smile.

"Peng Lin, you must have set up the second-order high-grade Narei Pulse Condensation Formation here!"

"Exactly!" Ling Penglin nodded.

As early as ten or decades ago, under Ling Pengyun's arrangement, she had set up the Narei Pulse Condensation Formation here.

This formation can absorb thunder spirit energy or refine thunder attribute spiritual objects, and then enhance the foundation of thunder veins, allowing them to gradually increase their level.

Over the years, the third-order low-grade thunder vein here has also refined a large number of thunder-attributed spiritual objects collected by the Ling family in this formation, and has now reached the level of the third-order middle-grade thunder vein.

"You did a good job in setting up that formation, but the formation flag you placed and the placement of the other formation spiritual objects are slightly flawed. If you had placed the formation flag there..."

When Master Lei Yun saw Ling Penglin's response, he patiently taught her a lesson.

Ling Pengyun couldn't help but feel happy when he saw this scene.

Master Lei Yun accepted Ling Penglin as his disciple. Although he was on the road these days, he heard Ling Penglin say it.

However, it is really a good thing that Master Lei Yun is so interested in Ling Penglin.

"Peng Lin has a good chance. With Senior Lei Yun, a veteran third-level high-level formation master, to teach her, and with the previous chance of enlightenment and good formation talents to help her, in the future, her formations will probably reach the third-level mid-level. It’s a sure thing, even if the formation is upgraded to the third level, I’m afraid this girl Peng Lin has a chance.”

Ling Pengyun was secretly happy.

At this moment, a rattling sound with a hint of fear suddenly came from within the Cloud-Stepping Valley.

Immediately afterwards, a bolt of thunder and lightning escaped from the Cloud Stepping Valley and fled into the distance.

"That Thunder Rat Demon King can actually detect our existence?"

Ling Pengyun looked at the escaping light, and a look of surprise suddenly flashed across his eyebrows.

Then, he glanced at Ling Penglin, whose cultivation level was only at the first level of the Golden Core, and understood.

As early as three years ago, after Ling Pengcheng, Ling Penglin and others stationed in Baiyunfang City in the "Baiyun Mountains" on the front line of Baiyun Mountains killed the Yiyinghu clan, Baiyunfang City was calmed down.

The first-level Jindan Thunder Rat, who was scared away by Ling Chengshi who was stationed at the border of Taoyunling in the early years with a golden elixir beast puppet, also returned to the Taoyun Valley with the third-level thunder veins.

After all, this thunder vein is rich in spiritual energy and can produce many spiritual objects. If it is occupied, there will be considerable benefits.

As for the Yiyinghu territory that the Yiyinghu clan occupied during their lifetime, because the Ling family did not have enough manpower, Ling Pengcheng, who organized the destruction of the Yiyinghu clan at that time, did not lead people to occupy it, but let it go.

However, the spiritual objects within this clan were plundered by Lin Pengcheng and his people, and they obtained a third-level low-grade spiritual tree "Dark Moon Spirit Fruit Tree" that can produce golden elixir spiritual objects.

This tree will only bear one fruit every three hundred years.

And because no one occupied the territory of the Winged Shadow Tiger Clan, it was given by the Yuanying Demon Clan's Red Gold Bear Clan to several Golden Core Demon Clan that were adjacent to this land two years ago.

The third-level spiritual vein in that place was controlled by a golden elixir demon clan named "Youyue Wolf".

This demon clan was not very strong at first, but two years ago, another golden elixir demon king was born in this clan.

As a result, there are now three Golden Core Demon Kings in this clan, and their strength is quite good. This clan also relies on its strength to seize the third-level spirit of the Yiyinghu clan from the hands of several Golden Core demon clans. pulse.

After discarding the distracting thoughts, Ling Pengyun smiled and muttered to himself.

"I haven't seen him for many years. The thunder rat here is still so timid."

"However, this rat's cultivation is progressing very quickly. It seems that in a few years, it will be able to reach the second level of the Golden Core."

Then, with a thought, Ling Pengyun said calmly in the direction of Yuan Dun's thunder rat demon.

"Little mouse, if you run away again, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

These words reached the ears of the thunder rat that was escaping far away, and it was like a huge mountain pressing directly on its body. Its legs suddenly became weak, all the hair on its body stood up, and its back suddenly became numb. cold.

Ling Pengyun's evil reputation spread throughout the world under the Red Golden Bear Clan, and it often heard about the murders Ling Pengyun committed.

What's more, in the past ten years, whenever Ling Pengyun came to Tayun Valley, he would beat him up.

Therefore, it is extremely afraid of Ling Pengyun.

This is why it ran away as soon as it saw Ling Pengyun. It didn't want to come into contact with Ling Pengyun.

After hesitating for a while, it thought of Ling Pengyun's terrifying strength and stopped.

Nervously, it said quickly.

"Fellow Taoist from the human race, I have been practicing in the valley for these years, and I have also been restraining the low-level monsters in the Cloud Stepping Forest from leaving this area, so as not to cause trouble to the nobles. Friend Taoist, the one your clan has placed in the valley I haven’t destroyed the formation either.”

"I would also like to ask fellow Taoist to show your respect this time. The last time my fellow Taoist came here to set up that second-level high-grade formation, I suffered injuries that took me four or five years to recover from."

Ling Pengyun smiled when he heard this.

The previous few times he came here, he would beat the rat. He also planned to beat the rat out of fear and make it fear him, so that he could better discipline the rat and prevent the rat from telling the secrets of this place.

As for arranging a ban on it in the sea of ​​​​consciousness and letting it keep secrets through this method, Ling Pengyun couldn't do it.

There is a special restriction placed in this sea of ​​​​rat consciousness by the golden elixir-perfect Thunder Rat King of the Thunder Rat clan. With that restriction, it can protect the little mouse consciousness sea here from being forcibly placed by human monks. Various restrictions and so on.

This move was also to prevent this little mouse from being captured alive by human monks and forcibly used as a spiritual beast.

Basically, this is the case among the golden elixir monsters within all the major monster clans.

There are too many monsters at the level of foundation building and Qi training, and the golden elixir monster kings of various monster clans are too lazy to spend time on them.

"see your performance."

"Recently, I heard from my clan members who are stationed in this area that they saw a magic weapon thunder tribulation appearing in this cloud-stepping forest half a year ago. It was you who refined the third-level magic weapon and triggered it!"

"Where did the spiritual materials for refining the third-level magic weapon come from?"

Ling Pengyun said lightly.

When the little mouse, who was at the peak of the first level of Golden Core, heard this, his tail suddenly lifted up behind him, and his expression became a little nervous.

"If I hadn't taken into account the Jindan clan members in my clan and knew the secret, I should have returned to my clan to refine the magic weapon."

After a while, it finally said this.

"The members of Daoyou's family are really well-informed. I did just refine a third-level magic weapon some time ago."

"And the spiritual materials I used to refine the third-level magic weapon were all helped by my clan!"

Ling Pengyun didn't believe this, so he asked coldly.

"Little mouse, don't lie here. Your clan has always only helped the two magic weapons of the same clan, the Golden Pill."

"And you got those two magic weapons in your hands early."

"You have never understood the thunderbolt magical power, the core secret of the thunder rat clan, and you are not welcomed by your clan."

"Under such circumstances, do you think I will believe you? Does the third magic weapon you refine come from your clan?"

"Tell me honestly, where did you get the spiritual materials for refining the third magic weapon?"

The body of the lightning rat demon trembled, and all four legs under its belly couldn't help but take two steps back, and the desire to escape emerged again.

But as soon as it moved, Ling Pengyun raised his hand, took out four beast puppets in the early stage of the Golden Core, and directly surrounded the thunder rat demon.

"So, you should finally say it!"

Ling Pengyun said coldly.

The thunder rat demon sensed the auras of the four beast puppets surrounding it, and felt frightened in its heart. Then, it looked at Ling Pengyun, who had never made a move and not a trace of aura leaked, and the real person Lei Yun beside him. , and Ling Penglin, their brows were full of helplessness.

After sighing softly, it had no choice but to confess honestly.

It turns out that five years ago, this rat discovered a miniature third-order "Thunder Treasure Iron Ore Vein" in a barren mountain a few miles away from Taoyun Valley, and excavated more than 1,500 kilograms of Thunder Treasure Iron Ore from it. .

Therefore, the rat is not good at refining weapons. It took him a full year to temper one thousand kilograms of ore into a hundred kilograms of precious iron. It also spent several years to understand the other inheritances of the Thunder Rat clan. The method of refining the magic weapon was handed down. It was just a year ago that it started to refine the weapon using precious iron as the main material and other lightning-attributed spiritual objects.

Fortunately, the difficulty of refining the natal magic weapon is relatively low, and it successfully refined the magic weapon.

Since it has no other third-level thunder-type spiritual objects, more precious iron was used to refine the magic weapon this time.

"This grade of mineral vein is just outside the Cloud-Taking Valley. It was not discovered by the original owner of this valley, the Golden Core Demon King of the Cloud-Taking Thunder Leopard clan. Instead, it was discovered by this rat!"

"This rat is really a lucky one!"

After Ling Pengyun heard this, he was shocked.

Even if we look at the entire Yan Kingdom for thousands of years, there have not been many third-level precious iron veins.

At the same time, the value of the third-level precious iron veins is also extraordinary. One pound of third-level low-grade precious iron is worth five hundred spiritual stones.

As for thunder-attribute spiritual iron such as Thunder Treasure Iron, the lower-grade third-grade ones are worth at least about a thousand spiritual stones.

The 1,500 kilograms of Thunder Yuanbao iron ore excavated by the Thunder Rat this time can be purified into 150 kilograms of precious iron. The value of this batch of precious iron is as much as 150,000 spiritual stones. It is equivalent to the value of a second-class golden elixir.

If a few more third-level thunder-type spiritual materials are added to these spiritual iron refiners, it will be enough to use the 150 kilograms of precious iron to refine thunder-type magic weapons three times.

"Did you hide anything about the mineral vein you just mentioned?"

Ling Pengyun said sharply.

"Fellow Taoist, how dare I!"

The thunder rat demon said helplessly.

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