Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 718 Thunder Attribute Spirit Eye (3200 words, please subscribe)

"Try making an oath of heaven."

Ling Pengyun still didn't believe it.

Perhaps the thunder rat demon was also magnanimous, so he did not delay and directly made an oath of heaven, indicating that what he just said was true and had not been concealed.

After this move, Ling Pengyun believed this.

He also said to the mouse.

"You know what's going on and haven't concealed it. Do you want the remaining fifty kilograms of precious iron?"

"If you don't need it, I can exchange it with you for third-level monster cultivation elixirs of equal value."

"In addition, I came here this time with the intention of promoting the third-order low-grade thunder vein in the Cloud Stepping Valley to the third-order mid-grade realm."

"You still need to keep this matter confidential."

"If you can keep this secret, every three years, I, the Ling family, can give you a demon beast cultivation elixir of the same level as you. Moreover, in the eight years before the demon beast rebellion, and even in the future demon beast era, Luan, you can stay here to practice your thunder veins, I, the Ling Family, will not touch you at all!"

The mouse heard that Ling Pengyun planned to upgrade the third-level low-grade thunder vein here to the third-order mid-grade realm. He also saw that Ling Pengyun was in chaos eight years later, and he was determined to win the thunder vein here.

Otherwise, Ling Pengyun would not improve this thunder vein which currently belongs to the demon clan.

This matter makes it a little worried. After all, as Ling Pengyun said just now, it has never understood the "Thunderbolt" magical power that is the core inheritance of the Thunder Rat Clan, which has led to it being rejected by the Thunder Rat Clan's golden elixir.

If this thunder vein here is taken away by the Ling family, it will have no choice but to return to the clan in the future. And with its status, it will definitely be impossible to have a third-level thunder vein to practice in the future.

The thunderbolt magical power is an intermediate thunder magical power. Its power is not weaker than the "Thunder of the Disaster" magical power of the Leiyuan Dapeng clan, and its power is extremely extraordinary.

It is precisely because of this technique that the Thunder Rat Clan has become one of the top Golden Core Demon Clan under the Red Gold Bear Clan.

But the thunder rat here has not mastered such magical powers, and its strength is actually about the same as the demon king of the same level.

And it is also the only special case of the thunder rat clan. The other thunder rat demon kings in this clan have all understood this secret method and have a strength that far exceeds that of monsters of the same level.

The distracting thoughts were withdrawn, but when I heard that Ling Pengyun was willing to let him stay here to practice.

Moreover, he is also willing to pay the monsters to cultivate the elixir.

Without any hesitation, it agreed to Ling Pengyun's help in hiding from the Thunder Rat Clan Ling's plans for this place.

Anyway, this matter is beneficial to it.

As for the ethnic interests behind it, it has nothing to do with it.

Back then, when it broke through the golden elixir, the clan gave it a second-class golden elixir spiritual substance and pseudo-beast elixir liquid.

If it hadn't been lucky and lucky, it would have died on the spot when it broke through the golden elixir.

But when the rest of the tribe who had understood the magical power of thunderbolt and thunder tried to break through the golden elixir, they all got at least one ordinary golden elixir spiritual object, or even several.

Even after the incident, not long after it entered the golden elixir, it was pushed here by the clan to guard this dangerous place because it had not yet understood the magical power.

You know, this land is close to the Ling family.

If it hadn't been careful these years and the Ling family no longer showed murderous intentions, it would have been killed by the Ling family long ago.

Therefore, the Thunder Rat clan is nothing in its eyes.

Furthermore, over the years, the benefits created by its third-level spiritual vein stationed in Tayun Valley have long exceeded the value of the second-class golden elixir that the clan supported it in taking, and even exceeded it. He doesn’t owe the Thunder Rat clan anything.

Now, in its mind, it and the Thunder Rat clan are just using each other.

Then, Ling Pengyun said to the mouse again.

"Take us to the mine site to see the ruins!"

The Golden Core Realm Thunder Rat received the benefit and immediately nodded in agreement. It took the lead and ran towards the north of Cloud-Taking Valley.

"Senior Lei Yun, Peng Lin, let's go have a look together!"

After Ling Pengyun finished speaking, he followed.

Master Lei Yun, who was still staying in place, recalled Ling Pengyun's fierce methods just now, and there was a hint of appreciation between his eyebrows.

"No wonder the Ling family has grown from a foundation-building force to what it is now in just a few decades."

"This Ling family is really full of talents."

After being distracted for a moment, he and Ling Penglin followed.

Soon, the group of people arrived under the barren mountain where the mineral vein was located.

There is a hidden cave at the foot of this barren mountain. According to the Thunder Rat, it was dug by it before.

The group of people sneaked down the cave for a full two to thirty thousand miles before arriving at the "Thunder Treasure Iron Mine Site".

This mine vein site is not long, only stretching for more than ten feet.

It is precisely because this vein is small that the ore mined is only more than 1,500 kilograms.

However, it is normal for a vein of this grade to be small in scale. After all, it is extremely difficult for this world to breed a vein of this grade.

"The thunder spirit energy of this mine site is indeed rich. Senior Lei Yun and Peng Lin, if we set up a Narei Vein Condensation Formation here, will there be a chance to create a rare thunder spirit vein here?"

Ling Pengyun felt the rich thunder spirit energy in this mine site and looked a little excited.

The Thunder Spirit Vein is a rare thing and does not exist in the entire Yan Kingdom.

The third-level spiritual vein in Stepping Cloud Valley is not considered a thing of the human race now. After all, that land still belongs to the realm of the demon race.

And the thunder spirit vein is an important foundation for the powerful formations such as the thunder and destruction formation. If a thunder spirit vein can be cultivated here.

When the level of this thunder spirit vein reaches the third level, the Ling family will have another place to set up a thunder-inducing destruction formation.

This is a good thing.

After all, the amount of thunder that can be stored in the thunder-inducing destruction array is also limited.

After hearing Ling Pengyun's inquiry, the veteran third-level high-grade formation mage here, Lei Yun, immediately used a top-notch intermediate pupil magic power.

This magical power is the core inheritance of the fourth-level formation inheritance of the Canglan Bihai Sect. It is called "Pulse Seeking Eye" and has a very powerful effect in exploring earth veins.

Master Lei Yun watched for a while, his face showed a bit of expression, and he spoke carefully.

"This land mine has a strong spiritual energy, and this mine is connected to the veins deep underground. These circumstances are completely consistent with the conditions that created the mine spirit veins."

"However, the direction of the veins deep in the mine veins here does have one end extending towards the Cloud-Taking Valley."

"It is estimated that the veins here were nurtured by the third-level thunder veins in Taoyun Valley."

"And this matter will be beneficial for us to create a thunder vein on the mine site, which can speed up the condensation of the mine vein."

"Even if we don't set up a large formation here to help, I'm afraid this place will condense a miniature thunder vein on its own within a few years."

When Ling Pengyun heard this, his face became even more joyful.

He also asked Master Lei Yun.

"Senior Lei Yun, I wonder if you can help my clan set up a third-level high-grade Narei Pulse Condensation Formation here."

Master Lei Yun's expression changed and he said with great interest.

"Young friend, are you planning to create a third-level thunder vein here?"

The third-level high-grade Narei Pulse Condensation Formation has the reputation of being able to condense a third-level high-grade spiritual vein as long as it takes a long time and enough thunder spirit energy.

At the same time, because the formation level is higher, the speed of condensing spiritual veins with this formation is also faster, and the level of spiritual veins is also improved quickly.

"Not bad!" Ling Pengyun said directly without hiding his thoughts.

"It is not difficult to set up the third-level high-grade Narei Pulse Condensation Formation. I can help your clan with setting up this formation."

"However... you need to provide the materials for setting up this formation yourself."

"In addition, in the future, if our clan encounters an invasion by the Holy Demon Sect, your clan will need to provide five more golden elixirs to help our clan."

When Master Lei Yun saw Ling Pengyun's response, he probably knew what Ling Pengyun was thinking. He thought about it for a moment and then followed suit.

"Five is too many. I promised my seniors before that I would support the sect with an additional twenty golden elixirs in times of crisis. Now, five more golden elixirs have been added to our clan. It’s a bit overwhelming.”

"Senior then let go, the combat power of five golden elixirs is reduced to three golden elixirs."

Ling Pengyun bargained.


Master Lei Yun hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Then, this junior will go back to the family to collect the spiritual materials needed to set up the third-level high-grade Narei Pulse Condensation Formation!"

Ling Pengyun said happily.

In the early years, the Ling family destroyed Xuanyang Sect, Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, robbed several golden elixir monster gathering places, the Liang family, Qiu family and other golden elixir forces in the Yuan Dynasty, but obtained a lot of third-level spiritual materials.

Because of the higher grade of these spiritual materials, the Ling family has been reluctant to sell them out, so they have always been kept in the family treasury.

If you gather them together, you can still get the spiritual materials needed to set up a third-level high-grade Narei Pulse Condensation Formation among those spiritual objects.

Ling Pengyun also left this place.

The two people, Master Lei Yun and Ling Penglin, as well as the thunder rat who had been silently staying here, temporarily stayed at the mine site.

Several days passed.

After Ling Pengyun returned to this third-level mineral vein site with a large amount of formation materials, Master Lei Yun also took Ling Penglin around the mine site, and sometimes buried a bunch of formation materials in the mine site. Under the ground.

Directly arranging the formation is different from refining the formation flags and arranging the formation on the formation plate. Directly arranging the formation directly uses various formation materials to connect with the earth veins underground to create a great vein-protecting formation.

And the power of this kind of pulse-protecting formation is nearly 10% to 30%, or even more powerful than the power of formations arranged directly using formation flags and formation disks.

However, this kind of pulse-protecting formation also has a disadvantage, that is, it is difficult to move.

On the contrary, the formation directly arranged with formation flags and formation disks is more flexible, and the formation can be arranged at will by controlling the formation disks.

Each has its own characteristics.

Time gradually passed, and it lasted just three months.

With the help of Ling Penglin, Master Lei Yun, who is a veteran third-level high-grade formation mage, successfully set up the third-level high-grade Na Lei Pulse Condensation Formation at the ruins of the third-order thunder veins.

This place, also between Sumeru, began to shake continuously.

Huge boulders of different sizes continued to fall from the top of the cave at the mine site due to the shaking.

Fortunately, Ling Pengyun and others are all Jindan masters with extraordinary strength. In just a moment, they deployed dozens of soil-fixing techniques in the caves of the mine site.

The rockfall situation gradually disappeared.

However, the shaking in the ground still existed, and it lasted for a hundred breaths before it disappeared.

In turn, the thunder spirit energy dispersed in the mine site was also madly absorbed by the "Narei Vein Condensing Formation" beside the vein deep underground.

The thunder spirit energy next to the earth vein became more and more pure and dense, gradually forming a phantom vortex the size of a fist.

This vortex is the "prototype of the spiritual eye". When the vortex becomes solid, it will become the real spiritual eye.

As the spiritual eye gradually grows larger, it will turn into a spiritual vein.

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