Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 743 Two-year agreement (3000 words, please subscribe)

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi, who had just walked to the door of the private room, and Jiamu Zhenren, who was in the same private room, were all shocked when they heard the words "Refining Treasure Fire Pond".

Yan Siyi, who mainly practiced fire-attributed exercises, became even more excited.

The Refining Treasure Fire Pond is a special spiritual pond, but the effect of this pond is different from that of ordinary spiritual ponds. This pond is only associated with the "Fire Spirit Vein" and can absorb the pure fire spirit power emitted by the Fire Spirit Vein and convert it into the magical "Refining Treasure Fire Spirit Liquid".

And this spirit liquid can refine the quality of magic weapons, even the quality of the natal magic weapon.

You must know that in ordinary times, it is extremely difficult to change the quality of magic weapons. You need to collect various high-level spiritual materials and then rely on advanced refiners to recast them before you can have a chance.

And it is even more difficult to change the quality of your natal magic weapon.

The quality of the natal magic weapon has long been fixed. If you want to change its quality, you can only improve the quality of the natal magic weapon indirectly by improving the skills that are of the same origin as the natal magic weapon.

However... any skills contain a vast amount of cultivation knowledge, which cannot be improved by ordinary people, even Ling Pengyun, the most talented person in the Ling family, cannot do it. His talent is only enough to improve some secret techniques at most.

Under such circumstances, this treasure refining fire pond is particularly important for Yan Siyi, who mainly practices fire-based skills and has a fire-based natal magic weapon.

Ling Pengyun also knows this truth.

Yan Siyi is his wife. If Yan Siyi's natal magic weapon can be improved with the help of the treasure refining fire pond, it will also be of great help to him.

In addition, this treasure refining fire pond is extremely rare, and there are only a few in the entire Northern Wilderness Xiuxian World.

Then, Ling Pengyun turned around and said to Yan Qing.

"Is what you said true?"

When Yan Qing saw Ling Pengyun asking this, the pain on his face was less, and his face was more happy. He also said at this moment.

"Of course it is true. If this is false, I dare not say it."

"As long as you two help me seize the territory of Danyang Palace later, I can tell you the location of the spirit pond."

"But if you two want to move the spirit pond, you can only find a reliable third-level formation master to move it with the formation."

After saying that, he also made a heavenly oath in front of Ling Pengyun, indicating that he did have a treasure refining fire pond.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun also believed that Yan Qing had a rare treasure refining fire pond.

"If we have that spiritual pond, the quality of Madam's top-level intermediate life magic weapon, the Mandarin Duck Fire Cloud Pot, will be improved to the best level."

"By then, Madam's strength can be improved by at least 10% or 20%. Peng Qiu, who also specializes in fire-attributed skills and has fire-attributed magic weapons, can also benefit from this."

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun had a little worry in his heart, and then he asked Yan Qing.

"I naturally believe that you have the Refining Treasure Fire Pond, but since you have such a treasure pond, you must also have a third-level fire vein."

"Under such circumstances, why do you have to take the risk of conquering the treasure land of Danyang Palace?"

"Furthermore, even if you really want to build a family, there are no other low-level spiritual veins around the fire pond. According to your cultivation, although it is difficult to buy a third-level spiritual vein, you can buy a second-level spiritual vein from the outside world to build a family. At that time, you can completely turn the fire vein into a foundation. Isn't it more stable to have one light and one dark?"

"Let's take a step back. If you sell the fire vein and the fire pond to a big force, it is estimated that you can also get a large area of ​​land?"

The Refining Treasure Spirit Pond is a companion to the Fire Spirit Vein. Where there is this pond, there must be a Fire Spirit Vein.

Yan Qing sighed and told the truth.

"Fellow Daoist, you may not know that I mainly cultivate the gold spiritual root, and the cultivation method I practice is also of the gold attribute. Fire and gold are in conflict, which makes it difficult for me to use the spiritual energy from the third-level fire vein for cultivation. I also don't have a fire-attributed life-long magic weapon, and the fire pool for refining treasures is actually not very useful to me."

"At most, I can only use the fire spiritual vein to plant some spiritual plants, and use the fire pool to purify the quality of some ordinary fire-type magic weapons and sell them."

"And the prudent method that Daoist just mentioned is not something I have not thought about, but it is extremely difficult to continue a family in the world of cultivation in this way, and it is even more difficult to develop and grow to have the foundation of the golden elixir power and have enough self-protection power."

"First of all, it is necessary to ensure that there are golden elixir cultivators in every generation, and develop for nearly a thousand years, so that there is hope to accumulate the foundation of the golden elixir power."

" But if I follow this steady method and develop slowly, how can I have enough resources to support my descendants to enter the Jindan realm steadily. "

"And once my clan loses the Jindan cultivators, it will be difficult for my clan to turn over again and accumulate the foundation of Jindan forces. "

"The rest of the forces in the cultivation world will not be willing to have one more enemy in the world. "

"In the future, my clan will inevitably be trapped in the foundation-building forces at that time, and it will be difficult to improve, and there may even be a risk of being destroyed. "

"As for selling the third-level fire vein and the treasure-refining fire pool, how many spiritual veins can be exchanged? "

"Under such circumstances, how can this cruel world of cultivation allow me to develop steadily step by step... I can only take a gamble and directly occupy the third-level middle-grade spiritual vein of Danyang Palace and the more than 3,000 low-level spiritual veins of this sect, and then seize the inheritance of this sect, so that I can get it in one step and have the foundation to build a Jindan force. "

"Thus, the power I have built will have enough strength to continue in this world of immortal cultivation, so that my bloodline will not disappear from this world of immortal cultivation, and my opportunity will not be turned into a wedding dress for outsiders."

When he said this, Yan Qing's face also showed a hint of determination.

After hearing these words, Ling Pengyun agreed with Yan Qing's point of view, and the slight worry in his heart dissipated.

Looking at Yan Qing's determined face, he also knew that it would be difficult to persuade Yan Qing to attack Danyang Palace.

After that, Ling Pengyun looked at his wife Yan Siyi on the side, and after communicating with her through voice transmission, the two of them also reached a consensus.

He also spoke again.

"Fellow Daoist Yan's thoughts are indeed comprehensive. I was presumptuous just now."

"And fellow Daoist's determination also makes me admire you very much. I can agree to attack Danyang Palace together."

"But... it will take two years."

"If fellow Daoist agrees to this condition, two years later, my husband and I will do our best to help fellow Daoist destroy Danyang Palace."

"And if fellow Daoist does not agree to this condition, then forget it."

Yan Qing frowned when he heard this, and a look of hesitation appeared on his face.

"The spiritual fruit of Danyang Palace will mature in the next two or three years."

"If it takes another two years, I am afraid that I will miss that opportunity."

"It's just... without the help of fellow Daoist Ling and his wife, it will be difficult for Brother Mu and I to destroy Danyang Palace!"

After a few breaths, he sighed lightly and replied.

"Okay, two years is two years!"

"But Fellow Daoist Ling, Madam Ling, we have to agree on the division of property. After the matter is completed, you can only get the treasure refining fire pond. As for the property in the Danyang Palace warehouse, the Danyang Palace's skills and other benefits, you will not be able to share them."

"And if this fails, everything will be empty talk. No matter what the loss is, I hope Fellow Daoist Ling and his wife will not blame me."

Ling Pengyun nodded. "Of course!"

Then, he said goodbye to Yan Qing and Jiamu Zhenren, took his wife Yan Siyi out of the teahouse private room and returned to where they lived.

And Jiamu Zhenren and Yan Qing, who were still in the teahouse private room, said goodbye to each other not long after.

Two years is not a short time, enough for them to do a lot of things, so they naturally won't stay here for long.

Especially Jiamu Zhenren, who is in such an important position as the teleportation hall in Muyuanfang City, it is difficult for him to leave for a long time.


Time passes slowly.

The four seasons rotate.

The Meteorite Auction, which is held once every three hundred years, has been held for a year.

During this year, many things have happened around the Meteorite Market.

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi, who are in the Meteorite Market, have heard that many cultivators who bought expensive spiritual objects at the Meteorite Auction have disappeared in the past year.

Or the life cards kept in the hands of relatives have been broken, and they have died inexplicably.

Even more, some cultivators have seen dozens of battles between Jindan Zhenren in various places in the Meteorite Sea in the past year.

The entire Meteorite Sea is also filled with a layer of haze. Many forces in the Meteorite Sea have closed their doors and no longer see guests to avoid accidents. The Meteorite Sea has also fallen into depression.

However, as time goes by, the Meteorite Sea has gradually regained its vitality, and the popularity of the auction a year ago has gradually declined.

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi, who spent a lot of spiritual stones at the auction, also knew that now was a good time to leave, so they did not delay any longer. They chose to leave the inn where they lived one night and left the market through the teleportation array of the Meteorite Market.

With the help of the teleportation arrays built by other Jindan forces in various medium-sized markets in the Meteorite Sea, the two quickly arrived at the westernmost border of the Meteorite Sea.

Then, Ling Pengyun took out the spiritual beast "Black Armor Turtle" and rode the turtle with Yan Siyi to enter the Kuishui Gangfeng Sea, which stretched for tens of millions of miles.

This time, they planned to send the Jindan spiritual object back to the family as soon as possible, and then return to the Meteorite Sea to help Yan Qing destroy the Danyang Palace and seize the spiritual land.

Therefore, they were in a hurry, so they planned to take this somewhat dangerous shortcut again.

The next month was very smooth, and Ling Pengyun and the others did not encounter any danger.

The Black Armor Turtle also traveled one-third of the way and crossed nearly ten million miles of territory.

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