Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 75 Fengying Pengling Egg (Please read on!!!)

Huaishui Auction has three floors. The first floor is the lobby, and the second and third floors are private rooms.

Although the Ling family is a foundation-building family, because it is a new foundation-building family and has a weak foundation, facing the auction of the entire Bailing Gate area, the Ling family is not qualified to go to the private rooms on the second and third floors, so they can only fight with Ordinary casual cultivators or monks from some Qi-training families were sitting in the lobby.

In the center of the lobby, there is a circular table about ten feet long.

There are nearly a thousand chairs around the table, where Ling Pengyun and others are sitting.

The auction hadn't started yet, and with nothing to do, Ling Pengyun took out the auction promotional picture he got from the Liu's female stall owner, and looked at the hundreds of spiritual objects that he hadn't seen before, looking for the ones he needed. .

After carefully looking at the hundreds of breaths, he actually found another kind of thirsty spiritual object besides the flying monster egg.

After about half a stick of incense, when nearly a thousand seats in the lobby were filled, a dull copper bell rang.

The noise around him also disappeared.

An old man wearing the robe of the Bailing Sect and with a white beard walked up to the stone platform in the center of the lobby.

The old man raised his hands slightly and smiled.

"Everyone, I am Bailingmen Yanghua. I will host this auction this time. This auction is the same as before. The one with the highest price will get it. Those who don't have enough spiritual stones can use spiritual objects to be auctioned on the spot in exchange for spiritual stones."

Although the voice of the old man was not loud, under the influence of the small spell of voice enhancement, it spread throughout the auction.

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man took out a glass bottle specially designed to contain blood from the storage bag on his waist and spoke again.

"Ten pounds of the blood of the first-grade high-grade demon beast Fiery Crow. This blood is a good material for refining high-grade spiritual ink. The base price is five spiritual stones. Each time the price increases, it cannot be lower than five spiritual stones."

"Ten spiritual stones."

"Fifteen spiritual stones."

"Twenty spiritual stones."

The Fire Crow belongs to fire and is not big in stature. The blood in each Fire Crow's body is only one or two kilograms at most. It is extremely difficult to collect ten kilograms.

The blood of the Fire Crow is also a good material for refining talismans. Drawing fire talismans with this talisman can only slightly increase the power of the fire talismans.

It didn't take long for this bottle of Fire Crow's blood to be bought by a middle-aged monk who was bloated and slightly luxurious for thirty-five spiritual stones.

After this person took the picture of the spiritual object, in the backcourt, a maid with a better face went up to the auction stage, took away the bottle of Fire Crow's blood in Yang Hua's hand, and handed it to the man sitting in the lobby with thousands of seats. In the hands of the bloated middle-aged monk, he handed over the money and delivered the goods.

During this time, Yang Hua, who was hosting the auction, waved a golden vest from his storage bag and introduced it.

"The second auction item, the first-order medium-grade magic weapon golden silk inner armor, is made from the silk spun by the first-order high-grade golden silk silkworm. This armor has extremely strong defense, enough to block the attack of the first-order high-grade magic weapon. A full blow, the lowest price is eighty spiritual stones, the bid cannot be less than five spiritual stones."

"Eighty-five spiritual stones."

"Ninety spiritual stones."

"Ninety-five spiritual stones."

This piece of gold wire inner armor is a good life-saving item, so it is naturally sought after by those present during and after Qi training, and the price is gradually soaring.

Within a few dozen breaths, this piece of gold-wire inner armor was auctioned by a late-stage Qi-training monk for a price far exceeding the price of an ordinary first-order mid-grade magic weapon, one hundred and ten spirit stones.

Subsequently, Yang Hua, who presided over the auction, successively took out nearly a hundred spiritual objects for auction.

Although these spiritual objects are all required by monks in the Qi training period, their quality has been increasing, the transaction price has also increased, and the atmosphere in the venue has gradually become heated.

Just after Yang Hua successfully auctioned a bottle of healing elixir "White Jade Pill" in his hand, a maid came to the auction table carrying a tray covered with red cloth and walked to Yang Hua's side.

Yang Hua, who was presiding over the auction, lifted the red cloth and revealed an earth-yellow giant egg the size of a vegetable plate on the tray.

"A spiritual egg of the first-order top-grade demon beast Earth and Rock Turtle. The egg is full of vitality. You only need to wait for some time for it to hatch. The Earth and Rock Turtle's main defense power is strong, and the Earth and Rock Turtle clan already has some special abilities. The probability of breaking through to the realm of Foundation Establishment is not guaranteed. After hatching, this spirit turtle will also have Foundation Establishment bloodline. Even if this turtle does not have Foundation Establishment bloodline, this turtle can still be a great help to ordinary Qi-training monks with its powerful defense ability. "

"The base price of this egg is fifty spiritual stones. Each increase in price cannot be less than five spiritual stones."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone started bidding in the auction room.

After several price increases, the turtle egg was purchased by a man's voice from a private room on the second floor for two hundred spiritual stones.

Subsequently, two more spirit eggs born from first-level high-grade monsters with powerful bloodlines were auctioned and sold for 195 spirit stones and 230 spirit stones respectively.

After the two monster eggs were sold, another maid came from the back, carrying a tray covered with red cloth, to the auction stage, and walked to Yang Hua's body.

Yang Hua opened the red cloth and found a giant blue egg about the same size as a turtle egg on the tray.

"The Fengying Pengling Egg has finally appeared." Ling Pengyun, who was sitting in the lobby, saw the blue dome's eyes light up and said excitedly to himself.

"A spiritual egg laid by the second-level low-grade Feng Ying Peng. The egg is rich in vitality and can be hatched. Feng Ying Peng is famous for its speed. It can travel one thousand five hundred miles per day in the early stage of Qi training, and three thousand miles per day in the middle stage of Qi training. In the later stage of Qi training, it can travel five thousand miles a day. If it is cultivated to the early stage of foundation building, it can travel ten thousand miles a day. "

"In addition to its extremely fast speed, this Peng bird is also quite powerful. The immortal cultivation families in my Bailingmen territory should not miss it. This Peng bird egg has the blood of foundation building. It is possible that in the hands of your big families, it can be cultivated to the foundation building stage and become the guardian spirit beast of your family."

"The base price of this Peng bird egg is 100 spirit stones, and each increase in price cannot be less than 5 spirit stones."

Flying monsters are extremely important to cultivators, not to mention a spirit egg with the blood of foundation building monsters. As long as it is hatched and cultivated, it can at least be cultivated to the late stage of Qi training.

After being tempted by Yang Hua's words, many cultivators immediately bid.

Ling Pengyun was the first to bid. "One hundred and ten spirit stones."

"One hundred and twenty spirit stones."

"One hundred and thirty spirit stones."


After more than a dozen rounds of bidding, the price of Fengying Peng became higher and higher, reaching 350 spirit stones.

Such a price also made the number of bidders decrease. Except for the VIP in a private room on the second floor, there were only Ling Pengyun in the lobby and a young member of the Huxiao Liu family, who was also a foundation-building family in Huaishui County.

The female stall owner of the Liu family, "Liu Yuxin", who had previously sold Songhua chicken spirit eggs to Ling Pengyun, was sitting next to the seat of the young Liu family.

Liu Yuxin looked up and saw that in addition to a person in the private room on the second floor who came out to bid for the Fengying Peng bird eggs with her elder brother, the other person was Ling Pengyun who bought the Songhua chicken eggs from her. She frowned and muttered to herself.

"I didn't expect that the Ling family cultivator actually came for the Fengying Peng spirit egg. If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have told that kid that there were flying monster eggs at the auction. If my elder brother missed this Fengying Peng spirit egg, I would be guilty."

But how could this silly girl think of it.

During this Huaishui meeting, how many people who came to the Huaishui market would not come to see this auction.

Even if this silly girl didn't tell him, Ling Pengyun would still come to this auction house and would still bid.

Ling Yunhong, who was sitting next to Ling Pengyun, saw Ling Pengyun's hesitation and wanted to raise the price, so he quickly advised him. "Pengyun, although the spiritual egg of the foundation-building monster has good blood, this Peng bird only has the foundation-building blood. The probability of being able to build a foundation is probably less than half. Now this price exceeds the normal price of the Fengying Peng bird egg. If it is within 400 spirit stones, if you don't bid it, give up. Don't waste spirit stones. It's not easy to earn spirit stones."

Ling Pengyun nodded slightly when he heard this. He also knew that this price far exceeded the value of the Fengying Peng egg.

Although this Fengying Peng egg has the blood of the foundation-building monster, whether this egg can grow to the foundation-building stage is another matter. Moreover, the resources and time required to cultivate this Peng bird are unpredictable.

But this Fengying Peng bird is indeed his favorite, and he can't give it up.

Even if the Fengying Peng egg is not qualified enough to be promoted to the foundation-building stage after hatching, Ling Pengyun has the "Taichu Creation Qi" which is enough to improve its qualifications. As for resources, judging from his talent in refining tools and spiritual plants, it is enough to support the cultivation of a spiritual beast.

Ling Pengyun gritted his teeth and continued to bid. "Three hundred and sixty spiritual stones."

"Three hundred and seventy spiritual stones."

"Three hundred and eighty spiritual stones."


In the end, Ling Pengyun won the bid for this Peng bird egg at a high price of four hundred and fifty spiritual stones.

After a while, a maid came to the seat where Ling Pengyun was sitting with the Fengying Peng bird egg.

Although Ling Pengyun paid the four hundred and fifty spiritual stones with great pain, he was very excited when he took the Fengying Peng spirit egg from the maid.

After the Fengying Peng egg is hatched, it will not only be his spiritual beast, but also a helper in his future battles.

"This time, the Fengying Peng Egg was successfully auctioned at the auction. Now we just have to wait for the Diquan Spirit Milk to be auctioned." Ling Pengyun waved his hand and put the Beast Taming Bag in his hand into the storage bag. He looked towards the auction table with fiery eyes and muttered to himself.

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