Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 739 Lava Turtle and Blue Volcano (four chapters to come tomorrow, one more chapter, please s

Ling Pengyun's expression moved slightly and he asked Yan Siyi beside him.

"Madam, are you interested in cultivating a spiritual beast?"

Yan Siyi also keeps spirit beasts in captivity, but the potential of her spirit beasts is not very strong. Now her cultivation level is only in the middle and late stages of foundation building. The road is basically at the end, and there is no breakthrough golden elixir. hope.

When Yan Siyi heard Ling Pengyun's proposal, she immediately became interested.

A few years ago, she had used the inheritance of the third-level low-grade spiritual cook from Canglan Bihai Sect and some golden elixir realm monster flesh and blood to upgrade the spiritual chef to the third-level low-grade realm. Through ordinary cultivation She has no shortage of resources, and as the wife of Ling's Golden Pill and Ling Pengyun, she has an extremely strong net worth.

A few days ago, Ling Pengyun's black-armored turtle broke through the golden elixir again, which made her want to cultivate another spiritual beast with extraordinary qualifications.


After Yan Siyi responded, she followed Ling Pengyun's gaze and saw the existence of the lava turtle egg.

Then, she asked Ling Pengyun with some doubts.

"Husband, are you interested in the egg laid by the golden elixir realm lava turtle?"


"The lava turtle family generally lives in volcanic magma and also feeds on lava. It can absorb the power of earth fire in the lava to improve its cultivation. Moreover, this turtle family can also swallow lava into its belly and condense the earth fire in the volcanic magma. The power of fire refines lava with a higher temperature, and then uses volcanic lava to defend against enemies in times of danger.”

"And madam, the blue spiritual volcano you discovered earlier in the depths of the dark river of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake was also moved to the family's clan after Peng Lin became a third-level array mage, and it was even listed as a key spiritual object for cultivation. One, I also intend to cultivate it to the third level, so that the core blue demon spirit can enter the realm of golden elixir and become the guardian demon spirit of the family. "

"If the turtle egg can be hatched successfully, with the bloodline strength of the Golden Core Monster, it is estimated that the qualifications will not be bad. By then, the lava in the Youlanling Volcano will help it, which will also help it improve its cultivation."

"Even when this turtle's cultivation level is higher than that of Youlan Volcano, this turtle can also help Youlan Volcano improve its level by condensing lava."

"If Madam likes the lava turtle egg, the turtle egg will belong to Madam. If Madam doesn't like it, we will look for it in the future."

After hearing what her husband Ling Pengyun said, Yan Siyi was quite fond of the lava turtle eggs, but she still had some concerns in her heart, so she spoke out accordingly.

"Of course I would like a turtle egg with such qualifications, but husband, the life of the turtle egg is extremely weak and is almost withered. Are you sure that you can help it hatch smoothly?"

Ling Pengyun said with great confidence. "If my Renshui Lanyuncao can enter the realm of golden elixir, and my spiritual plant can successfully enter the third level, I can use the top middle school recorded in the spiritual plant inheritance given by the sect. The magical power "A and B's Spring Technique" can adjust the life sources of countless A and B trees to help this turtle regain its vitality. I am at least 70% sure that I can help the turtle egg hatch smoothly. "

At that time, Ling Pengqiu broke through the realm of golden elixir and entered the Canglan Bihai Sect as a guest elder, helping Ling Pengyun to obtain the inheritance of the third-level and low-grade spiritual plant from the sect. The records are very comprehensive.

The art of A and B's Fuchun is one of the top medium-level magical powers recorded in it.

This magical power can be used to heal injuries with the help of the plants and trees in the world. At the same time, it can also be used to nourish the body and even the monk's soul, taking the opportunity to increase some longevity.

For example, restoring the vitality of the turtle egg is a golden elixir, but it may take several years.

Yan Siyi had also heard about the power of A and B's Fuchun Technique. Now seeing Ling Pengyun's confidence, her eyes lit up and she immediately smiled.

"That's good! I, from today on, I am looking forward to the day when my husband becomes a third-level spiritual husband."

"Hahaha! Let's go and buy the turtle egg. Otherwise, it will be bad if you miss the turtle egg." Ling Pengyun smiled and took Yan Siyi to the stall of the middle-stage Jindan monk. Before that, I asked the stall owner.

"Fellow Taoist, how much is this lava turtle egg worth?"

The stall owner saw that Ling Pengyun's cultivation was as high as the middle stage of the Golden Core, and Yan Siyi's cultivation was at the early stage of the Golden Core. He was also more polite and spoke kindly.

"Two fellow Taoists, I think you both know the reproductive status of my turtle egg. However, the parents of this turtle egg are both in the Golden Core realm. If it can be hatched, the bloodline of the turtle in the egg must be extremely strong. If two fellow Taoists are willing to buy it, I will give you a favor and you can take this turtle egg away with only 30,000 spirit stones!"

After speaking, the stall owner who was in the middle stage of Golden Elixir quickly added something.

"This price is my bottom line. No bargaining. If this egg hadn't been injured in the aftermath when I killed its parents, I wouldn't be willing to sell this egg."

Ling Pengyun smiled and felt that the price was more appropriate.

Generally, the spirit eggs whose parents are in the Golden Core Realm can be sold on the market for at least 50,000 to 100,000 spirit stones.

As for rare spiritual beasts like lava turtles, if they were eggs laid by a pair of golden elixir realm lava turtles, there would be no problem in selling them for 100,000 spiritual stones.

Now, the stall owner is willing to lower the price to 30,000 spirit stones because of the problem of egg income, which is indeed a great deal of face.

"Fellow Taoist, the price is indeed fair. My wife and I are willing to buy it."

Ling Pengyun also took out 30,000 spirit stones from the storage bag and handed them to the stall owner.

The stall owner was originally a casual cultivator. Seeing Ling Pengyun being so generous, he also became close to Ling Pengyun. The two of them exchanged a few polite words and reported each other's surnames. As for the full name or Taoist name, neither of them mentioned it.

Through this incident, Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi also learned that the stall owner's surname was "Yan", and they also called him "Daoyou Yan".

Then, Ling Pengyun asked again if he had the bodies of the parents who left the lava turtle egg.

The flesh of the lava turtle can contain lava, which is a good material for refining and storing flame magic weapons.

If this thing is smelted into Yan Siyi's life magic weapon, the mandarin duck fire cloud pot, it can also increase its power.

"You two are late. I am not good at refining weapons. Yesterday I sent the bodies of the turtle egg's parents to the auction house in the Meteorite Market."

"If you two Taoist friends are interested in buying the two Jindan-level lava turtle bodies, you can bid for them at the auction."

The Taoist friend Yan said with a little expectation.

If Ling Pengyun and his wife can join the bidding for the two pairs of Jindan-level lava turtle bodies, maybe they can drive up the price of the two bodies, and he can also earn a few more spiritual stones.

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi nodded slightly after hearing this, and did not say more about it.

The two chatted with Taoist friend Yan for a few more words, and Ling Pengyun and the others also said goodbye to Taoist friend Yan politely. They wandered around the stall area and bought some low-priced spiritual objects that were useful to the low-level cultivators of the Ling family. They left this area and found an inn in this market and stayed there.

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