Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 753 The strange spiritual plant aura deep in the island (3000 words, please subscribe)

Ling Pengyun was slightly shocked when he saw this scene.

"This Yan Qing is really brave. He fought so hard and used many methods to enhance his strength."

"But... I didn't expect that this fellow Yan Dao, who came from a casual cultivator, was actually a sword cultivator like Brother Pengxing."

"However, after a closer look, the sword cultivation path this person took was different from that of Brother Pengxing."

"I just don't know who has a higher attainment in the sword path between this fellow Yan Dao and Brother Pengxing."

Yan Qing's sword cultivation path is to transform the sword light into a torrent, which is suitable for dealing with multiple enemies now.

Brother Pengxing's path is to break all forces with one strike, which is suitable for situations where there is only one strong enemy.

The two are very different.

But both contain wonderful things.

Ling Pengyun retracted his distracting thoughts and looked at Yan Siyi on the side, and sent a cryptic message to her.

"Madam, this battle is too fierce, and your realm has just broken through and is not stable yet. You don't need to fight too hard. Just block a few magic weapons, and leave the rest to me."

"Don't take out those demon corpses and beast puppets now. These demon corpses and beast puppets are too special. They are improved by me. They are rare in the world. If you don't have the confidence to destroy all the cultivators here, you must not take them out."

"Once you take them out, those Jindan cultivators outside the island will follow the clues and guess their identities. At that time, it will be troublesome and will definitely bring trouble to the family."

Yan Siyi knew the seriousness of the matter, and she responded immediately.

"I understand, husband."

Ling Pengyun nodded lightly, and then summoned the Xuanyang Treasure Lamp and the Hualei Treasure Mirror, two top-level middle-level life magic weapons with a grade of up to the third grade upper grade.

Perhaps because Ling Pengyun entered the sixth level of Jindan, his spiritual power became stronger than before, and the power of the two magic weapons in his hands also increased by half a point.

The Xuanyang Treasure Lamp spewed out countless Xuanyang Treasure Fires, covering the entire sky, and the temperature around was rising rapidly.

At this moment, countless treasure fires also turned into a Xuanyang Treasure Dragon that was more than 110 or 20 feet long, soaring and killing.

The spiritual light of the Hualei Treasure Mirror trembled, and a dark cloud suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth. The thunder in it jumped, and continuously dropped a magical power "Du'e Divine Thunder" that was powerful enough to be comparable to the full-strength attack of an early Jindan cultivator.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun took out a third-level middle-grade killing formation with formation tools regardless of the consumption of spiritual power, and transformed into a series of powerful attacks.

At this moment, Yan Siyi also controlled several high-level magic weapons and stopped all the magic weapons of the three early Jindan cultivators outside the island with her own strength, showing her strength.

The Jiamu Zhenren showed his physical cultivation style. A layer of hard brown bark appeared on his skin. He also held a wooden spear in his hand. Then he stepped into the air, disdaining the attacks of the ten Jindan outside the island, and directly killed them in the face, constantly using the spear to attack.

For a while, the ten Jindan outside the island were actually directly suppressed by Ling Pengyun and the other four.

After fighting for hundreds of moves, Ling Pengyun saw a gap in the defense of a Jindan mid-stage cultivator. He focused his eyes and made a hand gesture.

As the sound of a sword rang through the air, a "Blue Sea Sky Sword Technique" that was a hundred feet long and comparable to the full-strength attack of a Jindan late-stage cultivator appeared in the world, turning into a sword light that quickly slid across the sky, cutting the body of the Jindan mid-stage cultivator whose defense was open into two pieces.

After the attack, the powerful Bi Hai Tian Sword still had nearly 70% of its power. Ling Pengyun also mobilized this technique and turned to smash all the defensive means of a Jindan early stage cultivator who was fighting with Yan Siyi.


At this time, Ling Pengyun shouted.

Yan Siyi immediately understood and quickly used the top lower magical power "Fire Wolf Swallowing Moon Technique" to transform into a huge fire wolf.

This fire wolf opened its huge mouth and spread a strong suction force, which actually sucked the Jindan early stage cultivator into its belly thousands of miles away, and countless flames also burned the Jindan early stage cultivator.

The death of two Jindan in an instant shocked the remaining eight Jindan cultivators outside the island.

But at this time, the several strength-enhancing techniques that Yan Qing had used were almost up to the time limit. He gritted his teeth and mobilized all the remaining spiritual power in his body to cross into the sword light torrent, making the huge sword light galaxy three times more powerful.

The remaining five Jindan early stage cultivators outside the island were a little overwhelmed for a while, and the various defensive methods they used were broken one after another.

Ling Pengyun also took this opportunity, regardless of the consumption of spiritual power, and once again cast his life spell "Blue Sea Sky Sword", killing two Jindan early stage cultivators in a row.

However, afterwards, Yan Qing also fell into a weak period, and his strength was only 10%.

Ling Pengyun also used up all his strength due to the previous continuous attack on Danyang Island's protective formation and the continuous casting of two Blue Sea Sky Swords.

For a while, Ling Pengyun's offensive also weakened.

This incident also made the Jindan late stage Confucian cultivator with the highest cultivation outside the island very happy.

Then, in order to boost morale, he shouted to the remaining three Jindan early stage and two Jindan middle stage cultivators around him.

"Everyone, of the four demon cultivators, only the physical cultivator and the black-clothed demon cultivator whose foundation is a little unstable and who dares not use his full strength have the strength to fight."

"As long as we kill them, all the spiritual objects in Danyang Palace will be ours."

"Victory is just around the corner, and it's time for us to go all out."

As soon as the words fell, the Confucian cultivator holding a brush magic weapon also performed the technique of enhancing strength, and his cultivation level also rose from the seventh level of Jindan to the eighth level of Jindan.

His offensive was also a little stronger.

The other five Jindan cultivators did the same.

Ling Pengyun saw this scene, but he sneered.

"A group of rats hiding in the dark who only want to get something for nothing dare to make trouble in front of me."

As his mind moved, the Renshui Blue Cloud Grass in his Jindan quickly poured all the spiritual power contained in its body into Ling Pengyun's Jindan, and his empty Jindan was immediately filled with spiritual power by 50%.

With the two third-level low-grade Huiling Pills entering his stomach, the remaining 50% of the empty space in his Jindan was also filled.

For a moment, he also recovered his momentum of complete victory.

He also transferred a huge amount of spiritual power into several high-grade magic weapons in front of him, and directly beat back the cultivators outside the island.

"Get out of here!"

"If we fight again, I will kill you here!"

These words were like sharp thorns, penetrating into the hearts of the remaining Jindan outside the island. They recalled Ling Pengyun's powerful fighting power just now, and their bodies couldn't help but shudder.

However, due to the temptation of the wealth of Danyang Palace, the extraordinary Yan Qing had no strength to fight again. If they didn't get some benefits at such a good opportunity, wouldn't they come in vain?

Immediately, they attacked Ling Pengyun again.

Ling Pengyun's expression gradually became cold. He raised his hand and waved it. Three blue sea sky swords reappeared in the world and killed them, forcibly knocking out all the magic weapons that attacked the Jindan.

However, for this, the spiritual power in Ling Pengyun's Jindan was once again consumed, leaving only about 10%.

But he was not worried. With the help of the yin and yang primordial qi, his meridians had already become stronger than those of ordinary people. Recently, he had also practiced a meridian tempering technique, which made his meridians comparable to those of late Jindan cultivators, three times stronger than cultivators of the same level.

Now, he was able to take nine third-level low-grade Huiling pills in a row without damaging his meridians.

Even if it was a third-level middle-grade Huiling pill of the same level that could restore all his spiritual power, he could swallow three in a row.

Ordinary cultivators only had one-third of his spiritual power.

Under such circumstances, his spiritual power seemed inexhaustible.

Even after fighting for thousands of moves, the six Jindan outside the island were dragged to the time limit of the secret method to enhance their strength, but Ling Pengyun still looked like he had sufficient spiritual power and his offensive did not decrease at all.

Such a situation frightened the late Jindan Confucian cultivator and others.

Once they fell into the weak period of the secret method, they would become lambs to be slaughtered.

In desperation, the group had to evacuate.

"Do you really think you can come and go as you please?"

"Come and die!"

Ling Pengyun snorted coldly, and directly pinched his fingers to transform into a blue sea sky sword. Then he jumped on the sky sword technique and chased after it.

Although this technique is an attack technique, the speed of this flying sword is particularly good. It is twice as fast as Ling Pengyun's escape technique, but it consumes some spiritual power.

Soon, Ling Pengyun caught up with a Jindan early stage cultivator and directly killed him with his sword.

However, this also delayed some time, and the other five Jindan also flew away.

Ling Pengyun looked at the five Jindan figures coldly, and then slowly flew back to Danyang Island and landed beside Yan Siyi.

The weak Yan Qing and Jiamu Zhenren were now shocked, and there was a little more admiration in their eyes when they looked at Ling Pengyun.

However, the two men, who had consumed a lot of energy in the battle, moved closer to each other and away from Ling Pengyun and his wife.

"Fellow Daoist Yan, the matter is over. It's time to talk about the location of the treasure refining fire pond and the fire vein."

Ling Pengyun also spoke at this moment.

"Of course, of course."

After Yan Qing agreed, he took out a map from his arms and handed it to Ling Pengyun.

"The place marked on the map is where the fire pond and the fire vein are located."

After that, he also swore to guarantee that this matter was true.

Ling Pengyun had been in contact with this person for a while, and Yan Qing would settle down in Danyang Island in the future. As long as Yan Qing was not stupid, he would not make a fake map.

Then, he took the map.

After that, he looked at the depths of Danyang Island with a little meaning.

Because his spiritual plant was close to the third level, his perception of spiritual plants was also enhanced several times.

From that place, he felt a spiritual plant breath mixed with extremely strong blood.

"I don't know what it is, but its aura is so special!"

"It is a righteous spiritual plant, but it is mixed with blood!"

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