Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 725: The Taoist (3200 words, please subscribe)

When Ling Pengyun heard this, he thought about the information of "Ping Dao Ren" in his mind, but he didn't think of such a person.

"I think this person just picked a pseudonym at random."

Ling Pengyun said secretly, and then put away the bronze bell magic weapon in front of him, which was regarded as tacitly agreeing to the transaction with the "Ping Dao Ren".

He also looked up at other private rooms afterwards, and shouted a few words to ask if there were other people who had spiritual objects such as Po Yuan Grass.

Seeing that no one had spoken, he had to change the requirements for exchanging the remaining two magic weapons in front of him.

"Since you don't have Po Yuan Grass, I won't force it. If you Taoist friends are interested in my remaining two magic weapons, you can use third-level earth attribute treasure iron, monster beast golden elixir, or even spirit stone."

"But the price must be right, at least the market price."

Ling Pengyun changed such conditions in combination with the current situation of the Ling family.

Now, the family's earth-attributed precious iron has been used up for forging steel demon corpses, but more than 70% of the family's golden elixir demon corpses are still middle-level demon corpses, and have not been refined with the method of steel demon corpses.

Ling Pengyun plans to collect a batch of earth-attributed precious iron to strengthen the middle-level golden elixir demon corpses in the family and improve the overall strength of the family.

The golden elixir of the early golden elixir monster can be used by Ling Yunhong to refine the third-level lower-grade Juyuan Pill and other third-level elixirs. The Ling family now has a large number of golden elixir, and the demand for various third-level elixirs is also relatively large.

As for the spiritual stones, the Ling family's demand is even greater. Although the Ling family now has more than a million spiritual stones to survive, in two or three years, there will be at least two family members waiting for the help of golden elixir spiritual objects to break through the golden elixir.

The spiritual stones in the family are not enough to buy golden elixir spiritual objects to assist them in breaking through.

Therefore, in addition to buying the things he wants, Ling Pengyun also plans to exchange some spiritual stones with magic weapons.

Because the remaining flying sword and magic shield in front of Ling Pengyun were of good quality and rare in the market, at least there were not many such top-level middle-level magic weapons close to the superior quality at the previous Li family auction.

Most of the Jindan cultivators present were Jindan early stage cultivators, and the exchange requirements mentioned by Ling Pengyun were not high.

In a moment, dozens of different voice transmissions fell into Ling Pengyun's mind.

He selected and selected two cultivators with the highest bids, and sold the flying sword and magic shield in front of him.

However, these two magic weapons, like the previous magic shield, were traded afterwards.

There were many people here, and it was a bit bad to trade on the spot.

Considering that a lot of wealth had been exposed this time, Ling Pengyun did not take out the remaining magic weapons in the storage bag, and planned to take them to the boundless sea to sell them for cash.

He also left the auction table and returned to his private room.

At this time, Yan Siyi also came up and asked him about the success of Po Yuan Grass.

He nodded slightly, and told Yan Siyi that he had agreed with a cultivator to exchange for a quasi-third-level Po Yuan Grass.

"It's a pity that the third-level middle-grade Po Yuan Grass was not found!"

Yan Siyi said helplessly.

"Let's go to the boundless sea to look for it again."

"If you can't find it there, when you get the quasi-third-level Po Yuan Grass and spend time to cultivate it to the third-level lower grade, I think the meridian pain you suffered from taking Po Yuan Dan before will recover and you can take Po Yuan Dan again. Then you can try another Po Yuan Dan to see if you can break through. It can be regarded as an alternative."

Ling Pengyun said.

"That's the only way."

Yan Siyi said.

Then, the Jindan present also went to the auction table one by one to take out their own spiritual objects and expressed their needs.

Later, Ling Pengyun took a fancy to a piece of 100-jin-weight third-level low-grade earth-type precious iron, and he exchanged it for some spiritual objects.

Yan Siyi had no other requests except the broken Yuan grass, so she never asked for spiritual objects.

The trade fair soon came to an end.

The Jindan cultivators present also walked out of the auction house one after another under the leadership of the Li family servants at the auction, and did not meet each other.

It also gave the cultivators participating in the trade fair a safety guarantee, which could reduce the number of cultivators with evil intentions following them.

However, Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi did not leave the private room, and Yan Siyi also wore black clothes and black veils.

After waiting for a while, the cultivators who had planned to buy the flying sword and the magic shield magic weapon also walked into Ling Pengyun's private room and bought the two magic weapons from Ling Pengyun on the agreed conditions.

As a result, Ling Pengyun obtained a total of 230,000 spiritual stones, as well as three-level precious iron worth about 300,000 to 400,000 spiritual stones, five demon beast golden pills and other spiritual objects, which made his storage bag a little thicker.

"Now, I just have to wait for the cultivator who intends to buy my bronze bell magic weapon to bring the quasi-three-level broken Yuan grass."

Ling Pengyun looked at the two bulging storage bags in his hands and murmured.

Then, he called a Li family servant into the private room and took him and Yan Siyi out of the auction house through a dark passage. The two also rented a guest room in a square inn in the market and stayed there temporarily.

When the one-month deadline was up, in order to avoid the two of them being too conspicuous, Ling Pengyun asked Yan Siyi to go out of the market first and wait for him, while he went alone in black clothes to the Maple Leaf Tea House in the market to trade the quasi-three-level broken Yuan grass with the unknown cultivator.

There were quite a few cultivators in the market town who were covered in black clothes and black veils, so Ling Pengyun was not noticeable at all.

Soon, he walked to the Maple Leaf Tea House and found the waiter in the teahouse. Through the name of "Ping Taoist", he finally found the "Ping Taoist" in the private room on the second floor of the teahouse.

Like Ling Pengyun, this Taoist Ping also covered his face with black clothes and a black veil, and his aura was not leaked.

However, Ling Pengyun's spiritual consciousness had reached the late stage of Jindan. With just a sweep of his spiritual consciousness, the breath-condensing technique used by this "Ping Taoist" was easily lifted by him like a veil, and he also discovered this person. The cultivation base is probably around the third level of Jindan.

Moreover, through the natal spiritual plants "Thorn Vine" and "Renshui Blue Cloud Grass" in his body, he noticed that this "Ping Taoist" also had three natal spiritual plant auras in his body, one of which was as high as a golden elixir. A level one.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun looked shocked.

"With the three natal spiritual plants, there is no doubt that he is a third-level spirit planter. This person's identity must be extraordinary."

Only by upgrading the spiritual plants to the third level can the third natal spiritual plant be sacrificed.

The third-level spiritual plant inheritance contains profound secrets of increasing longevity. It is an extremely rare thing that can only be mastered by those Nascent Soul forces and their cronies, the Golden elixir forces.

However, no matter how you calculate it, there are definitely no more than thirty forces in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World where the three clans of demons and demons master the inheritance of third-level spiritual plants.

Therefore, Ling Pengyun came to this conclusion.

However, he did not directly name the matter, but asked about the person's identity.

"Fellow Taoist, is he a Taoist?"

"It's you!" A hoarse voice that was deliberately concealed came from under the veil of Taoist Ping.

Ling Pengyun no longer delayed, and took out the third-level low-grade copper bell magic weapon that Taoist Ping was interested in from the storage bag, handed it to him, and urged him again.

"Where are the quasi-third-level broken Yuan grass and other spiritual objects?"

Taoist Ping looked at the bronze bell and saw that there was nothing unusual about it. He then took out a bulging storage bag from his arms and handed it to Ling Pengyun.

"The quasi-third-level broken Yuan grass and other spiritual objects are among them."

Ling Pengyun nodded lightly, took the storage bag and put his consciousness into it.

This storage bag was not equipped with a spiritual brand, and the items contained in it were easily summoned out by Ling Pengyun.

A large piece of second-level high-grade elixir, mixed with some third-level yuan-gathering grass, precious iron, a few golden elixir monster corpses, and the 100,000 spirit stones that were promised.

The quasi-third-level yuan-breaking grass was still well contained in a spirit-locking jade box. Ling Pengyun saw that its roots were intact and its vitality had not been lost due to leaving the soil. There were also an unusually large number of elixirs here, and he was a little envious.

"The wealth of the third-level spirit planter is indeed unusual. After assisting Feng Yingpeng to break through the golden elixir, I must help my Renshui Blue Cloud Grass with higher cultivation level to break through as soon as possible. In this way, I can become a third-level spiritual planter." Lingzhi’s husband.”

After waving his hands with distracting thoughts, Ling Pengyun also said to the Ping Taoist.

"The property is correct, let's just say goodbye."

After saying that, he left the teahouse and left directly along the avenue.

That Taoist Ping couldn't put it down and played with the bronze bell he just got.

"I really met a kind person this time. Otherwise, if I wanted to get this good defensive magic weapon so quickly, I would have to wait a few years for my quasi-third-level Yuan-breaking grass to reach the third level. Turn it in with the other elixirs to the sect and exchange them for contribution points before you have the chance to buy it.”

This person then picked up the tea in the private room, put it under the veil, and drank slowly.

Until nightfall, the private room he was in was pushed away again.

The man also followed suit. "But Mr. Ping?"

"Exactly!" Ping Taoist replied as usual.

"These are the three third-level low-grade defensive talismans that you agreed to buy at the trade fair. Where is the Yuan Ju Dan that I want?" The monk who pushed the door in took out three items from the storage bag. A dazzling third-level low-grade defensive talisman.


A few days later.

In the Yuan Dynasty, there was the "Xuanzhufang City" auction house, the largest city in the Liujia area of ​​Xuanzhu.

A small trade fair is going on.

There are not many Jindan monks here, but there are about a dozen.

Everyone is acquainted with each other, either relatives of the Liu family or friends invited by the Liu family, and they all know the details of each other.

Therefore, none of the golden elixirs here cover their faces.

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi were among these people.

As early as after the Li family trade fair ended, they received a message from Jindan Liu Shouchang, who was familiar with the Xuanzhu Liu family, inviting them to attend the trade fair that the Liu family would hold in a month and a half.

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi came out to collect spiritual objects, so they did not refuse the matter. They came here after getting the quasi-third-level Yuanshao grass from Ping Taoist a few days ago.

This trade fair did not require their trip. They used dozens of third-grade low-grade cultivation elixir Juyuan Dan to obtain nearly a hundred kilograms of third-grade precious iron.

These precious irons are enough for Ling Pengyun to refine a steel demon corpse.

After the trade fair ended, the two of them were personally sent away from Xuanzhufang City by Liu Shouchang Jindan of the Liu family.

Looking back at the Yuan Kingdom Maple Leaf Trade Fair and the Xuanzhu Liu Family Trade Fair, Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi purchased a total of more than 400 kilograms of third-level precious iron, which was enough for Ling Pengyun to refine four more top-notch high-quality steels. Demon corpse.

This is good for both himself and the family.

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