Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 74 Spiritual Food (Please read on!!!)

Wanfu Tower is a restaurant, and there are several spiritual chefs in the restaurant all year round. The boss behind this restaurant is said to be a second-level spiritual chef in the foundation building period of Bailingmen.

Because the dishes in the store are "spiritual food" cooked by spiritual chefs and have miraculous effects on monks, this store is also famous throughout Huaishuifang City.

As soon as Ling Pengyun and the other three stepped into Wanfu Building, they smelled an alluring aroma of food.

After a quick glance, I saw that the first floor of Wanfu Building was extremely crowded, with no empty seats left.

"Cousin Sitong, there are too many people in Wanfulou Building, why don't we just find a restaurant to eat." Ling Pengyun suggested.

"There must be an empty seat on the second floor. At around noon today, when my parents and I came to this store, we randomly ordered a few ordinary dishes, but they were extremely delicious. The dishes in other places are not as delicious as here." Yang Sitong waved his hand.

"But the second floor is a quiet room, and there is an additional charge. How about forgetting it." Ling Pengyun said helplessly.

Yang Sitong is very generous. "Cousin, why are you so polite to me? We haven't seen each other for more than four years, so we went to the second floor to eat."

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun had no choice but to say nothing.

At this moment, a young man wearing a green shirt came up quickly and smiled.

"Three fellow Taoists, are you here to eat?"

Yang Sitong, the leader, nodded. "Well, take us to the second floor and find us an empty table."

When the waiter heard this, the smile on his face became even bigger, and he led everyone up to the second floor.

The second floor is different from the noisy first floor. Although the second floor is the same as the first floor, dining tables are placed in a spacious area, but there are soundproofing restrictions around these dining tables.

This also means that although there are many people chatting on the entire second floor, there is not much sound, and the sound is blocked by the sound insulation barrier that comes with each dining table.

After the three of them sat at a dining table, Yang Sitong began to order.

"Bring us a pot of Tianxiang spirit wine, a Wanfu chicken soup, braised jade shrimps in oil, steamed cangling fish, and a dish of green jade cabbage. Three dishes and one soup are just right."

"Fellow Taoist, you really know your stuff. The first three dishes are my specialty at Wanfu Restaurant. Three distinguished guests, please wait a moment." The boy said with a smile and quickly left.

Ling Pengyun thought to himself when he saw the young boy smiling. "The prices of these dishes are probably quite high."

Although he thought so, he didn't say much about it. He knew that Yang Sitong, who had been friends with him since childhood, really wanted to have a meal with him.

Sitting at the dining table, the three of them started chatting before the dishes were even served.

Yang Sitong thought of something, looked at Ling Penglin curiously, and asked.

"Cousin Penglin, I heard some time ago that you are already an array master. Is it true?"

Ling Penglin answered modestly, then thought of something and asked. "It's just a fluke. It's you. You are only fifteen years old and you are the most profitable alchemist among all the arts. This makes me envious. Do you have any Qi training pills? Sell your sister and me some Qi training pills at a cheaper price. How is Dan?”

As early as when Yang Sitong entered the qi training period at the age of ten, he showed extremely high talent for alchemy. He was listed as the family's alchemy seedling by the Yang family, which was based on alchemy. Two years ago, he became an alchemy seedling. A first-level low-grade alchemist.

The Yang family did not hide this, and they were related by marriage to the Ling family. During the Chinese New Year, an elder of the Ling family brought back from the Yang family the reputation of Yang Sitong, the Yang family's little genius in alchemy.

Yang Sitong received a lot of benefits from Wu Yan today, so he generously made concessions to Ling Penglin. "Of course. I happen to have some on me. They are all prepared for this Huaishui meeting. If my cousin has a big demand, I can sell you 18 spirit stones for every ten qi training pills, which is two spirit stones cheaper. Cousin, this price is cheap."

"The price is really cheap, thank you very much, cousin." Ling Penglin was happy when she heard the price and said thank you.

Ling Penglin asked for ten Qi Training Pills and traded them with Yang Sitong.

During this period, the boy who had just left also came to serve food with a tray.

The three of them chatted while talking. They were almost the same age and had many common topics. Since they were related by marriage, they were not very old and they had not gone deep into the big dye vat of the world of immortality. The family relationship between them was also very clean.

After chatting for nearly an hour, we finished our meal.

Yang Sitong paid for this meal, but when he was paying for the spirit stones, Ling Pengyun was also shocked by the price of the three dishes and one soup he had just eaten. This meal cost a total of forty spirit stones.

After being shocked, Ling Pengyun felt that the spiritual stone was worth the money, but Ling Pengyun, who had never made such a big deal since childhood, was somewhat reluctant to part with it.

The three dishes and one soup that I just ate were all cooked by spiritual chefs using ingredients that contain spiritual energy. Once eaten, these spiritual food dishes will turn into pure spiritual power. You only need to gently mobilize your spiritual consciousness to deliver it. Enter the Dantian to improve your cultivation.

Eating this meal is equivalent to Ling Pengyun's usual hard practice of using spiritual fruits in the past ten days.

Ling Pengyun didn't take much advantage of Yang Sitong. When they parted, he gave Yang Sitong ten kilograms of fruit flower honey as a gift.

The three of them said goodbye to each other and left Wanfu Tower.

Yang Sitong returned to the store opened by Yang in Huaishuifang City. Since Ling Pengyun and Ling Penglin came to Huaishuifang City for the first time, they could only follow the guidance of a Huaishuifang City map to return to Lingxiao Baibao Pavilion.

Lingxiao Baibao Pavilion is a three-story, larger loft with a backyard.

There are only two people running this shop, namely "Ling Yunfu", the fourth elder of the family who is good at business, and "Ling Pengsheng", who is the second generation of the second generation.

Although it is late at night, there are still many visitors in the shop because of the Huaishui meeting.

As soon as Ling Pengyun and Ling Penglin entered the treasure pavilion, two people came to greet them.

"Finally, I waited for you two little guys. The sun will rise soon and the auction will start. Let's go directly."

"Third Ancestor, why are you here too?" Ling Pengyun heard this familiar voice, looked up and saw that it was the patriarch of the family, Ling Yunhong, and expressed his doubts.

Ling Yunhong did not hide his thoughts and smiled. "There will be some second-level cultivation pills at this auction. I plan to buy some, so I came here."

Ling Pengyun was tactful and did not ask too much. He followed the steps of Ling Yunhong, Ling Ruxian, and Ling Penglin, and walked along the road to the auction venue.

On the way, most of the cultivators' destinations were also the auction venue, which made the road very crowded.

In order to avoid missing the auction, Ling Yunhong, a foundation-building strongman, directly summoned the Immortal Crane King and took Ling Pengyun and the other two to the Huaishui Auction House.

Landing at the gate of the auction house, Ling Yunhong relied on his foundation-building cultivation and did not queue up, and directly took Ling Pengyun and the other two into the auction house.

If ordinary cultivators want to enter the auction house, they need to queue up and hand in the spirit stones.

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