Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 731 Three formations appear together (2400 words, please subscribe)

"You open a branch here for your family, and the family helps you. This is what you should do. You don't need to do this."

"These Yuan Gathering Pills and Healing Pills were refined by Grandpa Yun Hong in recent years."

"That snake demon blood source pill was found by me for your fire python. I hope it can help your fire python turn into a dragon faster."

"In a few years, I will send you one or two lower-grade third-level Miasma-Breaking Pills to help you upgrade to the third-level Golden Pill."

Ling Pengyun waved his hand, took out a dozen medicine bottles from the storage bag, and handed them to Ling Pengqiu.

Ling Pengqiu reached out and took the medicine bottles, and a touch of warmth suddenly appeared in his heart.

Just as he was about to say thank you, he saw Ling Pengyun smiling.

"Pengqiu, since the Fire Dragon Sect is now in crisis, the place where your eighth sister-in-law and I plan to purchase golden elixirs and spiritual objects is the Donghua Sea Area, which is far away from here, so I won't argue with you. I will come back to find you after the purchase of the golden elixir is over."

Ling Pengqiu nodded.


Ling Pengyun also followed, and left the deserted island with Yan Siyi, rushing towards Mingshui Fang City, the largest city in the Mingshui Sea, where there was a teleportation array across the sea.

After Ling Pengqiu watched Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi leave, he also fixed his gaze on the golden elixir two-layer blue water shark beside him, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

"With the help of this Blue Water Shark, this time we must make Jin Yang Old Dog, Jin Po Old Dog, and Jin Xuan Old Dog of Jinyang Gate pay some price for invading my clan."

at the same time.

Yan Siyi, who had just left the desert island not long ago, said to Ling Pengyun with a little worry.

"Husband, do we really not want to help Peng Qiu and leave this area directly?"

When Ling Pengyun heard this, there was a bit of relief between his brows and he spoke.

"Pengqiu is a Dharma cultivator and has never been weak in strength. With his current cultivation level and the top-notch Nascent Soul Cultivation Technique he practices, the spiritual power in his golden elixir is also higher than that of ordinary cultivators. Strong and pure, he also knows the family's most powerful magical power, the fire wolf swallowing the moon technique, and his strength is comparable to that of a fourth-level golden elixir expert."

"This time, he has the blue water shark to help him again. Even if he can't defeat the two golden elixirs from Jinyang Gate, there is still no problem in saving his life."

"Pengqiu has been able to withstand the sky, so we don't need to worry about it anymore."

"Back then, during the battle between the Mingshui Sect and the demonic power Xuanming Sect, this boy killed many demons and made huge achievements."

"Madam, don't overthink it. This guy is much stronger than you think."

After Yan Siyi heard this, her worries were lessened, but they still existed.

Because Ling Pengqiu was the one who detected spiritual roots from the mortal world in his early years, Ling Pengqiu had a very good relationship with their family.

She also has a deep relationship with Ling Pengqiu, and has long regarded him as a biological brother.

However, since her husband Ling Pengyun said so, she could only pray that Ling Pengqiu would be safe.

A few days later.

In Qianqiu Island, the easternmost part of the Fire Dragon Sect, the sound of fighting resounded through the sky.

The third-level low-grade formation on the island has long been broken.

On the island, a large number of monks from the Fire Dragon Sect and the monks from the Jinyang Sect were fighting together. Every few breaths, basically a monk would be killed here.

And thousands of miles in the sky above this island.

Ling Pengqiu was sitting on the back of the blue water shark on the second floor of Jindan, fighting with the three Jindan masters from Jinyang Gate.

The five of them fought for a full day, but there was still no winner.

"Jinyang Zhenren", the sect leader of the fourth level of Jinyang Sect, looked at this scene, and he was even more afraid of Ling Pengqiu, the sect leader of the Fire Dragon Sect.

He knew that Ling Pengqiu was not old.

"Unexpectedly, Master Huo Yun actually got a second-level golden elixir spiritual beast. Judging from this person's current strength, if it takes another hundred or hundreds of years, Master Huo Yun will probably be even stronger. For terror.”

"I'm afraid it will be even more difficult for our Jinyang Sect to expand externally."

"Fortunately, we brought out the big formation this time."

Immediately, he took out the thirty-six formation flags and formation disks, and threw the remaining ten formation flags to Master Jin Po and False Dan Realm Master Jin Xuan.

The three of them worked together to form a large formation with an aura as high as the third level, which enveloped Ling Pengqiu and trapped him.

When Ling Pengqiu saw this, he immediately recognized the formation and felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

This formation is the "Jinyun Tiangang Cover", the sect-protecting formation of the Jinyang Sect. Its grade is as high as the third-grade high-grade, and there is also a third-grade high-grade defensive array. It is a defensive formation with extraordinary power.

But its attack is not weak, at least comparable to the power of an ordinary third-level high-grade formation, and has the attack power of a late-stage Jindan monk.

"Old dog, you are so courageous that you even dare to bring your sect's sect protector. Aren't you afraid that the Tang family and the Xie family will take the opportunity to attack your Jinyang gate?"

Ling Pengqiu shouted loudly.

"They dare?"

Master Jin Yang laughed maniacally.

Then, he used the magic formula and penetrated into the formation of the big formation.

The formation flashed, and the formation that trapped Ling Pengqiu also trembled. A golden giant sword with a length of more than ninety feet, comparable to the full blow of a seventh-level golden elixir monk, suddenly appeared and aimed at Ling Pengqiu. Kill it.

But what surprised Master Jin Yang was that at this critical moment, Ling Pengqiu actually took out a third-level mid-level defensive array with defensive arrays, and propped up an extremely powerful defensive light curtain to block the giant sword. .

"This person actually has a third-level mid-level defensive formation!"

Master Jin Yang said in shock.

You must know that a third-level mid-level defensive array with defensive array equipment is worth a lot of money on the market, and can be sold for at least two hundred spiritual stones.

The Fire Dragon Sect has only been established for a few years, and its foundation is not strong at all.

Even the Jinyangmen spent nearly a thousand years of savings to buy the "Jinyun Tiangang Formation" that protects the sect.

"It is said that this person was originally a casual cultivator."

"The beast-control circle between the blue water shark's neck that the man sat on is of a grade as high as third-level low-grade, and its value is also extraordinary."

"It seems that this person has a great opportunity."

"If we can get it, our sect's strength will definitely increase by several percent."

Master Jin Yang thought secretly.

But Ling Pengqiu's third-level mid-level defensive array was particularly powerful because of its defensive arrays.

Even if the Jinyun Tiangang formation fired two giant swords of that level, they could only barely break through Ling Pengqiu's defensive formation.

Ling Pengqiu also showed off his power at this moment, and he once again took out a large formation from his storage bag.

Although the level of this formation is not as high as that of the formation just now, it is still in the realm of the third low-level, and there is also an attack array weapon with power comparable to that of a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Core.

Because Ling Pengqiu was caught off guard, he used this formation to seriously injure Master Jin Xuan, the weakest person in the fake elixir realm of the Jinyang Sect, and Master Jin Po also suffered some injuries.

If Master Jin Yang had used the Jinyun Tiangang Formation to help him in time, Master Jin Xuan would have been killed here.

Because of this, the real Jin Xuan was no longer able to fight.

Jinpo Zhenren's injuries were not serious, and his strength was only reduced by a few points.

Ling Pengqiu also took advantage of this opportunity to take out another third-level low-grade energy-storing formation, and launched several attacks that were comparable to the full strength of a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Core. He also took out the statue that Ling Pengyun had captured from the Qiu family of the Yuan Dynasty in the early years. The third-level high-grade magic weapon "Qingfeng Qin" caused waves in the Jinyun Tiangang formation, directly scaring away the Jinyang Master and the Jinpo Master on the second level of Jindan. They did not dare to stay for a long time.

Previously, he had also killed all the Jinyangmen monks who had invaded Qianqiu Island.

Suddenly, the entire Qianqiu Island was bathed in blood.

The surviving disciples of the Fire Dragon Sect were also looking at Ling Pengqiu standing on the blue water shark in the sky with admiration.

But Ling Pengqiu didn't pay attention. He looked at the void tens of thousands of miles east.

"If anyone offends our Fire Dragon Sect again in the future, our sect will punish them!"

After saying that, he landed on Qianqiu Island.

The void became distorted the next moment, and two monks appeared.

If Ling Pengqiu were here, he would be able to recognize that these two people are the heads of the Tang family and the Xie family, the other two major golden elixir powers around the Fire Dragon Sect.

The two families are relatives. They have been working together to resist the Jinyang Sect over the years, and their relationship is relatively good.

The heads of the two families are cousins. They are relatively close to each other and often go out to the outside world together.

And what Ling Pengqiu said just now was exactly what he said to the two of them.

They looked at Qianqiu Island with a little more fear in their eyebrows.

At the same time, there was a little more greed in my heart.

This time, Ling Pengqiu came up with a lot of formations, and they were all of extraordinary value. The third-level high-grade Qingfeng was also valuable.

But worrying about Ling Pengqiu's strength, they all suppressed their greed in their hearts and evacuated the place at the same time.

The other side.

Qianqiu Island is tens of thousands of miles away.

Deep inside a spiritual island, in a luxurious loft.

Master Jin Yang was furious.

Not only was the sect’s False Dan Realm Master Jin Xuan seriously injured this time, he would not be able to fight again in the next ten years.

And according to statistics, at least three thousand low-level monks in the sect died tragically.

You know, the number of disciples of Jinyang Sect is only close to ten thousand.

Now that three thousand people have died at once, even the Jinyang Sect is a little overwhelmed for the moment. It will be difficult to recover without decades.

"Damn Master Huoyun, I will definitely kill this man in this life and destroy the Fire Dragon Sect."

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