Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 738: Jindan monks set up stalls (please subscribe)

One month later.

The boundless sea area of ​​immortal cultivation.

Between the Donghua Sea and the Meteorite Sea, deep in the Kuishui Wuji Gangfeng area that stretches for tens of millions of miles.

Because the Kuishui Wuji Gangfeng is continuous, it constantly passes through this area, blowing up waves of sea water, and also creating huge waves tens of feet high that sweep around, making this sea area a mess.

Therefore, this sea area has no vitality, no sea monsters, and even those sea plants with relatively strong vitality in ordinary seas are not here, as if this place is a dead end.

However, at this moment, a giant turtle is against the Kuishui Wuji Gangfeng, breaking through a huge wave in the sea surface, and appears here.

On its back, there are two cultivators, a man and a woman.

At this time, the immortal male cultivator here seemed to have a premonition, opened his eyes, and then looked at Zheng Qianfan.

With this person's secret method, he immediately saw dozens of blue tornadoes as high as ten feet in the sea tens of thousands of miles in front of him, sweeping up countless seawater, ravaging the sea and making it a mess.

If you look closely, you can even find that there is a blue, human-like, and intangible phantom monster at the core of each of the dozens of blue tornadoes.

"Qi training realm Kuishui Gangfeng demon spirit? It seems that there is a spiritual vein nearby."

"It is said that the Kuishui Gangfeng demon spirits in this area have a strong sense of each other. Even if the demon spirits are not born from the same spiritual vein, they can communicate with each other over a long distance."

"And in the depths of this sea, there are rumors that there is a Jindan Kuishui Wuji demon spirit."

"Under this situation, the dozens of demon spirits cannot be killed, and the black-armored turtle can only sneak past."

The immortal Ling Pengyun frowned and muttered to himself when he saw this.

The Kuishui Gangfeng demon spirits were created by the endless Kuishui Wuji Gangfeng in this area, which stimulated the spiritual veins of this land. Their strength is not much different from that of ordinary demon spirits.

However, with the help of countless Kuishui Wuji Gangfeng in this land, the spiritual power of these demon spirits is almost inexhaustible, and even as long as they are not fatally injured, they can basically not die, which makes the Kuishui Wuji demon spirits extremely difficult to deal with.

Generally, cultivators who go deep into this sea area are unwilling to provoke the Kuishui Wuji demon spirits in this land.

Fortunately, most of the spiritual veins in this land were broken by the aftermath of the battle between the two demon clan Taoist masters tens of thousands of years ago. Therefore, there are not many spiritual veins in this land, which indirectly makes the number of demon spirits in this land not many.

In addition, the demon spirits will not stay away from their own spiritual veins.

As long as you don't actively provoke them, it is actually easy to avoid these demon spirits.

With the first-level Jindan cultivation of the Black-armored Turtle, it used the middle-level breath-retaining technique it knew, and naturally avoided the dozens of Kuishui Gangfeng monsters very smoothly, and continued to sneak towards the Meteorite Sea.

After spending another two months on the journey, crossing tens of millions of miles, Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi finally rode the Black-armored Turtle to escape from the Kuishui Wuji Gangfeng area and entered the famous "Meteorite Sea".

At this time, in order to travel as quickly as possible, Ling Pengyun also put away the Black-armored Turtle, and instead used the escape technique to take Yan Siyi to the nearest "medium-sized market" built by the old Jindan forces in the Meteorite Market.

Through the teleportation array in this medium-sized market, the two went through several medium-sized markets, but in just a few days, they crossed tens of millions of miles and arrived at the destination of this trip, the largest market in the Meteorite Sea, the "Meteorite Market".

As soon as they left the teleportation hall where the teleportation array was located, Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi saw a large number of cultivators on several avenues in front of them, among which there were also some demon cultivators who had restrained their aura and disguised themselves as righteous cultivators.

The spiritual objects sold in the shops on both sides of the avenue were different, with all kinds of strange spiritual objects. Even the shops selling demon spiritual objects did not hide them and advertised them loudly, as if they were afraid that others would not know about it.

Obviously, these shops also wanted to attract customers through this move, whether they were righteous or demon cultivators.

"The atmosphere in the Meteorite Sea is indeed different from that in the outside world."

"However, the lord of this land, the Meteorite True Lord, is very generous... Maybe this can really increase financial benefits!"

Ling Pengyun's heart moved slightly.

There are rumors in the outside world that the reason why the Meteorite True Lord is willing to allow demon cultivators to enter the various markets in the Meteorite Sea to trade at will is that he wants to collect enough wealth to improve his own cultivation.

After all, when reaching the realm of True Lord Meteorite, the cultivation resources required are a terrifying number.

"It's a pity that this method cannot be implemented in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World, and it is estimated that it will be impossible even in the future."

"Only True Lord Meteorite, who is a casual cultivator, neutral, and has not participated in any of the three-party wars between the righteous, the devil, and the demon in the Boundless Sea Cultivation World every three hundred years, can create such a scene."

"Otherwise, if this move can be replicated, it would be a good way to make money."

The demon forces in the Boundless Sea Cultivation World are different from the demon forces in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World, which are severely suppressed by the righteous forces. The demon forces in this cultivation world have been rooted in this cultivation world for tens of thousands of years, and their foundation is extremely deep and their strength is also extremely strong. They will not be weaker than the righteous forces in this cultivation world.

The sea monsters in this area, because more than 70% of the land in this Xiuxian world is seawater, they have a large living space and reproduce quickly, which makes the monsters in this Xiuxian world stronger.

At least 50% stronger than either the righteous or the evil.

However, there are some conflicts between the monsters in this Xiuxian world, and they are divided into three major factions. The factions are like the righteous and the evil, and they are irreconcilable.

This makes it difficult for this group of monsters to unite like the Northern Wilderness Xiuxian World and attack human cultivators.

Under such circumstances, the righteous and the evil cultivators in the Wubian Sea Xiuxian World have the opportunity to open up the monster sea.

And the top leaders of the three forces of righteousness, evil, and monsters also signed a battle contract tens of thousands of years ago to prevent the other party from occupying too much of their own territory, just like the Northern Wilderness Xiuxian World.

Only during the three-hundred-year three-way war can they occupy the other party’s entire sea area, or even more sea areas.

The battle time limit of 300 years is also because the boundless sea area is large, and the living space of the three forces of good, evil and monster is also large. In just 300 years, they will not encounter the dilemma of too many cultivators or monsters, fewer spiritual veins, crowded living space, and the need to expand the territory.

On the contrary, this situation exists in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World.

After collecting his distracting thoughts, Ling Pengyun also took his wife Yan Siyi to stroll around this market where good and evil coexist.

During this period, Ling Pengyun bought some useful third-level low-grade spiritual objects from several shops opened by the forces under the command of the Meteorite True Lord.

Soon, the two of them visited all the famous shops in this market.

The two of them also went to the stall area of ​​the market.

Perhaps because of the large-scale auction held once every 300 years in the Meteorite Market, there are several Jindan cultivators here who set up stalls like ordinary Qi training and foundation building cultivators.

However, the stalls of the Jindan cultivators were in a very good location, in the center of the stall area. There were no other stalls within a few feet of them, which made them very bright. Obviously, this was the privilege of these Jindan stall owners.

The spiritual objects placed on the stalls in front of the Jindan stall owners were also of very high grade, at least, the grade was as high as the second grade.

However, the quality of those spiritual objects was average, and there were no third-grade spiritual objects.

According to Ling Pengyun's guess, the spiritual objects of better quality on the Jindan stall owners were probably put on the auction for auction.

Because this auction was relatively grand, ordinary second-grade spiritual objects were not accepted, which made those Jindan real people who were usually high and mighty now live in this stall to set up stalls.

In addition, Ling Pengyun was probably sure that the Jindans who set up stalls should all be Jindans of casual cultivators. Otherwise, if they were powerful Jindans, they could just give the unused spiritual objects to their subordinates to sell, without having to do it themselves.

But at this moment, Ling Pengyun's eyes stopped at a spirit egg covered with flames, extremely white, but full of cracks, and extremely weak in aura, on the stand in front of a mid-stage Jindan cultivator.

Next to this spirit egg, there is a small plaque introducing this item.

The plaque reads "Eggs laid by Jindan-level lava turtles!" in large characters.

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