Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 755 Rare Mutated Spiritual Plant (2200 words, please subscribe)

There is no spiritual field here, only a pile of dried corpses, and countless bloody and rotten smells are spreading from it.

Even Ling Pengyun couldn't help but frown.

As his eyes jumped, he finally saw a spiritual plant in the center of the corpse group that stretched for hundreds of acres.

The spiritual plant is a towering tree, its aura is as high as the third-level middle-grade realm, and its branches are also particularly lush.

However, the bark and leaves of this tree are blood-red, which is very strange. On the thickest branch of this tree, there is a fist-sized blood-red fruit with extremely rich blood aura, and its aura is only one step away from the third-level middle-grade realm.

I am afraid that within a few months, or even a few days, the fruit will officially enter the third-level middle-grade realm.

Moreover, the tree was surrounded by thousands of corpses of mortals and monks. The roots of the tree extended long blood-red roots that penetrated into the bodies of those corpses and absorbed the blood in them.

Those who were sucked dry by it would turn into mummies.

The souls of those corpses would also be drawn away by the tree roots and absorbed into the body.

And every time the blood tree absorbed the blood and soul of a person, the smell of the only fruit it produced would become a little stronger.

Obviously, this tree absorbed thousands of blood and souls in order to nourish the fruit.

At this moment, the strange blood tree suddenly shook its body, and a strange roar with infinite murderous intent came out from the body of the strange blood tree.

Then, with the sound of landslides and cracks, the ground here began to shake.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The next moment, blood-red tree roots, at least the size of a fist, lifted the ground, causing a series of air-breaking sounds, and hit Ling Pengyun and others.

Luckily, Ling Pengyun was well prepared. He pinched his fingers, and the Xuanyang Treasure Shield that had not been put away immediately propped up a defensive light curtain to cover himself and Yan Qing beside him.

But what surprised Ling Pengyun was that the thousands of roots that attacked him were all tens of thousands of pounds of force.

Although this force was not strong for Ling Pengyun, the power of thousands of roots added together, and it actually caused the light curtain supported by the Xuanyang Treasure Shield to ripple.

You know, the grade of this shield is as high as the third-grade upper level, even the ordinary third-grade middle-grade attack magic weapon does not have such a strong power.

And the general third-grade middle-grade, which is equivalent to the middle stage of the golden elixir, has no such strength.

However, the Xuanyang Treasure Shield only temporarily blocked all the attacking tree roots, and the situation stabilized.

At this time, Ling Pengyun looked at the situation in front of him and observed that the attacking blood-red roots were all from the strange blood tree.

"This tree must be the strange spiritual tree I noticed at the edge of the island before."

"I just didn't expect that this tree would have such combat power."

"It was also kept in captivity by Dangyang Palace with thousands of corpses, using blood as nourishment to improve its cultivation. Let's see, this tree still uses blood and soul as its main nourishment, and spiritual energy as auxiliary."

"This is a bit strange. Even those magic trees that are somewhat similar to it also absorb magic energy as their main nourishment. Blood and souls are all auxiliary. They cannot be swallowed in large quantities, otherwise their realm will be unstable. They can only be swallowed every once in a while, which is completely different from the blood tree here. There is no restraint at all."

"Moreover, the appearance of this tree is not even recorded in the third-level lower-grade spiritual plant inheritance of Canglan Bihai Sect, which is even more strange."

"However, the jade-like leaves of this tree and the fruit it breeds are somewhat similar to the Jade Spirit Fruit Tree."

"And the fruit of this blood tree has a little bit of the power of creation. It is estimated that it is a spiritual fruit that can assist the golden elixir. This is somewhat similar to the spiritual fruit bred by the Jade Jade Fruit Tree."

The leaves and fruits of the Jade Spirit Fruit Tree are also like jade, but the leaves and fruits of this tree are green, not blood red like the leaves and fruits of the blood tree in front of them.

And Canglan Bihai Sect is an old-fashioned Yuanying force. Ten thousand years ago, it was also one of the strongest righteous forces in the world of immortal cultivation in the boundless sea. Its foundation is extremely strong.

In the past, this sect also relied on its powerful strength to collect countless spiritual plant inheritances from various forces, and then integrated the current spiritual plant inheritance of superior quality.

This spiritual plant inheritance also records a lot of content. The spiritual plants of several surrounding cultivation worlds are all recorded in this book.

It can be said that there is no spiritual plant that Ling Pengyun has seen that is not recorded in any book.

In this case, Ling Pengyun thought of the strange situation that the blood tree mainly absorbs blood and supplements spiritual energy. His eyes trembled and he was secretly shocked.

"Could it be... a mutated spiritual plant?"

"Let's see the situation, this tree should still develop in a good direction."

There will be mutations in spiritual plants, but such situations are extremely rare, even rarer than the mutation of monsters.

Most of the mutated spiritual plants in the general cultivation world are from the hands of spiritual plant husbands.

Just like the spiritual rice that Ling Pengyun improved in his early years, they were actually induced by acquired methods to cause them to mutate into new spiritual rice.

This type of spiritual rice can actually be called mutated spiritual rice.

However, it is extremely difficult to induce spiritual rice, which is the most likely to mutate among spiritual plants. Ninety-nine percent of spiritual plant breeders will find it difficult to do so in their entire lives.

It is even more difficult to induce mutation of spiritual trees with deep roots through the secret method of spiritual plants.

Even in the vast Wubianhai area, Ling Pengyun has only heard of a few Yuanying forces and old Yuanying forces mastering such spiritual trees that induce mutation.

Moreover, the spiritual trees induced by secret methods are not of high grade, and there are only a handful of them that can reach the Jindan realm.

And Jindan forces such as Danyang Sect can hardly get in touch with such mutated spiritual trees.

This situation is also due to the spiritual plant husband.

Jindan forces such as Danyang Sect do not even have the third-level spiritual plant inheritance, so naturally there is no third-level spiritual plant husband.

And if you want to improve a spiritual tree, you can only have a glimmer of hope if you have extremely high spiritual plant attainments, and have the help of advanced spiritual plant methods, plus strong opportunities.

Danyang Sect does not meet any of the conditions.

In addition, the strange blood tree here is in the middle stage of the Golden Core, far exceeding the cultivation level of the mutant spiritual plants induced and improved by the spiritual plant secret method. This also gave Ling Pengyun another guess.

"Under such circumstances, the probability that this tree... is a spontaneous mutation is probably greater than the probability that this tree is cultivated by the Danyang Sect using the spiritual plant secret method."

"It's just that the spiritual plant that mutates autonomously is countless times rarer than the spiritual plant that is mutated by the spiritual plant secret method. How can the Danyang Sect obtain it?"

"Even if this tree is not a spontaneous mutation, but is induced to mutate by the spiritual plant husband using the spiritual plant secret method, this tree has a cultivation level as high as the middle stage of the Golden Core, and its aptitude is extraordinary. I'm afraid it at least has the aptitude of the earth spirit root. It is even rarer to have such aptitude and a mutant spiritual plant."

"And what kind of mutant spiritual plant is it? The Danyang Palace is really blessed to be able to get such a thing."

For a moment, Ling Pengyun's thoughts were hesitant.

Autonomous mutation is even rarer than mutation induced by a spiritual plant husband using secret methods, but the qualifications of spiritual plants that mutate autonomously are extremely strong.

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