Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 754 Danyang Palace Residence (2200 words, please subscribe)

Because of the strange smell of the spiritual plants in the depths of Danyang Island, Ling Pengyun also stopped the idea of ​​taking the map and leaving the place directly. Instead, he spoke to Yan Qing.

"Friend Yan, I will not hide it from you. I am a spiritual plant husband. Just now, I noticed that there is a spiritual plant with a strange smell in the depths of this island. I also felt a little curious and wanted to go into the depths of the island to see it."

"However, please rest assured, Friend Yan, I will not take any spiritual objects on the island, I will just take a look."

After saying this, Ling Pengyun has made a vow.

This move is also to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts with Yan Qing.

Although Yan Qing is now in the weak period of the secret method to enhance his strength, if Yan Qing fights for his life, even Ling Pengyun dare not underestimate him.

When Yan Qing heard what Ling Pengyun said, his mind trembled suddenly.

"I'm afraid that the spiritual plant with a strange smell that Fellow Daoist Ling mentioned is that thing!"

Although he is not from Danyang Palace, he has inherited the legacy of a Jindan Zhenren who died in the outside world more than 200 years ago. Therefore, he also knows what the spiritual plant with a strange smell in the depths of Danyang Island is.

And he wants to attack Danyang Island this time, in addition to occupying the "Danyang Small Sea Area" under the command of Danyang Palace.

Secondly, he wants to get the fruit of the spiritual plant in the depths of Danyang Island.

At the same time, Danyang Palace, which was originally just a foundation-building force, relied on that strange spiritual plant, which enabled it to become a huge Jindan force in a short period of time and last for 300 years in the Meteorite Sea.

And Yan Qing naturally did not want Ling Pengyun and his wife to know about such a thing that contained great opportunities.

But due to the extraordinary strength of Ling Pengyun and his wife, his current condition is not good.

In addition, Ling Pengyun made another oath.

Under such circumstances, if he refused, he would certainly annoy Ling Pengyun.

If a battle broke out, he would suffer.

Helplessly, he had to nod and agree.

"Okay, but please wait a moment, let me set up this third-level medium-grade attack and defense formation on the island first, and let me divide the benefits with Brother Mu."

Although the formation plate of the third-level top-grade island protection formation in Danyang Island fell into Yan Qing's hands, this formation was just broken by them not long ago and it was difficult to use in a short time.

Under such circumstances, Yan Qing planned to set up a new formation on the island, and then strengthen his own strength to avoid enemies.

At the same time, this formation can also play a role in deterring Ling Pengyun and his wife.

After all, Ling Pengyun and his wife will follow him into the depths of the island later.

Ling Pengyun can understand Yan Qing's small request, and he immediately agreed.

Yan Qing then used the array plate of the island's protective array to connect to the third-grade middle-grade spiritual vein deep underground, and then placed the array flags of the third-grade middle-grade attack and defense array in his hand on the spiritual veins.

In this way, the power of the third-grade middle-grade attack and defense array can be increased. In the future, it will not be necessary to use Yan Qing's own spiritual power to activate it, but the spiritual energy in the spiritual veins here can be used to activate the array.

This array also supported a huge light curtain, covering the entire Danyang Island.

At this moment, Yan Qing also took Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi, and Jiamu Zhenren deep into Danyang Island.

Soon, a towering mountain range stretching for hundreds of miles appeared in the sight of Ling Pengyun and others.

There were few clouds and mists, and you could faintly hear the clear chirping of birds. There was a trickle of water between the mountains, which turned into a long river, and then fell from a low mountain into a waterfall hanging over the mountains and rivers, and then went straight to the deep sea outside the island, which looked extremely spectacular.

"This is the Danyang Mountains, where the Danyang Palace is stationed. According to the information I have inquired, there are hundreds of spiritual veins in these mountains, which are only a hundred miles long."

"Only a few of them were born from the heaven and earth here, and most of them are the formation masters of the Danyang Palace who have moved here from all over the years, in order to build this place into a holy place for cultivating immortals, so as to support the cultivation of the monks of the Danyang Palace."

Yan Qing explained on the side.

Everyone also flew into the "Danyang Valley", which has the most abundant spiritual energy among the Danyang Mountains. This valley is about a dozen miles in size and is the largest valley in this mountain group.

The third-level middle-grade spiritual vein controlled by the Danyang Palace is in this valley.

After Yan Qing and Jia Mu Zhenren broke through the warehouse of Danyang Palace and entered it, they collected the spiritual objects in it, and then went to the Gongfa Pavilion and other important places of Danyang Palace to collect property.

During this period, the four of them found a secret passage in the cave of "Danyang Zhenren", the master of the third-level middle-grade alchemist in Danyang Palace, which had the most abundant spiritual energy in this valley.

The secret passage led directly to a huge cave deep underground. This cave was like a large prison, imprisoning many mortals and monks.

In addition, there were also many magic spiritual objects stored here.

Moreover, they also learned some secrets of Danyang Palace from the imprisoned mortals and monks. At this time, Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi, and Jia Mu Zhenren believed what Yan Qing said before, that this palace had always used human race as medicine to refine pills.

"This place is so hidden. It is the only place in the entire Danyang Palace where mortals and cultivators are imprisoned. I am afraid that even few people in the Danyang Palace know about it."

"And how did Daoist Fellow Yan Qing know about this place?"

Ling Pengyun was a little puzzled for a moment.

At this time, Yan Qing, who was born as a casual cultivator and had few people, but had obtained the vast territory of Danyang Small Sea, also used soft means to promise that the cultivators imprisoned by the Danyang Palace would release them, and took them all for his own use with benefits.

Then, the group left this place and returned to the outside world, searching for other places where treasures were stored in Danyang Palace, but the spiritual plant garden of this palace was not touched.

Everyone also divided the benefits of the previous battle. In the previous battle, everyone worked together to kill four Jindan early stage cultivators and one Jindan middle stage cultivator.

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi contributed the most, so they got the wealth of the Jindan middle stage cultivator and two Jindan early stage cultivators, and the wealth of the other two Jindan early stage cultivators belonged to Yan Qing and Jiamu Zhenren respectively.

After everything was done, Jiamu Zhenren also said to everyone with joy and interest.

"Brother Ling, Madam Ling, Brother Yan, I am not interested in spiritual plants. I will not go to the spiritual plant garden of this palace. I will wait for you outside the valley."

After saying that, Master Jiamu left the valley with a happy face.

Yan Qing, who was standing by, felt relieved when he saw this.

If Master Jiamu also participated in the matter of the strange spiritual plants, the matter would become more and more chaotic.

"Brother Yan, let's start bombarding the formation of the spiritual plant garden as soon as possible, so that we can break it earlier and enter it."

At this time, Ling Pengyun also spoke out.

Yan Qing nodded lightly, with a bit of reluctance between his eyebrows, but he still took out the magic weapon to bombard a third-level low-grade garden protection formation in the high-level spiritual plant garden of Danyang Palace not far away.

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi did the same.

Because the three of them were powerful, the formation of the spiritual plant garden was not controlled by anyone and its power was only 70% left.

This made it possible for the three of them to destroy the formation in just a few hours.

The situation in the Spiritual Plant Garden also came into everyone's sight.

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