Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 724 Blood Source Pill Quasi-Level 3 Breaking Yuan Grass (3400 words, please subscribe)

Ling Pengyun, who was sitting in a private room on the third floor of the auction house, looked at the golden elixir spirit beast that the Li family's golden elixir monk had taken out, with surprise between his brows.

However, when he noticed that the golden elixir level two scorpion-tailed tiger was filled with a deathly aura, he understood in his heart.

"Looking at the appearance of this tiger, it is estimated that this golden elixir spirit beast, which has a lifespan of at least a thousand years, has reached an old age, and its remaining lifespan may be less than a hundred years."

"No wonder the Li family is willing to trade such precious beasts."

Although Ling Pengyun didn't like this beast, after all, he mastered the top-notch corpse refining method and had no use for this golden elixir spiritual beast with a short lifespan.

But after all, this beast still has a lifespan of nearly a hundred years, which is not short for human monks. It is enough to help some golden elixir forces survive some difficult times.

Especially now that the century-old monster beast chaos is approaching, many low-strength golden elixir forces or golden elixir monks are trying their best to find spiritual supplements to supplement their own combat power to cope with the monster beast chaos.

This made the two-level golden elixir scorpion-tailed tiger presented by the Li family attract more than thirty golden elixirs present to scramble for it first.

In the end, this beast was found by Ling Pengyun's old acquaintance "Liu Shouchang" from Yuan Kingdom's "Xuanzhu Liu Family" golden elixir, with several golden elixirs from the demonic beast, hundreds of kilograms of third-level middle-grade or above fire-type precious iron, There were also a large number of third-level fire-type spiritual objects, probably worth more than 2.5 million spiritual stones. After putting them together, I purchased the scorpion-tailed tiger.

Generally, the value of a second-level golden elixir monster is about two million spiritual stones, and the value of a third-level golden elixir spiritual beast is about three million spiritual stones.

Later, this clan purchased the two Tiger Demon Blood Source Pills with fire-based spiritual objects worth about 200,000 spiritual stones.

"The Xuanzhu Liu family is actually willing to spend so much money to buy the tiger demon."

Yan Siyi observed this scene and murmured.

The Xuanzhu Liu family has reached a deal with the Ling family to purchase mortals in recent years, and has many contacts with the Ling family.

Through this incident, Yan Siyi also met several Jindan members of the Liu family and became familiar with the Liu family.

"It is rumored that the Liu family has cultivated a tiger demon in the golden elixir realm in the past two years. This time the Liu family purchased this scorpion-tailed tiger and two tiger demon blood source elixirs."

"I'm afraid the Liu family also intends to combine the tiger demon they purchased this time with the tiger demon in their family to produce a tiger cub with the blood of a golden elixir demon beast, and plan to cultivate another golden elixir tiger demon."

Ling Pengyun made some guesses.

"If the Liu family really succeeds in this matter, in the future the Liu family will have two long-lived tiger monsters and a scorpion-tailed tiger with a short lifespan. I am afraid that even if the Liu family does not produce a golden elixir monk, it will be safe. The Liu family has enjoyed peace for a thousand years.”

"Husband, if our family can survive the monster chaos safely, how about we also cultivate a few docile golden elixir monsters to protect the family?"

"After all, the demonic corpse you refined is too ferocious. Once my husband, you, become the Nascent Soul, and you pass away hundreds of years later, I am afraid that the golden elixir demonic cultivators you refined will no longer be afraid of our clan. I am a monk. In times of crisis, it is possible to attack our monks directly regardless of the threat of the fate card."

Yan Siyi said enviously.

"This matter makes sense. If our clan can really survive the chaos of monsters safely, this is what we will do."

"As for the spiritual beasts cultivated with the power of the family, let them be the four golden dragons in the hands of Cheng Xia's child. After all, the four dragons have long been appointed by the grandfather as spiritual beasts to protect the clan, and they have also been instilled with the spirit of protection by Cheng Xia since they were young. They also have a sense of belonging to the family, and ordinary people can control them without resorting to the secret method of controlling beasts, so they can cultivate them with all their strength."

Ling Pengyun agreed.

When the two of them talked, Ling Pengyun had already inquired about the Maple Leaf Li family monks who controlled a fourth-level fire vein, and the clan's martial art was a fire-attribute Nascent Soul skill. It was also popular in their clan to practice fire-attribute skills. Because of this, the monks of this tribe have a great demand for fire-attribute spiritual objects.

He also brought over a large number of third-level spiritual objects that his family had obtained from the destruction of Xuanyang Clan, the main fire-based martial arts sect.

At this moment, he was extremely attracted to the two beast spirit breaking yuan pellets, the snake demon blood source pellet, and the bird blood source pellet on the field. He also used a third-level fire-type spiritual object worth more than 800,000 spirit stones to kill them. Purchased it.

These six elixirs are all worth about 100,000 yuan on the market, and they are all rare items.

The two beast spirit breaking yuan pills were bought by Ling Pengyun for his black armored turtle to use. One of the two snake demon blood source pills was his "Ling Pengqiu" fire dragon, one of the family's golden pills. Python prepared.

Seventy percent of the blood in Ling Pengqiu's fire python is dragon's blood. He only needs to purify the last 30% of the python demon's blood into dragon's blood. Then it can transform into a real dragon and have a chance to win the golden elixir. .

The Snake Demon Blood Source Pill also helps a little bit in this matter.

The Blood Source Pill can only be taken once, so Ling Pengyun planned to give the other Blood Source Pill to one of the four golden dragons under his only son, Ling Chengxia.

One of the two Bird Blood Source Pills was prepared by Ling Pengyun for his Feng Ying Peng to improve his bloodline and enhance some of his qualifications.

This Peng's aptitudes can only be considered average among the monster clan. Even with the help of the Yin-Yang Primordial Qi, its aptitudes can only be regarded as one of the better ones among the medium monsters at best, far less talented than the Black-armored Turtle.

This is also the reason why it was overtaken by the Black Armored Turtle in cultivation and broke through the golden elixir first.

Of course, considering Ling Pengyun, who was only in the realm of Qi training at the beginning, this Peng's qualifications are already pretty good. After all, the Pengniao is still building a foundation.

Ling Pengyun planned to give the other bird blood source pill to the family's previous guardian spirit beast "Fairy Crane King".

Now, the family's fairy crane king has reached the peak of the eighth level of foundation building.

However, due to its aptitude, it has been stuck in this realm for more than ten years. During this period, its owner Ling Yunhong also fed it with breakthrough pills, but it has been difficult to help it break through.

Ling Pengyun also hopes that this bird blood source pill can help it.

After all, this crane is a founding hero of the Ling family, and it is the spirit beast of the Ling family's founding ancestor "Ling Zhu". It has led the fairy cranes in the family to guard the family for more than three hundred years.

As for the remaining two beast control rings that the golden elixir of the Li family took out, Ling Pengyun hesitated for a long time.

He was naturally very excited about these two beast control rings that could forcibly tame the third-level inferior, but these two iron rings were both third-level inferior magic weapons, just alternative magic weapons.

Moreover, due to their efficacy, their prices on the market are extremely expensive, basically twice the price of magic weapons of the same level, up to about 600,000 spiritual stones.

However, this beast control circle is also worth this price. After all, as long as you use this thing, you can at least catch a golden elixir level 1 monster.

And this kind of living golden elixir level 1 monster that can be used by itself is more than ten times more expensive than a dead monster, at least worth millions of spiritual stones.

For the plan in the boundless sea, Ling Pengyun gritted his teeth and endured the pain, and bought one of the third-level low-grade beast control circles with a fire-type spiritual object worth more than 600,000 spiritual stones.

Although he was also jealous of the remaining beast control circle, he did not have many third-level fire-type spiritual objects, which were only worth about 100,000 spiritual stones at most, and could not buy the beast control circle.

And the remaining beast control circles were also bought by others shortly afterwards.

The Li family golden elixir who replaced all the spiritual objects on hand with fire-type spiritual objects also had a happy face and said.

"If you want to exchange spiritual objects for spiritual objects, just come down."

After saying that, he left the auction table and stood by the auction table, watching quietly.

Soon, a black figure rushed out from a private room on the third floor of the auction house and landed on the auction table. A black-clothed man with a black veil on his face and a black dress, without revealing any skin, and unable to tell whether he was a man or a woman.

This man then took out a dozen bottles of third-level inferior Juyuan Pills from his storage bag and asked everyone to buy the Golden Pill Magical Treasure.

The Juyuan Pills in this person's hand were of particularly good quality, and soon someone used a third-level inferior defensive magic weapon to exchange those pills.

Afterwards, several more people concealed their figures and went up to the auction table one by one, taking out various third-level spiritual objects that were still precious and exchanging them for what they wanted.

Seeing that the Broken Yuan Grass he wanted had not appeared, Ling Pengyun became a little anxious. Then, after he said hello to Yan Siyi, he waited for the monk on the auction stage to leave, then he changed into a black suit, covered his face, hid his aura, and stepped onto the auction stage.

Then, he took out three magic weapons that were usually collected in the clan treasury and were not used from his storage bag.

This is a bronze bell, a magic shield, and a flying sword. Their quality is particularly good, and they are only one step away from the superior realm. They can be regarded as very good magic weapons.

Ling Pengyun also spoke at this moment.

"Do you have any 3rd-grade mid-grade Po Yuan grass? Or other spiritual medicines or elixirs that can help break through the bottleneck?"

"If you have any, even if you don't like my three magic weapons, you can discuss it. I will definitely give you a satisfactory condition."

After that, the auction venue was quiet for a long time, and then a voice transmission came from a private room to Ling Pengyun's mind.

"Fellow Daoist, I don't have 3rd-grade mid-grade Po Yuan grass, but I have a quasi-3rd-grade Po Yuan grass that is more than 290 years old. In a few years, when its age reaches 300 years and it has passed the thunder tribulation, it can enter the realm of 3rd-grade lower grade and become a 3rd-grade lower grade Po Yuan grass."

"Do you want this Po Yuan grass of mine?"

Ling Pengyun's expression moved slightly, and he looked at the auction venue and saw that there were no other voice transmissions. He thought that the cultivator's Po Yuan grass was about to enter the realm of 3rd-grade lower grade, and it could also have some effect on Yan Siyi's breakthrough. It's better to have it than not.

He also replied to the private room that sent the voice transmission.

"I want it. How much do you want, fellow Daoist?"

The private room also sent another voice transmission.

"Although my Broken Yuan Grass is only at the quasi-third level now and has not yet entered the third-level lower level, it is about to break through. If my life magic weapon had not been damaged by an accident, I would not have resorted to such a bad idea and sold the Broken Yuan Grass."

"Therefore, if fellow Daoist can buy my Broken Yuan Grass at the price of the third-level lower-level Broken Yuan Grass, and is willing to let me use some second-level spiritual objects to make up the difference to buy the bronze bell magic weapon of fellow Daoist, I am willing to sell the Broken Yuan Grass."

A few years is not a long time, Ling Pengyun can barely wait, and it is also a fact that the Broken Yuan Grass is not far from the third level, so he agreed.

"As long as the situation of the Broken Yuan Grass described by Daoyou is true, I will agree to this matter."

"However, even if the third-level lower-grade Broken Yuan Grass is at a normal price, it is only worth 30,000 spiritual stones."

"And my bronze bell is a magical weapon with both offensive and defensive capabilities, and is worth at least 350,000 spiritual stones on the market."

"The price difference between the two is a full 320,000 spiritual stones. I only accept spiritual objects of the second-level middle grade or above to pay for it."

"And you must take out 100,000 spiritual stones, otherwise the deal will be off."

The room was silent for a while, and a voice with a bit of pain was transmitted to Ling Pengyun's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Okay, let's do as you say. My broken Yuan grass is still in my cave. Afterwards, you need to wait for a while while I return to the cave to get it. Half a month later, we will trade at the Maple Leaf Teahouse in the market."

"My name is Ping, just go to the teahouse and ask for the name of the errand boy Bao Ping Taoist!"

The words stopped here.

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