Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 730: Live up to Bage's expectations (2000 words, please subscribe)

Ling Pengqiu's brows turned even more ruthless when he heard this, and his face suddenly darkened.

"This damn Jinyang Sect is really used to bullying my Huolong Sect. It's only been two years, and they are planning to attack my Huolong Sect again."

"This time, if we give in again, the other two Jindan clans in our sect, the Tang family and the Xie family, who have not yet taken action and are watching, will definitely bite us at this time."

"There is no way to avoid it, let's fight!"

"Call all the cultivators in our sect to support Qianqiu Island with this sect master!"

"Even if Qianqiu Island has been occupied, we must take it back, kill some cultivators of Jinyang Sect, and weaken the prestige of Jinyang Sect."

The late foundation building cultivator heard this, and his face was more worried.

"Master, you are the only Jindan in our sect, but Jinyang Sect has two Jindan Zhenren. Once you appear on the battlefield, the two Jindan from Jinyang Sect will probably appear as well... Master, why don't you go find your good friend Baiqian Zhenren to help?"

Not long after the establishment of Huojiao Sect, this sect was targeted by the three surrounding forces of Tang Family, Xie Family and Jinyang Sect.

Among them, the most powerful Jinyang Sect, which has a Jindan mid-stage cultivator, a Jindan early stage cultivator and a fake Dan realm cultivator, is the most rampant. As early as three years ago, it sent cultivators to secretly occupy some spiritual veins under the Huojiao Sect that bordered it.

At that time, Ling Pengqiu had been forbearing because of his concern for the strength of this sect.

But this move made the Jinyang Sect more and more arrogant. This sect could not help but slowly encroach on the spiritual veins of Jinyang Sect's territory, but directly sent a large number of cultivators pretending to be evil cultivators to kill into Jinyang Sect's territory and occupied more than a hundred spiritual veins in a row.

You know, Huojiao Sect only has more than 500 spiritual veins.

At that time, in order to stop the loss in time, Ling Pengqiu found his friend Baiqian Laodao, who was a casual cultivator and had reached the Golden Core stage. Together with him, they resisted the Jinyang Sect from sending troops to invade the Huojiao Sect again.

But the 100 spiritual veins occupied by the Jinyang Sect were difficult to take back.

As a result, the number of spiritual veins of the Huojiao Sect dropped sharply to about 400, and the annual income gradually decreased.

Ling Pengqiu's eyebrows became more solemn and he said.

"Don't worry, I'm sure."

"The injuries suffered by fellow Daoist Baiqian two years ago when he helped our sect fight against the great elder Jin Po Zhenren of the Jinyang Sect have not recovered until today, and his life span has been greatly reduced."

"Even if I go to find him, he may not come to help."

"This disaster can only be overcome by our Huojiao Sect on its own."

After the cultivator in the late stage of foundation building sighed helplessly, he said no more, took his leave and left the place, and went to summon the disciples of the Huojiao Sect.

However, Ling Pengqiu was also in sorrow.

"It is really difficult to lead a force!"

"If we cannot hold on in this battle, we should ask for help from... the clan."

When he thought of this, he felt a little reluctant.

He has been a famous fire genius of the Ling family since he was a child. Others have always sought his help. Now, he can only seek help from the family. He is somewhat embarrassed. He feels that this is to admit to the family that he is not capable enough and it is difficult for him to open a branch for the family.

At this time, the storage bag on his waist suddenly flashed a spiritual light.

Seeing this scene, his expression moved slightly, and he immediately slapped the storage bag on his waist and summoned a third-level communication mirror from it.

As he transferred spiritual power into it, the faces of Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi suddenly appeared on the mirror.

Ling Pengqiu's expression suddenly became happy.

"My dear brother, my dear sister-in-law, why are you all here in the boundless sea?"

The communication mirror in his hand can only communicate with a million miles of territory. Beyond this distance, it is difficult to use the communication mirror to communicate.

"Are we here to buy golden elixir spiritual objects?"

"I'm on a deserted island tens of thousands of miles south of Jiaolong Island. Let's get together. I have something for you."

Ling Pengyun did not hide the purpose of this trip. He smiled and spoke.

After hearing this, Ling Pengqiu hurriedly left the place and quietly left the tense atmosphere of Huojiao Island.

Soon, he met Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi on the deserted island.

Ling Pengyun also asked Ling Pengqiu about his recent cultivation and the situation of the Huojiao Sect branch he opened as usual.

Ling Pengqiu also told him the truth.

When Ling Pengyun learned that Ling Pengqiu's cultivation had reached the peak of the second level of the golden elixir, he was only one step away from the third level of the golden elixir.

After hearing the situation that the Fire Dragon Sect is not in a good situation, he laughed.

"I didn't expect that the golden elixir monster beast would be useful so soon."

Ling Pengqiu, who was standing by, was a little confused when he heard this.

But at this moment, he saw Ling Pengyun take out a beast-controlling bag from his arms, and summoned a giant shark with a body length of dozens of feet, a strong aura of the second level of the golden elixir, and blue skin.

There was also a large iron ring with bright spiritual light around its neck, and traces of blood kept oozing out of the iron ring.

The giant shark also stared at everyone fiercely, but it did not move at all. Instead, it looked extremely scared and stayed away from Ling Pengyun and stayed honestly.

"Is that the beast-controlling iron ring?"

Ling Pengqiu saw the large iron ring around the shark's neck, his eyes trembled, and he exclaimed.

"Yes, I bought that thing from the Li family of Yuan State. It was with the help of that thing that I caught this blue water shark from the demon clan sea area."

"I have tamed this shark. It probably knows the power of the beast control circle. Unless it is necessary, this monster will not eat its master. This shark will belong to you in the future."

"I think, with this shark's help, you can also resolve the current situation between the Fire Dragon Sect and the Jinyang Sect."

"As for the family's Jindan Demon Corpse and Beast Puppet, I won't give them to you. These two demon corpses are quite special and few forces have them. In particular, the Xuanbing Demon Corpse is unique to my Ling family. Once it appears in the world, I am afraid that people with ulterior motives will associate you with the family."

"And your eighth sister-in-law and I have even more special identities. The Jinyang Sect is not enough for us to take action."

"The matter of the Fire Dragon Sect branch will be handled by you alone. I believe that with your ability, you can resolve this crisis."

Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

When Ling Pengqiu heard this, he looked at the Jindan second-level blue water shark, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

With this Blue Water Shark, the Fire Dragon Sect branch also has two Jindan fighters in charge. At that time, the Fire Dragon Sect will have more confidence in fighting against the Jinyang Sect.

As for the Demon Corpse and Ling Pengyun and his wife not taking action, he can understand it.

This can only be used when there is no other choice.

At the same time, he also felt Ling Pengyun's trust.

"Eighth Brother, Eighth Sister-in-law, you really helped me this time!"

"Little brother, thank you here."

"I will definitely live up to Eighth Brother's expectations."

Ling Pengqiu thanked.

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