Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 737 Meteorite Sea (Subscription Request)

The Donghua Immortal Sect cultivator's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he turned to speak.

"Fellow Daoist, you must know that our sect's alchemy is declining. Now, our sect is even more eager for talents like your senior alchemist. If your senior alchemist is not in any power, please help me tell him that as long as the alchemist can join our sect as a guest alchemist, he will not only receive a large amount of offerings every year, but also various high-level spiritual objects and high-level skills of our sect will be open to him. Even the second-class golden elixir spiritual objects will have the right to exchange."

"And if... Dao "The elder alchemist is in a certain force, so please forgive me for being rude."

"In addition, for the ten Juyuan Pills worth 30,000 spiritual stones that Daoyou brought out this time, our sect is willing to buy them with thirteen pieces of third-level inferior Juyuan Grass and 15,000 spiritual stones to make up the difference."

"Of course, if other Jindan Daoists offer a higher price to buy Daoyou's ten Juyuan Pills at the trade fair, this deal can be done."

After hearing this, Ling Pengyun said in his heart.

"I didn't expect that Donghua Xianzong would be so eager for third-level alchemists."

"However... the benefits offered by Donghua Xianzong to recruit alchemists are not bad. I think few third-level alchemists from independent cultivation or ordinary golden elixir forces will refuse."

"But for the third-level alchemists from those big forces, this benefit is still not enough."

"It is estimated that there are not many third-level alchemists who join this sect as guests."

"And this Donghua Xianzong has been recruiting alchemists for hundreds of years, but it is still recruiting third-level alchemists. This must be the reason. In the end, Donghua Xianzong may still have to take the path of cultivating alchemy talents on its own."

"This Donghua Xianzong incident is also a wake-up call for the family."

"Among the eight hundred arts that the family is good at, namely formation, elixir, instrument, talisman, spiritual plant, beast control, demon corpse, and silkworm breeding, the formation is taken over by my three-eyed white fox. According to Penglin said that if this fox reaches the level of Jindan, there is a chance that it can upgrade the formation to the third level. "

"There is Cheng Xin who will take over the alchemy, Nian Chuan who will take over the spiritual plant, Lin Fan's son-in-law and Li Hu who will take over the beast control, Li Bing who will take over the magic corpse, and Cheng Ping who will take over the silkworm breeding. However, there has been no talent in the weapon refining and talisman making, which is a troublesome matter. "

"We should pay more attention to this matter in the future, otherwise it will cause great trouble to the family if it is delayed for a long time. "

"If there is really no successor to the inheritance of these two kinds of Baiyi, even if we consume two breaths of Yin and Yang Taichu Qi in the future, we must create two weapon refining and talisman making geniuses. "

At this time, several Jindan who participated in the trade fair also sent him a message to express their intention to buy the ten Juyuan Pills, but those people could only take out three Juyuan Grass at most, and they were only willing to make up the difference with spirit stones.

Obviously, this group of people only symbolically took out a few Juyuan grass to meet Ling Pengyun's conditions for selling those Juyuan pills. They also knew that it was not worthwhile to exchange Juyuan grass for Juyuan pills, and it would be more cost-effective to buy them with spirit stones.

Under such circumstances, it seemed that the Donghua Xianzong Jindan cultivator who was willing to take out thirteen Juyuan grasses was sincere.

Of course, Ling Pengyun also knew what he meant.

"I think this person also wants to make a good relationship with me, or with the third-level alchemist behind me!"

Then, Ling Pengyun wisely chose to trade the ten Juyuan pills with the Donghua Xianzong Jindan cultivator, and stated that he would inform the elders behind him about the recruitment.

As for whether the third-level alchemist elder behind him was in the power, he did not elaborate, and the Donghua Xianzong Jindan did not ask much.

The trade fair soon came to an end. Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi also left the place and went directly to a medium-sized market in the easternmost part of the Donghua Sea through the market teleportation array.

Afterwards, the two left the market and flew directly to the most special Meteorite Sea among the thirty-six seas of the human race.

This sea does not belong to any good or evil forces, but is occupied by the first casual cultivator "Meteorite True Lord" in the boundless sea.

This Meteorite Sea was also opened up hundreds of years ago when the Meteorite True Lord destroyed a sea monster clan with an early Nascent Soul demon emperor.

It is said that the Meteorite True Lord's cultivation level at that time had entered the middle Nascent Soul stage.

Many years have passed, and the world has also been spreading the word that this peerless casual cultivator True Lord has entered the late Nascent Soul stage, but this True Lord has been in seclusion for many years and has not appeared in the world for more than three hundred years, so the world does not know whether the rumors from the outside world that his cultivation level has entered the late Nascent Soul stage are true.

At the same time, this True Lord was in seclusion for many years, and most of his disciples were hard workers. He did not manage the Meteorite Sea much. As long as the cultivators who occupied the spiritual veins in the Meteorite Sea handed over the spiritual stones honestly, it would be fine. This led to the Meteorite Sea being extremely chaotic.

There were often ambushes, or some forces were destroyed and the spiritual veins were occupied by someone else.

However, because the spiritual veins in the Meteorite Sea can be occupied at will, as long as the forces are destroyed or driven away, and the spiritual stones are handed over to the True Lord of Meteorite in time, the Meteorite Sea is regarded as a place to make a fortune by many powerful cultivators.

In addition, this sea area is also a place where both good and evil can enter. The demon cultivators in various markets in this sea area can enter openly, as long as the demon cultivators in the markets under the command of the Meteorite Sea do not make trouble at will.

Of course, demon cultivators are not allowed to occupy the spiritual veins here. This rule was set by the True Lord of Meteorite.

This also led to this sea area becoming the best place for demon cultivators who killed righteous cultivators and intended to sell their stolen property, which also increased the liveliness of the Meteorite Sea.

At the same time.

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi spent several days flying out of the Donghua Sea and stepped into a desolate sea.

However, before they flew for long in this desolate sea, they were blocked by a Kuishui Wuji Gangfeng that stretched for tens of millions of miles.

It is said that this Gangfeng was caused by the two demon Dao Lords fighting tens of thousands of years ago, breaking the void and then not using precious treasures to suppress it.

After tens of thousands of years, the Wuji Gangfeng here evolved into a more powerful Kuishui Wuji Gangfeng due to the strong water vapor in this sea area that stretched for thousands of miles.

This wind not only has a strong cutting force, but also has a corrosive effect and always exists. Even a Jindan early stage strongman is at risk of being killed if he is not careful.

However, this place is not the only way to the Meteorite Sea. After crossing from other demon seas, you can also enter the Meteorite Sea.

It’s just that crossing this Kuishui Wuji Gangfeng area is the fastest way to enter the Meteorite Sea from the human sea.

In another half a year, the Meteorite Market, the largest market in the Meteorite Sea, will hold a grand auction held once every three hundred years. If you rush to the Meteorite Sea from other realms, it will be difficult to catch up with the Meteorite Auction.

This is also the reason why Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi took the risk of taking this road.

Withdrawing his distracting thoughts, Ling Pengyun took out the black-armored turtle and sat on its back with Yan Siyi. The black-armored turtle also propped up a defensive light curtain, and took Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi directly into the Kuishui Wuji Gangfeng.

Countless strong winds also swept over the defensive light curtain around the black-armored turtle, causing small waves.

A squeaking sound was also heard.

However, it was extremely difficult for those infinite strong winds to break through the light curtain.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun also closed his eyes with peace of mind, entered into meditation, and left everything to the black-armored turtle.

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