Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 744: True Lord Meteorite plans a fourth-level spiritual vein (2200 words, please subscribe)

But on this day.

A huge spiritual power fluctuation suddenly came from the depths of Kuishui Wuji Gangfeng. The thin spiritual energy in this area and even the Kuishui Wuji Gangfeng that constantly invaded the earth all rushed to the depths of this desolate place.

Such changes shocked Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi who were sitting on the back of the black armored tortoise.

They then opened their eyes and looked towards the depths of this "Kuishui Wuji Gangfeng Desolate Place".

"Husband, how come this is a bit like... the spiritual energy infusion phenomenon caused by the spiritual vein breaking through the great grade?"

Yan Siyi frowned and said.

"It is indeed a strange phenomenon of spiritual energy filling the body. Judging from the scale of this spiritual energy filling the body, I am afraid that the spiritual vein that is breaking through the realm has at least attracted spiritual energy from millions of miles or even tens of millions of miles around."

"And it must be that only when those third-level spiritual veins try to break through the fourth level can they make such a big noise."

Ling Pengyun frowned when he saw this scene and spoke.

"Hasn't the nearby Donghua Immortal Sect and the cultivators under the command of the True Lord Meteorite already explored this place? There are not many third-level spiritual veins here, and they are all third-level low-grade spiritual veins?"

"Under such circumstances, how can those third-level low-grade spiritual veins here cross several small realms and directly have the opportunity to break through the fourth level?"

Yan Siyi heard this, her face was shocked, and at the same time she was a little confused.

"This is indeed a strange thing."

"However, this area is a strange place. The Wuji Gangfeng has changed into the more powerful Kuishui Gangfeng because of the water vapor in this vast sea. Maybe there are some special opportunities here."

"I just don't know if the spiritual vein that is breaking through can successfully enter the fourth level."

"And the spiritual vein that is breaking through this time is in the depths of this Wuji Gangfeng sea. It is bound to have given birth to a core demon spirit and some ordinary demon spirits due to the terrain of this sea."

"Once this spiritual vein enters the fourth level, the spiritual vein will be accompanied by The core demon spirit will surely receive spiritual energy after the spiritual vein is promoted, and perhaps the core demon spirit will also have a chance to impact the Nascent Soul realm at one time. "

"But I think that the Donghua Immortal Sect, the overlord of the Donghua Sea area around this Jedi, and the overlord of the Meteorite Sea area, the Meteorite True Lord, will not stand idly by and watch this matter."

"I am afraid that it will not be long before the Nascent Soul True Lords of these two families will come."

"This place is bound to be in chaos!"

"Madam, we are only Jindan cultivation, it is not appropriate to participate in this matter, let's leave this place quickly."

Ling Pengyun looked at the depths of this Jedi, frowning.

After saying that, he put away the black armor turtle under his feet, turned to perform the escape technique, and flew towards the direction of the Donghua Immortal Sect with Yan Siyi.

The speed of the blue sea escape technique he mastered was extremely fast. If he used this technique with his cultivation at the peak of the fifth level of Jindan, he could burst out with a speed comparable to that of a late Jindan cultivator, and could travel nearly a million miles a day, more than twice as fast as the black armor turtle.

However, this consumes more spiritual energy, which is not conducive to long-term travel in such an environment.

If it were not urgent now, Ling Pengyun would not have resorted to this desperate measure.

On the second day after the demon spirit in the depths of the Wuji Gangfeng Sea attracted spiritual energy to fill the body, a stream of light quickly flew into this sea area from the Donghua Sea.

However, in just half a day, this escape light crossed tens of millions of miles of territory and arrived in the depths of the Kuishui Wuji Gangfeng Sea, near the island where the "fourth-level spiritual vein attracted spiritual energy to fill the body" was located.

But at this time, a thin middle-aged man wearing a purple Taoist robe with star patterns and black hair fluttering in the surrounding wind suddenly appeared in this void.

He also blocked the stream of light.

The stream of light also showed a figure, revealing an old monk with white hair, wearing a Donghua Xianzong Taoist robe, and a fairy-like appearance.

The old monk looked at the thin middle-aged man in front of him, his face uncertain.

After half a breath, he spoke.

"Fellow Daoist Meteor, why are you stopping me?"

"Once the wind spirit vein on the island enters the fourth level, you and I know the consequences. If a Nascent Soul demon spirit is born here, it will be difficult for us to kill it in the future..."

The thin "True Lord Meteor" wearing a starry robe had no expression on his face when he heard this, but just said lightly.

"Fellow Daoist Donghua, the spirit vein on the island is what I cultivated, and the demon spirit is also my spirit beast."

"If you are willing to watch the third-level upper-grade spirit vein I cultivated break through the fourth level, you should watch it carefully. If you dare to make any move, don't blame me for not considering the friendship of fellow Daoists!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a majestic aura spread out from this person and pressed on the old body of the True Lord Donghua.

When the True Lord Donghua felt this aura, his face suddenly turned black and he was secretly shocked.

"The peak of the sixth level of the Nascent Soul!"

"It seems that it is true as the rumors say, this person will soon enter the late stage of the Nascent Soul."

"And this person has only been in the Tao for more than 600 years, and has at least 400 years of life left. I am afraid... this person will have a chance to explore the perfect state of the Nascent Soul in the future!"

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a little frustrated.

He is more than 300 years older than the True Lord of Meteorite, more than 900 years old, but his cultivation level has only just entered the middle stage of the Nascent Soul a hundred years ago. His strength is at least 50% to 60% lower than that of the True Lord of Meteorite. Once he fights with him, he is no match at all.

However, he was just a non-opponent. If he wanted to escape, it would be difficult for the extraordinary "Meteor Lord" to stop him.

Now that True Lord Meteorite was so rude, he was naturally dissatisfied. He snorted coldly and fled away from here.

As he left, he was also thinking in his mind.

"Meteor Boy's layout is really big. Under my nose, he has quietly cultivated a third-order high-grade wind spirit vein, and is about to help this spiritual vein enter the fourth-order realm."

"If it weren't for the huge movement of spiritual energy flowing into the body caused by the spiritual vein this time, and the meteor boy seemed to have used the power of the formation to gather the entire Gangfeng area of ​​​​Kui Shui Wuji Gangfeng area at that spiritual vein, otherwise I wouldn't have known what to do. How long has it been hidden by that meteor boy?"

"And that Meteorite boy is a fourth-level formation mage. If he is not sure of helping one of his spiritual veins reach the fourth-level realm, I am afraid that this place will not be exposed."

"It seems that this person is certain about the promotion of spiritual veins."

"It's just that once the spiritual vein reaches the fourth level, I'm afraid that the core demon spirit accompanying the spiritual vein will also enter the realm of Nascent Soul soon."

"By then, the True Lord Meteorite will also have the combat power of two Nascent Souls."

"The rest of the Gangfeng demon spirits in this boundless Gangfeng sea area are bound to be taken under the command of the True Lord Meteor Star. I am afraid that this land will also be named Meteor Star in the future."

"By then, without the Kwai Shui Wuji Gangfeng Sea as a buffer zone between our Donghua Immortal Sect and the Meteor Star Sea, there will inevitably be constant turmoil."

"And judging from True Lord Meteorite's current cultivation, in the future... our sect may be in danger."

"It is still necessary to cultivate a Nascent Soul True Lord as soon as possible. In this way, our sect can have the ability to resist the lineage of the meteor boy."

After thinking about this, he stopped thinking about it and used his escape technique with all his strength to leave this place, lest True Lord Meteor Star would do anything wrong.

True Lord Yue Xing was a rogue cultivator, and he was extremely ruthless throughout his life. It is said that the Yuanying Demon Emperor who died in his hands had as many as two or three heads. He was a very ruthless person.

True Lord Donghua, who was born in a sect, was naturally a little afraid of the unrighteousness of True Lord Meteorite, who was born in a wild family.

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